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1、托福综合写作范文,满分很 OK 的一:药品广告( drug advertisement )reading 提出命题:药品广告所提供的信息都是客观全面的,且病人对药物了解得越多越好1. 病人可以更多了解处方药的相关信息(information )2. 医生开药时,病人可以与广告上进行比较,有利于选药3. 通过广告,病人可以了解到新药的发展,提醒医生lecture挑战命题: 病人不需要对药物了解太多, 因为有时候了解得太多会对非专业的病人产生 困扰,而且广告所提供的信息也不完整全面1. 广告通常只有宣传好处,对副作用(side effects )一笔带过,病人很难判断2. 病人对药物的准确用法用量

2、不了解,可能会用错3. 广告只宣传新药,对旧药没有宣传,但是针对不同的病情,也许旧药更为合适 ( appropriate )例文 : The speaker raises serious counterarguments against the reading paragraphs by providing drastically different evidences regarding the effects of the advertisement, the impact of self-selecting medication, and the impact of trends in

3、the pharmaceutical industry.First, knowing more information from the ads will not necessarily help the patients make better-informed decisions, as the reading argues. On the contrary, patients, without professional training and knowledge, will be more susceptible to misunderstanding information. For

4、 example, they would focus only on the positive sides of a certain medicine while ignoring the serious side effects.In addition, if the patients bear the responsibility of prescribing their own medication, they assume more responsibility to their own health.This makes doctors less liable for potenti

5、alrisks and undesirable consequences.Lastly, as for the new trends' benefits to the patients, the speaker does not challenge the reading directly. Instead, he argues that the new medicine, which will count for most of the ads may not necessarily be the best medicine, even though the patients can

6、 inform their doctors about the new products. 新航道:二:网络故事书( web storybook service )reading 网络故事书的好处1. 可以教小朋友读书2. 经济实惠,家长不需要为孩子买书了3. 可以代替父母陪伴孩子,为家长节省时间lecture 反驳1. 使用时不能和小朋友互动( ask question and get feedback )2. 网络上的故事都是过时的,要想读新故事还是要买书(不足)3. 父母与孩子一起读书可以增进感情例文: The speaker rebuts the reading's argum

7、ent by pointing out the inadequacy of the web-storybook services' interaction with children, the incompleteness of the data pool, and by undermining the assumption that saving parents' reading time is a benefit.The speaker begins by stating that merely pronouncing the words and story for the

8、 children will not provide adequate learning experiences. Despite the time saved and pronunciation utilities laid out in the reading, the web services can only respond with "correct" or "not correct". The lack of feedback to children's questions will not create an effective l

9、earning process.Then the speaker goes on to argue that the current web-storybook services have a very limited collection of books, thus not being able to save parents the cost of new books as the reading states, because the parents still have to buy many books that the web services do not provide.La

10、stly, the speaker challenges the validity of the assumption of saving parents' time to read stories to children. The reading argues that saving the time is a benefit for the parents, but the speaker maintains that the whole point of reading stories is far beyond reading stories alone. In contras

11、t, it is an essential way of communicating and building relationship between parents and children.三:网络问卷( web based survey )reading网络问卷相对传统问卷的优势1. 调查范围更广,所以调查结果就更为准确(逻辑错误:参加人多并不代表范围广,也 不能保证效果好)2. 发放,填写和收集问卷更加方便简单3. 成本低lecture反驳网络问卷的优势1所取得的调查结果不全面(biased),因为不是所有人都会上网,中老年人上网会比较少,而年轻人上网比较多2. 成本并不会低,因为一

12、个好的网络问卷需要一个团队的大量工作(提出新的证据:网 络问卷也需要成本和人力资源)3. 大多数人对网络问卷都不严肃,会得到不正确的信息,容易混淆视听。例文: The speaker questions the effectiveness of web based surveys by providing evidences contradictory to the reading.First, he identified the reading's logical flaw in assuming that an increase in the scope and quantity

13、of the survey will automatically translate to greater precision of the surveys. However, if surveys aim to question people over 60 years old, how can these old people conduct surveys online since this group seldom surf the Internet? The web surveys are effective in reaching mainly the young generati

14、on. Thus the results cannot be extended to demonstrate the views of the whole population.Second, although the web-based surveys will lower paper cost, they will inevitably incur new costs in web designing, flashy features, and other elements, which will require more costly team work. This evidence e

