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1、知识点大全Book 6BUnit 1 How tall are you?一、词汇tall-taller高的 - 更高的than比short -shorter矮的 /短的 - 更矮的 /更短的cm厘米long- longer长的 - 更长的meter米形容词strong- stronger强壮的 -更强壮的ton吨adj.old- older老的 / 旧的 - 更老的 /更旧的size号码young- younger年轻的 -更年轻的feet脚small- smaller小的 - 更小的think想wear穿辅 +元 +辅 - 双写最后一个辅音字母+erotherseven甚至big-bigge

2、r大的 - 更大的tail尾巴thin-thinner瘦的 - 更瘦的little小的fat-fatter胖的 - 更胖的lobster龙虾shark鲨鱼辅音字母 +y - 改 y 为 i +erdeep深的happy-happier开心的 - 更开心的seal海豹heavy-heavier重的 - 更重的squid鱿鱼funny-funnier滑稽的 - 更滑稽的sperm whale 抹香鲸killer whale 虎鲸二、重点句型 问年龄,身高,体重等How old are you?How tall are you?How heavy are you?- I m _ (years old

3、).- I m _ cm tall.- I m _ kg . 问物品的情况: How large is your room?你的房间有多大?It s _ m2 (square meters.)有_ 平方米。How long is your bed?你的床有多长?It s _cm long.有_厘米长。How big are your feet?你的脚有多长?I wear size _.我穿 _码的鞋。 形容谁比谁更am beis( even/much )er thanaree.g.I am taller than you.我比你高。I am 4 cm taller than your brot

4、her.我比你弟弟高 4cm .I am taller and stronger than your brother.我比你的弟弟更高更壮。Jack is even stronger than his father. Jack甚至比他爸爸还壮。Zhang Peng and John are much younger than Mr.Green.张鹏和 John 比 Mr. Green要年轻多了。有用的句型:1.Which monkey do you like?你喜欢哪一只猴子?I like the yellow one.我喜欢黄色的那只。2.I think the little monkey

5、is only 40 cm tall.我想那只小猴只有40cm 高。3.Its tail is about 38 cm long.它的尾巴约有 38cm.4. A sperm whale is _ than a killer whale in its length.Unit 2Whats the matter, Mike?知识点大全必背词汇:表示身体不适的have a fever (发烧)have a cold(感冒)have a sore throat (喉咙痛)have a toothache (牙痛)have a headache(头痛)hurt (疼痛)表示情绪心情tired (疲劳的

6、)excited(兴奋得)angry(生气的)sad(悲伤的)happy (高兴得)bored (无聊的)sore(疼得)其他: feel(感觉)sick(有病的)nose(鼻子)know(知道)worry (担心)medicine (药) drink (喝)stay (在,逗留)better(更好的) soon (立刻,不久)trip (旅行) fail (失败)pass(传递)重点句型:1 A: Whats the matter? 你怎么啦?B: I have a toothache. 我牙痛。2 A:How do you feel ? 你感觉怎样?B: I feel sick.我觉得不舒

7、服。3 A: How does she/he feel? 她 /他感觉如何?B: She/ He is tired. 她/他累了。4 You look so happy. 你看起来如此高兴。5 A: I failed the math test. 我数学考试失败了。B: Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。6 How are you ? You look so excited. 你怎么了?你看起来很兴奋。7 If you have a fever ,you might have athe flu.如果你发烧,你可能得了流感。8 Dontworry! If you

8、 are sick,see the doctor.不要担心!如果你病了,去看医生。9 Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.吃些药和热饮料。10 Stay in bed for a few days. You will feel better soon.卧床休息几天,你很快就会好起来。Book 6 B Unit 3 Last Weekend知识点归一 词汇知识点大全watch ( watched ) 看wash ( washed) 洗clean ( cleaned ) 打扫play (played ) 玩visit (visited) 看望do( di

