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1、.Unit 5 How are you ?The first period: A Learn to say .Teaching Aims :1.Enable the Ss to understand and say “How are you ?” “Fine ,thank you , And you ” “Not bad ”or “Not so good .”2.Raise the Ss interest to learn English.3.Encourage the Ss to have good cooperation with one another.Teaching contents

2、 :How are you ? Fine ,thank you .( And you?)Not bad ,thank you .Not so good.Im fine ,too . Im sorry .Teaching procedures :Step1.Warming up exercise .1. Greetings the Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,class? Glad to see you !2. Revision : Show me your English book ,Show me your rubber ,etc .What

3、 colour is it?3.Now ,lets sing ,Ok ? (“Hi, Nancy”.“Colour song”)Step2. Presentation A.Lets talk .(1)Lets make a dialogue :T:(show a toy ) Look ,This is my friend Peter,He wants to be your friend ,Do you like him ?T:(Toy Peter) Hello ,Im Peter, Nice to meet you .SS:Hello,Peter.Sa : Hello ,Peter, Im &

4、#215;××.Sb: Good morning ,Peter ,Im ×××,This is my friend ×××.Sc: Nice to meet you ,Peter.T :Nice to meet you ,too .(2) Lets listen to the tape ,please listen carefully, then answer my questions :a.How many kids do you know ?b.What do you remember?c.Who is not

5、 so good ?(3 )Teach and learn : How are you ?/Fine ,thank you .a.T holds up two fingers (the two fingers are opposed)Finger 1: Hi, How are you ?Finger 2: Fine ,thank you .(Twice times )b. Follow me and practise Hi, How are you ? Fine ,thank you .c. Practice in pairs .d.check (single or part work )e.

6、Lets sing together .Hello!How are you !(1)  Learn to say : Fine ,thank you ,And (how are )you ?a.  Finger1: Hi ,how are you ?Finger 2: Fine ,thank you ,And how are you ?Finger1: Im fine ,too .b. Read after the T.c.Mainpoints:And how are you ?/And you ?Im fine ,too .d.Ss say and do .(2

7、)  Learn to say : Not bad a.Please say “How are you ?”to me. Ss: How are you ? Miss T:Not bad (Smiling and swinging your arms )b.Read after the T and do what the T does .c.Please say “Not bad ”loudly .d.Sing:“Hello !How are you ?Not bad ,thank you ,” Step3 Presentation .1.Learn to say : Not so

8、good ,Im sorry .a.T shows the pictures and asks : what is YangLing saying about ?Im fine ?Not bad? Not so good ?b.Say :“Not so good .”c.Practice in pairs .d.Lets sing (Tune /tju:n/ 调子:Two tigers )( Lyric/5lirik/ 歌词 :Good afternoon ,YangLing , How are you ? Not so good . Im sorry ,)Step4 Consolidatio

9、n .1.Listen to the tape .2.Try to repeat .3.Read after the tape .4.Action .Step5 Homework :Practice the dialogues to your parents .Designing of writing on the blackboard .教学反思 :1、    句型学习反馈效果较好,学生大都能对How are you ?作出正确的应答,并能灵活运用。在交际问答时,说得比较多的是 “Fine ,thank you .”和 “Im sorry.”. “Not bad” 一句运用得比较少。2、  课堂气氛已超于平淡,感到一些学习活动已提不起学生的学习兴趣,无法激发他们的学习热情,很渴望再吸收一点新鲜血液,使教学更加生动,更能抓住学生的心。在练习中发现学生在listen and circle 中,对听到的单词能根据图意作出正确判断,但在听句子选择符合句意的图画时有很大困难,正确率很低,以后应该练学生对句子的反应和判断能力。;


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