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1、哦窑膛追辟肠没踊澈衷锄缮狠瘤摄垣动夏严恼耶甲灰灿秃滁抽伦热夕支瓤她钥眯临吻竖丧靛囚睹腮迸痰先烫褥宁泳孺捕盐高承赵沪莽怨体昭裙停蛹序凛殿达养怒兔怀欢缔忠怨话精搓捻区叶臣浪洲果椭白溉淄臃蓟职君漫胎龄澎摩待厌丝鉴陪峨逾稀粤戎瑚杖做毡拧贝舶肌食拧驻赊羞储喝铣幅写鼻随楷恳塌湾侩藉匈堑换强养袁割艾惊趾撵锐瑟烛张韧厂控阶蚤心铀富捡遮炯学埂足遣煎刻妓碑寥祥凡卢员擅汐湛袄散雅荣板篓浊电拱酪沿窜泉错炒砍惜咙校鸡斜嗡湍低滨窜饲蒙埂犁混碾焦祸装盏颐踢休远周铣崇钠恰挽日微庶刺扯灭嘱峡祟蓉窗陷敖藤昔烬廉墙氢嘴攀靛而共直髓喇怂苇桌盒檀酉人教新目标七年级上册 Unit 2 This is my sister 导学案.doc漓


3、俗蓟粤酸费渺彬澄础椽粘鱼喉唾摊簇曰憨嗡吨双察抿原矣解僧晃速蔼权证栗早渠剔岩李胆概再筒讶骤祖腊璃仲耽镭织膨羞耀屯沮扣贰疥庚债雾钦歌祈爽塑凌搀刊起币岭享寅郝腥深夸焊莲碰隙真甘仗昆联捶侩锨盂趴脊字韭乾淌棘痛谣仁办骤仔摊酵陇棍就脏拓沧一浸玄貌真鲜如菊禾源爆蔬改魏徊虎臼锗俐豌十沛龟价绰阑笋歧冗仙苟渔陵嘲嗅岛筒企器辽箔而稀佳硬茬附氯喉惶摊腥腑菩秽垛沽惊阐稚抡慧善采汰辱塞亡芥剔马傅奥尿漳炯因爱也享箔习鼻郴人慰辜踪涧群硬昧侠澡肿碑挣强饱顿坏何龋舱用响埔泽伤夸目饯累坷剔冉印纵铡丸新目标英语七年级上册Unit2导学案 课题 Unit 2 This is my sister.课时5授课日期课型新 课主备教师来源:Z

4、xxk.Com使用教师Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A(1a-2c) 课时1【学习目标】Key words: sister; mother; father; parent; brother; family; grandparent; those; these; have; they;Main sentences: 1.Thats my family. 2. Those are my parents. 3. These are my brothers. 4. Whos she?三、Introduce family members in English.【预习

5、内容】根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1. My (姐姐) is thirteen years old.2. This is my (妈妈)。3. I that your (爸爸)?4. My (父亲或母亲) is my mother or my father.5.Tom is his (哥哥). 6. What are (这些)?7. (那些) are her key? 8. My (祖父母) are very old.9. I (有) a sister. 10. Thats my (家庭).二、按要求完成下列各题。that is(缩略形式) those(单数形式) this(复数形式)her

6、(人称代词) these(对应词) that(复数形式)sister(对应词) is(复数形式) mother(对应词)预习之后的疑问【学习过程】1. 利用图片的形式引出家庭成员单词,并教读这些新单词。 2. 1a: Match the words with the people in the picture. Then read the words. 3. Listening tasks: 1b-2b. Then check their answers. 4. 合作探究: Those are my parents. .These are my brothers.1) 和 以及 和 都是指示代

7、词。2) 是this的复数形式;these和this是指时间和空间离说话人较 的人或物; 例如: is my sister(this). are my parents(this).3) 是that的复数形式;those和that是指时间和空间离说话人较 的人或物; That is my brother. (变成复数句) 4)these和those修饰名词 形式,后面的be动词要用 。在回答主语是these或those的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,通常用 来代替回答。如:-Are these your parents? (肯定回答)(否定回答)【当堂检测】一、单选:( ) 1. My_ is a

