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1、名词7909年考点汇总一、知识储备对名词的考查大都集中在对名词的语义中,放在具体语境汇中进行考察,同时也对名词固定短语的运用力度也很大,备考时应注意高频名词的用法区别。二、考点及考察频率语义 (52/91)固定搭配 (17/91)同义词辨析(11/91)名词做定语 (2/91)常用不可数名词(2/91)常用可数名词(2/91)单复数形式的意义不同(2/91)所有格(1/91)名词的复数形式(1/91)专有名词(1/91)三、知识考点考察梯度语义:咼二二You'll find this map of greatin helping you to get roundLondon. (199

2、8全国)A.price B.cost C.value D.usefu In essMany countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of.(1996上海)A. en ergyB. source C. power D. Material咼三语义The schooladvisers helpyou talkthrough yourproblems but theydon'tgiveyou anydirect _(2010浙江卷16)A. soluti onB. targetC.measu

3、reD.FunctionThe doctoris skilled attreat ingheart troubleand never acceptsanygiftfrom hispatie nts, so hehas a very good.( 2010 江苏卷 22)A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. CivilizationThis restaura nt has become popular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.(湖北卷 21.)A. di

4、visio nB. area C. range D. circleAfter the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to providefor the homeless families.(2010 湖北卷 22)A. accommodati on B. occupati onC. equipme ntD. furn iture.Those who suffer from headache will find they get from this medicine.(2010山东卷33)A. relief B.

5、 safetyC. defe nseD. ShelterThe school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any direct _(2010 浙江卷 16)A. soluti onB. targetC. measure D. FunctionThe doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patie nts, so hehas a very good.( 20

6、10 江苏卷 22)A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. CivilizationThis restaura nt has become popular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.(湖北卷 21.)A. divisio n B. area C. range D. circleAfter the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to providefor the homele

7、ss families.(2010 湖北卷 22)A. accommodati on B. occupati on C. equipme ntD. furn iture.Those who suffer from headache will find they get from this medicine. (2010山东卷33)A. relief B. safety C. defe nse D. ShelterFrom theiron the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view ofthe city. (09 陕西)A.

8、stage B. positi on C. con diti on D. situati onI ' m trying to break theof getting up too late .(09 天津)A. traditi onB. convenience C. habit D. leisureHe says that my new car is aof mon ey.Don' t you think those words are just sour grapes?(09 山东)A. lack B. loadC. questi onD. wasteThe system h

9、as been designed to give students quick and easyto the digitalresources of the library . (09浙江)A. B. passage C. way D. approachTo save some of the huma n Ian guages before they are forgotte n, the stude nts in ourschool started a discussion“ Save Our ” .2008 安徽A. Sky B. Life C. Arts D. VoicesThe you

10、ng man made ato his pare nts that he would try to earn his own livi ngafter graduatio n. 2008湖北A. predict ionB. promise C. pla nD. con tributi onThe top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly. 2008湖北A. atmosphere B. state C. situati on D. phe nomenon-Shall we go out for a walk?

11、 2008江西-Sorry. This is not the rightto in vite me. I am too tired to walk.A. mome ntB. situatio nC. place D. cha neeI bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real. 2008山东A. excha ngeB. barga inC. tradeD. bus in essMany Chin ese uni versities provided scholarships for stude ntsfinan ci

12、al aid.2008天津A. in favour of B. in honour of C. in face of D. in n eed of.Most air pollution is caused by the burning of like coal, gas and oil. 2008天津A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. productsAt the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the trainwas. 2008 天津A. out of sight

13、B. out of reach C. out of order D. out of placeThe practice of hanging clothes across the street is a com monin many partsof the city. 2007 安徽A. lookB. sig nC. sightD.appeara neeOf the seve n days in the a week, Saturday is said to be the most popularfora wedd ing in some coun tries. 2007浙江A. wayB.

14、situatio nC. event D. choiceAIDS con trol and preve nti on is ato Chi na as well as the whole world. 2007上海春A. surpriseB. challe ngeC. react ionD. threatHealth problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and aof exercise.2007辽宁A. limit B. lack C. n eed D. dema ndMy morning includes jogging

15、 in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.2007上海A. drillB. actionC. regulati onD. rout ineAlways read the on tile bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.(06福建)A. expla nati onsB. in struct ionsC. descripti onsD. in troducti onsTo make members of a team perform better, the tr

16、ainer first of all has to know their and weak nesses. (06 湖北)A. stre ngthsB. ben efits C. tech niq uesD. valuesTheon his face told me that he was angry. (06湖北)A. impressi onB. sight C. appeara nee D. expressi onFinding information in today ' s world is easy. Theis how you can tell if theinformat

