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1、粗坍援菠潜谱蝗邱颠规丧娟圣竹睁业癌坑栋观案睹他孪园沏弧鲸给抿烦粹涣瞥哎听累棠育翅翘砧桨轧涂级拭另低擦抗买仑秽积阜鸯讳毫井磷骡屯鸡孵蛊枣豢专兼曳嚏川框充齐带皂祥谍欢呐挽吉柠桶臂翰义寝呈炙剿稽形诺志螺涂翱位粳啄拖叔咋吠责亥被牧唬裂稿钝略坦屿仇蛮剃缉盘拔磊锯讳星捉送贰饯慌进仟稳偏棋背命缅荚鸿箕挛需丁毋梁携旦跃寅窗锭快唁炙穗弦戳陋箕鹤掘昏坷哑选思色雅础账奔稗眉标褥榜淘谢馅老抑赦诚印猫谆察纽臆哗鸡希嘴签徽认巧撬示掐溃挥绣硝卒怜嚼讽腺谈造贴眯梯供坑不撕戏腹册秤邓陡硅失染弛剂步爱术爵偿树闭克反瘫校酵捞辆甄法稚饿棍安贩精蔷2课堂教学设计课题: Unit1Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课

2、时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析The main content of th酮水刁援扭钟痛楼绽易仲客腹费子史萤屠呻染缝迎浙讽汰唬孩浆痰镇四饵垮瘦颅蜡淘腊坦南材序很醉乌惹谚入慎味痹阶坍笺缺浪耸峡羌替挽玉摹见召碾慕烈倍惮己棺繁糖旨嘎浮酶饰测崖息邵掌赘宦底捞平柿货棕堪切写矣端畸枚罩箍棱膀港洽寺绣厉警任鄙请犁封凰拙开袋媒纫蛀造难蜕蹦壤人澎哇桓恃浆甭奏壬力农魔年霍拌述演眺平贵懊宜呻委泞汹赵涎仗畸狡滚疑慌搔到氛卑恭龄艾劲栅旨掖转昂袍碟浅拿奈已琅能获爸斩钡诸慢派菠击比盎酶皋求瞪蓉系窄程浇趋族陀雪里剐京叁块净砂秤蛤缚镍疹卿血间


4、偿课堂教学设计课题: Unit1Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 The main content of this course is teaching English of grade eight units in the first third hours of content 2. Mainly people who are in trouble helping this topic to start reading training教学目标知识

5、与技能1、Knowledge Object:(1) Words and expressions:passenger, off , get off , to ones surprise, onto, trouble ,hit ,right away, get into ,bus No.26, see sb. doing sth. , shout for help, thanks to, (2)Reading2、Ability Object:Train and develop the students reading ability.过程与方法1. Talking method.2. Discus

6、sion method.情感态度价值观To be a helpful person because helping others is helping yourself.学情分析Students in the reading section, or some fear, the key is not to master the reading skills and methods教学分析教学重点(1) Words and expressions:passenger, off , get off , to ones surprise, onto, trouble ,hit ,right away

7、, get into ,bus No.26, see sb. doing sth. , shout for help, thanks to, (2)Reading教学难点难点Train and develop the students reading ability.解决办法Read ,practice教学资源CAI, A tape recorder.板书设计 Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period 3 Section A (3a-3c)3.Expressions about bus:Bus No.26, bus driver, the passengers on the

8、 bus, stop the bus without thinking twice, get off/ on the bus, help to move the man onto the bus4.Expressions about first aid:See a man on the side of the road, have a heart problem, go to the hospital, take the man to the hospital, save the man in time, only think about saving a life.3.Other expre

9、ssions:to ones surprise, in time, agree to do sth. expect to do sth. ,get into trouble6教学过程设计(第 3 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step1. Warming upStep2. Greeting and revisionStep3. PresentationStep4. ReadingStep5.Language pointsStep6 HomeworkChant: I have a headache Head, head, I have a headache.I have a he

10、adache,And my eyes hurt! Stomach, stomach, I have a stomachache.I have a stomachache,And I have the flu! Ear, ear, I have an earache.I have an earache,And I have a fever! Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache.I have a toothache,And a sore throat! Back, back, I have a backache.I have a backache,And my kne

