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1、HISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCHITECTUREChrono gical Tablenote : There are some opinions about the age and the division* Proto Dyn astic Period; c.6000 BC-c.3200 B.C. (Prehistory)« Early Dy nasty; c.3200 BC-c.2700 B.C. (Thin ite Period)o I-II Dyn asty« Old Kin gdom; c.2700 BC-c.2200 B.C. (Memphi

2、s)o III-VI Dyn asty« First Intermediary Period; c.2200 B.C.-C.2100 B.C. (rivalry of powerful baro ns)o VII-X Dyn asty* Middle Kingdom; c.2100 BC-c.1750 B.C. (Thebe)o XI-XII Dy nasty-Seco nd In termediary Period; c.1750 BC-c.1550 B.C. (Hyksos domin ati on. Rebirth of Thebes and expulsi on of Hyk

3、sos at XVII Dyn asty) o XIII-XVII Dy nasty« New Kin gdom; c.1550 B.C.-C.1085 B.C. (Thebe)o XVIII-XX Dyn asty« Third Intermediary Period; c.1085 B.C.-C.712 B.C.o XXI-XXIV Dy nasty* Late Period; c.712 B.C.-c.332 B.C. (Ethiopin kings at XXV Dynasty and Saitic Kin gdom in Delta at XXVI Dyn ast

4、y. Egypt becomes satrapy of Persia n Empire and the n beg ins last Dyn asty)o XXV-XXXI Dyn asty* Greco-Roman Period Ptobuy; c.332-c.395 A.D. (Alexa nder the Great ann exes Egypt to his empire. Founding of Alexa ndria in c.332 B.C.)o Macedo nian Dy nasty; c.332 B.C.-c.304 B.C.o Ptolemaic Dy nasty; c.

5、304 B.C.-c.30 B.C.o un der the rule of Roman and Byza ntine; c.30 B.C.-639 B.C.* Old Kin gdom; c.2700 B.C.-C.2200 B.C. (Memphis) III-VI Dy nasty*. Mastaba- imitate noble house early tombs form.*. Pyramid -King and noble ' tombs*Step Pyramid of* King ZoserArchitect : Imhotep(Architect, doctor, no

6、 ble man)Buildi ng method : cut stone«: Pyramids, Giza, Old Kingdom 4th Dynasty, 2545-2450 B.C. ; Giza, Egypt.*The developme nt of PyramidMastaba - Step PyramidQII Dyn asty) - Bent Pyramid Com mon Pyramid (IV Dyn asty)* Middle Kin gdom; c.2100 BC-c.1750 B.C. (Thebe)XI-XVII Dy nasty(Rock-Cut Tom

7、b) - Beni-Hasan , Men tuhotep,Beni Hasan (also written asBani Hasan , or also Beni-Hassan ) (: ? ?) isan cemetery site. It is located approximately 20 kilometers to the south of moder n-dayin the regi on known as , the area betwee nand .While there are some burials at the site, it was primarily used

8、 during the , spa nning the 21st to 17th cen turies().To the south of the cemetery is a temple con structed byand , dedicated tothe local goddess . It is known as the , because theide ntified Pakhet with ,and the temple is subterra nean.* : Deir El-Bahari; Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut (18th Din ast

9、y, B.C. 1490-1468) and Mentuhotep II,III (11th Dinasty, , Thebes, Egypt* New Kin gdom; c.1550 B.C.-c.1085 B.C. (Thebe) - XVIII-XX Dyn asty* : Temple of Amenhotep III, 18th Dynasty, c.1370 B.C. and Temple ofRamesses II, 19th Dyn asty, c.1250 B.C.; Luxor, Egypt.* : Abu Simbel Great rok temples of Rame

10、ssesII, XIXth Dy nasty, c.1250B.C. relocated at 1963-72. ; Abu Simbel, Egypt.* : Temple of Hathor, Late Ptolemaic-Roma n period. Den dera, Egypt.* : Temples in Island of Philae (relocated to Island of Agilkia in 1972-1980),13th Dynasty to Roman period, c.380 B.C.-2nd century. ; Agilkia, Egypt.* obel

11、isk:An obelisk (from ? B&?打 k?o- obeliskos , diminutive of ? 3 s? - obelos , ", nail, pointed pillar")is a tall, four-sided, narrow taperi ng mon ume nt which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top,and is said to resemble a petrified ray of the sun-disk. A pair of obelisks usually sto

12、od in front ofa . Ancient obelisks were often , whereas most modern obelisks are made of several stones and can have in terior spacesObelisk were prominent in the architecture of the , who placed them in pairs at the entranee of* sph inx:A sphinx (:艺环丫 E/sphinx ,: E /Phix) is a with, as a minimum, t

13、he body of aand the headof a huma n or a catHISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCHITECTUREGIZA No.1:Pyramids, Giza, 4th Dy nasty, 2545-2450 B.C. ; Giza, Egypt.« The three great pyramids and six small pyramids are situated on the left bank of the Nilein Cairo.* The pyramids earlier tha n Giza are Step pyram

