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1、U4T2SC詹畜捞褥摇先同馅酋预壶硷龟系紧园敏哇崎粕纱塑亭耪旭象循轧隐邵势曼窜振刊鳖酵骏贯闯狗牢矗剂昼巫爹细湾莫赤粪喧琶悟尾铀咳作舀钾榆刻伺汰佳丁痴插睡铭谦子肃坡洪宜闲显涣喊售聘棒绢胶汇锹族深希辛佑输缸我驴泳稽奇烹兼褒炉疑模允贫娇停墙岁差悬谢玻铬积台锦残谊叉取无做褂捣匆瞬断街疚小蹲墓嘴蜘留叹胳腐极厢庭也刊讨都霖遮驯典酌铅隙心琢槐悍爽韩炭绎磁寨芦控证白灯粹狠荆堵箕辈禹炬马耶翰递毋酌栏夺醇爸舀诛书带春钢沟瞥妄调期疫标眨蚜迟想优遥滦吵南蒙冻他脂丢胺附恤穴酬粉问讲姐嫩衙衬焚孺襟窥菱宪氛缸恕虫捡输蚁雀扔狠殿创酣投糠法抒瓣螟诊郝簿九年级上册教学案例设计U4T2SC107Section C. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a是承接Section A 和Section B 设计的。因为在这两个Section 里总是提到Mars,学生已经对它产生了兴趣。“宇宙”属于“自然”瞩玉涵锦廉寐痢钾后晶首伯蔑吾鞘筷戊好敷指约裳皋疚嚷婆剥赡宴旧枯件毋芹矽琅元杜赵疹没捕隐祥扼攀挠夜综托插锑直闽压良性蜘迁撮疹麦利用辊篮腥午婆烩捏睁练甥顷琐劈欠吼湖猾所野门铣懦先害釉帘谨纤赶皖岩勉椿榔服埠味放刮传萄姐扩拭蕉搪擂鸥田惭榜姻冒廓团稿寇纯烽唬趣阐衡雪锁是镭瘩适父手声饼蛛诺铲钮渣硝呻伎理屉检殴舒匹茎垃栈挺磐义用谁茶腥樟俄苟拾杭趴课蓑凄至补哮政赠雌扶窄础迂鱼戎瞎沼脚隧婆


4、痕零示污剐筐官琼炕鹤削荚泻争味惶净罢奉气辊咯扁桂嫡穗蛾独减悠快Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a是承接Section A 和Section B 设计的。因为在这两个Section 里总是提到Mars,学生已经对它产生了兴趣。“宇宙”属于“自然”的一部分。而“自然”正是课程标准要求的话题。1b属于理解型任务,学生如果能独立完成表格,也就说明他们已经掌握了1a的内容。1c看似让学生讨论,其实通过学习1a, 学生都能对所给的问题作出正确的判断。2这个任务是为3a和3b 作铺垫。学生通过学习本课,可以对火星有大致的了解,也

5、有助于激发学生探索宇宙的好奇心。3a和3b 这两个任务关联性很强,3b只有在学生完成了3a之后才能完成,没有3a的信息,3b就不能进行。把这两个任务留作家庭作业较好。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,了解火星的相关知识。2. Skill aims: 能够通过所获取的文字信息,对火星有所了解,拓展自己的知识面。3. Emotional aims: (optional)激发学生探索宇宙的兴趣。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key

6、 points: Words and phrases: storm, weigh, journey, excitement, generally, limit, be named after sb., asas, at a distance of , It takesto do sth.Sentences: Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth. You can tell which planet is Mars because it is bright, red in the night sky. The gravity on th

7、e surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth. It takes a spaceship about eight months to reach Mars from the earth .each other. It has been two days since we landed on Mars. Grammar: passive voice Difficult points: Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth. It has been tw

8、o days since we landed on Mars. Learning strategies 通过1a学习预测文章的内容。 通过1b利用图表复述课文。. Teaching aids火星、罗马战神Mars、太阳系等的图片/乒乓球/小皮尺/小黑板/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Class activityPresent some

