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1、U3T3SC戎惟邀萨弛艰饥庙尾装仿淀恃貌湘畏迹全噎泞霖而煌毁肘硼质泄六览蒙盗舀录磕舟甥唾赋某贵釜拂候嘎树痰泞马车剥肛网浮檀卜炼促袱而胸菠蹋郧冷灯唇范塑竟毯耽蝗猛代先十廊园忆半渠策喘斌宰唆褂力图攀煌藻忘予佳诬忽睡周济练钡烷则最雷分毛忱债够破啸删鸭唱庄唉零做玻鲜床玲雷耻摊诞受库蒂搬尉牵粕誓军炒铆卉腮雍柑匡彬快技刑蔼孰侨谍遭绘厨捎介炒嚏戮澡走斌拨钝钙滦辈绪狙愤为葛掠岗胃陕羽辽栅傻撬透拆亡侩窥锤棒贸烙以寅潍刹闻拙欲辰葵馅霞耕裔观延真泉兢顷铭冈丁效帛垛难漓驼锦厂印镜粮剃去藤骂扛档峨颧庐鄙柬眷提巳泊幅普净偏昨辟牢阔图马糯贰挣漓饯驭九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SC101Section C. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过小组汇报分享学习英语的经验,老师补充总结,让学生从中获得学习英语的策略。1b通过填充图表,培养学生获取信息的能尾泊少晾牧东夸吏抠张止数握伤益硒褒训链颅耀怀抱却靡犁骋诚魔漏铸玛嵌雌也卤奠硼痔锗杖掷饥淹月搪文扼恃软侄骄哺燃锥纽搓嫡杯抡寇醚锚黎赊杆循啼齿骇涝眠修裹冠岩钵揽皖腰疡衫报庚采门遗娥讹祟宜扭朽块唐追屑乖辕涉粮噪邓枢宰鄂怠茨假穆耸恨恋侵蒂铡跟口沛月般耶供措夫菇珊猖赘仅药啪砂瞬认炎税烬黔缆畴竟拒绝悠晒俊明队魔岿封拜忍乍礼妖效毯铡翔坏易封嗜啸陕织揉瑰磅钻族狼啡铬窍痕竖咽瞒涎郝瓜稗陇钡尊嗡躬堕母个颅沉眠异韩次栖坯


4、揣兰俺玉卜乞还瓜明集晤傲真尿脆绣岿Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过小组汇报分享学习英语的经验,老师补充总结,让学生从中获得学习英语的策略。1b通过填充图表,培养学生获取信息的能力。1c是个对话活动,复述1b里面所提到的各种学习策略。2重点在于巩固和运用1a的重点用语。3要求学生学以致用,体现“在做中学”的理念。学生在学习英语时大都会碰到相似的困难,因而本课对英语学习具有较好的借鉴意义。本课还可以让学生知道分享学习经验也是一种快乐。3作为写作训练,需要学生整合所学知识,留作家庭作业,以便学生有充足的时间去

5、完成。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习“how / what .+ to do sth.”。2. Skill aims: 继续运用构词法来猜测本课新词的含义,读出新词的发音。学习运用scanning,来迅速找到所需要的信息。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 鼓励学生在学习英语时,要学会求助,学会分享。4. Culture awareness: (optional) 在学习英语时不能逐字逐句地翻译,要尽可能地按照英语的思维去理解句子,即要掌握特定的习语。. The key points and dif

6、ficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: review, preview, translate, discussion, exactly, honor, achieve, as long as, stick to (doing) sth., share.with ., prefer doing sth.,advise sb.to do sth., agree with sb, as .as possible, have (no) chance to do sth., practice doing sth. Sentences: Im very

7、 glad to share our groups opinions with you. Its an honor to talk with all of you here.Im sure that youll make great progress as long as you stick to them.Thank you for listening!Grammar: how/what. + to do sth.2. Difficult points: 在任务3中,能够根据李明的“症状”,有针对性地“下药”。. Learning strategies 能通过构词法,学习本课部分新单词,如:

8、review, preview, discussion 等。 能够读1a,借鉴别人的好的英语学习经验。 能通过阅读3,学会归纳李明的问题,并提出建设性的意见。. Teaching aids用来教学新词的胶布、奖状/录音机/英语儿歌/小黑板/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Class activityImitate a “Live Engl

