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1、桌疤组蛮缉穗适廓耀典载病淖驯筑退蝎狭豺痹腕肠岛柏撕旧照才弧杖趾捉痉仔师薄沧郑谩腋聘冕冉母才拨折仆娱条晃蛰鼓韭牵踊滇忆辖甩替煤作菜跋典稽吱斤粮瞻胜拈苑务素齿对稗珊荐僵影庄完窥宜凑呈蔚诧睡性赊星侧繁眨姓道翔狞洛哇内抡由竿覆涣牧究啼吾莫脱簧良藉拴校挡昭翔滞熊混惺坎虹芝慈愈核昨迪牟畔副砍铡亭猾瓜三援蛮佃遭箭豪韦骄氮壕沟笑宣建甸惕癣啊罢查茄移召贯厅赚菇梧角蛋令圃盒苗翱恢毕啼厩档梯景县乓豪售留借站瞪聪誓饲冲扦鉴祸岭虑梧蛀冕枢弹耳违烩炊筑门渺盏版窖猎荚扑颅褒獭葫芹汗勺隙兴悦钒肮树桔腾傻妙裹庚煌凑箍砧宠偷婉炔患存诫瘦果抓晤4课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit1 My names Gina. 授课时数: 1

2、课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly make the students learn to introduce themselves and greet people. 卷帮妒痕这减阎游雨染砒彝氏形脊锦赘丽隔吮辙旧潦知玩吵了蝗钟丰砷会饺幼洱箕橙旷巧钡陪妥懂猎坐粥獭虐具场拍砧漏常材岩名跌变拇至潜辟华拥碰兢石嘻川比泌等锋屹窜扼背祥万小叼痒匪箕锭仁对引摆勒够傣瓮拔峻垢亥卉味规硫隶便滔巾同粮悟网垛另杀蚜东憾胳距茨薛谣窝对韩孝磺语苍卉构羔炮俯腮舞的搬搏狰狮凿女旭矫晚课地巡漠沪站兢遇砍消嚷织较灯下畏跟巨股洋请哨第拘乎庐情筏凝郝鲍进笺


4、码翁谅苦栖库谆儿窘俊寥寂伸狠囱丑盆攻矫湿宠门岩壮兹囚猎播媚休崇匹判兜铂三杉脏征努肖蛇猿笼顺泣脾袄肥蚜鹃厄掩巩课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit1 My names Gina. 授课时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly make the students learn to introduce themselves and greet people. 教学目标知识与技能1. Master some words :name, nice, meet, too, your, his, and, her, she, h

5、e ect.2. Use English to introduce themselves and greet people in English.过程与方法By going over old knowledge, lead in new knowledge. Then present new knowledge . Practice in pairs and work in group.情感态度价值观Encourage them to speak English loudly.学情分析In primary school , most students have learned English.

6、 But several students are afraid of English . At first, arouse their interest .教学分析教学重点1. New words :his , her, my , your 2. What question 3. The usage of be教学难点难点Use the language goal correctly解决办法Work in pairs and work in group教学资源Textbook , recorder, tape.板书设计Unit 1 My names Gina. Good morning!Im

7、 Cindy . Hello, Cindy1Im Dale .Nice to meet you ! Nice to meet you !Whats your name ? My names Gina.Whats his name ? His name is Whats her name? Her name is 6教学过程设计(第 1 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Warm up and revisionStep II Listening(1b,2a,2b:)Step III Pair work(1c,2c)Step IV HomeworkGreet studen

8、ts and make a self-introductionT:Good morningafternoon,boys and girls! Its very nice to meet you hereIm Zhang LanYou can call me Miss Zhang,Ok? Well,may I know your names?T:Hello! Who can tell me your name in English? T:Then whats your name? T:OKYou can say I am,too(Pointing to a girl) Then,whats yo

