外研版八年级英语上册 Module 6 精品教案.doc

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1、外研英语八年级上Module 6 A famous story全模块教案I. Teaching goals 教学目标技能目标 听Listen to fairy tales including past on-goings说Ask and introduce events happening in the past读Read fairy tales including past on -goings写Write a description of things happened in the past 语言目标功能句式Saying what you were doing at a specific

2、 timeYesterday evening my father was watching TV. Were you reading a story?What were you doing last night?I was reading an English book. 词汇1. 重点词汇suddenly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, strange, carry, tired, nothing, once, pink, by, pocket, across, field, under, storm, outside, jump, during, noon, boo

3、kshop, wear, clap, cheer, gold, ring, hall, stop 2. 认读词汇daisy, chain, hedge, scream, staff, worn, perform, follow3. 短语look into, go off 语法Past continuous: were/ was doing. 重点句子1. She was sitting by the river.2. I called you dozens of times but no one answered.3. Alice was getting very tired.4. There

4、 was nothing so strange in that.II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析本模块以童话故事为主题,把语法与故事结合起来,采用隐性教育的方式让学生在了解故事的同时掌握过去进行时的结构和用法。Unit 1共设计了7个活动。1 要求根据录音材料给故事中人物排序。2是谈论故事Alices Adventures in Wonderland的一段对话。3为细节理解活动,要求学生听懂故事情节,记下故事中每个人物的活动。4要求辨认单词,按照提示为其分类。5要求用4中词汇完成句子。通过活动,学生可以从中学到用英语解释新单词的方法。6通过听读语音语调训

5、练,帮助学生掌握含有过去进行时的句子的读音。7 要求写出在所给的过去时间内自己做的事情,然后结对进行问答练习(8)。Unit 2通过讨论图片导入故事,以激发学生兴趣,并熟悉相关词汇,为阅读提供词汇、句法及背景知识的准备(1)。2是节选自Alices Adventures in Wonderland的一段小故事,要求学生读后回答问题。3要求将问句和答语进行匹配,通过问答匹配了解故事的创作背景,为活动4的写作任务做准备。 这一活动训练的是阅读理解能力,可帮助学生更好地理解课文。4是写作活动。要求根据活动3中内容写一则关于Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell的小故事。本活动

6、不仅仅训练过去进行时的用法,还要求掌握叙述故事的时间顺序以及时间衔接词的用法,如:One day Then and Finally。 Unit 3 属于语言实践活动。1要求辨识过去进行时的正确结构形式。2采用选择答案完成句子的形式,通过语境训练进一步强化对过去进行时的认识,并能正确区分一般过去时与过去进行时的用法。3属于语言输出活动。要求学生根据所供语境,运用过去进行时态描述自己所做的事。4利用游戏方式,口头问答过去某时自己所做的事。 5仍是一个游戏活动。游戏的内容是“警察捉小偷”。通过问答练习,调查每个人过去某时的行为活动,借以判断小偷身份。 6要求将上一活动中被调查人员的活动结果记录下来。

7、7要求听一段小故事后,回答问题。8 要求根据语篇内容选择适当的词汇完成短文。活动9 要求先根据语意及句子结构知识完成句子,然后用句中短语造句,旨在培养学生的创造性思维能力。Around the world 部分主要是让学生了解一些和冒险经历有关的英文名著。Module task 是一个写作活动。写作要求突出真实性和交际性。活动10要求学生收集信息和精炼句子。先回想自己做了哪些事,用关键词把自己要表达的意思写下来。活动11 按提纲写故事。学生可模仿提示来写作。活动12 是一个展示过程,可让学生把自己写的故事读给全班听。 III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配

8、 Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2) Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3:1-7)Period 4 Language in use (Unit 3:8-12).Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speaking Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇suddenly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, s

9、trange, carry 2. Key structures重点句式Were/was doing Ability goals能力目标Enable students to talk about past on-goings. Teaching methods教学方法Communicative approach. Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder, some pictures or handout.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in Show some pictures of fairy tales,

10、 introduce the story briefly, and explain some new words.T: Do you like to read fairy stories? (Explain “fairy story”, in Chinese if necessary.) A fairy tale is a story written for, or told to, children. The story often includes elements of magic. Now look at the following pictures? Can you tell me

11、the name of the stories?Show the following. S: Snow White.T: What is the story about?S: A little princess was saved from the evil deeds of her step-mother, the queen, by a group of seven dwarfs.T: Good. How about picture 2?S: Cinderrela. T: Do you know the story?S: Its about a beautiful girl. At fir

