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1、浅析多丽丝·莱辛简·萨默斯的日记作者】 李彦;导师】 王丽丽;作者基本信息】 山东大学, 英语语言文学, 2005 , 硕士副题名】浅析多丽丝·莱辛简·萨默斯的日记 【摘要】 老年人问题是世界各国一个日益引人注目的社会问题。由于生活水平 的提高、医疗卫生条件的改善 , 不少国家人口结构中 , 老年人的比例逐渐增大。 这种人口老龄化的问题表现十分突出。 老年人的问题向来是被人们遗忘的一个 角落。他们被排斥在社会生活的主流之外 , 很多人不仅遭受贫困与疾病的折磨 , 而且始终要面对社会的冷漠、歧视和偏见 , 很少有人了解他们的困难与要求。但 是从上个世纪八十

2、年代以来 ,这种情况有所改善 , 老年人问题已经引起愈来愈多 的人关注。在文学领域也出现了大批关注老年人命运的作家 , 多丽丝莱辛就是其 中的一个代表。 多丽丝莱辛是二十世纪以来英国才华横溢且风格多变的女小说 家, 她自开始创作生涯以来就以其卓越的艺术成就而蜚声战后的英国文坛。她的 作品不仅在英国 , 并且在整个英语国家的文学界有着广泛的影响。她的作品已被 译成多种文字 , 在世界各地流传。她作为当代英国小说家中获奖最多者之一 ,曾 经连续数年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人 , 但由于种种原因未果。她的作品无论 对男人或女人 , 老人或年轻人都有着深远、持久的影响。 虽然组成简萨默斯 的日记的两部

3、小说一个好邻居的日记 (1983) 和假如老人能够 (1984) 在她的众多著作中称不上巨著 , 但也可算作是莱辛创作后期的重返现实主义的一 部重要作品 , 本书即描述了以吉尔为代表的青年 , 又描写了和以莫迪为代表的老 年人, 而中年人简娜是他们之间的桥梁和纽带 , 意识到时间的力量 , 从年轻人身上 看到自己的过去 , 从老年人那里预见到自己的将来。着本书赋予了生活更多的意 义, 也体现了作者对于人性的特殊关切。也正是莱辛对人性的深切关注和对人生 的领悟 , 构成了这篇论文三个章节的框架。 第一章主要是对老年人面临的健康、 经济困扰、孤独等问题的分析。不像在那些传统的国家里 , 英国的老年

4、人不再能 够从子女那里得到帮助和照料 , 相反,他们还要尽可能地不去“麻烦”他们已经 成年独立的子女。莫迪是女主人公简娜在当地议价药店里结识的一位八十多岁 的老人,她虽然贫穷 ,但个性很强 ,骨子里透出一股傲气。简娜 更多还原【 Abstract 】 The plight of the aged, for so long neglected, has recently come to be regarded as a major social problem all over the world. The proportion of the aged members is increasing

5、 in most of the countries of the world after the improvements of the living level and the health-care standard. The problem of aging population is attracting more attentions.The aged have always been neglected. They are offered a sick role-the role of the infirm person who has outlived his or her us

6、efulness to society. Quite a number of the elderly not only suffer from the illness and poverty, but also face the ignorance, prejudice and loneliness. Few people know their plight and request. This kind of social problem has been improved a lot since 1980s, and more and more people start to realize

7、 the plight of the aged. Apart from the sociologists and gerontologists, there are also a lot of literary writers who are deeply concerned in the fate of the elderly, and Doris Lessing is one of the representatives.Doris Lessing has been a renowned and talented British novelist. Her works has a prof

8、ound influence not only in Britain but also in the whole world. Her books have been translated into various languages and have been worldly known. Having won numerous prizes all over the world, she also has been nominated for Literary Nobel Prize for many years. Her works has deep and lasting influe

9、nce on both the old and the young.Though the novel The Diaries of Jane Somers which combined with The Diaries of a Good Neighbour and If the Old Could is not the most outstanding works among her famous books, it has also been regarded as an important book coming back to Realism during the latter per

10、iod her creation. The readerssense Doris Lessing ' s deep and specialconcern for the humanity. Her concern for the humanity forms the framework of the three chapters of this thesis.The first chapter mainly analyzes the plight of the aged faces such as thehealth problems, the economic problems an

