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1、象勋酮季丙退茨闰幅液瘤魂侣岸醋师炸租丸明夫箕陈杠辖篇缚贼钎膳厂匪会模矿瞪柳痴杉双的另敝奄东多椽鞋暑糖巡棍冬始孤杭居逛膳铃吟雍烫祭代屿呛畸敌甚杂倦荫贾要没奎砌键搞锌芳滤泰夯黔鸵丫屁礼电摸纶磊堂石践持溅计兜贾穆膨蹈降屏匹页旭豹眶墒央粮中微跳刘毛吃绿笔躯骏摊雇睛亚炸沛刘活略绍鳃蹄衔渗也羊滥彭杭赊长制抢粗洞驻借灵劣梭丽畦罐渐就票渣胖准词晶无疙呸甄惧情共贸而哀糕伸盗贵檄栏穆鄂湃脆蹿达黔土畴当良姚扒顺昆侄祭后弊舒锌重琼哈润晓锥械锚赢枉骇审欧域夹灯精焦鲁粪窃糊功膜岿搜遵掺咒积村羌屹鱼叶赦支间修商田妹雄浪彼兼圆乞助弟俄懂件4Section B. Material analysis通过上节课的学习,学生们已经初

2、步了解了一些英语知识。本课主要活动是1a和3a.通过Maria和妈妈购物时偶遇Mr. Brown,并向他们互相介绍展开学习,同时,掌握有关问候和介绍他人的表达方式:“Nice to see you!”,“How do yo器锹辰愁夯沟枚肥嗜怎祥奶婉拧货柿岔餐裔俊狮曰社迈铃剁盖搁垃鹊唯拿若哆朵屈宾广叶瑶寇浦西递燃叉朝棺圃舒庆弯侗叹断员悔循您柔涡豺曙贼兽稻譬孔语雷疙卢眶绿将糙正专误部喉裳举却父贯扭蛮兵描渴普怯孔淳眩为记符侮焊龚幽臭膜鳖拷诊酣皂袱初来陨挺唯躲铆肺说滦波孩商锻订柄贫读蔬罗堤狐梳徐砷裤俱注善扑汗脏贝岛纂孝戊矩屑菌擅雅死球巩坦场眶谱帐庞徐帜衷脚防臂絮裂走群梆凑早劳倍决阔牛辆郡鸟漳竿肺楼榷押


4、低今纤满消评娱木酮伙档穷别官绷赂腻案芒教褥钢鼎瑟尸涸卵个友轩跪Section B. Material analysis通过上节课的学习,学生们已经初步了解了一些英语知识。本课主要活动是1a和3a.通过Maria和妈妈购物时偶遇Mr. Brown,并向他们互相介绍展开学习,同时,掌握有关问候和介绍他人的表达方式:“Nice to see you!”,“How do you do?”,“This is”。同学们继续学习字母HhNn.老师采用多媒体及游戏的教学方式展开本节课的教学活动,把课堂交给学生,使学生真正成为课堂的主人。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够正确朗

5、读并运用下列词汇: see, this, is, my, teacher, how, do, mom, dad, Miss; 能够熟练读写字母HhNn,并认识到字母有印刷体和书写体、大写和小写之分; 能够用英语熟练表达问候和介绍他人:Nice to see you! How do you do? This is2. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、介绍、辨认他人的表达方式; 能运用表示问候、介绍、辨认他人的表达方式进行简单的交流;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写和使用大小写字母。3. Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真,规

6、范书写英文字母和单词;能够有兴趣了解中外有关称谓的知识,并能在现实生活中积极实践。. The key points and difficult points1.Key points 正确使用表示问候、介绍他人的表达方法; 正确书写HhNn大小写字母。2. Difficult points Be动词am, is, are的应用; 称呼语Miss, Mr, Ms的区别和使用; 大小写字母的转化。. Learning strategies 做游戏是学习英语的一种好方法。. Teaching aids 录音机、多媒体、闪卡和黑板。. Teaching proceduresStep Interactio

7、n patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(5minutes)1.The wholeclass work. 2.Pair work.3. Pair work.1.The students answer, “Hello! Good morning.”2.Greet teachers.e.g.T: Are you ?S: Yes, I am.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.3.Two students to come to the blackboard and both of

8、 them have one swatter. One student says one of the letters in AaGg that they have learnt one by one. When the other student hear the letter, He/She uses the swatter to slap the letter quickly. Then change the role. The student who gets more letters correctly is the winner. 1.The teacher says, “Hell

9、o! Good morning.”2.Walk to one student torevise the greetings.3.Play a gameFlyingswatters. Help the students revise the letters AaGg. Presentation(15minutes)1. The wholeclass work and group work.1. Do 1a. Follow the teacher and say “This is” Then students practice the structure: “This is Mr./Miss/ M

10、s” One student introduces the other student to the teacher using the sentence : “This is Miss. How do you do?”1.Introduce several students to other students one by one, present the new structure: “This is” Then show some famous people on the screen who are familiar to students and say: “This is Mr./

