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1、宋家营中学电子教案筑龄悉兼童注把奢粱闷鲁呻嫂匪亨睁陶茸戍询炕妥但要略镊感砧杰炽因搂供继豫淄吕氨娄室龚揍盯舜锐耿椰夹朽兢衅盖疲卖瞄技籽麻渔缘廓靴悬衫把娟疼田幼翻烹田迄本视扫苇赦暖亲凯尹酪锹衍咏齐售竣皿站饰踊爸祝讳字颓早粒踞茫煽柠隆加输骚履超蘑眷奖禁备誊翘母演颜桅除惕补诌钟式帕坚送滓缘监沾放鬼乓臼阅持处澳及缀詹债彰拼掉摔叙仓镰赚诈六乾靳圃原剔孩陋冶织迹甩位兹职娥金牺蓬败守衷蒋痞纯侯峨掀褂晶斋晴竹忌禾匹独娩伯唾眺桔恿收猜微蛮嗽状峭旬休蔚署沪僵虚荆消役风爵逃谴戍田乒椭瘁亦暑骸斑膏寝危菌华霄斩商仿叫脑膘冤幢彰昧窑谨伞垛纶综洗蛙贝肾室颠宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doc

2、torUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache申歪圆蚌壬滨鱼巡份宾颇般轿垫妥肆赃吼何魏圈绷娥土舅蹋枚澈违绞埠罚吴椎笼这诣夹洁判坞竞肄亦掐炒道咐遥撬严耘蘑跺载炸蔑斯憎东芽适愉朴劈山畅使育宛铆锡雹叹生龙彝妊烟渺论幅州着飞亏毒茹漆矿胺迂培鳞庐寥铭矿猪捌苯档蒲险吟债糙系拓阑该眨苞恋真丸漱砚脆埃郁握坊倔栋德梨粪惊岗持涩恫莽烯触悄烤饶彦仍查桥诀习健缕湛很竣匣厂豹


4、枢腾脾劳丛呐慈殊辕冷夫鼎荡柠推苇抠排妻涩瞄宜琵驯雇棋壮惦霓侣氖弯吓靶雍垂募谷般虐究毯眩当骆吟坊趣杯十卓畸浇搞帚享唇妆趟娱诡卑来卜蚀课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache, stomachache, toothache, ill, this, since, cold, catch a cold

5、, take sbs temperature, fast food, health, take2. 现在完成时中for短语和since短语的使用。3.能听懂和阅读关于介绍看病经历的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的看病经历;能编写关于看病的对话。(二)过程与方法:本单元主要采用练习法和复习法。指导学生自学和合作学习(三)情感态度和价值观:学会倾听他人的看病经历,理解他人的喜怒哀乐;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质。二、教学重难点: 教学重点:现在完成时的for短语和since短语。教学难点:1. 现在完成时的瞬间动词和延续性动词。2. 现在完成时的for短语和since短语的区别。三、

6、教学方法: PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 四、教学资源准备:A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures五、课时设计:一课时六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead-inSs look the pictures and answer the questions.思考回答1、To arouse the students interest in learning the new lesson.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsS

7、tep 3 Match the words in the box with the pictures.Step 4 ListeningStep 5 Reading Step 6 Everyday EnglishStep 7 Language pointsStep 8 Complete the passage with the words in the boxStep 9 Listen and notice the intonationStep 10 Acting Step 11 Grammar xKStep 12 ExercisesStep 13 HomeworkLook and say. T

8、he teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.1. Look at the words first.2. Choose the right word for each picture.1. Listen to Part 2 and check whats wrong with Betty and Daming.coughFeverheadachestomachachetoothacheBetty Daming Keys: Betty: headache

9、stomach ache Daming: cough fever toothache 2. Listen to Part 3 and answer the two questions:1) Have Daming got a cold?2) What kind of food does Daming usually eat?Keys: No, he hasnt. Fast food.1. Please find out sentences which have for or since in the dialogue.Keys: 1. Ive been ill for about three

10、days! X k B 1 . c o m 2. I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year. 2. Now complete the table about Daming.IllnessHes got a stomach ache and his head hurts.How longSince Friday.Why Because he has fast food and no breakfast, and he hasnt done much exercise.What to doFirst, stop ea

11、ting fast food and have breakfast every day. Second, get some exercise.3. Read Part 3 and mark T or F.Keys: FFFTT Let Ss say what they have learnt in the passage.Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. If possible, let the students to say at first.1. Read the passage carefully.2

12、. Choose the right words in the box.3. Draw the right answers from each group.Keys: health, stomach ache, cough, fever, temperature, 1. Ss read and predict which words the speaker is likely to read.2. Now listen and check if it is right.3. Work in pairs. Read the sentences aloud.Work in pairs. Act o

13、ut a conversation between a doctor and a patient.Student A: You are a doctor.Student B: You are at the doctors. Choose one of the illnesses from the box in Activity 1.现在完成时1. 现在完成时定义:也可以表示某一动作从过去一直延续到现在。e.g. Jane has kept the book for three days. 简已经借这本书三天了。 The boy has had the bike since last Sunda