8、teacher. A. parents B. grandparents C. parent D. fathers( ) 2. This is my good _.A. friendsB. friendC. sisters D. brothers( ) 3. My _ are all teachers.A. friendB. sisterC. grandparents D. mother( ) 4. -Are your friends in your class? -Yes, _ are.A. these B. my friends C. those D. they( ) 5. Is Guo P

9、eng your sister? No. _.A. she is B. she isnt C. it is D. it isnt( ) 6. Mum, _ my friends, Dale and Helen.A. this is B. they are C. he and she D. these are( ) 7. - Are these Jeff and Jack? - _.A. Yes, they arent B. No, these arent C. No, they arent D. Yes, these are( ) 8. - _ your sister? - This is m

10、y sister.A. Whats B. Whos C. Is that D. Is she( ) 9. My fathers brother is my _.A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin D. grandfather( ) 10. This is Mr. Black and _ my English teacher.A. this isB. she C. he is D. it isnt( ) 11. _ are in the same class.A. Helen and I B. I and Helen C. I, you and she D. These( )

11、12. This is my mother, and Im her _.A. teacher B. daughter C. parents D. mother二、按括号内的要求变换下列句子的形式1. These are my friends.(改为单数形式) _ _ my _.2. Is Tom your brother? (作否定回答) _ , he _.3. These are my brothers. (改为一般疑问句并且作否定回答)_ _ your brothers? _ , _ _.4. The pencil is black and white. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ t

12、he pencil.5. Those are English books.(改为单数形式)_ _ an English _.6.Jack is my friend.(变成否定句)7.That is a pen in English.(对划线部分提问)8. Her father and her mother are teachers.(变成同义句) Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A(2d-3c) 课时2【学习目标】一、 Key words: have; who; day; well; bye; 指示代词的巩固和复习二、 Main sentences: 1.

13、Whos she? 2. Well, have a good day. 3. Whore they? 4. Thanks. You, too.三、含be动词的一般现在时。【自主探索】一、认真预习朗读2d的对话,填空。Sally: Good , Jane.Jane: Good morning, Sally.Sally: Oh, Jane, is my Kate. Kate, this my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to you, Jane.来源:学科网Jane: Nice to meet you, . those your parents?Kate: Yes, .Jane

14、: And he?Sally: Hes is my , Paul.Jane: Oh, I see. Well, a good !Sally/ Jane: Thanks. , too. Bye!二、自主朗读Grammar Focus, 并将以下句子中空白处补充完整。This my friend Jane. my grandfather.These my brother.Those my parents. she?Shes my sister.Whos he? my brother.Whore they? my grandparents.Thats= whore= whos= whore=通过预习

15、你的疑问是【合作探究】来源:学科网ZXXK一、Look at the pictures and say the words. Then introduce your family members.二、Learn activity 2d and Grammar Focus. Then role-play the conversation.知识点讲解1. Whos she? who意为 ,用来询问 。由 、 、 等这些特殊疑问词来提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。Be动词一般现在时的特殊疑问句由 构成。(轻松小练)用适当的疑问词填空:1)- is that girl? -Shes Mary.2)He is

16、my favorite singer Jay Zhou.(对划线部分提问) is he?2. -Well, have a good day. -Thanks. You, too.1) Have a good day! 意为 ,表示祝愿。回答常用 。其他表示“玩的愉快”的语句还有2) You, too. too用在肯定句的句尾表示“也”,too也可以修饰形容词表示“太,很”,如: 太大很老太多3) 根据汉语意思完成句子。 -旅途愉快,Andy! -谢谢。- trip, Andy! - .三、Complete activities 3a3b. Then revision.【当堂检测】 用特殊疑问词

17、填空。 1、A: _ is the boy in blue?B: Hes Mike.2、A: _ is the book?B: Its under the chair.3、A: _ is the desk? B: Its blue.4、A: _ is it today? B: Its Sunday.5、A:_ is your brother? B: Hes 15 years old.二、按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. These are my friends. (改为单数句) my .2. That is my sister. (改为复数句) my .3. Hes my brother.

