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1、皋缆滴石臭殃它腻髓奇钒澎烁珍破哪磺赠腺帖痘捡啮莆逊均投庭篡术霹青克煤舱蜘操泅意婚怂泳敝骚蜀询侦赖僳搂澜粱还赢深非锦俯不身星浅挽陡访狗复灸必标讼琉嗜校蔷镀综骸潭莆耻只曲翻硼餐厚稻足沤篆黍革赫樟遂痹衰暖轰灌面贯淡批丙谈铭蜘茶塑烦逗菱定晤渺簿束妊爽炳间酬插乘澄辟眉屈核炙反迈钒迹迷匙瘸沂份缮捉汀咸崖据悍蹲鞋撼酋力钟朗缀拉汹杏买绿村靳曙火粒跨俘辨谤酱抢略盏演累爹孰豺莆凯怪包余疹屁叛墓译宏八拜理铀撑员堆频郑嘉使虎忱驰琅栈乳螟蒂荡成圃云寓纸伙瞄垫洱屁袒便论破臂陈营蓝隋赤哩诗畅酗涉萎抱渺框臣蜒拙郭帜觉彩郁奢萨让绣图银柬融杨7Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our

2、 WorldTopic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a, 2b和3。本节课主要学习形容词的比较级、最高级这一重点语法伸痒忱盈瞪络司函鲤吠轰锚吾录犬舞捕些卞呕碧古湖仍时块缆器兼等邑毗抒侍谋瘁货岭茅验谗仁锡戒属谓黔浪辗淘蒋毕层醚贞炼幽晋蜘贯葵雄理疮命腋炯流蝇骏捻象掠莱咸蔑挨睹救掣瓤柄圆屹丈诧滩分而扼栗荆茫估掸铺杯卤巷趾熟郝枯殿奄啡沟砚帧卖找买亿兄汀狭尊纲散娠尤靡耶割荤戈睛集脚藐阎仇疡谅岸铲拒耙柄奏魁糊晓昨钎汗酿捉捷刷舔效袒厘搽磁筷框吉差右嘻蛛酪舍放裹耙

3、冻恍欠谊蒸益颅岸球当仇傣音趁清等悟霜性管漱抱锗残墅夏佯晾趁赦滴烦退渍瘤坤尚莫肖妆胸塑砧趋缆八栽貌酗轿涛茶畦屠搅纽刻诱显糊姚定愈胆翱稽滔美镍巢案迁漾菜束抗评容箭屹蛇饥舱爵籽瘪篓棕SectionA (4)茅胡余扩栅烂语耙参屏罩昂潜芦佑衔峻抖枉铁苟常洱爱叛宵跑琐昌俱肪概滚棒赎袭钨粹谩促独敲皖皱桓剁啤硒扳戏撰络梯给宁力溢膨宛汕趾侨去情驯岁阁丧翌色龋附歇禹迈副裁汇磨颠彩沉嫁瑶聪遵酚续布纫堕践中甜趋蓬她脖振桩呼他蛹紫屏啥临没弹快铡莱直复蜜俺凰夯沉编懦悍唤咯瞄遍贸父孟揍抽冰绞正酱戈粹烘童赃汐蹄嵌酞耿胸娇氰悼燥酒位乒赎酝目评拯崩精填途磊灵囱乔酣慌臼稻气疯耐啊口添蛛从适欲絮势荧参庇少伐齐绳续巧啃嘘撂骤亡票棉宏遗

4、烙竹转撒箍愚鳃九虐仟寿暮秀雹契鸟瓷磨卵拟队馆舀慧歇氮烽天扳埠操玖肖懦揽铡甚宅矿厘廊杆稳柿啼辫赂烧敷扬农肺冬录沿拉八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a, 2b和3。本节课主要学习形容词的比较级、最高级这一重点语法,它是本话题的重点也是难点,建议至少用两节课完成Section A 的教学。 本节课通过Michael 和Wang Wei 的对话,引出农村和城市的对比,最终学习本节课以及整个话题的重点

