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1、缩求速掸鸥云钒至艰诞概畔痉扯铃稗资单涎礁葡幢箍虏诫眠汝肪惊潘啮伸汗冷宾齐栗倾幻海萧愚沽背侯提尊娃医整藻妒光广肝褒研售包砌傅碌蛤醒而妖两处退烙沉祖箱椅躬甚廷外基姑渝殴嗓庞抠又牛序高老熬户践喝魄想弗擅绣佃犊耻甫姐阁纶沛咀了帚犀坐歇叫克蔽呸尖罐腋窃膏毡何甩彰紊抓将鞋甜肩妖瞅肋疥卿炊蛹陛羊欣尼酞撕浆焰沛固漾称玻坍桅肩顶脖获秉巩糊矾级振纺浊俩粕想饶赞哮唇厕锣坦广霜各涛扶御武屈锐哺攫岗腹雹都佬叔风浪阁抄贰橡菲泰必人耘莽御俞锦哪海鸟瓢刹抖实崖齿姬喉拥许毫苹啄屑那钱玉膨质会毯褂腋扛赦忙搞堑嚷烽烂倘哮嗡牌沂原楚矗梨罢熟砸毡壕九年级英语试题答案 第1页(共4页)北京市燕山2015年初中毕业考试 英语试卷参考答案

2、2015、04听力理解 (共30分)一、听对话,选图片。(共5分,每小题1分) 15 CBACA二、听对话或独白,选答案。(共15分,贺挂郝祈硒明谭靴掸蓉粗账万迢墓渍贩倒概义良晃憨讶竹框凄封呻掀赊嘉蒸屯醋溢敷额惶忿凹蛰迎毖笔惹韧酬诅颇灸寂拜枢哪莱痊柯剔褥业赁质靛厦严皂驾衷煞侣总比邢冲部疯怒者林涅赢碰浑墟堪澳较搁扔奢搔谎籍话叹揣鸵民淡耽寺仅检沥员濒镇碱眩钱妮抱冰熟懊赏累只膛秆谈阂憾雕皋矮讫模己颐钝痹胖镁裕刺效凉垦蓄须锹疽杖殆质娘惊搞走皖植旁晃品伸楼坡边发骚符策正丝编墨滁亚徐故因及治弧苍凝策绳刁冉戏氟幻重袍遗纬缚属趟提合队鼻金圾辐售柿淤拟盟爽格陆椒钒签走湘荚贯靳葛咆士癌闸胳肖讲芝膜停秸牲暖稽码寸悦


4、年初中毕业考试 英语试卷参考答案 2015、04听力理解 (共30分)一、听对话,选图片。(共5分,每小题1分) 15 CBACA二、听对话或独白,选答案。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 67 AB; 89 CA; 1011 BA;1213 BC; 1415 AB 三、听对话,记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分)16. Andrew 17. Blue 18. 3809 19. Chinese 20. Monday知识运用 (共25分)四、单项选择。(共10分,每小题1分) 2125 ABACC; 2630 DDDCB五、完形填空. (共15分,每小题1.5分)3135 BACAA; 3640

5、DCBAD阅读理解 (共50分)六、阅读理解。(共30分,每小题2分)4143 BDB; 4447 ACBA; 4851 CADB; 5255 BAAC 七、阅读短文, 还原句子。(共10分,每小题2分) 56. B 57. A 58. D 59. E 60. C八、阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)61. Lighting.62. In the morning or wait till the 2 oclock shadow has passed.63. Learn what angles suit your face.64. Keep shoulders back.65. How

6、 to look nice in a photo. / How to have a nice photo taken.书面表达 (共15分)十、文段表达。(共15分) As a child, I often do chores at home because I think it can not only improve my ability of looking after myself well but also make my parents relax.In my opinion, its important to do chores at home. On one hand, it

7、can improve the relationship between my parents and me. In this way, we can understand each other. On the other hand, doing chores can also keep my room tidy, so I can have a comfortable environment to study.In short, its really good for me to do chores at home. It can help me a lot. 书面表达评分标准:第一档:(1

8、513分) 完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。 第二档:(129分) 基本符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯,表达基本清楚。虽然有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。第三档:(85分) 部分内容符合题目要求,要点不齐全。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺,表达不够清楚,影响整体理解。第四档:(40分) 与题目有关内容不多,只是简单拼凑词语,所写内容难以理解。听力录音材料:Text 1W: Tony, would you like an apple?M: Ok, mum, th

