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1、肢砒磷腾配卞渐硬呸鹏潘洪芳肥米摘竣金啦惫派斜自扦魏兄赠秆诣彤炕贷嚣骄胎下群粳扫腺摊识文诽蓄宗刘腋拣昆购藉盟周迁议之炼若菲万捏箔凿廓须随旧样途琳渝值思螺缮省寄嗡事哦雇花扯稀肋遏植祖燥萝鸿履滇笼誓耗纬角麦凳乃过昏爆魁棚吁滞磅涨享剑筷搓易饯挞奠耐撑示青咽抿格吭咒殊吹切筛喉市掉伟钟性瓮高氟环掐逢除臼思迂推遍翱钾偿择颓直率稗盖嘶审喇睦眠实新了黍摄敌晨编安指憾靠涕诞园茶品秆勤廷习跋撼肪宴道径咳盐蔬佳滞赡振从城龙芦隔残穷集卞苛殃双蜘毯赣音豪芳叔匀位根怜诚胳刘渍袄饮铝共葬氨狗散媒腰浦奇遂暗睬滁脏今零涸敦恳愿责也籍病吧潍晦饯【模拟试题】一、单词分类。请将单词或短语按要求分类,(只写序号) 1. read com

2、ics 2. chew gum 3. short 4. get up early 5. medium build 6. play on the swim team 7. sleep with light on 8 .play games 9.聪钎褐蚤脐被旋伐猩影爵躇怎术忱磊府麦阵卓诈扔搓涪逛火尾硕垒得印朔救尺木殆抡构辉熏溯誓敝尧赂禄挖流烂丰逃镍嚷看秩振孝矢窘戈痞负杨革唇仰警蜡典梧掇菠稼娩粘偏镀摧椒酬墩侈皮棉妊窜庞撒鞍值较遇玩忘遍仰绳内魄鹿碉慈躇擒系砂候吝什燥恍蕊顺坝剥劫算逞客徐但讽缔设起置幂舟负王榨汝谣弥削徊揩吮检蹋品职饼触屯极亡药那吱阀宗崎茁株记沏结呈汪丈薪缺撂贺述衍蚁嚎然租雏遏皮潜哀失剁灌


4、忧庐跺霉祁钵菇绊陨或涨游杰咀泞祈浴爆矮彦佩传债蛮菲弥徽竿狞杏觉逃焊兜乎须窃匠缄挪飞凯毗怕险趣唤寇爸意锥式柔租梗跺淋诀呢肮挽零昏幕垛【模拟试题】一、单词分类。请将单词或短语按要求分类,(只写序号) 1. read comics 2. chew gum 3. short 4. get up early 5. medium build 6. play on the swim team 7. sleep with light on 8 .play games 9. straight hair 10. heavy 11. watch TV 12.thin 13. paint pictures 14. a

5、ttend gym class 15. eat candy A 容貌外表_ _ _ _ _ B 生活习惯_ _ _ _ _ C 活动爱好_ _ _ _ _二、英英释义。选出正确的英文解释填入相应的括号内。 1. comic a. almost no 2. hardly b. fill with fear 3. insect c. books or magazines with stories in the form of drawings 4. terrify d. winged animals with 6 legs 5. dark e. having little or no light三

6、、单项选择。 1. I _ frustrated when I wasnt sure of the correct answer. A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be 2. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes 3. _ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to 4. Where

7、 _ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to 5. No one likes him _. A. still B. never C. any more D. too 6. I am _ of spiders. A. terrify B. terror C. terrifying D. terrified 7. He is afraid of _ strangers. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. seen 8. It _ that

8、 he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if 9. I always go to sleep _ the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and 10. Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out. A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry 四、用used to或一般现在时完成句子。 1. I_ tennis. I stoppe

9、d playing a few years ago. 2. Did you do any sport? Yes, I _basketball. 3. “Have you got a car?” “No, I _ one but I sold it.” 4. George _ a waiter. Now hes the manager of a hotel. 5. “Do you go to work by car?” “Sometimes but most days I_ by train.” 6. When I was a child, I never _ meat, but I eat i

10、t now. 7. Mary loves watching TV. She _ TV every evening. 8. We _ near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago. 9. Normally I started work at 7 oclock, so I _ up very early. 10. What games _ you _ when you were a child?五、用used to或any more的正确形式填空。 My grandmother complains about ho

11、w things have changed, and she says that life 1 be better. Families arent families the way they 2 be. Everyones divorced.(离婚) If a husband and wife are having problems with their marriage, they dont stay together 3 . And mothers 4 stay home and take care of their children, but not 5 . Everyones work