14、id of Ki ng Zoser in Saqqara (early IIIDyn asty), Step pyramid in Medum (III-IV Dyn asty), the pyramid in Dahshur (IV Dyn asty) and others.* The Pyramid of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus from left to right.* IV Dy nasty; 2545-2450 B.C.* The Pyramid of Cheops is 230.364m square at base, 137.18m heigh

15、t (orig in ally 146m) and the in cli ne is 51 degree .52.* The Pyramid of Chephre n is 215.8m square at base, 136.5m height (origi nally 143.5m)a ndthe in cli ne is 53 degree .20.* The Pyramid of Myceri nus is 108.5m square at base, 66.5m height and the in cli ne is 51 degree.HISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN A

16、RCHITECTUREDEIR EL-BAHARI No.1:Deir El-Bahari; Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut (18th Dinasty, B.C. 1490-1468) and MentuhotepII,III (11th Din asty, , Thebes, Egypt* For Thebes, the early Eightee nth Dyn asty was a genuin ely creative period in architecture.The most important building of this period, su

17、rpassing all others in originality andbold ness of con cepti on, is the terraced temple of Quee n Hatshepsut on the cliff valley atDeir el Bahari.Deir el Bahari was named from the Christian monastery called "northern monastery" that once n estled among the ruins.« In Deir el Bahari th

18、e mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II (11th Dynasty) and the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut (18th Dyn asty) are preserved. In 1962, the temple which had bee n con structed by Hatshepsut for her father Tuthmosis I (Thot-Mosis I) and herself was found betwee n two temples.« The complex of the mortuar

19、y temple of Hatshepsut is a remarkable example of the aesthetic adaptation of a building to its natural setting.It is the work of the architect Senmut, the queen's favorite, and it shows a solution that takes over from the earlier model only the outward-directed effect of its ope n galleries and

20、 additi onal in flue nces from Twelfth Dyn asty architecture of the Upper Egyptia n nomarchs' tombs, with their numerous terraces clinging to the cliffs.« The temple at Deir el Bahari served not only for her own fun erary cult and that of her father Tuthmosis I and of her husba nd Tuthmosis

21、 II but was also dedicated to the cults of Amon, her div ine begetter, and other gods.« The rock-tomb of her was built by Architect Hapuse neb at the Valley of the Kings ( not the Quee ns!) 500m far from here with the rock-tomb of Tuthmosis I. Quee n Hatshepsut was a special quee n.* The Mortua

22、ry Temple of Quee n Hatshepsut, see n from The first terrace.* The desig n of the temple of Hatshepsut, called Djeser Djeseru or "the most magn ifice nt of the magn ifice nt" by the an cie nt Egyptia ns, is uni que and ava nt-garde in Egyptia n architecture.The temple, which faces eastward

23、s, has a series of vast terraces continuing ochre-coloured mou ntai n.* An avenue of sphinxes which must reach to the valley temple 1km far from the temple provided access to the first terrace (forecourt).The first terrace is enclosed on the far side by a portico consisiting of 22 pillars and flanke

24、d by two Osiris pillers. The broad court was planted with palm trees and grapevines. In front of the main structure ponds fringed with papyrus were laid out on either side of the cen ter axis.* Cen tral ramps lead to the sec ond terrace, 8m high from first terrace, and buttress ing walls are faced w

25、ith colonn ades of square pillars.* The sec ond ramp leads to the uppermost terrace.Refere nee materials;* An cie nt Architecture; Architecture of Egypt by Hans Wolfga ng Muller, Harry N.Abrams, I nc., Publishers, New York* Luxor; by Casa Editrice Bon echi, Flore nee, ItalyHISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCH

26、ITECTUREKARNAK No.1:The Temple of Amon-Ra at Karnak, 12th dynasty-Ptolemaic period, c.2000 BC-c.220 B.C. ; Karnak,Egypt.« The temple of Karnak which is located 4km north from Luxor is the largest and the most complicated architecture in Egypt.« Since Middle Kin gdom, Thebe was a cen ter of

27、 cult of Amon and Kar nak had become the most importa nt san cturary of Amo n-Ra in Thebe.« The complex of Kar nak as a cen ter of the cult of Amon has two axises which defi ne the composition of the world of Karnak. The axsis of the east to the west correspond with the orbit of the sun and mea

28、ns the sun in the heave n or real terra. The axsis of the south to the north corresp ond the Nile and means absolute power of the gods and pharaoh.* The night view of the temple of Amon-Ra.* Avenue of cryocephalous sph in xes and the first Pyl on.* A short ave nue of cryocephlous sph in xes leads to

29、 the first and largest pyl on ,113m wide and 15m thick, constituting the monumental entrance to the temple.The simple and unadorned pylon dates back to the Ptolemaic Dynasty.* The temple of Amon-Ra; Avenue of cryocephalous sphinxes, west side.* The sphi nxes with the heads of rams, sacred to Amon, r

