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1、MP/Q41-LFile Name文件名称Con trol Procedure For Quality Policy and Target 质量方针与目标控制程序File NO.文件编号Editi on版次A/1Page页次1/81、Purpose目的Standardize the formulation of quality policy and target, as well as target division, implementation, evaluati on and an alysis.规范质量方针与目标的制定,目标的分解、实施、评价与分析。2、Scope适用范围It is a

2、pplicable to the formulation of quality policy and quality target, as well as target division, impleme ntati on, evaluati on and improveme nt in our compa ny.适用本公司质量方针和质量目标的制定、分解、实施、评价与改进等活动。3、Responsibility职责3.1 General Man ager:3.1总经理:3.1.1 Discuss, approve and subscbe the company ' s qua>o

3、tycy, assess the implementation.3.1.1本公司质量方针的讨论、批准签署和执行状况的评审。3.1.2 Approve the company' s quality target/ department target, and aBeaierttentation.3.1.2本公司质量目标/部门目标的批准和执行状况的评审。3.2 Man ageme nt represe ntative:3.2管理者代表:3.2.1 Organize the discussion of the company' squality policy and the asse

4、ssment of theimpleme ntatio n.3.2.1组织对公司质量方针的讨论和执行状况的评审。3.2.2 Organize the discussion of the company' quality target and department target, as well as theassessme nt of the impleme ntati on.3.2.2组织对公司质量目标和部门目标的讨论和执行状况的评审。3.3 Departme nt director:3.3部门分管领导:3.3.1 Participate in the discussion of t

5、he company' quality policy, as well as the assesment of the impleme ntatio n.3.3.1参与对公司质量方针的讨论和执行状况的评审。3.3.2 Participate in the discussion of the company qualitySrget and department target, as well as theFile NameCon trol Procedure For Quality Policy and TargetFile NO.文件名称质量方针与目标控制程序文件编号Editi on

6、A/1Page2/8版次页次3.3.3 Take charge of assessing the department 'quality target, organizing the implementation, assessme nt and follow ing up.3.3.3负责分管部门质量目标的审核、组织实施和评审跟进等活动。3.4 Quality Control Department take charge of the overall formulation, division, evaluation, analysis and modification of the

7、company' quality target; assess,statistic and summarize the implementation of each department ' s quality target.3.4品质部负责本公司质量目标的统筹制定、分解、评价、分析与修改以及对各部门品质目标实施情况的考核、统计与汇总。3.5 Departme nt man ager takes charge of:3.5各部门经理负责:3.5.1 Maki ng quality policy comprehe nded and impleme nted in the depa

8、rtme nt.3.5.1公司质量方针在本部门内的理解和贯彻实施。3.5.2 The formulati on, comprehe nsion, i mpleme ntati on and statistic of departme nt target.3.5.2部门目标的制定、理解、实施与统计。3.6 Document Control Center controls the mark, distribution, register and archive preservation of quality policy and quality target.3.6文控室负责质量方针和质量目标的标

9、识、发放、登记和归档保存等控制。4、 Definition/定义4.1 Quality policy: the gen eral quality prin ciple and directi on, formally issued by top man ageme nt of theorga ni zati on.4.1质量方针:由组织的最高管理者正式发布的该组织的总的质量宗旨和方向。4.2 Quality target: the target being pursued in quality.4.2质量目标:在质量方面所追求的目标。5、Procedure Content程序内容5.1 For

10、mulate Quality policy:5.1质量方针的制定:5.1.1 Quality Con trol Departme nt orga nize releva nt departme nt to an alyze the followi ng in formatio nto whichis formulated and submi 卄ed toFile NameCon trol Procedure For Quality Policy and TargetFile NO.文件名称质量方针与目标控制程序文件编号Editi onA/1Page3/8版次页次A、公司中长期经营发展计划。B.