11、d loneliness. Unlike the elders in a traditional society, the British aged can no longer lay automatic claim on their kin for support and social participation. On the contrary, they are more likely to have to try not to be a "nuisance" to they now independent adult offspring.2 Maudie is an

12、 old woman whom Janna, the protagonist meets in a chemist's shop. She is proud andstrong- willed though she lives in poverty. It' s hard to find thereal friendship in the rich and fast-developing society. On the surface, the chasm between the two women is enormous, Janna: elegant, pushy, mid

13、dle-aged career woman; Maudie: slow, old, troublesome and needy. But an extraordinary relationship between them grows from this chance encounter and they change each other's l ife. It is a big mockat the contemporary society. Lessing always tries to find some merits on the humanity though it is

14、hard to find them in reality.The secondchapter presents several youngsters ' different characters, ambitions and their attitudes toward life. Young people are the hope and future of the world. They are less willing to accept the values of the society unquestionably than the youngsters in the pas

15、t. They are more concerned with self-fulfillment and preserving personal privacy than youth were then3. Lessing depicts several different young people in this book. We have a clear idea of the younger generation'scharacteristics. If there is any word that fits the present youngsters, it might be

16、 " anxious." Young people are eager to do well in school, to get started on careers, to lend a hand in solving the country 's problems. But they are also filled with anxiety, fearing that they won 't be given a chance to show their talents.The third chapter discusses the intergener

17、ational relationships and influences among the three generations. Being obsessed with her work, Janna has taken her husband and mother for granted all the time. Only after their death does she realizes her ignorance and indifference to them.After the chance encounter in the chemist's shop, Janna

18、 and Maudiebecome friends. The relatioship between them is more like kinship. In some way, Janna takes Maudie as a mother and Maudie also finds her long-lost lovefrom Janna. Her relationship with Maudie exposes Janna to many aspects of herself that have previously remained buried and leads her to lo

19、ok with fresh eyes at our society's callous disregardfor the loneliness, deprivation and suffering of the old.Janna's twonieces Jill and Kate are the typical representatives of the two kinds of young people. Jill is smart, considerate and ambitious. She works hard and takes Janna as her mode

20、l. Janna sees her younger self on Jill. On the contrary, Kate isolates herself from the real world with alcohol and music. She wishes to be as excellent as Jill while she is too self-indulgent to work hard. She is anxious to get the help from her senior adults but she is unwilling to show it. Janna

21、tries to save Kate but in vain. Lessing gives the readers confidence at the end of the book. Kate has been taken careby Janna 's colleagueHannah. We see hope from Kate 's letter to Janna.The relationship between two generations is both ordinary and delicate. The old need support from their o

22、ffspring and the society, and the most important thing is that they should face the reality of the declining health and mentality that will come sooner or later in a reasonable way.They should not live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. Their tho

23、ughts must be directed to the future, and to things in which there is something to be done. The younger generation is ambitious, energetic and fearless, and they are eager to do well. They still need the directions of their adults though it is no use telling grown-up children not tomake mistakes, bo

24、th because they will not believe, and because mistakes are an essential part of education.更多还原 【关键词】 老人; 青年; 从冷漠到理解; 人性;【Key words 】 age; youth ; from ignorance to understanding;humanity ;参考文献:论简·萨默斯的日记的叙事艺术 作为一位才华横溢 ,风格多变的女作家 , 莱辛一直笔耕不辍 , 她一生荣获多种文学 奖项包括诺贝尔文学奖。她的作品风格独特 , 继承了十九世纪小说的优良传统 , 又有大胆的创

25、新。简·萨默斯的日记是莱辛晚期 . 收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:民营科技 2011 年 第 6 期 作者:袁春 机构:唐山学院 河北唐山 063000悖反式回归简·萨默斯的日记中女性主义的另一种解读 作为诺贝尔文学奖获得者多丽丝·莱辛的后期之作 , 简·萨默斯的日记无疑 可谓经典。它以独特的人物形象和与众不同的艺术形式演绎和丰富了女性主义 的内涵, 但其光环却屡屡被人忽略 , 尤其为其著作的另 . 收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:外国语文 2010 年 第 6 期 作者:秦治全 机构:武汉工业学院外语系 湖北武汉 430023从简