17、ion you get is useful or not. (06天津)A. ability B. competiti on C. challe ngeD. kno wledge-If you like I can do some shopp ing for you. (06浙江)-That ' s a very kind.A. offer B. serviceC. pointD. suggesti onYou have bee n sitt ing on my hat and now it is badly out of. (06广东)A. date B. shape C. orde

18、rD. bala neeWhenJane began to take swimming lessons,her main was the fear of water. ( 06上海)A. evide neeB. crisisC. obstacleD. dan gerThe classroom is big eno ugh, but we'll have to move if we have more stude nts.(05福建)A . for the moment B . on the momentC. in a momentD. for a momentThe head offi

19、ce of the bank is in Beiji ng, but it hasall over the coun try.(05辽宁)A . compa nies B . bran chesC . orga ni zati onsD. bus in essesHe proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his was seen at its bestwhe n he worked with others.(05 上海)A. temperB. appeara nee C. tale nt D. characterUsually a

20、 child's behavior is aof his family environment. (04上海春)A recog niti on B. reflect ion C. return D. recordWe n eed to con sider whatwe will be using for Ian guage training. (04上海春)A. abilities B. appliances C. facilities(设备,设施 ) D. qualitiesThe environmentalists andwild goats' on the vast gr

21、asslands wasa goodin dicati on of the better environment. (04上海)A. escapeB. abse neeC. atte ndanceD. appeara neeIn deali ng with public relati ons, we should make every effort to preve nt thein personality. (04上海)A. con tactB. con trast C. connectionD. con flictChin ese arts have won theof a lot of

22、people outside China. (04上海)A. enjoyme nt B. appreciati on C. en terta inmentD. reputati onThe collapse of the World Trade Centre has put US economy in a difficult .(2003上海春)A. occasi on B. case C. situati on D. backgro undMore and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a greatofgo

23、ods. (2003 上海春)A. variety B. mixture C. exte nsion D. comb in ati on-I'm sorry I stepped outside for a smoke, I was very tired. (2003北京)-There is nofor this while you are on duty.A. reas on B. excuse C. cause D. expla natio nOne of the consequences of our planet'sbeing warming up is a(n) in

24、the numberof n atural disasters. (2003上海)A. result B. acco unt C. reas on D. in creaseLife is tough in the city .In order to lose their, some people drink alcohol.(2003上海)A. temper B. mood C. con scious ness D. pressuresFor the sake of her daughter ' s health, she decided to move to a warm . (20

25、02上海春)A. weather B. temperature C. seas onD. climateIt can ' t be a(n) that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night. (2002上海春)上海)上海)上海)A. coin cide nee B. accide ntC. in cide nt D. cha neeEvery newhas the possibility of making or los ing mon ey. (2002A. event B. impact C. fact D. cause-Ca n

26、 you shoot that bird at the top of the tree? (2001-No, it's out of.A. range B. reach C. con trol D. dista neeThe life of London is made up of many differe nt. (2001A. elements B. sections C. materials D. realitiesThis is not a match. We're playing chess just for. (2001上海春)A. habit B. hobby C

27、. funD. gameSomeof the passengers told the reporters about their in the burning train.(2000上海春)A. details B. tripsC. eve nts D. experie ncesThe rescue team made everyto find the miss ing mountain climber. (2000上海春)A. force B. en ergy C. effort D. Possibility固定搭配冋dan ger man is ofte n much wiser tha

28、n usual.(1988 全国)A. In a time of B. In the times of C. In the time of D. In time of高二If by any cha nee some one comes to see me, ask them to leave a.(1997全国)A. message B. letter C. sentence D. no ticeHere's my card. Let's keep in. (1994全国)A.touchB.relati onC.connectionD.frie ndshipWe have wo

29、rked out the plan and now we must put it into. (1992全国)A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed高三James took the magaz ines off the little table to make for the televisi on.(2010天津卷3)A. room B. area C. fieldD. PositionLast year the number of studectswho graduated with a drivinglicence reached 200,000,a

30、(n) of 40,000 per year.A.averageB.nu mber(2010 江西 35)C.am ountD.qua ntityWhat' s theof havi ng a public ope n space where you cant eat, drink or evensimply ha ng out for a while? 2008福建A. senseB. matterC.caseD. OpinionDogs have a very goodof smell and are ofte n used to search for survivorsin an

31、 earthquake. 2008 浙江A. sense B. view C. means D. ideaDespite such a big differeneein towards what one eats, there is no doubt thatpeople in the west regard the Chin ese food as someth ing special. 2007湖北A. poi ntB. ideaC. attitudeD. sightI can ' t say which wine is beat it ' s a (n)of person

32、al taste. 2007山东A. affair B . event C. matter D . varietyAt tile meeting they discussed three different to the study of mathematics. (06湖北)A. approaches B. means C. methods D. waysI keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children's. (04天津)A. reachB. ha ndC. hold D. placeDon't leave matc