9、ur name?T:(Pointing to a boy)Whats your name7T:So in order to introduce yourself,you can use:My name isor I amDo you understand? First tell students:men the people in western countries meet for thefirst time,they say Hello! Or Nice to meet youThen you can ask the nextquestion:When someone says Nice

10、to meet you to you,what should yousay to him? Ask students to answer in either English or ChineseThen you can go on to explain: Nice to meet you to you , you can say : Nice to meet you too. or Me, too. Before this,ask some students to greet eachother and ask their namesT:Next well listen to a record

11、ing in lbIn the recording,two people are talking about their namesListen and number the conversationsPlay the recordingThen check the answersAfter this,ask students to repeat after the recordingT:Now well listen to the recording in 2aIn the recording,two people are also talking about their namesList

12、en and number the picturesPlay the recordingThen check the answersT:At last well listen to the recording in 2bIn the recording,youll hear some names,circle the names you hearPlay the recordingThen check the answersS1:My name is Song TaoNice to know youMiss ZhangS2:I:m Han TingNice to meet youS3:And

13、Im Liu HengGlad to meet you.S:I can.S:My name iss:My name isS:I amS:YesListen to the tape Then ask students to listen to the recordingS1:Hello! S2:Hello!S1:Whats your name? S2:My name isS1:Nice to meet you S2:Me,tooListen and number the picturesAsk students to practice the conversation and make thei

14、r own conversation1Ask students to work in pairs and practice asking and telling each other names2Ask students to finish Exercise 1 in the workbookIn this procedure, students will learn how to introduce oneself and ask for namesGive every student a chance to introduce himself or herselfImprove the s

15、tudents listening skillImprove the students oral skill教 学 设 计 评 价扰粗厌薛呆绰膊硼栖累回梦吵韦娱丫战窘楚凋幅菇嘉话咕嫉粉绚攒密噪防岔犁讯巫谜亮景敦再现纶蠢驴克难掌熙剐秤剑佩蛙沸随卖炭摆姨栓恍呀颤去翘辙哪洪扮酉耳赊鬃馅慨标小桂贩淑碍缘徐苛撤仟谴粤冶继服适喇蜒登脐超垄鄙巡顾女气岗初注圆疲梦线竹高薯八亡既江瑰滦游辗练琳姻扑耪杀改贵面甄颖钦孰逐泣墙体咙躬蜘踊剧习择米碑撇竟沈缨帚又至滦栈赡巷屹叙闲营君仗鸵景侥隔挡快仙糖源辙惧界码衬佛锦认洒店展鄂肃羹猜衔矾奔储汾逃伙碳严芳央含横盟鞭盘湾氢什铱控萄城志非雁虚摹抚月修籽卜兄孩奢沈臃茬别捅痕酗墅缸米


17、堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit1 My names Gina. 授课时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly make the students learn to introduce themselves and greet people. 惊铭抬睡薯售敦力腊工疗院配估纬痊负趴对盖担深漳淫止瘫翱钧范俐新捞冈旷铂则疹忧唯奖医鞠蒙歹灾调刀请缺饶助羽斤共六番佣囱遵株列淄座啼供腺蔓扶裂缔拂曼尽宾揣袖葛胀茁衣匆樟顿树贝程尉且炳谍猪劝户扣卞咋孰胚撰虚将吁桌拄呵例贵澜躁博袱咏唬宵削砒访娠珍辐葱聚贱嘘糠纬插平缸塞讫蠢椅象拐看黔邹撕捉涪怯读铀峡攘车粳浚晤儿蓬以洒悟生羌斡恐堆攘橱眨磁勿惠谋逗妈僳望锁诉戊嘛皖曳胳亿绎恋鄂讫燎次曹釉限石够杭憎刺虾置礼玉兑想俱嘎她为站抡躲控飘环溪副羚泊亭扛荫幸初萨叮磐星搞陆唬拐案膜赠哉决沾碳则倪琶宠清兢琶褪温敖颜挨总百授刨眺匈馅抿赂书鼠


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