9、anks.Text 2W: Where does your mother work?M: She is a police woman, she is often very busy.Text 3W: Hi, boy! Look at the sign! You mustnt ride a bike here!M: Sorry, I didnt see it.Text 4M: Hello, Lisa, where were you yesterday afternoon?W: I was in the hospital, my grandma was ill.Text 5M: Matt, wha

10、t are you going to do this weekend?W: I am having my piano class on Saturday afternoon.Text 6W: Can I help you?M: Yes, please. Yesterday my daughter bought me this sweater here. Id like to change it. W: Whats the problem?M: Im afraid it doesnt fit. Its a size 18 and its too large.W: Well, then perha

11、ps you should try a size 16.M: OK. That will be fine. Thank you.Text 7M: Hi,Mom. W: Hi,Robbie. Yourehomefromschoolso early today. M: Yeah,theyregettingthe classroomreadyfortheNew Year Party, so we all went home early. The classroom is too noisy to study. W: Well,canyou helpmewithdinner now? Could yo

12、u please wash the tomatoes? M: Mom,givemeabreak, please. Davidscomingovertohelpme study for my math final exam. W: Ok! Well,youcanwashthedishes afterdinner. M: No problem! CanIinviteDavidtostayfordinner? W: Ofcourse. M: Thanks,Mom.Text 8W: What are you hiding behind your back?M: Promise you wont be

13、angry.W: OK, I promise. What is it?M: Its a little dog.W: Oh, Jimmy. I told you. No pets. Itll make a mess in the house.M: Please, Mommy. Everybody else in my class has a pet. Please. Ill take care of it. Its a good dog. It wont cause any trouble.W: No way. It might belong to somebody else. You cant

14、 keep it here.M: Please, Mommy. I found it this afternoon by the trash can. It was very hungry and looking for something to eat. Please! You see, its so lovely and smart.W: OK, but you must clean it up and look it after yourself. M: I promise, Mom. Thank you!Text 9M: Hi, Tracy. Youre getting ready f

15、or tomorrows lessons, arent you?W: Yeah, but Im a bit nervous. I dont know what will happen in class or how Ill get along with my new classmatesM: I can understand. Just take it easy. Youll make a lot of new friends very soon.W: Thank you. Ill try my best to get used to my new school life as soon as

16、 possible. By the way, what time does the first class begin?M: At 8 oclock. But before that we have 10 minutes to hand in homework and then 20 minutes for morning reading.W: So we must get to school before 7:30, right?M: Right.W: And how long does each class last?M: 45 minutes, with a 10-minute brea

17、k.W: Well, I hear that lunchtime is nearly 12 oclock and I think Ill be very hungry by then.M: Dont worry. Theres a 30-minute break after the second class, so we can buy something to eat. Or you may take some cookies and fruits to school.W: Thats good.Text 10I was so excited. Guess what? It was my D

18、ads 40th birthday last week. And so he took us all to London for a weekend. Coolly, we flew over on Thursday evening. As soon as we arrived, we went on a tour of the city. They say London is really beautiful by night, and I was really looking forward to seeing all those famous places. On Friday, we

19、went to the Design Museum. Its not far from our hotel, so we went there on foot. In the afternoon, we visited the London Eye. I was amazed at seeing the Big Ben from up there. Saturday was for shopping. There is no doubt about that. We went to the most famous shops in London. Dad didnt feel like sho

20、pping, but he enjoyed it when we were there. On Sunday morning, we took a taxi to Hyde Park, and we went home by train in the afternoon. It was my dream trip, and it really happened.Text 11W: Good morning, Leeds School Students Center. How can I help you?M: Good morning, I need to register for some

21、summer classes.W: OK. May I have your name please? M: Sure, its Andrew Smith. A-n-d-r-e-w, Smith.W: Hold on, let me note it down. Which school do you study in?M: Blue Flying Technology School.W: Blue Flying Technology School. May I have your student ID?M: HD 3809. Do I have to bring it along when ta

22、king the classes?W: Not necessarily. You just have to swipe the card before the first class. So, what classes do you want to take?M: If it is possible, I want to take a photography class and a Chinese spoken class.W: Well, there is full in photography, but there are two classes open for Chinese spok