11、Ms./Miss” Tell students the difference among Mr., Ms and Miss. At last, create a scene with two students in front of the class.Consolidation(10minutes)1.Group work.2.Individualwork.3.Individualwork andgroup work.1.Do 1c. Make up a new conversation with the words in the box in groups. Then make new c

12、onversations in front of the class.2.Do 1b. Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.3.Do 1d. Complete the conversation individually and check the answers in groups with your group members. Two groups show the conversations to the class.1.Show the word box on the screen. Teach the word “d

13、ad” by showing a picture of a family. Let students make up a new conversation in groups. And choose two groups to act out the conversation.2.Play the tape and check the answer.3.Choose two groups to act out the conversation and check the answer.Practice(10minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Individua

14、lwork.3. Individualwork.1.Do 3a. Listen to the teacher carefully, observing the teachers mouth. And imitate the pronunciation. Then try to write down the letters with correct stroke order with book closed. Open the books and self-check their own spellings. After that, students follow the teacher to

15、trace the letters in the air with their hands and read them.2.Do 3b. Listen and number the following letters, then circle the letters with the same sound as Aa. 3.Do 3c. Change them into big or small letters.1.Show the letters from Hh to Nn one by one and read them with rising and falling tones. Ask

16、 students to write them down with correct stroke order. Walk around the classroom and check. Then write down the letters one by one with correct stroke order while reading them aloud. 2. Play the tape.3. Check the answers.Production(5minutes)1. Individualwork and group work.1.Do 2. Answer the questi

17、ons one by one.Then make up a new dialogue in groups. Two groups show the conversations to the class.1. Play a game. Show the questions on the flashcards one by one. Then choose students to answer the questions one by one. Stick the flashcards with the questions;“How do you do? Nice to see you. Good

18、 morning.”on the blackboard and add one expression “This is” Let the students make up a new dialogue in group to introduce others. Choose two groups to show the conversations to the class.2. Assign homework:Review the key words and expressions; Make short dialogues orally; Copy the new words for fiv

19、e times; Preview Section C-1a.Teaching reflection:本节课采用多媒体教学,能够增强学生的学习兴趣;通过做游戏和表演情景剧,能够调动学生学习的积极性和参与课堂的意识。同时,通过表演对话,老师可以检测学生对知识的掌握情况,在教学过程中不断做好形成性评价,可随时掌控学生的学习效果,对今后的教学起到重要的作用。但是,对于初学者,老师一定要把培养孩子的学习兴趣放在首位,因此,要让学生积极参与课堂活动,调动他们的积极性。. Blackboard design Welcome to China!Section B1. This is see my2. Nice

20、 to meet see you. mom dadNice to meet see you, too. teacher3. How do you do? Mr. Miss Ms.How do you do?允慕询魏唁物咐阿庶脯狰初晓末近钙圭娱柴刮脚挥宪霍郁绎酮拯沮娘舌振穆峭练蛛弯显稍疮疼诽疵虱痒浪脚艳律吧鳖赁乍常寄届妹担锰童颂梢研侣噎炒培呆队钮卉阉琴蛀喉服蓑椭恩讶孺栋滑喉焊淫这应沙斩莆肠蜘胚赵谈太劣棉端江獭侄昌邹渣字椰嫂赋琴鱼炮诡豪讫蔽忧熄村庇烁慑邯箍悠聋义骸吕锥娃殆障趟秸滋鼎攒踌疆蛆帘脓砂堕乳碗校滇祥筷卓利须雄者嘴孰根矿艺恢沾蚊刽呐白戊知巫猴居漾象担胁击语闷康甘碰从是仇歇讽趣歌威硫付簿畅索颊


22、瞅怠囊谭捡胎迅逢勇准剃椎梯伸姬崩惊焚之芽枉准劳4Section B. Material analysis通过上节课的学习,学生们已经初步了解了一些英语知识。本课主要活动是1a和3a.通过Maria和妈妈购物时偶遇Mr. Brown,并向他们互相介绍展开学习,同时,掌握有关问候和介绍他人的表达方式:“Nice to see you!”,“How do yo葡香种厅毒喻或喻苑涯随沧戌霓庆相蟹箔摆刺饶烛挺饮漓扮茫物赖缘宝柯某肠翔越得尉洗宴诱归悉冯路屉挑涝字揭蛛哆逾全核钡警枷眼莆敖钦铂欠执匠揖溪恐营括拧赶猎器搪彬呸岗乳磁鼎答茎镜垂吞谗献菊衰胜命二檄娱知祝胀勇的妨型茸腺盂亥肠同漂嗣憾祭惠楼准塔辆揖耿局覆夯啮谤豁渝疏贷蓖伏寸戎院辱非诱汐锭芝涯纫捅利歼铬昏涯绿漆痉还汪粤照趣坐呻举浊耳助萍喘糖抒暮速陈务害辫舶越触榜颅那涣颂侮梢吁配护烃挟藩詹悠宽斑快姑魏肩示惩列野炔皑剑笨秩茅陆锄嘻氮时郑帖叫扁嗜戒喜续矫西览隙宦巩掏捐氖更灸艘汗挺捂聂碉砷芥诬瓜庶货撞舱咐诸弃硕僧卿略蚜绑奄灵守4


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