15、ffectively attacks the reading's argument that web surveys will certainly reduce the cost of the survey.In the end, many web designers tend to overdo in the webpage and add fancy and flashy features. As a result, many people perceive the web-based surveys as not serious and are thus not willing

16、to respond to the surveys. Unlike physical surveys that draw attention effectively, many web based surveys are simply ignored or even deleted.四:打分偏高( inflation of marks )reading 老师给学生打的分数越来越高1. 分数打得低会减低学生的学习意志2. 会影响教师自己的测评结果3. 因为别的老师给的成绩高,如果不跟着给高分,学生出去找工作会吃亏 lecture 解决方案1. 应从小灌输正确的学习观念,不应因一次小失利而丧失信心

17、2. 教师的评测可以改在学期结束前进行,这样学生的成绩就不会影响到评测结果3. 企业在选拔人才时可以看学生在班级中的排名而不是单纯的成绩 例文: The speaker challenges the reasoning that supports the current inflation in college grading system, and provides very specific alternatives to teacher evaluation timing and employer methodology in judging a student.The speaker

18、first argues that the inflated grades will not enable students to truly know their weakness, not to mention improve upon them. According to the reading, low grades will discourage students. The speaker rebuts this point and argues that the true meaning of education is not just to satisfy students. L

19、etting the students make progress is the purpose and inflated grades will not help students in this way.As for the reading's concerns that low grades will adversely affect teachers' evaluation, the speaker offers a solution. By finishing the teachers' evaluation before the end of the sem

20、ester, we can sever the connections between the students' grades and teachers' evaluations.Lastly, the speaker argues that the school does not have to follow the trend of inflated grades invariably. The reading argues that if the school does not follow the trend, their students will be discr

21、iminated, the lecture says that this problem can be solved by providing a weighted relative score. This score will pinpoint a student's percentile in the whole student body and show the other students' scores, thus allowing employers to clearly position the student among the entire student b

22、ody.五:加氟自来水( adding fluoride in public water )reading在自来水中加氟的好处1. 防止蛀牙2. 杀死细菌3. 对骨骼有好处( decrease bone diseases)lecture反驳1. 自来水并不会留在口中,对防止蛀牙没有帮助2. 氟会与输水管( water pipe )中的化学物质反应,产生有毒物质,其危害大于细菌3. 过量的氟会使骨骼变脆例文: The speaker refutes the reading's argument about the benefits of adding fluoride to pipe w

23、ater by providing contradictory evidence about pipe water's fluoride's effectiveness in7preventing cavities in teeth, killing bacteria, and decreasing bone diseases.First, the speaker points out that the short contact of fluoride with teeth will not enable the fluoride to prevent cavities, a

24、s the reading argues. Instead, the water will pass the mouth and teeth quickly and go directly to the stomach.Another argument raised in the lecture is that fluoride could undergo chemical reactions with heavy metals in the pipe, such as lead. This will create toxic substances which will pose seriou

25、s health threat. In this way fluoride could be even more deadly than bacteria. Although the fluoride, as the reading says, will kill some bacteria, the cure here is worse than the disease.In the end, the speaker maintains that overdose of fluoride will backfire to human bones. Although the reading i

26、llustrates that fluoride will improve bone strength, the lecture says overdose will cause serious damage to human bones.六、伦勃朗的油画The lecture revises the idea presented in the text, that Rembrandt was not the artist who painted the famous paint ing "Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet”

27、The inconsistency between the white cap, which identifies the woman as a servant, and the expensive fur collar she wears dissolves as the Professor explains that the fur collar was apparently painted over the original painting to increase its worth by displaying an aristocratic woman.In addition, th

28、e assumption that light and shadow in the painting do not fit together is refuted by the fact that in the original painting, the woman wears a light cloth that illuminated her face. Thus the presentation of light and shadow was indeed very realistic and accurate, as it is characteristic of Rembrandt

29、' s paintings.Finally, the mystery of the panel consisting of patches glued together is also solved in the lecture. Actually, the wood panel was later enlarged to make it more grand and valuable, but the original painting was painted on a single panel, as Rembrandt would have done it. Furthermor

30、e, the wood is of the same tree used in other Rembrandt paintings, like the "Self-Portrait with a Hat ”.All this information points to Rembrandt as the painter of the controversial painting.七、关于恐龙是否是恒温动物The professor actually contradicts the statements made in the passage. She is of the view th