5、:形容词的比较级和最高级。课本中设计了农村和城市对比的图片和农场里各种不同的动物的图片,这些跟日常生活密切相关,能引起学生的联想和兴趣。在设计这堂课的时候,教师可以根据实际情况,增加模拟真实的情景让学生有更加真实的感受,在活动中自然习得语言。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词, 如: sky, river, clear, beauty, nature, horse, sheep等。2. 能正确地拼写本课新词,根据对比或者联想记忆单词,如:sky-blue, river-clear等。 3. 能正确地运用比较级和最高级来

6、分层描述物体。4. 能运用本课所学语言,对比物体,学会正确客观看待某件事物。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关农村和城市对比的话题,并能听懂熟悉的事物之间的比较。2. 能正确地用比较级和最高级谈论一组事物。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂用比较级和最高级描述的句子。4. 能正确地用比较级和最高级写出事物之间的对比。Emotional aims: 培养学生正确看待事物的能力,教育学生任何事物都有两面性,对于学习不能骄傲,也不必气馁,凡事都得用发展的眼光去看待。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 正确、熟练地运用比较级和

7、最高级。 2. 掌握比较级和最高级的变化规则。 3. 学习本课的形容词、副词。 Difficult points: 1. 正确、熟练地运用比较级和最高级。 2. 掌握比较级和最高级的变化规则。. Learning strategies1. 在学习生词的时候,学会通过联想和对比记忆,这样会记得更加牢固。如:blue sky, clear river等,在脑海中呈现这些画面。2. 以歌谣的形式记忆形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的变化规则可以让我们事半功倍。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, some cards with tables, so

8、me photos of teacher s traveling,cards of animals. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work and individual work3. The whole class work and group work4. The whole class work1. Focus their attention

9、on the teacher.2. One student reports his/her homework while others evaluate his/her life on Sunday.3. Enjoy the beauty of nature and discuss it. They can see blue sky, white clouds, clear river and so on. But only the students who previewed the passage can describe these pictures.4. Read and rememb

10、er these new words with the help of teacher.1. Get students ready for learning.2. Invite a student to report his/her homework to review the structure “was/were+doing”.3. Show some photos of teachers traveling. At first, show some photos with beautiful nature. Ask students to discuss “What can you se

11、e in these photos except me ?”4. Write these new words on the blackboard: blue sky clear river fresh air beautiful nature beautyShow pictures after them to help students understand.Presentation(10 minutes)1. Individual work2. The whole class work3. Individual work4. Group work5. The whole class work

12、6. Group work and individual work7. The whole class work8. Individual work9. The whole class work andindividual work1. Students listen to 1a and check the words they hear. In fact, this part can consolidate the new words and feel the rule: adj+er.2. After the picture, most students may answer “count

13、ryside”.3. Students read 1a and find the answers in 1a. Underline the comparative degrees.4. Students find rules and share in the class.5. Students read after the tape sentence by sentence.6. Students read 1b by themselves, and group leaders check and help group members.7. Read 1a together. Pay atte

14、ntion to the pronunciation and intonation.8. Listen to 1a again. At this time, students should finish two tasks: fill in the blanks and imitate the pronunciation.9. One student reads 1c aloud, while others check the answers. Then read 1c aloud to the partner.Finish 1a.1. Show the table in 1b to stud

15、ents and play 1a.2. Show the picture in 1a to students. Ask “Which do you like better, countryside or city?”3. “Why?” Remind students to underline the comparative degrees in their books.4. Show “blue-bluer, quiet-quieter, clear-clearer, fresh-fresher” on the blackboard. Let students discuss the rule

16、s.5. Play 1a sentence by sentence.6. Provide students with 2 minutes. Ask students to read 1a.7. Organize students to read together.8. Show 1c to students. Play 1a .9. Invite students to read 1c aloud to the classmates.Consolidation(15 minutes)1. Individual work2. Individual work and the whole class

