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1、第2课时七年级上册Units 6 91、单项选择1. Doctors say that the first 10 minu tesa traffic accide nt is importa nt for sav inga life.A.inB. beforeC.afterD. during2.There aredays in a week.day of a week is Saturday.A.seve nth; SeventhB. seven; SevenC.seve nth; The seve nthD. seven; The seventh3.Our school trip isOct

2、ober.A.onB. inC. forD. at4.If you develop aof talking with others in English, you'll improve your ability inspeak ing.A. planB.habitC. wayD.chanee5. The socks are only three dollars.Oh, good. I'lltwo pairs.A.likeB. takeC.watchD. get6.My mother wan ts memore fruit to stay healthy.A.to eatB. e

3、atingC.eatD. to eating7.Ben eats twoand drinks somein the morni ng.A.hamburgers; oran gesB. hamburgers; orangeC.hamburger; orangeD. hamburger; orangescan you come and play basketball with us?After class.A.WhatB. WhenC.WhereD. Howdinner.We know Mary likes fruits and milkA. forB . withC. onD. about10.

4、 John speaks English asas Mike. They are both good at En glish.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best二、完形填空Bo, a golde n retriever won this year's Dog Hero Award from the Ken L Rati on dog food compa ny.Bo acted 1 last June. Bo and his owners Rob and Laurie Roberts were going dow n the ColoradoRiver in

5、a 16-foot boat. The June2 was Bo's first time in a boat.Laurie Roberts said,“Things were fine_3 a 6-foot wave broke in front of us and filledthe boat with water. Another big wave caught us from the back and turned the 4 over. ” Robwas thrown clear but Laurie and Bo were unable to move out 5 the

6、boat. “ Every time I triedto 6 my head hit the boat. ” Laurie said, “I hit the bottom of the river several times.I 7 I was drowning(溺水).”Rob picked up the story “ I reached the land and8 Laurie ” he said. “I saw Bo swimout from un der the overtur ned boat. Then he 9 and dived(下潜).Soon he came back u

7、p pulli ngLaurie by the hair. ” Laurie who was 10 and breathless tried to catch Bo. But the dog stayed out of reach as is knowing 11 of them would drown if Laurie pulled him under. 12 Lauriecaught Bo's tail. He 13 her 30 yards to the land. Laurie was cut and bleedi ng but she was14.If it had n&#

8、39;t been for Bo 15 awards dinner.would n't be here.Laurie toldevery one at the Dog Hero1. A.bravelyB. strangelyC. quietlyD. politely2. A.meetingB. matchC. tripD. prize3. A.sineeB. thoughC. uni essD. until4. A.dogB. waveC. boatD. foot5. A.inB. behindC. underD. above6. A.get outB. get dow nC. get

9、 offD. get along27 A.promisedBsuggestedC describedDrealized8 A.looked afterBlooked forC looked atDlooked into9 A.went aheadBturned aroundC jumped outDstood up10 A.sadBsorryC afraidDangry11 A.bothB allC neitherD one12 A.AlreadyBOftenC BesidesD Finally13 A.followedBpulledCledD pushed14 A.busyB calmC s

10、afeD hurt15 A.IB sheCyouD it三、阅读理解Online shopping has become something very common for young people, however, it's not easy for the old people to buy things on the Internet. Therefore, offline Daigou stores, or buy-for-you stores, are becoming popular among the old.64-year-old man Li Hui'an

11、is searching for his favorite CD in an offline Daigou shop. He says, “ It's very convenient to buy things online, however, I can't use the Internet. After I happened to find this buy-for-you shop, I decided t o try, as I wanted to buy an opera CD. Finally I got one I'd searched for for s

12、everal years. I was so happy. I have become crazy about offline shopping. ”The store owner Liu Min says in order to meet the need of people who want to buy things online but can't use the Internet, she started the business of offline buy-for-you. In only about ten days since the start of the bus

13、iness, she has received more than 20 orders from customers( 顾 客 ). Liu Min is not the only one who finds the large need of offline buy-for-you business inthe market. In Dalian city, northeast China, more than 300 such stores opened their doors onlyin April.In order to attract more customers, they ha

14、ve opened their shops inresidentialcommunities( 居民区).And they charge a suitable service fee. For example, when buying things that cost less tha n 200 yua n for customers, they usually charge 5yua n as service fee.Though the offline buy-for-you service makes it easier for certain people to shop onlin

15、e, what if there is any problem with the ordered thing, let's say, like a quality problem? The shop owners say they will deal with any quality problems that may happe n when using their Daigou service.1. What is offline shopping?A. Buying things in a com mon store.B. Buying and selling things on

16、 the Internet.C. Buying things on the Internet for the old.D. Buying things on the Internet for the people who can't use the Internet.2. Why do many old people like offline shopping?A. They don't like going shopping.B. They are good at buying things on the Internet.C. They don't like buy

17、ing things online themselves.D. Offline shopping makes it easier for them to shop online.3. What's the meaning of the underlined word“charge” in the fourth paragraph?A. 收费B.管理C.交纳D.缴税4. Which of the following is NOT true about the offline Daigou service?A. People can find buy-for-you shops in re

18、sidential communities.B. The customers have to pay a suitable service fee.C. There are many problems with the ordered things.D. The store owners deal with the quality problems.5. We can know from the passage that .A. Li Hui'an is crazy about shopping onlineB. offline buy-for-you bus in ess is in

19、 great n eedDalia n cityC. Liu Min is the first one who has an offline Daigou storeD. there are about 300 buy-for-you stores in四、阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,根据要求完成文后各小题。(2018 山东东营六校联考改编 )ln a December several years ago, I was shopping alone tryingto pick up some thick winter socks to warm my frozen feet. As I roun

20、ded the corner in the storeI saw a Christmas tree full of paper an gels(天使).On each an gel was the n ame of a poor childwhose family could n't afford to buy a gift that year. Shoppers who picked an an gel could buy a simple toy or gift and the store would pack it up and send it to the child that

21、 Christmas.Around the tree I saw a tee nage boy and a girlpick ing out several an gels each. Their motherwas smili ng while she watched them. I walked up next to her and started talk ing with her. She told me that her children started this several years ago when she first explained to them whatthe C

22、harity An gel tree was for. Each offered to give one of their toys that year sothat a poor child could have one.Since then, the two had saved money throughout the yearin order to buy more and more children gifts. It had become a family tradition. I smiled whenshe fini shed, walked over to the tree,

23、and picked out a few an gels too.I left the store feeli ngwarmth and love that Christmas.1. What did the writer see around the corner in the store?2. How did the mother feel about her children's action?3. The underlined word“frozen ” probably means “” in Chinese.4. Try to put the underlined sentence into Chinese.5. Give a proper title to the passage.6参考答案一、1 5 CDBBB 610 ABBAB二、1 5 ACDCC 610 ADBBC 11 15 ADBCA三、DDACB四、1.He/She saw a Christmas tree full of paper angels.2 She felt happy about it./She felt proud of it.3冰冷的4那年每个人主动放弃他们玩具中的一个,以便于一个贫穷的孩子可以有一个。5 A Family Tradition


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