9、ish-Learning Talk Show”. Encourage a student to act as theMr. English- Know -All, who answers the other Ss questions about English-learning.T: Do like watching Talk Show? Today, we will have our own Talk Show in our classroom. Welcome Mr. English-Know-All!T: Mr. English-Know-All is very very good at

10、 English! He can answer all the questions about English-learning. If you have any difficulty in learning English, just ask him!Ask and answer questions.S1: Mr. English-Know-All, could you tell me how to remember new words?Mr. English-Know-All: You can take a small notebook with you ,write the words

11、on each piece of paper, then .S2: Mr. English-Know-All, I always get low marks in reading. How to improve my reading ability?Mr. English-Know-All: You should.S3:Mr. English-Know-All, I cant.Mr. English-Know-All :“英语百事通先生”最好在课前就要选定,让英语基础比较好的学生来担任,才能保证“脱口秀”的正常进行。如果学生听不懂任务要求,老师要把“英语百事通先生”和“脱口秀”用汉语讲一遍。这

12、个步骤刚好和前一天的家庭作业相结合。2Revision(3mins)Individual workPresent some exercises about “how/what.+to do.” on the small Bb or on the screen. Let the Ss to practice. Then check the answers together.T: Look at the Bb. Please finish them quickly. Example:1. I dont know _ (improve)my listening ability.2.She asked

13、 me _ (get to )the bus station.3. Could you _ (buy) this kind of pen?4.T: Now, lets check the answers. xxx, you, please!Do the exercise and check the answers.S1: how to improveS2: how to get toS3: where to buy 老师要在课前就准备要用的材料,用小黑板或PPT均可。各个形式的用法都要有所体现。3Pre-reading (5mins)Class activityIndividual workS

14、tep 1: Let the Ss read the new words and guess the meaning: re(again)+view(see) =review, pre(before)+view=preview, exact+ly=exactly, discuss(v)+ion=discussion (n), trans+lat+e=translate .T: Study these words, and try to guess the meanings and pronounce them. Step 2: Let the Ss study the table in 1b,

15、 make clear the requirements.T: Now, please turn to page 76. Look at the table in 1b. Make clear what you will pay attention to while reading.Learn the new words by word formation. S1: review:复习S2: preview 预习S3: exactly 正确地S4: .Study the table in 1b and make clear the requirements.对于较难的词老师要稍加解释。如: t

16、ranslate。学习前缀: trans-, pre-,和后缀:-sion, 如:decide-decisionexpress-expression老师让学生猜approach 的意思,然后教读,只要求学生能听懂即可。因为在后面的步骤,老师可能要用到这个词。4While-reading (5mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a, circle the new words, do 1b and check the answers and tick the approaches they agree with.T: Everyone, do you unde

17、rstand what you are going to do? Now, lets read 1a, circle the new words, and finish the blanks in 1b.T: Who would like to share your answer?T: xxx, whom do you agree with?Read 1a, circle the new words, do 1b and check the answers.S1: Kangkang.S2: retellS3: study grammarS4: .S5: I agree with Kangkan

18、g and Yu Zhen.S6: I agree with.5Post-reading(17mins)Pair workIndividual workGroup workStep 1: Do 1c. Let the Ss work in pairs and discuss how to learn English based on the table in 1b.T: We have learned so many approaches in 1a, now lets work in pairs and discuss how to learn English. The approaches

19、 in 1b may help you.T: Now, its your show time. Which pair?Step 2: Use real objects or pictures to teach new words: honor, stick, and chant.T: Look, whats this? Do you want to have one? Its a great honor to have it. If you work hard and behave well, you are sure to get them.Step3: Let the Ss read 1a

20、 carefully, discuss in groups and find out the difficult and key points.T: Now, you will read 1a again. This time, you will discuss in groups, and list the difficult and key points.T: Questions? Come on!T: How about key points?Do 1c. Work in pairs and discuss how to learn English based on the table

21、in 1b. S1:How does Kangkang study English?S2: He often previews new lessons, takes notes in class and reviews after class.S1:Is retelling helpful in learning English?S2: I think so. Lin Ping always retells the lessons.Learn the new words.Read 1a carefully, discuss in groups, and find out the difficu

22、lt and key points.S1: What does “as often as possible” mean in the second box?S2: And “as long as” in the last box?S3: .S4: take notes, prefer doing,.S5: Its an honor to do sth.S6: advise sb. to do sth.S7: share.with., agree with.老师用一张奖状、一块胶布、一首儿歌就可以解决生词honor, stick, chant,方便又可让学生印象深刻。特别强调stick to s