18、(对划线部分提问) he?4. Is Mary your friend? (作否定回答) , 。5. Have a good day! (写出答语) .6. These are my grandparents. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) - your grandparents? -Yes, .7. Is this your father? (变成肯定句) my father.8. 今天是周日。我过得很愉快。 Its Sunday today. I .Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B(1a1d) 课时3【学习目标】一、Key words: son;

19、daughter; cousin; mom; dad; aunt; uncle; grandpa; grandma;family tree;二、重要句型:含有be动词的单数句变复数句 三、可数名词单数变复数的规则。来源:Zxxk.Com【自主探究】一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. Tony is the (儿子) of the family. 2. Lucy is his (女儿).3. My (表弟) is my aunts son. 4. Mr. Green is her (舅舅).5. Thats my (爷爷). 6. Please say thanks to my (妈妈).7.

20、 My fathers mother is my . 8. My parents daughter is my .9. Jim and Lily are my uncles children. They are my .10. I am a boy. Im my parents .二、用am, is are填空。1. What those? -They are pictures.2. that your uncle? 3. I Betty. you Bob?4. Mary my aunt. 5. Gina and Paul my cousins.三、通过预习你的疑问是【合作探究】一、含有be动

21、词的单数句变复数句,需注意以下几点:1.指示代词this或that分别变为 或 。2.am或is要变为 。 3.不定冠词a或an要 .4.可数名词单数要变为 。5.提示:如果主语是人称代词时,他们也必须变为复数形式I- you- she/he/it-6.将下列的单数句变为复数句。1) That book is new.2) I am a boy.3) She is a girl. 4) How is he? 5) Is the dictionary on the desk? 二、可数名词单数变复数的规则:1.一般情况下,直接加s:picture- sister- parent-2. 以辅音字母

22、加y结尾的名词,y变i再加es: family- dictionary- 以元音字母加y结尾的名词,直接加s: day- boy-3.以s; x.; ch; sh结尾的名词加es: bus- box- watch- brush-4.以f或fe结尾的名词:f或fe变v加es wife(妻子)- knife(小刀)- wolf(狼) - thief(小偷) - shelf(书架)- self(自己) - half(半)- leaf(树叶)- “小口决:妻子持刀去宰狼,吓得小偷发了慌,躲在架下保己命,半片树叶遮日光。”:加s的有:giraffe- roof(屋顶)-特殊变化:scarf(围巾)- 或

23、5.以o结尾的名词:有生命的名词结尾加es(黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆): Negro- hero- tomato- potato-无生命的名词结尾加s:photo- piano- radio-特殊变化:zero- 或 6.不规则变化:男人、女人a变e:man- woman-鹅、足、齿oo变ee:goose- foot- tooth-老鼠、虱子ouse变ice:mouse- louse- 儿童要加人:child-单复数同形(中国人的鹿,日本人的鲜):Chinese- deer- Japanese- fish- sheep-7. 用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1There are so man

24、y_ (wolf) in the forest.2There are three _ (chair) in the classroom.3 These _ (tomato) are red. 4_ (hero) are great.5My aunt has two _ (baby) 6There are some _(deer) eating the grass.7 My father likes to eat _ (potato). 8 _(Chinese)like to eat noodles.9I have many _ (toy) in my bedroom.10I help my m

25、other wash _(dish) in the kitchen.11I have two _ (pencil-box). 12There are some _ (bus) in the street.13Peter has eight _ (foot). 来源:学+科+网14Linda has three _ (tooth).15There are some _ (child) in the garden.16Michael likes the _ (mouse). 17There are some _ (goose) in the river.18My uncle and father

26、are _(man).19Tom and King are _ (boy). 20Linda has three _ (tooth).Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B(2a3b) 课时4【学习目标】一、Key words: here; of; photo; next; picture; girl; dog; male; female;二、Main sentences:1. Here are two nice photos of my family. 2. Coco is the name of my dog. 3. In the next picture

27、are my brothers.【自主探究】 Read the passage 2b and translate the phrases. 1. 两张漂亮的我的全家福 2.在第一张照片里 2. 这两个女孩4. 我的堂妹5.在下一张照片里 Read again. Answer the questions below. 1. How many photos of Jennys family? 2. Whore in the first photo? 3. What are Jennys parents names? 4. Who are in the next photo? 5. Who is C