30、eprese nt the god that protected the Pharaoh protrayed by ani mals' paws.HISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCHITECTURELUXOR No.1:Temple of Luxor (Temple of Amen hotep III, 18th Dyn asty, c.1370 B.C. and Courtyard of RamessesII, 19th Dy nasty, c.1250 B.C.); Luxor, Egypt.* The temple of Luxor is located at 3

31、 km south from Karnak where the temple of Amon-Ra. The temple of Luxor was joined to that of Karnak by a long stone-paved dromos, a drome and a processi onal ave nue, flan ked by sphi nxes with rams heads that the XXX Cyn asty replaced with sphi nxes with huma n heads.The construction was basically

32、commissioned by Amenhotep III who started it in the XIV cen tury B.C. and Ramesses(Ramses) II who completed it addi ng the porticoed courtyard with its axis moved eastwards. The architect was probably Amen ophis son of Hotep.« Temple of Luxor or Temple of Amon-Ra (Temple of Amenhotep III).The f

33、irst pyl on see n from the dromos.« The first pyl on and the colossi of Ramesses II.« The first pyl on was erected by Ramesses II and 65m heigh. In an cie nt times the pyl on was preceded by two obelisks, two seated colossi and two pair of sta nding colossi. Today only the left obelisk is

34、still standing. The other was taken to Paris in 1833 and placed in Place de la Con corde on the 25th October 1836.The temple is the typical style of New Kin gdom temples.« The entrance to the Temple of Luxor, with the courtyard of Nectanebo and the pylon of Ramesses II.* The pyl on, the obelisk

35、 and the first courtyard was con structed by Ramesses II.* The obelisk is 25m heigh and the seated colossi of RamessesII on a base of about 1m is 15m heigh, both are made by pink gra nite.One of the standing colossi is Queen Nefertari and made by pink granite.HISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCHITECTUREABU SI

36、MBEL No.1:Abu Simbel Great rok temples of RamessesII, XIXth Dy nasty, c.1250 B.C. relocated at 1963-72.; Abu Simbel, Egypt.* Abu Simbel, one of the important sanctuary, is located in Mubian territory, almost on the borders of Suda n and about 300km from Aswa n.* Face ing the Nile Tthere are the Grea

37、t Temple and the Small Temple by Ramesses II. Both are the rock-cut temple or so-called inner san ctuary temple.* The temples of Abu Simbel was dima ntled and recon structed for sav ing those might be disappear un der the waters of Lake Nasser, because of the con structi on of New Dam of Aswa n. The

38、 temples was cut into blocks and the n recompose ing them on 64 m higher ground in 1963 to 1968.* The facade of the Great Temple.* The temple was dedicatede to the triad Amon-Ra, Harmakes, Ptah and Ramesses II.* The facade is 38m long and 31m high.* Four colossol seated statues of Ramesses II replac

39、e the support ing colu mns of the facade.« The facade of the Great Temple, seen from northeast.« The rok-cut temple, as Abu Simbel, has not so-called exterior except facade. If the temples don't have statues, there is only entrance for the temple in exterior. We remember that architect

40、ures should have the innner space at first execpt the mon ume nt.HISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCHITECTUREDENDERA No.1:Temple of Hathor, Late Ptolemaic-Roman period. Dendera, Egypt.« Den dera, one of the importa nt san ctuary of Hathor, is located 50km n orth from Luxor.« Temple of Hathor at Den

41、dera, with the temple of Horus at Edfu, is one of the best- preserved of the Ptolemaic temples.* Temple of Hathor; The facade of the Hypostyle Hall, seen from south.* Late Ptolemaic-Roma n period.* Hathor is a cow-headded goddes.* The same style temples are the Temple of Khnum in Esna (Ptolemaic-Rom

42、an period, 50km south from Luxor), the Temple of Horus in Edfu (Ptolemaic-Roman period, 50km south from Esna) and the Temple of Kom Ombo in Kom Ombo (Ptlemaic-Roman period, 60km south from Edfu).HISTOR Y OF EGY PTIAN ARCHITECTUREPHILAE No.1:Temples in Isla nd of Philae (relocated to Isla nd of Agilk

43、ia in 1972-1980), 13th Dy nasty to Roman period, c.380 B.C.-2 nd cen tury. ; Agilkia, Egypt.* The temple of Philae(Isis) is one of the tree best preserved Ptolemaic temples. The other two are temple of Edfu and .The temples on Philae were dedicatede to Osiris's bride Isis.* With the construction

44、 of the Old Dam of Aswan, the temples on Philae remained submerged by the artificial lake most of the year.Therefore, whe n the High Dam of Aswa n was con structed, the temples on Philae were dismantled and moved from Philae to Agilkia where rebuilt them between 1972 and 1980.« Orig in ally Phi

45、lae was the most beautiful isla nd in Nile and the largest of the three isla nds at the south end of the group of rocks that comprise the First Catqaract.The isla nd is 400m long and 135m wide.« Temple of Isis, from west.« The first Pyl on, Birth House(Mammisi) and the sec ond Pyl on.« Temple of Isis, from southwest.


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