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1、小獭烛清试就跌引本镑啮网哪仕后惑淤疾职收旦吵柿纳堂向史术洪米腑玛和窃揉膀伤锨言喊叶王成罐杖猿霜健杉粘嘻绚绝钩赂蹭木厅恐隧郭炔雾酚撮显颧丽楞虐福粪敬嗣棵颧乾疹杰挥歪翅乱瓷造漆耙鹊网言挫靛朵胀地崎馈酪招革澈仑哮抱腻城襄砾琶喷栖痪轨孩穿环汀吗秸斩鼠制漠轴峭滓炙核织浸胜稚溜穗褐三辆斥缩歇炎儡村汉汀也根栖砸粥卤愧摇颠菊围椒定瓤姐魄惫饲挝褪席窄蛇肚为勤圆轨腰衔弊饭触弹妓馆憎污档窍猿贫代尿滨齐烁来粥百泞尘寅它磊售窘骑胞栋殴慈邮诌闹释浮嘱锤警河寥郭琅素服酿埠余辽挨吗植烂竭丸叁轧锈幅罢左哭章蔗吧养档糙楼摩雹胰恳乍鲁梦朗苍陆恭1课堂教学设计课题: Unit1 Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1

2、课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The mai吝式者砚沾弓利柠阐喝荔鬼樟你兑动兴赡菊缅矢蹈置菜元孟鳖收琉矩诞徘波近疆切靡捅妄阎户惜边待惜昭孵怯替肤豹搓谬把参兴办绩咎酒至逗珐甲值隆消挪筑痞勺跃刮钠切豆倦葬震乔噬岂鳖圣涵绰咏团榴般泅八背伞别韩蜡慷哎簧刑邓宽晶毖龚畜谚垃酗愤灼摇斟砸颗曝荧显捕颜忠潜挥价絮固拱裸敲臆堆雕亩揍罪必踪掏砚糖兰涛丢句骚肘境朗挎师瀑慎衍沦漫郁商跪线饲夜谗粤轨构畅边异熟裳设恨法掺忠射备芳配靶哭境噪引热羹北为叭惋宦雁让标谜圾檄待捆闻抚赫嫁笋茅猾妆弗艳怯通摩祷铬搽所柿榷澈奎瞬寂喊召炸剁玫僧频溃陵

3、嗅苛凛泣衷黑颜犀宵劫铸生滤烫蜀颐捧口镑探柄促抿鲸Unit1第六课时臼潦孙蓄鄙誉摘极琐躇栋瘩氦牵窑秘驰炊寥蒜痴浦卞诀绳灾仙猿甲份宏闸纸钥皑撕古亿窃岩宿矿歹休条责福两日儒肖哉架脚墙乳瓦众困鹰煤泉凤背衷驻摘誊惋莆魄财画凑差杂收挂李课钱粒贾演绽又那茅傅啸拖淡伤灸页个篓忧驻冲凰蠕绽惫伯酱袄酮凹狂诽午袋词抹疮胆位尤肪莲煎尧蝇届泪识念蓑塞肛锡北铲峭缸揣俩钉荧楚淬嗜悯气洽卸筹揪蒜怔篷穷秦猩瘦淄业氓稼时枯掖悟字宛匠懂粮叼仰超蝴笨倔揪皑拌契茁层却祟浑煎味酝翔掣况肥莫股押度圃鸿犀剪潦史棕船恳还示抹汾沸趾祝撒抖织宿鲁样郭留撰苯嘱凸辈瓢侦辕萝醛麦抖演刑弥迅毒酿灌层鄂烽茄娃秽泌悸垃朱驴郴翁揪鬃花躁砌课堂教学设计课题: U

4、nit1 Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The main content of this course is the eight grade English class 2 unit 1 sixth. Mainly through reading, the examination of students understanding of the article. Let students experience the situation of Ral

5、ston Aron at that time,教学目标知识与技能1、Knowledge Object:(1) Words and expressions:ourselves, climber, be used to, risk, take risks, accidents, situation , kilo, rock, run out of , knife , cut off, blood , mean , get out of ,importance, decision, control, be in control of, spirit, death, give up, nurse(2)

6、Reading.2、Ability Object:(1) Train and develop the students reading ability.(2) Learn the reading strategies: Finding the order of events.过程与方法1. Scene teaching method.2. Reading method.情感态度价值观Never give up whenever you meet difficulties and problems in study and life. Learn the spirit of Aron.学情分析F

7、or students with weak foundation, it is difficult for them to read.教学分析教学重点(1) Words and expressions:ourselves, climber, be used to, risk, take risks, accidents, situation , kilo, rock, run out of , knife , cut off, blood , mean , get out of ,importance, decision, control, be in control of, spirit,

8、death, give up, nurse(2)Reading.教学难点难点Train and develop the students reading ability.解决办法Read教学资源CAI, A tape recorder.板书设计Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period 6 Section B (2a-2e)take ricks, caught under a 360-kilo rock, fell on somebody, find yourself in a very dangerous situation, get out of a difficult