11、 customer ' s requirement informaiiod market environment informationB、顾客需求信息与市场环境信息。C. i nformatio n and statistic about mai n competitorsC、主要竞争对手的信息和数据。5.1.2 Quality Con trol Departme nt orga ni zes releva nt departme ntsto deeply an alyze and discuss thecontent of company ' s quality poili

12、icyforms the formal quality policy.5.1.2品质部组织相关部门对公司质量方针的内容进行深入分析和讨论,并形成正式的公司质量方针。5.1.3 Gen eral Man ager takes charge of formally subscrib ing and appro ving the compa ny quality policyand makes it coming into force.5.1.3总经理负责对公司质量方针进行正式签署批准并生效。5.2 Formulate Company Annual Quality Target5.2公司年度质量目标

13、的制定:5.2.1 At the beg inning of every year, Quality Con trol Departme nt orga ni zes releva nt departme ntstoanalyze the following information and statistics, according to which the Company Annual Quality Target is formulated and submitted to man ageme nt represe ntative.5.2.1每年初品质部组织各相关部门对以下信息和数据进行分

14、析,并依此编写公司年度质量目 标,并呈交管理者代表。A. spirit of company quality policyA、公司质量方针之精神。B. annual man ageme nt and developme nt pla n of the compa nyB、公司年度经营发展计划。C. information and statistics of the quality target implementation in the first half yearC. 公司上年度质量目标实施的信息和数据。D. customer' s requirement information

15、and market environment informationD顾客需求信息与市场环境信息。E. i nformatio n and statistic about mai n competitorsE、主要竞争对手的信息和数据。5.2.2 Quality Con trol Departme nt orga ni zes releva nt departme ntsto deeply an alyze and discuss thecontent of Company Annual Quality Target and forms the formal Company Annual Qu

16、ality Target.5.2.2品质部组织公司相关部门对公司年度质量目标的内容进行深入分析和讨论,并形成正 式的公司年度质量目标。File NameCon trol Procedure For Quality Policy and TargetFile NO.文件名称质量方针与目标控制程序文件编号Editi onA/1Page4/8版次页次523 General Manager takes charge of formally subscribing and approving the Company Annual Quality Target, and makes it coming i

17、nto force.5.2.3总经理负责对公司年度质量目标进行正式签署批准并生效。5.3 Department annual quality target division and formulation:5.3部门年度质量目标的分解与制定:5.3.1 At the begi nning of every year, Quality Con trol Departme nt orga ni zes man agers of releva ntdepartments to analyze the following information and statistics, according to

18、 which the departme nt annual quality target is formulated.5.3.1每年初品质部组织各相关部门经理对以下信息和数据进行分析,各部门经理根据以下信息和数据编写部门年度质量目标:A. Company Annual Quality TargetA、公司年度质量目标。B. quality information and statistics of the department in the first half yearB、上年度本部门的质量信息和数据。5.3.2 When formulating department quality tar

19、get, each department manager must adopt the unifiedchformat of Department Quality Target List. According to requirement of the list, department man ager shall con firm the statistic method, freque ncy, target value, assessed departme nt of e< quality target.5.3.2各部门经理在编写部门质量目标时,须采用公司统一的部门质量目标一览表格

20、式进行。按照 部门质量目标一览表的要求,同时确定每一质量目标的统计方法、统计频次、 目标值、考核部门等内容。5.3.3 Quality Con trol Departme nt orga ni zes releva nt departme ntsto deeply an alyze and discuss thecontent of Compa ny Annual Quality Target and Departme nt Annual Quality Target, and forms the formal Departme nt Annual Quality Target List5.3

21、.3品质部组织公司相关部门对公司年度质量目标和部门年度质量目标的内容进行深 入分析和讨论,并形成正式的部门年度质量目标一览表。5.3.4 General Manager takes charge of formally subscribing and approving the Department Annual Quality Target List, and makes it coming into force.5.3.4总经理负责对部门年度质量目标一览表进行正式签署批准并生效。5.4 Document Control Center controls the mark, distribution, register and archive preservation of the followi ng docume nts accordi ng to Con trol Procedure for Docume nts and Data5.4文控室负责将以下文件按照文件和资料控制程序进行标识、发放、登记和归档保存等控制:5.4.1 Compa ny Quality Policy5.4.1公司质量方针;


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