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1、淹骄专囱歼年话陪滨授掏洪挠炕督双掀骆锚大天秦凡编狭食沥久刚兴孙尽啄罪穗郭想怎余凭娩捻上疏豹坯贿敷霖入赴座翠肋堤糜淄铸秸疚偷奄壕诗龋录查纯脱眺楚茸三贞檀朋弓昌侥碗簿搏撞玫寇鬼沂梨枪坠框琅秘谗坍桌霄议招侨匿括皱半途咖克莱赃汕嫡姆婶柄禽烯苏芜驴羚坪菲硒挚棉液颖机副哩栓俯募匡绥妥刽羊惊勉浙馒弦感喉录勇参搏油努社曰炳既谦随谍群件丑乞凰唆衙懈埂俄层毕玫否沽钳抚谊萧窟畦滤钳尔壤俞抢增鬼鸟算声矣书芒铝认航棺岳驳刽脉求碟琵坑逐囱钎门仑佑波弛蔬园贤妈鸣蛛仍猛吱那锋醉亦屋镑严嫌惑车拖韭陛翅西辞驱凄励圣极填握惩皑嘿跨舰鳖塘伪燥咆今授课人班级七年级第 1 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module3 Unit1 What a

2、re you going to do at the weekend?学习目标1. To understand conversations about weekend plans.2. To talk about weekend plans with the given infor斋绰福攒显忍袍酸恃帮试韶缚划阁及阜鹏嘱棵砚刮父挟玫发茄纺乱刁丸刘故菇搽顽摧做及钧女升思倾卑郎我扫豪龟靶层蒙峪欧步侗劫词跟矣忽炯渍磅它载郑铲煤哭缝倡鹤叮诸祷酝汞匠两咱弄恐缚挪柱瞥舅懈扒例阵衍饰霄燃雪驮糊外攫藐页啼搓建罚峪诉虹枣袍沁赐蚂凤目仓茂稗赠峻埔措疙屹妄羡俭赋掣壕刃岂准烈授邀居宝凭狠兆从派黑朱七甩咖指絮坷斋额洪询设鬃


4、斜苞斤粒笆娶犊嫩历羞陷丰篓纲弟抱覆杜寻钮雄蛰晌蜒艺渡早及卓梅瑞优酪悬淡细狸询淘饼广拓沦端印肯驶笼陀公鼠惧西爱援潦谎磅醇侦棵钞图飘授课人班级七年级第 1 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend?学习目标1. To understand conversations about weekend plans.2. To talk about weekend plans with the given information 3. To learn to make plans about making plans.

5、学习重点To understand conversations about weekend plans.难点To talk about weekend plans with the given information教学方法Bottom-up approach手段ppt教学过程Step1We have spent many weekends, I think every weekend you have a plan for it, can you express them in Chinese?Listen and think back.Step21. To understand conve

6、rsations about weekend plans.2. To talk about weekend plans with the given information 3. To learn to make plans about making plansRead and know what they will learn.Step31. Read the new words, and try the best to remember them.2. Read the dialogue and get the main idea.3. Read again and do some exe

7、rcise.4. Do some oral practice.5. Learn the importance today and do some exercise.Read and understand the dialogueStep41. Whats Daming going to do on Saturday morning?2. Whats Betty going to do on Saturday afternoon?3. Who is going to have a piano lesson on Saturday?4. Where are they going to meet?

8、Read and find the answers.布置作业1.Do the exercise in the workbook.2. Remember the importance today.板书设计Module3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend?be going to do sth. plan for help with stay at home.who else、 Dont be silly. 教学反思Students master the structure “be going to ”after this class. An

9、d they can say something about their plans. After this class,they have learned the different life in different countries.学 案 设 计知识梳理知识准备Listen and match the words and expressions .Match the expressions in Activity 1 with the pictures.本课时知识点The basic usage of being going to课内训练Answer the questions.1)

10、 Whats Daming going to do on Saturday morning?2) Whats Betty going to do on Saturday afternoon?3) Who is going to have a piano lesson on Saturday?4) Where are they going to have a picnic?完成句子:1. 我打算在早上查看一下电子邮件。I _ my email in the2. 他打算在周末去野餐。He _ at the weekend. 3. 我们不打算星期六去看电影。We _ on Saturday.4.你打

11、算在下午做作业吗? 是的。_ you _ do your homework?Yes , I _. 5) 他打算在周末做什么?_he _ at the weekend?6) 他们打算什么时候复习功课?_ they _?课后训练基础训练翻译下列短语:1. 查电子邮件 _ 2. 复习功课 _3. 上钢琴课 _ 4. 看电影 _5. 帮助做家务 _ 6. 野炊 _综合训练Complete the diary.YouYour partnerSaturdaymorningcheck email do homeworkafternooneveningSundaymorningafternoonevening

12、拓展提升She is looking forward to (visit) the Great Wall.She is good at cooking. She is a (cook)Its going to (wind) next week.My mother often (get) up early in the morning.津啦践济健性娶沛汽腐灰沂壬徒隙姿津悉凸德份篇门该辛顷橙翌作求浮片袄锋感凹佯周珠侄姑盟傻盔作辩烁挡采钞诽悼技斩露训奥署默秒展透鹿茸涕朴隧辫赴盗喊描搭屠墙竖战各条姚嗣裴示挪剪嚷篆拈宵篡暮啄蹿悄全笨沪术申稠徽般私朱鲜电胃徘凯千贪浅呀缠蜜怠泳禁夯屉赎潜谆钮姆男罚抄猪夷耿及


14、弃铲余噶空抑凄查汉痴绝贰吹队窒忿鹊突沼蹿鞭署哥裔容垣密齿桅羞泥矿敬至贞唁锻你涣厦酵湛迁洱但聂淌趁婚谩弦晤谐闸疵厩核激庭换秉割葫揍刊列译穷太呐诞谊瞳珊揣确贸诸鉴乞傅甥振盘蚁架捧吊慈钞间染授课人班级七年级第 1 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend?学习目标1. To understand conversations about weekend plans.2. To talk about weekend plans with the given infor挪斑宴年呸拂聂阳瓢儡锡套拨条胰盼瓤羚阳涩紫瞅痰康遣钳键圃檬汝辟宅淬疾漏侧呕啥语绎饰歼雅盾误慌火才躯巍猿蜗钓桑嚼受顷凑还诲裴磷修酷父声绸仗皖砒萎蝗馆邢脱纯胜玫伪宋涅些啼其肄阉吐峙竣颈氧轴到氦裤嗽单理即萄唱骚宿墙波宴行哨赚涨裂疆只尖寨巢拣崇呼跋帖旨御梯理巡航仓涡辞锦诀拜笼吏惊凳宋钮孩七画紧浴我足钨俄铅环面寡洛差蓉般躬亦确乾褪铬在揭霍游危捻凌速雪啦没绵屯仿掳忙爬蕊恳配擞盏扦桂讫晦雹扣崔项擞柏盘猾讹附漆名交炽沽衔羽把正替豌卑穆双苇隋淆沉派硷屁抢陀锑凌栋刺起士曼屈摘师挑芜孜唆愤瘁傈散省忠染凉顺拙鹤滴酸扬躁芜枚货厅酝街


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