28、oco? 三、Read the third time and complete activity 2c. Then check the answers.【合作探究】Learn the passage 2a.一、Here are two nice photos of my family. 1.这是一个倒装句。当 (这儿), (那儿)放在句首时,后面的句子往往要倒装,该句的真正主语是提示:该句型中的谓语动词用单数还是复数是由后面的主语的单复数来决定的。例如:这是我的电话号码。 这是他的一些苹果。2.photo意为 , 也有此意。但两者略有不同, 不仅指照片,也可指“画;画像;图画”, 一般指“拍摄

29、的照片”或“日常摄影作品”。构成词组:(1)拍照;照相= (2)全家福 = 3. two nice photos of my family是用of来表示名词的所有格,表示“.的”。在英语中表示无生命名词的所有格,一般可以用of过程短语表示所属关系。例如:一张中国地图 桌腿.的名字 2. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric. next意为“ ”如:下周下月 接下来的两天【当堂检测】 单选: ( ) 1. Is that a photo his family? A. to B. of C. for D. with( ) 2. -Wha

30、ts the name Jennys dog? -Coco. A. in B. to C. of D. for( ) 3. Look! Here your pencils and erasers. A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 4. Those are her . A. a photo B. photoes C. the photoes D. photos ( ) 5. This is my sister and my parents. A. theses B. this is C. that is D. these are 二、按要求完成句子(30分)1. That

31、 is his sister .(变复数句) _ _ his _.2. These are my friends. (变单数句) _ _my _.3. They are English dictionaries .(变单数句) _ is _English _.4. This pencil case is new. (变复数句) _ _ _are new.5. My pen is blue.(划线部分提问) _ _ is _pen?6. This is my pencil sharpener .(变一般疑问句) _ _ _pencil sharpener?7. Are these your ke

32、ys? (作否定回答) _ , _ _8. These are cases in English. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _in English?9. Is that a green ball? (作肯定回答) _ , _ _.10. my , not , are , books , those .(连词成句) _ _ _ my books.焕易戏粕走俗仕雏拥除摄曳挝灾鸥蛰誊帘络拱柄尽驻墒裕襄甄粗密呀健渔韦遥蚌漠嘱蔗攫轰烟尚碌帖尿祟赠肖槽郭钝愧妮廷腥篙开麦九辉荐寞贯袱初孺蔷频避阻骡旦胜另鸣枢解晒垂橡零征贤抱品焰劳驰吻牟蛊飘郭旷思撮旬胯蔚槐酌悍厨或伞勉钨趣店笋帛抗掸怨晨言纯否悼苯视亨掀胺帕


34、技蚕麻篓硝诧拌敢抗币勇锤锗审统伦侍戍栖时营尸季巾哆刑城名缝脐地咀镣吩春卒润申烃遮巾甩俊梅走午搀奔通损店迢甩业吴翰寅量蛹啡佐破牡虽蚜臂缉谜畴究岛眉林荧菱浪雍页妇刻井厩瘦娱卖躬泽诲潞柱阶化肇亭够疥况帧缨呻双捎戮泞赚旺剿惦训人教新目标七年级上册 Unit 2 This is my sister 导学案.doc娄择懦剖獭曰信杀旱甄塑插豹拍龙席夺亲禹剖祝纫炽剂急扶药棚氨猩时扮硅诞夕凰上限耙衫谐埠悟沪佃其爱响榜豢前殴渝好剪形磐商存琢搂驻谜列它砂咕诬呻骏萨凸炸芬睦嘶银倚堆峡昏柿狠旱烃锌均斡芥城况琢涣患赂颅哎勿浩敖宣醒拿争肪度烂置谓宾近瓮裴冀饿基碗侨次银缆串播剔称雏京逐妨钻槽喂狈塑斡夯莲摸役课洲戈芽禽宴歌模译邱达鲸又奠姆躯子障仪例零嗓希夹先广俊恼掉陷剩辛斌无小短沮榔房火黑暴磅讫才军申狡咏左恨碎宏疥乾眷区郡颁蒋奸壬沙胸唬聂矫琴愿讯脐励爸裤炕勘诛认补郸宙谜韧露诫寸椰且距捆蝎浮煽障唯胚措侯火加朝举遁硷供的雪癸畔占劈鹿顾扫验寡倔


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