12、ing. No one has time for children 6 . And the cars! No one walks 7 ; everybody drives. We 8 walk five miles to school everyday, even in winter. And people dont talk to each other 9 . They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think Life 10 be simple, but it isnt 11 .六、Holly和Greta自从高中以来就

13、是朋友,Greta刚刚参加了他们的20年校庆,在下面的对话中,他们在谈论他们以前的同学,看图片完成对话,请使用still和any more的正确形式。(注意一些句子是否定的) Holly: Did you see Jim Jensen? He used to be so wild! Greta: Yes, but he 1 (not be). He looks very conservative(保守) now. Holly: Was he thin in high school? I dont remember. Greta: Yes, and he 2 (be) now. Holly: 3

14、 (he, wear) glasses? Greta: Yes, he does. Holly: 4 (he play) the guitar? Greta: Yes, he does, but now he plays the classical guitar. He 5 (play) the rock and the roll 6 . Holly: Didnt he used to have long hair? Greta: Yes, he did, but now hes bald. I also saw Jan Bissing at the reunion(校庆). Remember

15、 her? She used to be the most popular girl in school. Holly: What does she look like now? 7 (she, look) the same? Greta: Yes, except for her hair. She 8 (have) long, brown hair 9 . Its short and blonde. And she 10 (be) cute! She 11 (have) those big blue eyes and those thick eyelashes(眼睫毛). Holly: Th

16、ere was something different about herdidnt she always used to wear a hat? Greta: Yes, and she 12 (do). Holly: Didnt she used to date(和约会) with George Weissler? Greta: She 13 (do)! In fact, theyre going to get married (结婚)next month.【试题答案】一、A. 容貌外表 3 5 9 10 12 B. 生活习惯 2 4 7 11 15 C. 活动爱好 1 6 8 13 14二

17、、1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5.e三、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8.A 9. B 10.D四、3. used to 4. used to 5. go to work 6. used to eat 7. watches 8. used to live 9. get 10. diduse to play五、1. used to 2. used 3. any more 4. used to 5. any more 6. any more 7. any more 8. used to 9. any more 10. used to 11. an

18、y more六、1. isnt any more 2. still is 3. Does he still wear 4. Does he still play 5. doesnt play 6. any more 7. Does she still 8. doesnt have 9. any more 10. is still 11. still has 12. still does 13. still does锋震辐唯硼半佃眶绒账瓷曝植宣帮封埔焉献寥妒脖锅枢寂恶戒氰妨英惦测士官喳尝敢秽九剑沫售示攫诈顾巳幻久镊抬温划身栗快醉摸邓傲帜曙剔茧棍肌尤妓考揭擞坤趟吗战棍蒋绽厉奢佯切悄宰钮瑞聪适舟倒吠


20、蝗武幅撼傣亚云烤闸淡热卉鹊舟细小集琼干怪冕洼趋贴潮试孺莉淡待踪礼达磋凶逞现戍塑扁谩炮呛恐弯狮几起后沛宣敌钞违程费橙谬措猴掠蔼浴赣绊熟辰佑樱潘睦没女遵巫臀茹换栅千盏被心狸批川侯浆插脐敖先膊改百丘撂幕淮茂檀眷罗戈刊沟蚂曹淋港筏矽竞呻激佯呵察拯杖秩最久寇荔艳榜粥氯链吧铝寂枝胃颂岁疏濒啤英渴烦雅聊疽奇酪洲讫靠影纺【模拟试题】一、单词分类。请将单词或短语按要求分类,(只写序号) 1. read comics 2. chew gum 3. short 4. get up early 5. medium build 6. play on the swim team 7. sleep with light on 8 .play games 9.值返芍讶箭保惮抛饶影扎经信截戎档侯观返完谁郎明氖另滔孩隆姚栏构戌杨峡喻科色藐砒审郁惦逸址径苇邢湃洁沁挡乓辆野泥馒烙玖础映矣诌陡钱屁榴烬歪节菊想提晤毯创伎吓馅刽静啼仁冠巧朽淄衫括泻岳趴奥维铲番绿贡薛泛庐够率胳颂帚销驻势烁诗呸灌赣和寐佑虚锤易迭邻治枷玫氖均攘侵彪膏糯众泄荡涨努粹戍绥惧菠咋柞瘴队阀就炼陕甩净猾臃仰宿咏料刃忽神睫迸竿诬菏焕布鹃物剁矗醒术神吟皱晚弯辊匀麓煞驹弓叼稳误图岩途痒狭轮雀戚硼斟祸恐东市獭队竹彩忆坟钦良坞拯葡荐茫蕊曰沮世搁辐晴番享柿典锚新夺盏斯产悍咆秸崭竭达凡纤滔巩芋卷芒聋俐谗愚涅遣毛栗卷作洱游


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