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1、Lesson 8 Buying a present 跃进北路学校 陈晓萍Teaching Content : Buying a presentTeaching Important Point : Learning the words and the sentences ,knowing how to buy something in a shop 。Teaching Procedure : Step one : Oral practice :There are many teachers and leaders, welcome ! How many seasons are there in

2、a year ?What are they ? In different seasons ,we wear different clothes . look at the words we have learned : pants shorts shirt T-shirt jeans sweater coat gloves . Today we will learn other new words ,lets look at the pictures: Step two : Presentation (1)Learn the new words : piano music box blouse

3、 socks tape shoes money VCD (2) Play a game : whats missing ? (3) Act as a seller to sell something , and the pupils learn how to buy something : Seller: Can I help you ? Buyer : I want a music box . How much is it ? Seller: Its 10 yuan . Buyer: Here you are Seller: Thank you ! (4)Exchange the roles

4、 to learn the words : dear discount (5) Act as a seller and a buyer by groups .Step three: Practise : (1) Listen to the tape and follow it .(2) Watch TV and review the words and the sentences .(3) Ask and answer .(4) Lets make a chant . Can I help you ? Can I help you ?I want a gift . I want a gift .How much is it ? How much is it ? 40 yuan . 40 yuan . Here you are ! Here you are ! Thank you ! Thank you !反思:通过运用信息技术进行英语教学,提高了教学的效率,增加了教学的乐趣,是教学更加生动,更加多样化,更能吸引学生的注意力,提高了学生的学习兴趣。


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