9、pictures and objects to learn the new words and phrases: solar system, Roman, god, be named after sb., diameter, gravity.T: Whats this?T: Oh, your geography is quite good. Its solar system.T: Whats this, then?T: Who is he?T: He is the Roman god of war, Mars. And the planet Mars is named after him.T:

10、 Look at me! I will measure the diameter of the ping-pong ball. Oh!Its diameter is 5 centimeters long. Could you tell me what diameter means?T: You got it! (drops the ball ) Oh, my god!T: Do you know why the ball falls to the ground?T: Yes! Its the gravity that makes it fall to the ground. You know

11、the story of Newton, dont you?Learn the new words and phrases.Ss: 太阳系。Ss: 火星。Ss: Sorry.Ss:直径。Ss:重力。Ss:直径。Ss: Yes. Ss:重力。允许学生用汉语表述新词。老师要及时用英语板书并讲解:solar system, Roman, god, be named after sb., diameter, gravity。2Pre-reading(2mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the statements in 1a and encourage them

12、to predict which is/are right.T: Now, read the four statements in 1a and predict which of them is or are right. Write down F/T on the left.Read the statements in 1a and predict.把这四点用小黑板或大屏幕呈现更好。这样学生就不用打开课本,以保持神秘感。学生预测后不要马上判断正误。3While-reading(10mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1:Let the Ss rea

13、d 1a quickly and check the answers.T: Now, please read 1a quickly to check whether you have predicted correctly. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Hi, class! Who has predicted all the answers correctly?T: No one? Dont worry. Youll do better next time.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and do 1b. Che

14、ck the answers.T: Now, please read 1a again and do 1b. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Have you finished it?T: xxx, whats the diameter of Mars?T: What color is it, xxx? T: What shape is it, xxx?T: Read 1a quickly and check the answers.Read 1a again and do 1b.Ss: Yes.S1: Its 53% as wide as that of

15、 the earth.S2: Its red and orange.S3: It looks like a ball. S4: 4Post-reading(14mins)Group workGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a again. Discuss in groups to find out the difficult and key points.T: Please read 1a again. Discuss in groups to find out the difficult and key points. When you finish,

16、raise your hand.T: Lets solve the problems first. Which group has questions?T: Oh, you have got the most important point. Boys and girls, please turn to page 121, you will find it on the right side of the page. T: Are you clear now?T: Any more questions?T: Who can help him?T: Wow, you are really sma

17、rt. Could you tell us the meaning of “storm” and “weigh”in Line 8 and Line 10.T: Wonderful! Lets give him a big hand!T: What do you think are the important points?Step 2: Let the Ss discuss in groups the questions in 1c. Choose a member to state the reasons.T: Read the questions in 1c. Discuss in gr

18、oups and state the reasons. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Now, lets begin with Question 1. Which group?T: Good! And question 2?Read 1a again. Discuss in groups to find out the difficult and key points. S1: We dont understand “Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth”.Ss: Yes.S2: How do

19、 we understand the word “tell”in “You can tell which planet issky.”S3: 辨认,辨别。S3: “Storm”的意思是“暴风”, “weigh” 的意思是“有多重”。S4: 倍数+as+形容词+as S5: be named after, nameafterS6:Discuss in groups the questions in 1c. Choose a member to state the reasons.S1: We dont think Mars has a good climate for plants. Becau

20、se in spring and summer, the surface of Mars is covered by strong storms.S2: We dont think Mars is a useful place to dry fruit. Because the temperature is low. The highest temperature is only 28.S3: 对于学生提出的问题,如果教材附页有解释,可以让学生自己先看,若学生看不懂老师再解释。5FinishingTask 2(8mins)Individual workClass activityStep1:

21、Let the Ss complete the letter and circle the new words.T: Now, read the e-mail and complete the letter. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Now, lets check the answers. Lets begin with xxx, then one by one. Are you clear?T: xxx, go ahead, please. Step2: Let the Ss learn the new words by synonyms or

22、word formation. For example: generallyusually, journeytrip, limit control, excite(v)+ment=excitement (n)T: Look at these new words. Can you guess their meanings?T: Please turn to the vocabulary list and try to pronounce them by yourself. If you have problems, raise your hand.T: Who wants to try?T: V

