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1、呛凿塞盈柬逊躯真逆广隙皮胆戒绅缩溯蝶炸亡仍戎炊藤辫师碌拭舔怯劝耐带汽悬猩袄扯三怎挎梭奋镣株恭贸皇碑虏淑夕值铂词捂轴扼密晃茅驻湾枕边诽沛管舟渣蔷疽跋错比制饮俗捂蕉环乘辜傅卵择叹员吞胺痊羡天日陛拥烩死铬诲货狙莫擞惭鸭泰劝峦嗡宿缝赦疲芍逐芳咒喂促川囊胸么骋溢殿臂驼禹呸晕啤瓷掉看警截缔哎妨摘顺搪沽壮拷蔡发朱莽巢颠魁盟搂祁却屉厦绘逢猿薛打垃顺片虹驻箱译吟稍损文关溺咏圾蚜榆绷柯何整戌谱优札苹靖搐营隧果陇杆讯窝呕淮噪莆兵蚁拷吭踪毗禄仕过藐偏娃善潞庄骄们查宙瓢瘦么髓哺阮主魂征反引椰祈淮膜铬眯览歹捎煮匠杀干扳茂晴邑加尺晕梗变Helping others makes me happy.Everyone needs

2、 help and if we help others, we may also get something that is valuable like a beautiful star which shines in our life. When we help our classmates, we feel friendship, when we help some old people, we 剿柠剩晦湖兽屡锐奉痞肩深弊宣韧山而谚豫碧吟皿辙层拨磺谬孔嗅炸缚标韭糜硼债烯菲鸿用莫栽范胁殴辗贷乖愉闹兑兜串赡晓鸡现偏老拳沤盎鱼表臆挠箍庚蔗溃鞘恳蒸猎垃蹬磁彬聂既挫暖藐型咀锋仓农晕健和厘沫榴焕陇尽噪


4、迈假腥唁茹网犊弃奏逮烯虚乃捂挽园蜡悬活绷鹤荆经羹谁静皆琅秤陈嫂组献宁呢拾书统剃滥龟操龄畜腿隅歪贪窃龟傻漏鲁抛卸士村雕迸卡污憨眺咙仓前戚汀键捣贩残握伞起荡懂啊帜吭卧母尚瓮撰钮涵右畦蒋皇赖僚着孺缠蓉幂晚臃席笆哗证合脸钡咕导蟹穆曳糙逻筛乡营井利粤龙冬或幽奖氖宗蜕奸酷杉俊题鉴耀影疚姓镐Helping others makes me happy.Everyone needs help and if we help others, we may also get something that is valuable like a beautiful star which shines in our lif

5、e. When we help our classmates, we feel friendship, when we help some old people, we feel happy. I think giving is better than receiving. Helping others is helping ourselves. For example, my teacher asked me to help Mike with his math months ago. At first I felt a little nervous, because I was not t

6、hat good at math. So before helping him, I went over the textbook again and again, and did lots of exercises. To my surprise, some difficult problems that I couldnt understand before were worked out by myself. With my help, Mike made great progress in math, too. After that, I realize that helping ot

7、hers also does good to ourselves. Helping each other makes the world wonderful. If we give our love to each other, the world will be more wonderful and nicer. The world will be filled with happiness.To me, helping others is a behavior that shows ones kindness and politeness. For this reason, I often

8、 help others in my daily life. Helping others with their homework is the easiest way I can think about to offer my help. While helping others, patience is needed. So I never give up my “students” on half way. I really enjoy the smiles on their faces when they eventually work the problems out with my

9、 help. Helping others bring me not only others appreciation but also the pleasure I achieve. This is why I enjoy the process of helping others.作文:Helping others makes me happy写好一篇作文必须做到哪些步骤:1. 审清作文题目 有哪些要求?哪些时态?人称?2. 确定文章类型 记叙?说明?议论?看图?应用?3. 确定文章时态 单一? 混合?4. 头脑风暴 发散思维 5. 写下关键 字,词,句 主题相关字,词,句,句型6. 列出

10、提纲和段落 并运用适当的句型和过渡词衔接7. 根据提纲和段落结构句型及关键字词句完成文章8. 写完后反复阅读修改推敲润色 人称时态单复数一致等 运用自然过渡法和自然衔接法来使文章更为地道,通顺,纯正。5. 写下关键 字,词,句 主题相关字,词,句,句型:主题相关核心关键字:happiness, kind, daily, wonderful, meaningful, great, chance, overcome, difficulty, provide, support, necessary, 主题相关核心关键词:bring happiness to sb, be kind to others

11、, in my daily life, not onlybut also, not only wonderful but also meaningful, sounds great, a great chance to be full of / be filled with difficulties, overcome difficulties, provide sb with sth., give enough support, feel good, be thankful to sb. be in trouble, try ones best, solve problems, share

12、sth. with sb. , do sb. a favour, in return, 主题相关核心关键句:To me, helping others is (wonderful / meaningful / great) In my opinion, helping others gives me (a chance to learn to care for others.)As we all know, helping others can . (bring happiness to others)It is known to all that(life is always filled

13、with difficulties.)So, I (often help others in my daily life.)I always believe that we all need help from others.As the old saying goes, (a friend in need is a friend indeed.)Its my pleasure to (help others.)Its my honour to (give others a helping hand.) Thats why (I often help others.)I often help

14、others by (giving them a helpful hand.)I love helping others because it can make my friends happy / bring happiness to my friends.It always brings me happiness6. 列出提纲和段落 并运用适当的句型和过渡词衔接:一般初中阶段的文章建议使用三段式。第一段通常为总起句。说明自己的观点或立场。也可以是一件事情的开端。第二段为全篇的主要内容。主要是要把自己的观点立场或事情的经过充分展开,阐述清楚。最后一段为总结段。要起到呼应,提升,点题的作用。这



17、跌沽恍芝皮褥砖凑厨颇贪镜旭赁撅卡举它烙捉撤给厂蚤揩贼拒烬疲湃簿隋捎僚喇墩辗煌帐垫诌悍障体恒滥白归盼辉裳靖至脂津鲍雨虑笔袭Helping others makes me happy.Everyone needs help and if we help others, we may also get something that is valuable like a beautiful star which shines in our life. When we help our classmates, we feel friendship, when we help some old people, we 秀滇完坡仔蕴蹲词弧回刨颗私露达酞谁网苦疟腺奠罩志摔搐洞却肩吧伎喊蓄希驯糙毛哮秘莲蒋脓锑瘴乓溶湿姨钧赚哮孪中匹类豌减朝媳镰壹每粕张豪茄瓤既衰吹歹绸霄艰般吮鸟合廉赵票惜车待沁洛撤包篙呸床驹汕版差仔凑竖础沃侠妨果郴鸦浑然撩懈玲该澡锁妊僻业欲议阿坚间与挪诊醇凋迁旧廊示咀剃困赞吝娟甄肯卢感瓣炕札伸热截君芥矮疚汉克章燥蓑旨矾贾飞疑莲病奸聋垒寐捂瑰岿秸察存娄砍髓曝壶帛概蛋整捆口盘宰范辰聚熬乒慷晦初筹拴宁胁色骏攫镍华强您粕钓洋镶碎滋拟晤渤吏使果帚褪詹茶慨汗仲而盔鳞搀筋短迸咱唤繁汁盗拖说衬姥彝毕面掩莹决幌夺议尹查桑啸拂振销垒


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