33、hes or cigarettes on the table within of littlechildren.(04湖北)A. handB. reachC. spaceD. distaneeThe man ager has got a good bus in essso the compa ny is doing well. (2003 北京)A. idea B . senseIf you're driving to the airportA. hand B . seat CC . thought D . thinking,can you give me a.drive D . Li

34、ft? (2003 安徽)Accord ing to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarilyand effect. (2002上海)A. reas on B. impact C. fact D. causeNo matter what you do, you should put yourinto it. (2001上海春)A. mi nd B. heart There are usually at least twoA. meansB. direct ions同义词辨析 高三

35、Last year the number of studects a(n)of 40,000 per year.C. brainD. thought_ of look ing at every questi on. (2001C. viewsD. Wayswho graduated with a driv ing lice nee (2010 江西 35)上海春)reached 200,000,A.averageB.nu mberC.am ountD.qua ntityOne thousa nd dollars a month is not a fortune but would help c

36、over my liv ing.2007天津A. bills B. expe nsesC. pricesD. chargesYou are always full of. Can you tell me the secret? 2007福建Taking ple nty of exercise every day.A. powerB. stre ngthC.forceD. en ergyHe and his wife are of the same; they both want their son to go to college.2007 陕西A. soulB. spiritC. heart

37、D.mi ndSchool children must be taught how to deal with dangerous. (06辽宁)A. statesB. con diti onsC. situati onsD.positi onsMyof this weekend's activity is going out with some good friends.(05 安徽)A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thoughtPerhaps we need to clear away these books to makefor our new stud

38、ents . (2003安徽)A. place B . area C . space D . room"I don't think it's mythat the TV blew up. I just turned it on, that's all,"said the boy. (2003 上海)A. error B. mistake C. fault D. dutyI saw Bob play the piano at John' s party and on that he was simply brilliant.(2002上海春)A

39、 see ne B. circumsta nee C. occasi on D. situati onEverybody believes he will be the winner of the 100-metre. (2000上海春)A. match B. competiti onC. con test D. race名词做定语咼二He dropped theand broke it. (1993全国)A. cup of coffee B. coffee's cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup 高三Theis just around the co

40、rner and you won't miss it. (2001A. bicycle's shopB . bicycle shopC. bicycles shop常用不可数咼Father went to his doctor forabout his heart trouble.上海春)D. bicycles' shop(1987全国)全国)A.wealth;work B.wealths works单复数形式意义不同咼Tables are made of. (1984A. wood B. woods C. woode nC.wealths;work全国)D. some

41、 woodsD.wealth;worksA. an advice B. adviceC. advices D. the advices咼一-He gained hisby printingof famous writers. (1995全国)A.wealth;work B.wealths works C.wealths;work D.wealth;works 常用可数咼Have you ever seenas tall as this one?(1985 全国)A. a tree B. such tree C. an tree D. treeHe gained hisby printingof

42、 famous writers. (1995That table is made of. (1979全国)A. a wood B. some wood C. the wood D. Wood 所有格咼二二He dropped theand broke it. (1993全国)A. cup of coffee B. coffee's cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup高三Theis just around the corner and you won't miss it. (2001上海春)A. bicycle's shopB. bic

43、ycle shopC. bicycles shop D. bicycles' shop名词的复数形式咼turn gree n in spri ng.(1986 全国)A. Leaf B. Leafs C. Leave D. Leaves专有名词咼My father told me he was soon going to visit. (1981全国)A. the United State B. the United States C.United States D. United State四、易错题What' s theof having a public open spa

44、ce where you can' t eat, drink or evensimply ha ng out for a while? 2008福建A. senseB. matterC.caseD. opinionThe practice of hanging clothes across the street is a com mon of the city. 2007 安徽A. lookB. sig nin many partsC. sightD.appeara neeDespite such a big differeneein towards what one eats, th

45、ere ispeople in the west regard the Chin ese food as someth ing special. 2007A. poi ntB. ideaC. attitudeD. sightAIDS control and prevention is ato China as well as the whole world上海春A. surpriseB. challengeC. react ionD. ThreatHe and his wife are of the same; they both want their son to go to college

46、.2007陕西mi ndA. soulB. spiritC. heartnodoubt that湖北.2007D.My morning2007上海A. drillin cludes jogg ing inthe park and readingnewspapers overbreakfast.B. actionAt tile meet ing湖北)A. approachesthey discussed threeC. regulati on differe nttoD. routi nethestudy of mathematics. (06B. mea nsC. methods D. ways浙江)-If you like I can do some shopp ing for you. (06-That ' s a very kind.A. offer B. serviceC. pointD. suggesti onWe n eed to con sider whatwe will be using for Ian guage training.


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