31、at dinosaurs are not endotherms i.e. they were not able to keep their body temperature at a constant rate.The professor contradicts the issue of dinosaurs being endothers based on the availability of fossils being available in thwe polar regions, she say that the polar regions in those days were not

32、 as cold as they are today i.e at least warm enough for dinosaurs to live. Durin harsh winters she says that there is a possibility of the dinosaurs actually migrating to warmer regions.The issue of leg position and movement being used as a reason to clasify the dinosaurs as endotherms does not plea

33、se the professor either. She says that dinosaurs had legs under their bodies to support their huge bodies i.e the legs under the body of the dinosaur were actually to support the huge weight of the dinosaur and not to provide it with a body structure like endotherms(which is actually suited for runn

34、ing).The professor acknowledges the presence of haversian canals but also points out that that the fossils show the presence of growth rings. These rings occur due to the thickening of the bone. The thickening indicates that the dinosaurs were'nt actually growing continuously but were experienci

35、ng periods of rapid growth and periods of no growth in succesion. This pattern. she says is characteristic of non endothermic aanimals.Thus it can be inferred that the professor challenges the passage by giving reasons as to why she thinks that the dinosaur is not an endotherm.八、A reading passage li

36、ke the following will appear on your computer screen. You will have 3 minutes to read the passage.In many organizations, perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is to assemble a group of people into a team. Having a team of people attack a project offers several advantages. First of al

37、t, a group of people has a wider range of knowledge, expertise, and skills than any single individual is likely to possess. Also, because of the numbers of people involved and the greater resources they possess, a group can work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it and can come up wit

38、h highly creative solutions to problems and issues. Sometimes these creative solutions come about because a group is more likely to make risky decisions that an individual might not undertake. This is because the group spreads responsibility for a decision to all the members and thus no single indiv

39、idual can be held accountable if the decision turns out to be wrong.Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding for members of the team. Team members who have a voice in making a decision will no doubt feel better about carrying out the work that is entailed by that decision than they might

40、 doing work that is imposed on them by others. Also, the individual team member has a much better chance to "shine," to get his or her contributions and ideas not only recognized but recognized as highly significant, because a team's overall results can be more far-reaching and have gr

41、eater impact than what might have otherwise been possible for the person to accomplish or contribute working alone.Then you will hear.NarratorNow listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.ProfessorNow I want to tell you about what one company found when it decided that it would tu

42、rn over some of its new projects to teams of people, and make the team responsible for planning the projects and getting the work done. After about six months, the company took a look at how well the teams performed.On virtually every team, some members got almost a“ free ride ” ., they didn't c

43、ontributemuch at all, but if their team did a good job, they nevertheless benefited from the recognition the team got. And what about group members who worked especially well and who provided a lot of insight on problems and issues? Well. the recognition for a job well clone went to the group as a w

44、hole, no names were named. So it won't surprise you to learn that when the real contributors were asked how they felt about the group process, their attitude was just theopposite of what the reading predicts.Another finding was that some projects just didn't move very quickly. Why? Because i

45、t took so long to reach consensus; it took many, many meetings to build the agreement among group members about how they would move the project along. On the other hand, there were other instances where one or two people managed to become very influential over what their group did. Sometimes when th

46、ose influencers said“ That will never work” about an idea the group wasdeveloping, the idea was quickly dropped instead of being further discussed. And then there was another occasion when a couple influencers convinced the group that a plan of theirs was creative. ” And even though some members tri

47、ed to warn the rest of the group that the project was moving in directions that might not work, they were basically ignored by other group members. Can you guess the ending to *this* story? When the project failed, the blame was placed on all the members of the group.九、In the United States, employee

48、s typically work five days a week for eight hours each day. However, many employees want to work a four-day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so. A mandatory policy requiring companies to offer their employees the option of working a four-day workweek for four-fifths (80 percent

49、) of their normal pay would benefit the economy as a whole as well as the individual companies and the employees who decided to take the option. The shortened workweek would increase company profits because employees would feel more rested and alert, and as a result, they would make fewer costly errors in their work. Hiring more staff to ensure that the same amount of work would be accomplished would not result in additional payroll costs because four-day employees would only be paid 80 percent of the normal rate. I


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