26、3;萨默斯的日记看莱辛的女性书写 运用女性主义批评理论分析简·萨默斯的日记 , 从父权制下传统女性的处境、 新时代独立女性的特质和新女性对女性气质的回归等三方面剖析莱辛的女性书 写,指出多丽丝 .莱辛对于女性解放独到的见解。 收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:莆田学院学报 2011 年 第 1 期 作者:王美芳 机构:福建师范大学外国语学院 福建福州 350007【作者】 李彦;【导师】 王丽丽;【作者基本信息】 山东大学, 英语语言文学, 2005 , 硕士【副题名】浅析多丽丝·莱辛简·萨默斯的日记【摘要】 老年人问题是世界各国一个日益引人注目的社会问题。由

27、于生活水平 的提高、医疗卫生条件的改善 , 不少国家人口结构中 , 老年人的比例逐渐增大。 这种人口老龄化的问题表现十分突出。 老年人的问题向来是被人们遗忘的一个 角落。他们被排斥在社会生活的主流之外 , 很多人不仅遭受贫困与疾病的折磨 , 而且始终要面对社会的冷漠、歧视和偏见 , 很少有人了解他们的困难与要求。但 是从上个世纪八十年代以来 ,这种情况有所改善 , 老年人问题已经引起愈来愈多 的人关注。在文学领域也出现了大批关注老年人命运的作家 , 多丽丝莱辛就是其 中的一个代表。 多丽丝莱辛是二十世纪以来英国才华横溢且风格多变的女小说 家, 她自开始创作生涯以来就以其卓越的艺术成就而蜚声战后

28、的英国文坛。她的 作品不仅在英国 , 并且在整个英语国家的文学界有着广泛的影响。她的作品已被 译成多种文字 , 在世界各地流传。她作为当代英国小说家中获奖最多者之一 ,曾 经连续数年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人 , 但由于种种原因未果。她的作品无论 对男人或女人 , 老人或年轻人都有着深远、持久的影响。 虽然组成简萨默斯 的日记的两部小说一个好邻居的日记 (1983) 和假如老人能够 (1984) 在她的众多著作中称不上巨著 , 但也可算作是莱辛创作后期的重返现实主义的一 部重要作品 , 本书即描述了以吉尔为代表的青年 , 又描写了和以莫迪为代表的老 年人, 而中年人简娜是他们之间的桥梁和纽带

29、, 意识到时间的力量 , 从年轻人身上 看到自己的过去 , 从老年人那里预见到自己的将来。着本书赋予了生活更多的意 义, 也体现了作者对于人性的特殊关切。也正是莱辛对人性的深切关注和对人生 的领悟 , 构成了这篇论文三个章节的框架。 第一章主要是对老年人面临的健康、 经济困扰、孤独等问题的分析。不像在那些传统的国家里 , 英国的老年人不再能 够从子女那里得到帮助和照料 , 相反,他们还要尽可能地不去“麻烦”他们已经 成年独立的子女。莫迪是女主人公简娜在当地议价药店里结识的一位八十多岁 的老人,她虽然贫穷,但个性很强 ,骨子里透出一股傲气。简娜 更多还原 【 Abstract 】 The pli

30、ght of the aged, for so long neglected, has recently come to be regarded as a major social problem all over the world. The proportion of the aged members is increasing in most of the countries of the world after the improvements of the living level and the health-care standard. The problem of aging

31、population is attracting more attentions.The aged have always been neglected. They are offered a sick role-the role of the infirm person who has outlived his or her usefulness to society. Quite a number of the elderly not only suffer from the illness and poverty, but also face the ignorance, prejudi

32、ce and loneliness. Few people know their plight and request. This kind of social problem has been improved a lot since 1980s, and more and more people start to realize the plight of the aged. Apart from the sociologists and gerontologists, there are also a lot of literary writers who are deeply conc

33、erned in the fate of the elderly, and Doris Lessing is one of the representatives.Doris Lessing has been a renowned and talented British novelist. Her works has a profound influence not only in Britain but also in the whole world. Her books have been translated into various languages and have been w

34、orldly known. Having won numerous prizes all over the world, she also has been nominated for Literary Nobel Prize for many years. Her works has deep and lasting influence on both the old and theyoung.Though the novel The Diaries of Jane Somers which combined with The Diaries of a Good Neighbour and

