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1、2015高考高频词汇必背及训练系列61.rent n租金,租费v.租用,租入The rent for the apartment is $80 a month.那套公寓的租金为每月八十美元。We don't own our house.We rent it.我自己没房子。这是租来的。考点提示:for rent 出租的rent.from.从那儿租rent.to.出租(分)pay rent 付租金完成句子:(1)约翰和保罗同租一间小公寓并共同分担租金。John and Paul _a small flat and they share the_.(2)老妇人把房子以每周55美元的价格租给我

2、们。The old lady _us her spare room for $55 a week.2.mercy n仁慈、宽恕,宽容They showed mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人很仁慈。It's a mercy that she wasn't hurt in the accident.她在事故中未受伤,真幸运。He begged for mercy (of the king)他祈求(国王)宽恕。without mercy 毫不容情地at the mercy of sb/sth 任由某人/某事物摆布或控制have mercy on/upon 对有

3、怜悯心out of mercy 出于仁慈beg for mercy 讨饶怜悯某人,宽恕某人汉译英(1)那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。_(2)可怜可怜我们吧。_3.bathe vt.浸,冲洗,在河或海里洗浴n.洗澡Bathe your blistered finger in hot water.把你那起疱的手指浸在热水里吧。I was bathed in sweat.我汗流浃背。She was bathed in tears.她哭成了一个泪人。Let's go bathing in the river.我们到河里去洗澡吧。I went for a bathe this morning.我今天

4、上午洗海水澡(或游泳)去了。go bathing 去洗澡be bathed in 沉浸在(水中或阳光下)go for a bathe 去游泳have/take a bathe 游泳,洗(海水)澡完成句子:(1)Let's go for_.让我们去游泳吧。(2)_your eyes twice every day.冲洗你的眼睛,每天两次。4.downtown(1)adv.到(在)商业区,到(在)市中心区(闹区)We will go downtown tomorrow.我们明天去市区。(2)adj.商业地区的,闹区的,市中心的Downtown traffic is a great prob

5、lem.市区交通是个大问题。(3)n.商业区,闹区The park is only five minutes from downtown.这个花园离市中心只有五分钟的路程。单句改错:We will go to downtown to do some shopping today._5.narrow adj.狭窄的,狭隘的The house is small and red with narrow steps in front.房子很小,是红色的,前面是窄窄的楼梯。They made a plan to widen the narrow road.他们制定了一个拓宽这条狭窄的路的计划。She t

6、akes a rather narrow view of the subject.她对这一问题有些偏见。考点提示:(1)a narrow escape 九死一生The couple had a narrow escape from the fire.这对夫妻从火灾中死里逃生。(2)narrow v(使)变窄,缩小范围narrowly adv.勉强地,狭隘地The river narrowed at this point.河道在这里变窄了。We narrowly missed hitting the other car.我们差一点就撞上另一辆车。The sidewalk was so _that

7、 we had to walk in a single line.Anarrow Bnarrowly Cwide Dwidely6.emphasise v强调emphasise the importance of.强调的重要性It should be emphasised that.应当着重指出的是He emphasised the importance of careful driving.他强调小心驾驶的重要性。It should be emphasised that flying is a very safe way to travel.应该着重指出的是,坐飞机旅行十分安全。考点提示:e

8、mphasis n强调,重视put/place emphasis on.将重点放在She spoke with emphasis on the necessity of cooperation.她强调合作的必要。You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.最后一个音节你读得太重了。In recent years,much more emphasis has been put _developing the students' productive skills.Aover Binto Cwith Don7.elegantly adv.优

9、美地,高雅地She behaved elegantly in the party.她在舞会上举止优雅。He always dressed elegantly.他的穿着总是很高雅得体。考点提示:elegant adj.优美的,高雅的elegance n优雅,优美She behaves in an elegant manner.她仪态优美。Her writing combines elegance with it.她的文章典雅而有风趣。The beautiful lady wears an_dark suit.Aelegant Belectronic Celected Dexperienced 8

10、.fold v折叠n折痕(1)n.皱褶,折痕Bend back the card and cut along the fold.把折叠的卡片打开,沿着折痕剪开。(2)n.折叠,对折Fold the paper along the line.沿线将纸折叠起来。考点提示:fold up折起,叠好fold away折叠,收拢fold your arms交叉双臂I wish your kids would fold up their clothes.我希望你们的小孩能把衣服叠好。The bed can be folded away when you don't need it.不需要的时候这张

11、床可以折叠。He stood silently with his arms folded.他交叉着双臂一言不发地站着。完成句子:他把地图折叠起来,放进了口袋。He _and put it into his pocket.9.shore n岸边This island is two miles off the shore.这个岛离岸两英里远。We could see a boat about a mile from the shore.我们看见离岸约一英里处有一艘船。考点提示:on shore在岸上We had a couple of hours on shore.我们在岸上有几个小时的时间。Th

12、e strong winds sweep over the sea,and the rolling waves beat the_.Ashoe Bshore Csharpener Dshop10.detail n细节考点提示:all the details 全部详情every detail 每个细节in detail 详细地Please tell me all the details.请告诉我全部详情。I checked every detail of her research.我核对了她的学术研究的各个细节。detailed adj.详细的,详尽的,完全的a detailed descrip

13、tion 详尽的描述;account 详尽的报道;analysis详尽的分析We'd better discuss everything _before we work out the plan.(2011·江苏)Ain detail Bin general Con purpose Don time答案:1.(1)rent;rent(2)rented2.(1)The ship was at the mercy of the storm.(2)Have mercy on us.3.(1)a bathe(2)Bathe4.We will go downtown to do some shopping today.5.A 6.D7.句意:那位漂亮的女士穿着雅致的深色套装。 elegant 优雅的; electronic 电子的;elected 选举的;experienced 有经验的。 答案A8.folded the map up9.句意:大风横扫海面,翻滚的海浪拍打着海岸。shoe 鞋子;shore 海岸;sharpener 卷笔刀;shop 商店。答案B10.句意:我们在制定计划之前最好详细地讨论一切。in detail详细地;in general总的来说;on purpose 故意地; on time 按时。答案A


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