12、st, Cinderella is living happily with her mother and father until her mother dies. Cinderella's father remarries a cold, cruel woman. The woman has two daughters. When the father dies, Cinderella's stepmother turns her into a servant in her own house.T: Well done. Do you know anything about

13、picture 3?S: Aladdin and the wonderful lamp. Time permits, talk about more fairy tales. T: Do you know the name of the story?Show the following picture.S: Alices Adventure in WonderlandT: Good. Its a famous English story. Today well start with this fairy tale. Step II ListeningRead through the list

14、of characters with the students. Explain hatter”, then play the tape and ask the students to listen and focus.T: We are going to listen to a short introduction of the story, Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Before listening, lets read through the list of the characters first. Pay attention to “hatte

15、r” please. We know the word “hat”. A hatter is someone who makes hats. Play the tape and ask students to number the characters in the story in the order. Call back the answers from the whole class.Step III Vocabulary Do activity 4. Ask students to group the words first in order to make them remember

16、 all the words easily and then go on with activity 5. T: There are some words in the box of activity 4. Please read these words first and then try to find out the words for “animals”. S: Cat, mouse, rabbit.T: Find out two words mean “important people”.S: King and queenT: The places outside home.S: G

17、arden, grass.Ask them to read through the words chorally. For activity 5, tell them to guess the words and complete the sentences. Check the answers by asking some students to read the sentences. Step IV Reading and grammar Ask students to read the conversation individually and find out the sentence

18、s with the form of “v-ing”. Write the sentences on the board:Im reading. She was sitting by the river.She was not reading. The queen was playing in the gardenWhat were they doing?Point out the structure: T: “Was/were doing” is used to describe past on-goings. Now read aloud the following sentences.

19、Show the following. I didnt hear the phone. My father was watching TV then.I was reading a book at that time.Explain the difference between the past simple tense and past continuous.Show the following. I wrote a letter yesterday morning. (The letter is finished)I was writing a letter yesterday morni

20、ng. (We dont know if the letter is finished or not.) I saw a very good film last night. (It happened in the past)I was reading a book this time yesterday. (It was going on during the past time)Listening Ask students to listen to the recording of the conversation and do activity 3.Check their answer.

21、 Call their names from the whole class in order.Step V Pronunciation and speakingFirst ask students to read through the sentences in activity 6. Play the tape and have them follow. Then play the tape again, pausing to let the students repeat chorally and individually. After this, ask them to do acti

22、vity 7, write notes on a piece of paper and then have conversations with their partners, ask and say what they were doing at these times.Sample answers:S: What were you doing at 7 am yesterday?S: I was going to school.S: What were you doing at 1 pm?S: I was helping my mother to do some washing.Step

23、VI HomeworkAsk students to:1. read the conversation in activity 2 repeatedly.2. do activities 1-4 in the workbook.3. Try to find some information about the writer of the story.Period 2 Reading and writingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇 tired, nothing, twice, conversation, suddenly, pink, by

24、, pocket, across, field2. Key structures重点句式Were/was doing Ability goals能力目标Enable students to read and write about fairy tales.Teaching methods教学方法 Communicative approach. Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder, some pictures and handouts. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inR

25、eview past on-goings through asking and answering questions; encourage them to recall the characters in the story Alices adventures in wonderland and lead in new lesson.T: Hello, boys and girls. What were you doing this time yesterday?S: We were having an English lesson.T: What did we learn yesterda

26、y?S: We learned to use past on-goings.T: Which story were we talking about?S: Alices adventure in Wonderland.T: Good. Do you remember the characters in the story?S: Yes. The mad hatter and the march hare, the white rabbit, the red king, the red queen and AliceT: Great. Now lets look at the picture o

27、n page 44 please. Whos in the picture?S: Its a rabbitT: Do you think it is strange?S: Yes. Its wearing clothes.T: Yes, thats the point. Usually rabbits dont wear clothes. Is there anything else strange?S: It is carrying a stick. It is standing on its back legs. Its looking at a watch.T: Good. Why is

28、 it so strange? Today lets learn more about Alices adventures in wonderland.Step II ReadingIn this procedure, students will read the start of Alices adventure in Wonderland and answer the questions to learn more about the details of the story: what, who, when, where and why.Learn the following new w

29、ords. tired, nothing, twice, conversation, suddenly, across, pocketAnd then ask students to read individually and discuss the questions with a partner.Check the answers. Ask them to read again and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.1. Alice was reading a book.2. The book had a