35、If the Old Could is not the most outstanding works among her famous books, it has also been regarded as an important book coming back to Realism during the latter period her creation. The readers sense Doris Lessing' s deep and specialconcern for the humanity. Her concern for the humanity forms

36、the framework of the three chapters of this thesis.The first chapter mainly analyzes the plight of the aged faces such as thehealth problems, the economic problems and loneliness. Unlike the elders in a traditional society, the British aged can no longer lay automatic claim on their kin for support

37、and social participation. On the contrary, they are more likely to have to try not to be a "nuisance" to they now independent adult offspring.2 Maudie is an old woman whom Janna, the protagonist meets in a chemist's shop. She is proud andstrong-willed though she lives inpoverty. It 

38、9;s hard to find thereal friendship in the rich and fast-developing society. On the surface, the chasm between the two women is enormous, Janna: elegant, pushy, middle-aged career woman; Maudie: slow, old, troublesome and needy. But an extraordinary relationship between them grows from this chance e

39、ncounter and they change each other's life. It is a big mockat the contemporary society. Lessing always tries to find some merits on the humanity though it is hard to find them in reality.The second chapter presents several youngsters' different characters, ambitionsand their attitudes towar

40、d life. Young people are the hope and future of the world. They are less willing to accept the values of the society unquestionably than the youngsters in the past. They are more concerned with self-fulfillment and preserving personal privacy than youth were then3. Lessing depicts several different

41、young people in this book. We have a clear idea of the younger generation'scharacteristics. If there is any word that fits the present youngsters, it might be " anxious." Young people are eager to do well in school, to get started on careers, to lend a hand in solving the country '

42、s problems. But they are also filled with anxiety, fearing that they won 't be given a chanceto show their talents.The thirdchapter discusses the intergenerational relationships and influences among the three generations. Being obsessed with her work, Janna has taken her husband and mother for g

43、ranted all the time. Only after their death does she realizes her ignorance and indifference to them. After the chance encounter in the chemist's shop, Janna and Maudiebecome friends. The relatioship between them is more like kinship. In some way, Janna takes Maudie as a mother and Maudie also f

44、inds her long-lost lovefrom Janna. Her relationship with Maudie exposes Janna to many aspects of herself that have previously remained buried and leads her to look with fresh eyes at our society's callous disregardfor the loneliness, deprivation and suffering of theold.Janna 's twonieces Jil

45、l and Kate are the typical representatives of the two kinds of young people. Jill is smart, considerate and ambitious. She works hard and takes Janna as her model. Janna sees her younger self on Jill. On the contrary, Kate isolates herself from the real world with alcohol and music. She wishes to be

46、 as excellent as Jill while she is too self-indulgent to work hard. She is anxious to get the help from her senior adults but she is unwilling to show it. Janna tries to save Kate but in vain. Lessing gives the readers confidence at the end of the book. Kate has been taken care by Janna's collea

47、gueHannah. We see hope from Kate 's letter to Janna.The relationship between two generations is both ordinary and delicate. The old need support from their offspring and the society, and the most important thing is that they should face the reality of the declining health and mentality that will

48、 come sooner or later in a reasonable way.They should not live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. Their thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things in which there is something to be done. The younger generation is ambitious, energetic

49、and fearless, and they are eager to do well. They still need the directions of their adults though it is no use telling grown-up children not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe, and because mistakes are an essential part of education.更多还原 【关键词】 老人; 青年; 从冷漠到理解; 人性;【Key words 】 age;

50、youth ; from ignorance to understanding humanity ; 参考文献:论简·萨默斯的日记的叙事艺术 作为一位才华横溢 ,风格多变的女作家 , 莱辛一直笔耕不辍 , 她一生荣获多种文学 奖项包括诺贝尔文学奖。她的作品风格独特 , 继承了十九世纪小说的优良传统 , 又有大胆的创新。简·萨默斯的日记是莱辛晚期 . 收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:民营科技 2011 年 第 6 期 作者:袁春 机构:唐山学院 河北唐山 063000悖反式回归简·萨默斯的日记中女性主义的另一种解读 作为诺贝尔文学奖获得者多丽丝·莱辛的后期之作 , 简·萨默斯的日记无疑 可谓经典。它以独特的人物形象和与众不同的艺术形式演绎和丰富了女


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