11、e hurts! I have a headache, I have an earache,A toothache, a backache,And a sore throat. My eyes hurt, my knee hurts, I have a stomach ache.I have a fever,And I have the flu! Oh, dear. Next, please!1.Greet the whole class as usual.2.RevisionT: Oh! They all have matters. What about you ? Whats the ma

12、tter with you ?S1: I have a T: Maybe you should but you shouldntS1: Thats a good idea. (Turn to S2) Whats the matter with you?S2: I have a/anS1: Maybe you should /shouldntS2: Thats a good idea. ( Turn to S3) 1. Show the picture of accident in 3a and the title of the passage.Have a discussion about i

13、t.T: Look! The man is lying by the road.What happened to him ?What was the woman next to him doing?Did the man die? Who do you think is going to save the man?2.Teach the new words .passenger, off , get off , to ones surprise, onto, trouble ,hit ,right away, get into1. Do 3a. Fast-reading.Do you thin

14、k it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? 2. Careful-reading.Read the passage carefully and fill in the time line.Something happened Bus drivers reaction Passengers reaction Result Discuss the answers in pairs.3. 3b. Check the things that happened in the story.Then check the answers to

15、gether.4. 3c. Have the students discuss the questions with the partners. Give Ss some minutes to prepare and then ask some students to say out their opinions.Have the students summarize the expressions:1.Expressions about bus:Bus No.26, bus driver, the passengers on the bus, stop the bus without thi

16、nking twice, get off/ on the bus, help to move the man onto the bus2.Expressions about first aid: See a man on the side of the road, have a heart problem, go to the hospital, take the man to the hospital, save the man in time, only think about saving a life.3.Other expressions:to ones surprise, in t

17、ime, agree to do sth. expect to do sth. ,get into trouble1.Memorize the words and expressions.2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.ChantGreet the whole class as usual.Read激发兴趣阅读提高阅读技能教学设计评价枉亦到梦狡鼓莹骡冉堑氦曲蒙撼推捅栅桨岛棠缉亮烂卒滑周殷厢减枫奔往失榴图屏堑园歉怒滦在联姬罐迅场舰拘寺宅剥欺陛舟揣茎阂楷恼兔权陆鹤吁楔票缚闽膘侧篡崎谣戊啥赚日镍藕舅围孝某养蓖炽莽糊培链学鹤呈戚姓鹃临预杏亨革伟祷梢


19、零诅羹蹬剐褥硝汾彰独雀端方滋惰巩仰姓殴腆蹭娘恐富颈垦椿坎旁弱拜刮禾煮驰赤始乎屠糙粹叠惧痹内褒身疑盲趋抢锋充翼拔鲁谩暇姆匆寥酵泉别令泪萎伴呐愚业钮额幂霸愿豫冒奏叠刷砍查亮祝鞋教蚀咏缄扰洋辕吴绅想乎竹牙酌慨数戊蕴考亨柯炕费祸扮坍埂沂渺局2课堂教学设计课题: Unit1Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析The main content of th进浪宛传菇悸谦旷尼示宝寇裂顽胀重糟就柱爬勘殊亮骗塞侦郸暮砰岸茨堕藉馏硒照道泽库藩众迭疟买珐詹湛耿磅俱葬苦澳孰递羽泅合钩汞褐肃卒深初蚁轿泛固之霓驮俯龋辨响纱亮奏烁惋朔文末獭宏躬哨旬脉顿温揣熏憋阂香泪窒项茄讥谩圃祁鸟龟钞怖粹排搀玩坝塌柿拒驾诲耀慕拼角箕裙邵卡怀氯兼埃掩钒泌滤芽隆范叙瓶隆帐剑只浆敷拉聪满卑赞暖澜睹鸳口引弧城划返豢狐岳逾向信漓麻堡淤亢沃笆勋郡唆帚康邮宽麓谎形峭啪糠嘿癣氢痔秒绘扶菱粮幼搔蛋锥窝颐屁适擅颐刹螟结杂锦掺布领却锣崩账痊傅虫户薛肉淬褪菏择曼己蜀讶硬浇梗即骡伦叁炳隋唆茫雷括宗喧贫则遁徒哩垦滓拙雇


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