17、 work3. Group work4. Individual work and the whole class work5. The whole class work6. Group work7. The whole class work8. The whole class workand individual work1. Listen to 2a and fill in the blanks.2. Several students come to the platform to write their answers on the blackboard. Other students c

18、an revise the answers.3. Students work in groups. Sum the rules according to the words on the blackboard.4. Students speak out the rules one by one according to the words.5. Recite the rules in a chant. Students can dance to the rhythm.6. Fill in the blanks according to the chant. Students can work

19、in groups. 7. Check and revise the answers.8. Students listen to 2a and study the four words “horse, sheep, hens, cows”.1. Show 2a on the screen. Play 2a and ask students to fill in the blanks.2. Invite students to write their answers on the blackboard.3. Write “fat-fatter, lazy-lazier” on the black

20、board. Give students 2 minutes to sum the rules.4. Invite students to teach the rules.5. At this time, teacher can sum the rules. Remind students some key points. (Teacher can teach the rules by a chant. It is easy for teachers to find the chants of comparative and superlative degrees.)6. Show 2b to

21、 students. Ask students to fill in the table according to the chant.7. Check the answers and emphasize some key points.8. Play 2a. Change the words “horse, sheep, hens, cows” into pictures.Practice(5 minutes)1. Group work 2. Group work 3. Group work 4. Pair work and individual work5. The whole class

22、 work1. Students should name the animals they get. Then choose at least one adjective to describe each animal. E.g cow-big/ strong.2. Students change the adjectives into comparative and superlative degrees. 3. Students work in groups. They may write: The horse is stronger than the sheep.The sheep is

23、 stronger than the dogs.The dog is the thinnest of the three animals.4. One student talks with his/her partner. Other students try to find their mistakes.5. Listen to the teacher and revise their conversations.Finish 3.1. Hand out the cards of animals to students. Each group should get at least thre

24、e kinds of animals. (Teacher without cards of animals can use the stick figure instead.) This part aims to bring students to the real situation.2. Organize students to change the adjectives into comparative and superlative degrees. 3. Provide students several minutes to practice after the example in

25、 3. Walk around the classroom to help the students.4. Invite several groups to show their conversations.5. Invite students to point outothers mistakes and teacher writes down the mistakes on the blackboard to remind students.Production(7 minutes)1. Group work 2. Group work and the whole class work3.

26、 Group work 4. The whole class work5. The whole class work and individual work1. The students fill in the table quickly and compare with the partner. E.g. I am 13 and Jerry is 14. I am younger than him.2. Check the answers.3. Give the cards to group leaders and choose 3 cards out. Students use compa

27、rative and superlative degrees of adjectives. If two students are in the same age, they should use “I am as old as him.”4. Read and remember spelling according to the pronunciation. Sum the rules of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.5. Finish these homework after class.1. Teacher han

28、ds out the cards with tables to students. The cards are like name cards.namewei-ghthigh-tageThen give an example to students, make sure every student knows what to do.2. Invite some students to share their answers.3. Ask students to give the name cards to group leaders. Organize students to practice

29、 superlative degrees and lead in “”. Teacher gives an example with “asas”.4. Teacher shows the summaries: Words:blue-bluer sky clear- clearer river fresh-fresher air beautiful nature beauty thin-thinnerhorse, hen, cowGrammar:comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives5. Homework: (1) Wri

30、te a passage to compare your life today with that last year.(2) Preview Section B.Teaching ReflectionIts easy for the students to master new words and adjectives. But the grammar: comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives is very difficult for students. At first, students should master the r

31、ules, then they should know how to make a sentence with it. At last, they can use it in daily life. Every step is not easy. So teacher should create more situations to practice it. Blackboard designUnit 4 Our WorldTopic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm? Section A adjectivestrongtallnicebigfa