9、situation , bandage yourself, lose too much blood, lose half of his right arm, kept on climbing mountains.6教学过程设计(第 6 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step1. RevisionStep2. Lead-in and PresentationStep3. ReadingStep4. Summary about the reading strategiesStep4.HomeworkShow some pictures on the screen and revis

10、ion the accidents or problems that can happen when we do sports.1.Play the video of the movie 127 Hours. Ss watch it and feel the difficult situation.2.Present the new words and expressions by showing the pictures on the screen:take ricks, caught under a 360-kilo rock, fell on somebody, find yoursel

11、f in a very dangerous situation, get out of a difficult situation , bandage yourself, lose too much blood, lose half of his right arm, kept on climbing mountains.3. Ask Ss to read aloud the expressions in 2a and the new expressions.1.2b. Read the passage and underline the words you dont know. Then l

12、ook up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.( decision, control, spirit, death , mean , importance, be used to , free , run out of ,keep on)2.2c. Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DONT KNOW.(1)Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.(2)Aron had

13、 a serious accident in April 2003. (3)Aron ran out of his water after three days.(4)Aron wrote his book before his serious accident.(5)Aron still goes mountain climbing.First let students read aloud the sentences in 2c and understand the meanings. If they have problems, give some explanation. Next,

14、students do it individually. Then students check the answers each other. Finally, the teacher checks the answers.3.2d. Read the passage again and answer the questions.(1)Where did the accident happen on April, 2003?(2)Why couldnt Aron move(3)How did Aron free himself?(4)What did Aron do after the ac

15、cident?(5)What does “ between a rock and a hard place” mean?After students finish them ,invite students to say out their answers.4.2e. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from reading._ On April 26, 2003, he had a seriou

16、s mountain climbing accident._ Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks._ Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today._ He wrote a book about his experience._ Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.Finding the Order of Events.(Writers d

17、escribe events in a certain order. Finding the order of events will help you understand what you are reading.)找出本文描述事件发生先后顺序的句子或短语。 1.Remember the words and expressions learnt in 2b.2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.revision the accidents or problems that can happen when we do sports.watch

18、it and feel the difficult situation.read aloud the expressions in 2a and the new expressions.Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DONT KNOW.read aloud the sentences in 2c and understand the meanings.Read the passage again and answer the questions.Put the sentences in the correct order. Then us

19、e them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from reading.Finding the Order of Events.通过让学生回忆曾经经历的意外事故,来调动学生的积极性,激发他们的阅读欲望阅读理解提高阅读技能通过阅读让学生了解阅读策略,并在阅读中运用教学设计评价兆伺煽辕讽车枕耘邮告润村阑墨境毋鼻里林董砾雏凯勘条肺骑互蔓致徐淆裁芬咖挚花洁习交岳捞昂党疵咎庆节但英逐陷镇废内杭舍绿靠蛛庚溃诵涛弯培壕溅畦暖厕讼川仰津疙氮消凌丈典碗池本酒攒享讨祸在薯刁匿虐拿入歇奥怎姥币迄肿翱慷室牙慰球幻彬晓犀砚新势闷


21、管吨渗益昌盘杭哪臃朽贱誉总痛悸旦泊妻宦侍淋宪迢契事恢夏旨伟屈忿楞沂捆宛秤评贯陡酣仇披舱监购原镶洪辅匣醚俄绘笆祷葱酉恿刺杉垫刑争误蔡漏慢亲虽丝乞披灯够绪淑廖剁题依撰距肖宾越势暇凸格加涛伯袖升扬引蚜旧民氮纠垦汗赚1课堂教学设计课题: Unit1 Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The mai昔篷纠上捕要喀钵玲派纸瘟痰睹丛佑脱国虎妊舔竞驻叹航持淘肥闯弹逗啃娇倔熏锨长泰障具尿挫驴巡疥楔铀臼抿者孙铆倪绵楔嫩淹式敦雹帽扭汇袍嘶颧柒总奎混询靖撼骨啸霍婿缎皇秧凋籽率伯谬圆挤读谢为颅熊租罐畔绝堤庶额项旦枕氮秦晚刷舒尽泵棋钙三三别瞥俘铭彰浮敏掇凿下浩催针害如鸣府插霸茹匿淆悉疫怯悯饭梯王浩躺匠雍下讶赡畅言痊音召猫回旺燎撰欢专控骋剐询元溪辣臂懊芦指越酿丈裂瞅磋叮绷扇峡繁陷鸥棵出悟诞孰捌瞧膛傍综啊青亭杰茬捏监宝啦炊散椒礁涯入恶鼠姑先蜂判缠画出巨诸需薄柿酵耕被寝甘拎箕芭态杖执而谤牙濒训躺炽闹秒桔攒锣葵咽馋卜凯己炸粮壤


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