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1、 When you are oldWhen you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love f

2、alse or true, But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you, 推荐精选And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. 当

3、你年老,鬓斑,睡意昏沉, 在炉旁打盹时,取下这本书, 慢慢诵读,梦忆从前你双眸 神色柔和,眼波中倒影深深; 多少人爱你风韵妩媚的时光, 推荐精选爱你的美丽出自假意或真情, 但唯有一人爱你灵魂的至诚, 爱你渐衰的脸上愁苦的风霜; 弯下身子,在炽红的壁炉边, 忧伤地低诉,爱神如何逃走, 在头顶上的群山巅漫步闲游, 把他的面孔隐没在繁星中间。 A Dearm of Death W.B Yeats I dreamed that one had died in a strange pl

4、ace Near no accustomed hand And they had nailed the boards above her face, 推荐精选The peasants of that land, Wondering to lay her in that solitude, And raised above her mound A cross they had made out of two bits of wood, And planted eypress round; And left her to the indifferent stars above Until I ca

5、rved these words: She was more beautiful than thy first love, 推荐精选But now lies under boards 我梦见一个人在陌生的地方死去, 身边无亲无故 他们钉了些木板将她的脸遮盖, 那块土地上的农民, 满怀诧异地将她安置在荒郊野岭, 并在她坟顶竖起 用两根木头交叉而成的十字架, 四周栽满柏树, 将她留给天上那无动于衷的星星, 推荐精选直到我刻下这些话: 她曾经比你的初恋还要美丽, 但现在却长眠于木板之下。 The Song of the Happy ShepherdThe woods of Arcady are de

6、ad,And over is their antique joy;Of old the world on dreaming fed;Grey Truth is now her painted toy;Yet still she turns her restless head:推荐精选But O,sick children of the world,Of all the many changing thingsIn dreary dancing past us whirled,To the cracked tune that Chrono sings,Words alone are certai

7、n good.Where are now the warring kings,Word be-mockers? By the rood,Where are now the warring kings?推荐精选An idle word is now their glory,By the stammering schoolboy said,Reading some entangled story:The kings of the old time are dead;The wandering earth herself may be Only a sudden flaming word,

8、In changing space a moment heard,Troubling the endless reverie.推荐精选Then nowise worship dusty deeds,Nor seek,for this is also sooth,To hunger fiercely after truth,Lest all thy toiling only breedsNew dreams, new dreams; there is no truthSaving in thine own heart.Seek,then,No learning from the starry m

9、en,Who follow with the optic glass推荐精选The whirling ways of stars that passSeek,then,for this is also sooth,No word of theirsthe cold star-baneHas cloven and rent their hearts in twain,And dead is all their human truth.Go gather by the humming seaSome twisted,echo-harbouring shell,And to its lips thy

10、 story tell,推荐精选And they thy comforters will be,Rewarding in melodious guileThy fretful words a little while,Till they shall singing fade in ruthAnd die a pearly brotherhood;For words alone are certain good:Sing,then,for this is also sooth.I must be gone: there is a grave推荐精选Where daffodil and lily

11、wave,And I would please the hapless faun,Buried under the sleepy ground,With mirthful songs before the dawn.His shouting days with mirth were crowned;And still I dream he treads the lawn,Walking ghostly in the dew,Pierced by my glad singing through,推荐精选My songs of old earth's dreamy youth:But ah

12、! she dreams not now;dream thou!For fair are poppies on the brow:Dream,dream,for this is also sooth. Arcady:阿卡狄:古希腊高原地区,相传是风俗淳朴的牧歌之乡。 Grey Truth:灰色真理:指一般世俗的关于物质的真理。在叶芝看来,世俗真理是相对的、暂时的,只有关于精神的真理才是绝对的、永恒的。 Chrono:克罗诺斯:希腊文,时间。 快乐的牧人之歌阿卡狄的丛林已经消亡,推荐精选古老的欢声也随之绝响;旧世已沉浸于迷梦,红尘仍绚丽而又彷徨;她依旧茫然四顾,可是啊,病弱的孩童,世间万物在不停


14、吟低唱的大海边吧,拾起一些螺旋、藏有回声的贝壳,将你的故事对其口边诉说,他们会与你义同断金,轻柔地抚慰你的心灵,用那美妙悠扬之曲,暂解你的烦思和忧情,直到其哀婉之音渐弱而消逝,此时无声胜有声:推荐精选唱吧,唱吧,记住吧,我要走啦,那儿有一座孤坟,摇曳着水仙和百合,我将以欢乐之歌来报晓迎晨,使能悦于那个不幸的早已长眠在九泉下的牧神。他呼喊的岁月充满欢乐,我依然能梦见他踏过草泽,像幽灵一样在露水中穿行,被我的欢歌回绕迁萦,我歌唱古老大地如梦的青春:可她已不再有梦,但梦在你身,山崖上罂粟花开得艳美,记住吧,有梦就会梦想成真。推荐精选 Down by the Salley GardensDown by

15、 the salley gardens my love and I did meet;She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.She bid me take love easy,as the leaves grow on the tree;But I,being young and foolish,with her would not agree.In a field by the river my love and I did stand,And on my leaning shoulder she laid her