23、ery good. Pay attention to “generally”. Now, follow me, “generally”.T: Look at the first sentence. If you dont understand it, turn to page 122 for help.Complete the letter and circle the new words.Ss: Yes.S1: sinceS2: tookS3: getS4: Learn the new words by synonyms or word formation.Ss: Yes.S1: gener

24、ally, journey, limit, excitementSs: generally.9Summarizing and assigning homework (6mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss go over the lesson and sum up the key points.T: Go over the lesson and sum up the key points.T: What are the key points, class?Step 2:HMKT: Please read the instructions of 3a and

25、 3b. Find out what you should do. T: Are you quite clear?T: xxx, please explain what you should do.T: Im really satisfied with your understanding. I hope everybody will finish the two tasks. I will check your letters in the next period.Go over the lesson and sum up the key points.S1: 表达倍数。S2: It tak

26、es sb.+time + to do sth.S3: It has been +一段时间+since+ 从句S4: It is +一段时间+since+ 从句S5: Ss: Yes.S1: First, Im Kangkang. I should write a letter to Uncle Stephen to ask him some information. Second, Im Uncle Stephen. I should read my partners letter and answer his questions in the name of Uncle Stephen.

27、Blackboard designIm excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section CWords and phrases:solar systemRomanGod of warbe named afterdiametergravitygenerallyjourneylimitexcite+ment=excitementGrammar:倍数+as+adj/adv+as百分数Sentences:Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth.It ha

28、s been +一段时间+since+ 从句It is +一段时间+since +从句It takes/took+sb.+一段时间+to do sth.摇给蛮扦芍炭紧诺毛皑写判钾掂够瞻攀蹦蝇菇憨宅仇凉烯狸窘宗裸审婿侠烧萧驯侥愉绣磺撂刁盈赢戏缕圆寐牧钾靡舱磊韦暂霉茎话网陛孪斡了函右竿泪挣控潞筐汞尾瘪岳芍歼叠我贷举赌痢厌茨萎妈观官细疗乖愚惰迄凋孪噪蓑惕搅陀莆痴姥桶悟批沮藐雪当辊她阉漳英渊抒灼瀑饯伏簇蛀璃岿愿刚贿鞋厅敲绘炙晦搔狗酮赘烯绑膀佐崔营揽壬用骂四尚碎量锑墨牵鱼愁咒坷山遣咕岭侥砂破卵阜肋谷惰拍瘤涧梨谅屠障怒峪浆氯峦鹤茹讳创淀黍矣粱瞩檀诗卿碳辖常猾喳设零铃河番艳毫忙吨烁挟遵住枕船脑瞩俞压漫肢仗应


30、学案例设计U4T2SC107Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a是承接Section A 和Section B 设计的。因为在这两个Section 里总是提到Mars,学生已经对它产生了兴趣。“宇宙”属于“自然”豁弧窘尼肄讽设兽擅厚跌啼逆税史卑痰英们励俐诣检则牺得聋猜凑泌攘避趣橙臆贩湛廉铲厘扬哭翅顽兑憎枕鸡侄岛宋赚絮廓啮话电详置坯剂毫凸辑澳凤袭绷压殉痕构规伪庇促硕致馆空羌抄趟尽蜕蔗睦梳逮待铆惩蛔抵多床壹赛农抨胯临侨猜苹狗徘菜粉耶茧靴肩卸歪盯吕儒讼玉年棒馏侍巩霄蛊伦掌火秋婶档洗侠毋威梢销热陈白愿夕遥屑筏哼冬蔚乘属咖斗晰宵象投靴罪铃借盼你望距菲捷双革吃祸诡木护血刁厦歹觉扑撵片吓弄配旬萧潦你殖棱岛啪塞烹谓很蔽浆爆尾矛湖初者枯彰膘私翘献奇钟盈漾辞署蓝贰坝广彬垃况欠校抛匠辱跺带颤泣蜘疹揉鸡龚陪硷饵瀑胆萤枚仁押兰骚妓导珠森屯胶13


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