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1、产品规格书产品名非晶硅太阳能电池品牌名称制造商产 地产品规格160*20*1.1 mm产品型号16020-6产品规格书参数表Specificati onParanm eter Specificati on1、Name & Model名称、型号1. 1: Name 名称SOLAR CELLS1 . 2: Model 型号16020-62、性能参数项目参数2.1尺寸160*20*1.1 mm公差:土 0.2mm2.2开路电压最小值2.5 V典型值3.0 V2.3短路电流最小值55 uA典型值60 uA2.4负载特性最小值2.0 V典型值2.2 V2.5工作温度-545 C2.6保存温度、温

2、度-2060 C湿度 <75%2.7使用照度范围0100000Lux2.8测试条件FL 200Lux、25 C注:1、产品出厂时以:“工作电压为检测标准200LukA-p jjA3、工作电压Vop和工作电流lop测试原理图:被 测 电 池4、产品图TF 面1.1 irm±Q. 1 ktST-I6020-6jll-IIUSDUIfELlsaiwrwi-wSriHlI -blHWdlnkuaiEih_LR1W13I9-|!-91AP Ri1 A Ho IFwjVbjuihiiri占戌电科占w二曰ttEUBUlME|!IL4I1SIBn业 |=7 "M MT. IT可:此

3、FFXIKLKTVbi 】IV附加说明-Additi onal in struct ions5、Outgoing inspection 成品检验5. 1 Inspection method 检验规定Outgoing inspections shall be based on random sampling, Normal inspxtion by single sampling based on MIL-STD-105D shall be applied.成品检验采取随机抽样方案,抽样方安按MIL-STD-105D执行5. 2 Outgoing inspection results shall

4、 be usually tested by the inspection result table. 成品检验结果将以测试报 告表/合格证形式提供6、 Regulation for product solder:成品可焊性检验规那么6. 1 Purpose 目的Let the product including the condition for lead-free soldering be standard and ensure the sodering quality of product in the factory out of the factory。标准公司产品可焊性试验作业,确保

5、入库出厂产品可焊性质量,包括满足无铅焊锡焊接条件。6. 2Range 范围It is adequste for all the soldering product of the ccompany.适用于本公司所有产品的可焊接性试验作业。6. 3 Stadard of the employment 引用标准Q/SMC-001-2000,?Standard for the corporation producing Solar Cell of dm light and amophous silicon ?。 Q/SMC-001-2000,?弱光性非晶硅太阳能电池产品企业标准?。6. 4 Defin

6、ition 定义SolderingThe ability and intensity of the soldering between the lead-free tin and the products copperunder the rating condition.可焊性产品电极材料铜浆的焊接强度、能力6. 5 Condition of soldering ecperiment 可焊接性试验条件6. 5. 1 Soder: It is fit for the lead-free tin and other rosin tin.焊接材料:无铅焊锡或含松香的其它焊锡 丝6. 5. 2 Sol

7、dering temperture: 260 C- 330C .焊接温度:260 C- 330C .6. 5. 3 Soldering length should be less than 3 secinds.焊接时间:w 3 秒钟。6. 5. 4 Condition of Iron: The same temperatiure and pow should be less than 30W. 烙铁要求: 恒温、 功率w 30W。6. 5. 5 Soldering time: Repeat that not more than twice.焊接次数:重复不得超过2 次6. 6 Standard

8、 for regular soldering ecperiment for one piece of the product.可焊性试验合格片标准 6. 6. 1 Soldering dot must be or of und and it must cover more than 2/3 of each copper.焊点光滑圆润, 焊点面积占铜浆2/3以上为合格片。6. 6. 2 Tensile test: Pulling must be more than 0.5 Kg 拉力测试:拉力?0.5Kg6. 7 Standard for regular soldering ecperiment

9、 for each group of the product.可焊性试验产品合格批标准。6. 7. 1 Operative frequency: Batch.实施频度:每批。6 . 7 2 Probaive method: Sample and visualzation.检验方法:抽样、目测。 6 . 7 . 3 Sample number: 10pcs.抽样样本数:10pcs.6 . 7 . 4 。按 6.5.1 和 6.5.2 步骤进行焊接和拉 力试验。6 . 7 . 5 Test facilty: Dynamometer.检测工具:拉力计。6 . 7 . 6 Standard for fitness: Proportion must be more than 85 percent. 合格批标准:合格片数比例? 85%。编制审核签发


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