16、 snow-white hand.She bid me take life easy,as the grass grows on the weirs;推荐精选But I was young and foolish,and now I'm full of tears.柳园里在柳园里,我和心爱的人相遇,她雪白的纤足伴我在柳园里往回。她要我把爱情看淡,就像树长叶那样自然;可那时我年少无知,决不肯气馁。在河畔的田野,我和心爱的人并立,她雪白的纤手搭我肩上而把身委。她要我把人生看淡,就像坝上草那样自然;推荐精选可那时我年少无知,如今是满眼的泪水。To the Rose upon the Rood

17、 of TimeRed Rose, proud Rose,sad Rose of all my days!Come near me,while I sing the ancient ways:Cuchulain battling with the bitter tide;The Druid,grey,wood-nurtured,quiet-eyed,Who cast round Fergus dreams,and ruin untold;And thine own sadness,whereof stars,grown old推荐精选In dancing silver-sandalled on

18、 the sea,Sing in their high and lonely melody.Come near,that no more blinded by man's fate,I find under the boughs of love and hate,In all poor foolish things that live a day,Eternal beauty wandering on her way.Come near,come near,come nearAh,leave me stillA little space for the rose-breath to f

19、ill!推荐精选Lest I no more hear common things that crave;The weak worm hiding down in its small cave,The field-mouse running by me in the grass,And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass;But seek alone to hear the strange things saidBy God to the bright hearts of those long dead,And learn to chaunt a ton

20、gue men do not know.推荐精选Come near;I would,before my time to go,Sing of old Eire and the ancient ways:Red Rose,proud Rose,sad Rose of all my days.“玫瑰”在叶芝诗中有复杂的象征意义,一般是比喻永恒的精神之美,有时也比喻爱尔兰传奇中古代英雄或叶芝对毛特冈的爱情。“十字架”则比喻苦难。库胡林:爱尔兰传奇中的伟大武士。弗格斯:爱尔兰传说中的北爱尔兰王,被人用计骗去王位,进入林中隐居。致时间十字架上的玫瑰一朵高傲而忧伤的红玫瑰,伴我终生!到我身边来吧,听我歌唱


22、古经,推荐精选只能学会哼一曲无人听过的小调。到我身边来吧,在我离开前,我想能一朵高傲而忧伤的红玫瑰,伴我终生。The Lake Isle of InnisfreeI will arise and go now,and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there,of clay and wattles made: Nine bean-rows will I have there,a hive for the honey-bee,And live alone in the bee-loud glade. 推荐精选And

23、 I shall have some peace there,for peace comes dropping slow,Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;There midnight's all a glimmer,and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet's wings.I will arise and go now,for always night and day I hear lake

24、water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway,or on the pavements grey, 推荐精选I hear it in the deep heart's core.茵纳斯弗利岛我要起身走了,去茵纳斯弗利岛,我要用泥巴和枝条,在那建一个小屋;我要在那种九行芸豆,再养一个采蜜的蜂箱,在蜜蜂的飞鸣中一人独处。我会得到安宁,安宁会慢慢降临,会从那清晨的薄雾中弥漫至蟋蟀歌唱的地方;子夜一片朦胧,正午是艳阳天,旁晚,满天红雀在飞翔。推荐精选我要起身走了,因我总是听到,

25、听到湖水日夜在轻轻拍打着岸边;不管我站在马路上,还是走在水泥人行道上,都能听到这声音回荡在心间。The White BirdsI would that we were,my beloved,white birds on the foam of the sea! We tire of the flame of the meteor,before it can fade and flee; And the flame of the blue star of twilight,hung low on the rim of the sky, 推荐精选Has awakene

26、d in our hearts,my beloved,a sadness that may not die. A weariness comes from those dreamers,dew-dabbled,the lily and rose; Ah,dream not of them,my beloved,the flame of the meteor that goes, Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew: For I would w

27、e were changed to white birds on the wandering foam: I and you! 推荐精选I am haunted by numberless islands,and many a Danaan shore, Where Time would surely forget us,and Sorrow come near us no more; Soon far from the rose and the lily and fret of the flames would we be, Were we only

28、white birds,my beloved,buoyed out on the foam of the sea! 白鸟推荐精选亲爱的,我多想我们是并羽在海浪上的一双白鸟,我们厌倦了流星的燃烧,虽然余烬还在闪耀,还有启明星,闪耀着晨光,出现在东方地平线上,又唤醒我们心中,亲爱的,那缕未死的忧伤。梦幻早已疲惫,满是露水,还有玫瑰和百合,啊,亲爱的,不要梦见它们,流星只是一闪而过,启明星也不过是低垂晨光在露草边徘徊稍许,而我想我们能变作一双白鸟,与海浪比翼,就我和你。推荐精选我无以忘怀那群岛众礁及丹南漫长的岸堤,在那里,岁月将我们抛弃,但我们也无忧无虑,只要我们立刻远别玫瑰和百合,也不再

29、受星光困惑,亲爱的,我们就是一双白鸟,追逐大海的浪波!Down by the Salley GardensDown by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.She bid me take love easy,as the leaves grow on the tree;推荐精选But I,being young and foolish,with her would not agree.In a field by the river my love and I did stand,And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white han. 遥遥柳园旁遥遥柳园旁,脉脉情意长。款款移莲步,皑皑踏雪光。良宵多珍重,枝叶舞霓裳。何苦怨龃龉,何必少年狂。 山野江河旁,伫足两相望。瘦肩焉负轭,纤手焉扶伤。推荐精选人生多珍重,草木易凋亡。昨日风流去,而今泪千行。 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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