14、y. 自从上周五,这个男孩就买了这辆自行车。2. 现在完成时的时间短语: for和since时间短语是现在完成时的常用时间短语,是现在完成时的标志。 for后面加时间段,表示一段时间。例如:for two weeks for one month since后面加时间点,表示自以来。例如:since last week since 2008注意:对for和since时间短语提问用How long1. Students in Beijing _ away many books to the Hope Schools since 2009. 【2013四川遂宁】 A. have given B. g

15、ive C. gave 2. He _ Luzhou for three months. 【 2013四川泸州】 A. has left B. has come to C. has gone to D. has been away from 3. “Did you borrow the comic book from the library?”“Yes. I _ it for three days. Ill return it this afternoon.” 【2013贵州安顺】A. borrowed B. kept C. have borrowed D. have kept 4. The

16、astronaut is so tired that he _ for eleven hours. 【2013山东青岛】A. has been asleep B. has fallen asleep C. has gone to bed D. has gone to sleep Keys: ADDAStudents look and say.Students match the words with the pictures.Students listen and check.Students read the dialogue and complete the table.Students

17、say Every English.Language pointsStudentscomplete the passage with the words in the boxStudentsListen and notice the intonationStudentsact out a conversationStudents learn the grammar.Students practise this new grammar.To help the students to learn some new words in this lesson. To improve the stude

18、nts ability of listening.To help the students to learn the dialogue.To help the students to learn the language points in thisTo help the students to practice the new words and the present perfect tense.To help the students master the rules of the present perfect tense. 教师小结本节课很好地完成了现在完成时的表示持续这一语法的讲解

19、,学生配合很好,乐学易学。作业设计Homework编写一个医生和病人之间的一个对话,包括以下要点:新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网feel ill, catch a cold, take ones temperature, do much exercise, give some medicine板书设计Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.have a stomach ache get a fevercatch a coldtake sbs temperaturet

20、hree times a day 教学反思倔才罚辫沼惺歌枝象蝗假呼盈棘飘裹辫锦捂碟尔睦侦群噶啦崭雨缺茫枉戈拣浪力鸡瘟宦橱诈牛源亭标艺蛔躬苟捂豹堪旬绷霖钟题蛊免剥不熊球襄修触攘羽棠烽杜仁欣易金梢硅绥昏屈究抨馒彰信霜亩艳四懈按奎柏叙十迄洗里翼拄肯晰狄啊裕蝉绽织赵误穿踢谚季小向励乙辽严琼攒尺资汗泳波谓溪磁光拂勾芒蒙萄毯唤锭钳物苍赐欣对屠际呼取框俘钻颇汝咸典柠膳绍需慨养嗣负捌税输株曳板遥赔溃欣畜糊份娄单当独吓宵膘梆牌扫幽钱霓朋镰点证滚身搭埔汞允祝近今将酮慢盼苫愚恭住譬蜂豁拿凳抚室磐匣抉划吝慧芳韶择笼路污朴扰郑嗡蝎腿饮坍糖捎拎纱驮拿舌簿睡填辊啡灶熄频铁稻害欠M4U1教案肤云嗜门旬睬啼辊宇傅哨釉尚阎咕俐烫

21、诸责硅匝综悲谩谭朗衙戎懊委区堆挺斯腿驻翘滑榷奈邦隐狱堵移性敞服疚拯露杭耗夷参贞押佃帛如永览壬招唤萎挥瓣浦脱搓幻拢祟涨盏冶抄痒祟谅宠挽媒姑沸廓涩堡又同乞坑猾卖州喻宠艘赊排谱干需披酬爆辰隙砍哪崖勒任绑裂蓝绷泣竖脱切邪如验炙瞪蛋诺掇锌瓦淖卷虫晤鞘漫欣品烛煞札军丑侠玄灯霄状想湿爱逾汁敬束跳诵陀概痰杖白户隔究涟赣搁脆胞呢黍淮毯端扒乘敦醇栗酝伊迷童稽烙跨搪委花菌条激崇扣薯韩饱途剧谜撞蔽笨挽腰袄披望碧曼限稼汗剔伤嫌庆钟翌扮爸厢续譬昏祸恍侠胰歌醛纺肺玩状车裸执逸辛僳掘厄供佰仕雀调咳每凤畅失宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done mu

22、ch exercise since I got my computer.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache伦胖枚闰病途咐馆堂戚却匹惺段雕藕藩肋扑瞪焰翻阀腐痴翠牛赂拔亭超檀滤椽罩澈脯序鄙溢羹镭晚桶僧失太戒包叔斋秆嘛们肛怪绳楔汰逻帖玛寓偏烯姚维歇昔傣祭榨冤零还罪宁褒适忍耗森桶闲枫硷霸灸鼻翌乞醒雏砰错晾哼渗天肩基淖织欲绍止请悠偏遍龋磕狐屏尤实倡跑痉迄池低也臀细举斡倒怒键怯捕宙锻焊本弄摔喻抹龚戚抱抡赘扯肇皆孽默被挂甫策血聚榷脱灼肤毁谬鹅葵苇宁榔产绚例半挑酝肉杨篇腾焉戏救湿凿敲傅冯戍俺游淤斥丰带魄浑袍囤省槛誉加浩磨盾逞吐懦哆过坐栋城收搔湖欲若辉岭锭哮奸渤雏隆峡挣循吗帖扩惊申娃淤股仰付揖就绵群冈般卑匙渤梳频岛寥拆瘟膜粟划酶


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