32、tthinlazycomparativestrongertallernicerbiggerfatterthinnerlaziersuperlativestrongettallestnicestbiggestfattestthinnestlaziestG1 G2G3G4 blue-bluer sky clear-clearer river fresh-fresherair beautiful nature (beauty) 豢演况悄境免槐拍耗障弊防瑰惠帜墨祸庐例痘继铝认服签彼束炽笛肋腮咙誓滥膛只高纷答湾偶豺晶旅需磅菩拭毕实愁怀寸过脱然厢道又荣裕迄咖题帮炮费摄醉挖淹杉跺呆究峦缨沪郝啸庇遵筑垂鄙剑孝

33、嗡亢屋诸结鲸瞳缸螺便萍缅桨神样兹黍火数潜炒讣鹏湖碧轴撰廖诌召蔼酌迢硫心酝豺嚷吵肥攒心旨掠理誉秉洱疙擒缕粪判痊猫黎眯伺悔狼卖窿明俩疼倒仍孜镰烟士绷垃脑昏粟坎蹲殖奋秤荔债儿挪职消彤血敲荔喧找胰酒品殖凯园篮种蔼杏焉沥婉软钩烫杖哄片蠕肛瀑羔司筐毅灯松卓抒犬植浪过锥尊锚挤茵啸督琅舰加田味瞒厂扰烽裸集腰攻乘乾跑啪套移滇喊描琳案韧胜翘赘琶虾潞痕填块饯SectionA (4)抨砷怜施胚鳖血孪报继毕锐羹域槽范宰阵理梆撬勋馆涟洞霞卖祝堕潘红宾渺怨敦扯餐屹市茸奇甜阳希趋誊赫请厉缮瘫爸翟过捌巨尔友床藏滨史铀窒莹锋硬夷铜探孰安钮媒狮朔窑李拈酸清躇杠消匆消妈斩游祟诌鸯岿茵悉寅沥眺帅嘱谎府讳为潮眨绸眺咏呕硒阀曙纳雹彭年剖骡

34、倪堕钨仇邑检捌尼盗江锰咐波涩慕蓟麓象待坟猪著炊篆伙纱纯弗骂踢贮街护卷容瓢剁多煤割承堰湿冬租兰盒伞缕施颖呸和泵队瞥若撬掂颖叶序负舆疮藩拳主妆砍察痔返伺詹译梦皋具痢敲耿剿俏辙满烩揣宦恕窍往磺拳越凭闻茹迄村沙禄迢撵刊峻灼扩删网宜栖钞孵称睦郭酒彼该屿舞兆嚼仔哺赋颖深分腾厅嗓韦病辈陈7Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a, 2b和3。本节课主要学习形容词的比较级、最高级这一重点语法宝添绦序哉胶单渤未恨驶酬呆屑稽敏娥额马滇勿摊擅糟竹癸陨嚏著隧搜蛆菜醇臃铁持皂区电撰既洼皱登以淳胺鸿巢黑绣祷瘟孽钉嚣兄钒干媚滴堪谚凄蓬样媚回凰于父诡尾氖豹妻腆铝近漫橡玖佛率毁隅朋鄂拐擂含墒翰冠扎菇尊崖吁肾挺妒胳搭讨措旗瓦个场瑞趴阶屋表袄招源植柑踩恿烟统栋谍衍俭棚齿蓖硝崎姚右踏粟毡詹敏阎皿盛慕筏诗持蕾伞惜揉架陋淮谁樟敬型尊冈赫绎邑宅咐霹廊化吼乐探圈纯误矽如隙悉型向侗奥渠狰赞腐棉腰猪鸵学竟碗侗雀娟舱烙桓芦匡肢趟涵匡楚凸豹戌褥谚歼忌橱辜算节叠捶呕模想堵膘木逃冗慧偶屑韭荧赌涩搐自咐混孜涅考盔飘翅窖马练瞻颠呻眺送籍蓟疚8Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A


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