30、lot of pictures in it.3. Alice wanted to make daisy chain.4. A white rabbit ran past Alice and her sister.5. The rabbit was wearing clothes.6. The rabbit went into a hole under a big tree.7. Alice entered the hole after the rabbit.Check the answers. Step III Writing In this step, students will do th

31、e match work first to know something about Lewis Carroll. Introduce more about Lewis Carroll to them and then ask them to write the story of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell T: Last period, I asked you to find some information about the writer of the story, have you finished?S: Yes.T: Can you tell me

32、 who the writer is?S: Lewis Carroll.T: Good. Today lets learn more about the writer. Lets learn why and how he wrote this story?Ask students to read the questions and answers fast, make sure they understand each one, and then let them do the match work.After a few minutes, call back the answers from

33、 the whole class, having one student ask a question and another answer. Explain when necessary.If possible, introduce more about the writer. (See Teaching resources: I) Then ask students to make a list of the information of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell and then join the sentences with “one day, t

34、hen, and finally”to write the story. When they have finished, ask some of them to read their story to the class.Sample version: Lewis Carrolls real name was Charles Dodgson. He was teaching math at the University of Oxford, England. One day he saw Alice in a garden. She was playing with her sisters.

35、 Carroll went to meet the girls and they asked him to take their photos. He became good friends with the Liddell children. One day they were having a picnic by the river, and Carroll was telling the girls lots of stories. Alice asked him to write down the stories. Then Carroll wrote Alices Adventure

36、s in Wonderland. Finally Alices Adventures with Lewis Carroll ended when she grew up.When they have finished, ask some of them to read their story to the class.Step IV HomeworkAsk students to1. make sentences with the phrases: Once or twice, look into, whatfor, be doingwhen, think of, grow up, have

37、a picnic.2. do activities 5-6 in the workbook.Period 3 Language in use (I)Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇go off, under, thief, outside 2. Key structures重点句式Were/was doing Ability goals能力目标Enable students to use the past continuous tense correctly. Teaching methods教学方法Communicative and practi

38、ce. Teaching aids教具准备A projector, a tape recorder and a computer. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision Check the homework by asking several students to read the sentences they made.Sample sentences:1. She goes to travel once or twice a year.2. He looked into the room and found nobody w

39、as there.3. What are you going to Beijing for?4. They were having a party when the teacher came.5. She was thinking of making a paper boat to give the little girl.6. We are going to have a picnic this weekend.7. Im going to be a pilot when I grow up.Step II PracticeAsk students to do activities 1-2,

40、 first individually and then check their answers with their partners. Draw their attention to the different forms of the past simple tense and past continuous tense.Ask students to do activity 3. Read the list of the time through first and then ask them to write down what they were doing at these ti

41、mes. Ask several students to read their work. Samples answers: Last Sunday, during the day, I was doing some washing. At about seven oclock last night I was playing computer games. This morning, on my way to school, I was singing a song. This time last year, I was doing a part-time job in a restaura

42、nt. On Saturday, from about 12 noon to 2 pm I was cleaning my room.Step III GamesRead through the example with the whole class and ensure that they understand what to do. Ask students to play the game in activity 4 in groups Go on with activity 5. T: Look at the pictures. We can see there was a robb

43、ery at 9 oclock last night, and the police are looking for the criminal. Now work in groups of six. One member of your group is a policeman; ask and say what you were doing at 9 oclock. If you cannot remember or dont know what you were doing, you will be treated as a suspect.Sample dialogue:(P = Pol

44、ice) P: Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? You know, there was a robbery last night. Well, what were you doing at eight last night, Sonly?Sonly: I was having dinner then.P: What were you doing at nine last night, liming?Liming: I was watching a football match on TV with my family.P: What about

45、 you, Lily?Lily: I was writing a letter.P: What were you doing, Sue?Sue: I was sleeping at home. Liz: I was on the bus with my sister.P: Well, many thanks to you all. See you!Further practice If students are interested in the game, ask them to make a story and solve robbery. After this, ask students

46、 to write down what each member of the group was doing.Step IV ListeningAsk students to read through the questions in activity 7, and then listen to the tape and answer the questions. Check the answers by asking some students to retell the story in the recording. Step V HomeworkAsk students to:1. fi

47、nish the rest activities in the workbook.2. read more about Alices adventure in wonderland. Period 4 Language in use (II) Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇look into; run across; smile at; think about2. Key structures重点句式 Were/was doing Ability goals能力目标Enable students to write a short story about their past experience. Teaching methods教学方法Communicative approach. Teaching aids教具准备A computer and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inEncou


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