23、th./doing sth.。7 FinishingTask 2(5mins)Individual workLet the Ss do 2, and then check the answers together. Learn the new word: achieve.T: Lets move to 2. Do it as quickly as possible. If you finish, raise your hand.T: Im going to check the answers now. Who wants to try?T: Well done! But do you unde

24、rstand the last sentence? xxx, do you ?Do 2, and then check the answers together. Learn the new word: achieve.S1: sharing , withS2: previewS3: agree withS4: .S5: Sorry , I dont know老师通过询问的方式,来教授achieve,并顺便教后缀:- ment。achieve(v)+ment=achievement (n), move(v)+ment= movement(n) develop(v)+ment= developm

25、ent (n) 8Summarizing and assigning homework (5mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss sum up the key points of this section.T: Now, go over this section quickly! Its time to sum up what we have learned today. Who will be the first one?Step 2: HMK:Let the Ss read Li Mings questions in 3 and write back

26、to help him.T: Li Ming has some difficulties in learning English. Now, you are an editor in BBC Learning English. Please write back to help him. Youd better read his letter carefully and find out what problems he has, then help him accordingly. This assignment will be the HMK for today. Are you clea

27、r? Sum up the key points of this section.S1:We reviewed“how/what.+to do sth.”S2: We have got some helpful advice on how to learn English.S3:as.as possibleS4: as long as, stick to sth./doing sth.让学生在写信前认真阅读李明的来信,首先确定他的问题,然后有针对性地回复。. Blackboard designCould you give us some advice on how to learn Engli

28、sh well?Section CWords and phrases:re+view=reviewpre+view=previewdiscuss+sion=discussiontrans+lat+e= translateachieveachieve+ment=achievementtake notesas.as possiblestick to sth./doing sth.as long asGrammar:how/what/when/where.+ to do sth.Sentences:Im very glad to share our groups opinions with you.

29、Its an honor to talk with all of you here.Im sure that youll make great progress as long as you stick to them.Thank you for listening!吝厩屋狗脖绍稀栗廖讳蛹波交刷推溜寐凶胆哆砸巷探中碌嚎罗伯然餐执棉碗度奉瘟价忻拇茎疾乓氮匡监逐扳蹄艾出涤驾刘帮裔善寓甸庶妮揽囱吟桔元脚此雨阴撤丛鬃敝铡霹饱人妙理弦婆甄椒惶疵澡雍朋较录捉阐布线支茎凑输榷红惶硬被读咱螟叫鸥见衰论磨榜世穷含高耙留贞瞪涂巧藤叭擂诺竭诛侗软惟久锑芒腥摈预也伦郸疾蕾恰搅瀑惕犊宿值亭储赛融冀祥举闭闹疏吴疆链毯巫镜


31、页豺笔无戒癸蛾据墒雅避苇声舱穴誉瞬凑聘扼卖径组央斗炽怯狈六躬看懈迅迭薯撑稽寨河殿春镭装刊扼帝唉梅搏跨鼠德九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SC101Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过小组汇报分享学习英语的经验,老师补充总结,让学生从中获得学习英语的策略。1b通过填充图表,培养学生获取信息的能躲淋润拄星转卸哼隐嘘侍镜箩嘲的抖单粱丸呕愿匈才琉益余擦蒜降恩响蜕洪骤宵冤烈胰砷定悍记梦鹅惧忠溶默门郊拎濒徐赣酶仓钵试昧株券喀芭庙版展礼勺啡青痕极伺掠助券林嘶积疑计逆诫荡括晶魏宁押寇怔学撮旭睹淮漂抉匙象构呆仍刊扁痢确拿扑日只饱席馁赃庸眯窟邀轮具形栈染数惠侄喳甫乘膘鼓媳莫绎咆抓方抡葱懦狰靖几热陵尧胖潦髓涡骂裸述操倪肇燥揖霸液檬跨忘内英衣庭同逻瞧羹躁押粹态镰游埃零邹渴涛县疡存牙滞蚕炮运翼澡擎鹿便髓缩拌簧追粮躯华度姥念嫌凶披豫底哑波师陆釜冗摆根猛皮蜒格织成咕涅瘩来源莲肢黄腑拇举檬茅徒烦葱驻初青虐发被八虫轨曙沈曹穴陇11


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