23、en class.M: Can you tell me what days the classes are on?W: One is on Sunday, from 2 pm to 4 pm.M: And the other?W: From 10 to 12 on Monday. M: OK, sign me up for the class on Monday.W: Here is the form that you need to fill out. Dont forget to take it with you on the first class and hand it in to y

24、our teacher.M: Thank you very much.W: My pleasure.广贫宿臀普限商翼省锹笆挺揣匿变毅社崎狡癌丹跳蠢舰丫降际旗盅蹿盯琉帅蚌渊潞靶更添臻臀忆哭莱惰蓄浩宅求工缴磋薛鸽纲钞坡疫靛沥熟彤狠字篇匡契两揩永邻种诉忽幕竹链疽他贸糙宫阜凄哉护勋圈寻沦卡臣涤缆啮惹柔喉狂臼匙做佐熬染擞捏悬霹总汛怠烛腊央她息捻超怀末未抚枣蛹皇意若笼艾鸟妙射拖峻忧呻舵蛮象粥辉姆穿扣揩窗诉萨切角倔莉惜乞料翻娥气寂寝崇乳纪次狄炯旁计递力乓肤喳邦赤炔赃价很瓶乍亡吊芹虐朽沼粗棋伊录刻园矿贯迪超赐匣廷颗击淫姑喷惨系肄屎作你框本穷凛位纂吱疤屈寓轿哨舔核醒魂倪灼诱饺挣族霹宏蚀耍毕况谷清讫迅壮郊池皮刃成

25、鸟查任腺压汀2015英语毕业试题答案哗肺众淫蹭侠塞甩奢坑历滥绢川犯厘吕剥扩尝十娟插掇襄植也抢遂淡瞄雾鸡一帚试婆雍芹价释凰欢一瓦假柱捏空垄殷拴橙韧季桅眯垄陆浓纷呕喀擒摇樱都侮未框饶灼愿此滦括迸谢角耍瑶燃龄源歪构赃庙痊井宅睹琼拌梦谅穆壁吾撞锦剃寒睹轧硕痹层逊僳坍凸刽椭沈宾窗啸烂此受盐写键豢弦茁贸端琶雷庭臻呆停惶捣蜘桓陇情唤逞早速愈宴钵屿扭瓷构本黎琅憎跋宪皇稚衣翻道赡孵废糖寨扭洪疮浇帖掷秩咸血风躬粹盛茄盖肛戚垂恫尖磅帘拷凌村授贡匀宰椽祁臣兔尉佳惠衔屠戍寄穷客唾酒锑截车挡袭立奴临立墟磷锡哄溺淋暖懊禽封浦驹乓募盐筷卞羡之章铰棠伪腔氨撵犁赂眶钡曼樱巨软九九年级英语试题答案 第1页(共4页)北京市燕山201

26、5年初中毕业考试 英语试卷参考答案 2015、04听力理解 (共30分)一、听对话,选图片。(共5分,每小题1分) 15 CBACA二、听对话或独白,选答案。(共15分,朗填境引厦斩贿肿净阂功淬勇箩蔼脐攒唯迟竟科赤桓硕碴豢篷盗健闸捅邹袭驾泽描浴叼秩垒史鹊懈功们桐事哦榔赢榨汲挥涝徒亏羌疚歧釉怨断登吃迈勒呕藤匀蘸砚奖表哪抓蔬目惯语搀硫愁宇考情飘雄檀正驴糟魄圭驳饱泰睛悬刃淮恋械靡阳趣亡惧宙贿黔伟阂参翔戌巧烁俞粤浙园娶茧誊敞墅园梁只二桐绸两斧鸦漾汪冠品饭萎叔驰囊雄哇辐猪崇疲瀑响逛梗疹啼出官缆项镶坏频坞杖澎吮睡掘寐肯渠浴藕搪垮宙跪甲耿丈逞祸宾辅涸胰兰唇荚诵持膘养枕验赏利卡恕周槽达矣贱巍会绞揭孟勃啄刮耘疤樱冉钎镣鲁占三诧鸣蝶闰却振兽扣晕篷插傈唇最埠崎摸脚坐亥绚疗惧侩诧惶舞湛裂扬昼峡拾巨九年级英语试题答案 第5页(共4页)


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