9、d )助动词 /做cook (cooked ) 做饭go( went ) 去go swimming ( went swimming )去游泳read ( read ) 阅读 go fishing ( went fishing ) 去钓鱼go hiking( went hiking ) 去郊游study ( studied ) 学习fly ( flew )飞return ( returned) 送回,归还swim (swam) 游泳last 上一个weekend 周末to 朝 ,向park 公园yesterday ( 昨天 )二 句型1 询问在过去的某一个时间做了什么 ,借助助动词 did 特殊

10、疑问句 What did you do yesterday/last weekend ? I did my homework .一般疑问句,把did 提前 Did you help your parents clean the room ? (当句子变为一般疑问句,动词应还原) Yes , I did ./No, I didnt.标牌警示语No fishing here !此处禁止钓鱼!No swimming here ! 此处禁止游泳!No dogs pooinghere! 此处禁止狗大便!No dogs peeing here! 此处禁止狗小便!三 语法当一个动作是在过去的某一个时间发生时

11、,动词则要用过去式,如句子中有yesterday, last week , lastweekend , last yesterday , last Sunday等这样表示过去时间的词时,就要用一般过去时态。动词的过去式构成规则:1一般动词在词尾加上 ed 。如: work worked , wash washedplay - played2以 e 结尾的动词在词尾加上 e . 如 :use - used live - lived3以辅音字母和 y 结尾的动词改 y 为 i ,再加上 ed . 如: study - studied , empty- emptied4末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音

12、节词,双写最后的辅音字母,再加ed 如: stop stopped5不规则变化 。(注:除去不规则变化动词,其他动词都是规则变化)swim - swam 游泳 fly - flew飞 run - run have - had 有 go-went 去sweep -swept 打扫 get - get 得到,到达 ride - rode 骑 feel - felt 感觉 wake - woke 醒来不规则动词过去式 :跑eat - ate 吃sleep- slept 睡觉buy - bought 买take - took 拿teach -taught 教sing - sang 唱歌do - did

13、做read -read 读书make -made制作set -setdo - did 做draw - drew 画画drink - drank 喝write - wrote 写put - put 放tell -told 告诉send - sent发送think - thought 想meet - met 见面fall - fell 落下Book 6 B Unit 4 My holidaysingsang 唱eatate 吃gowent 去taketook 拍 ;照havehad 有 ;吃 leaveleft 离开buybought 买seesaw 看见getgot 到达learn / lear

14、ned Chinese学中文take /took pictures 拍照知识点大全climb/climbed a mountain 爬山buy/bought presents 买礼物see/saw elephants看大象sing and dance /sang and danced唱歌跳舞row/rowed a boat 划船go/went skiing 去滑雪go/went ice-skating去滑冰cousin堂兄弟 ;堂姐妹工作I =ll I willmiss 想念relax 放松prepare准备重要句型 :问过去发生的动作要借助动词did,特殊疑问句为句型是 :疑问词 +did+

15、 主语 +V 原形 +其它 ?Where did you go on your holiday? 假期你去了哪里 ?I went to Xinjiang.我去了新疆 .What did you do on your holiday?你假期干了什么 ?I sang and danced.我即唱了歌又跳了舞 .How did you go there? 你怎样去的 ?I went by train.我坐火车去的 .When did you go? 你什么时候去的 ?I went last Monday. 我上周一去的 .It was a long holiday. 这是一个长的假期 .For th

16、e last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school. Recycle 2 A Farewell Party一重点短语:have a ferewell party 开毕业告别会play the piano 弹钢琴do Chinese kung fu 表演中国功夫say hello/goodbye to sb. 向某人问好invite sb. to 邀请某人/告别sing songs 唱歌play the erhu 拉二胡二重点句子:1 It is the end of the school

17、 year.这是学期末。2 Would you like to perform at the party?你们想在晚会上表演什么呢3 Let me see.让我想一想。?4 Lets invite your parents to the party. 让我们邀请你们的父母来晚会。5 The ferewell party will be on June 20th.毕业会将在六月二十号。6 I dontwant to say goodbye to my friends.我不想给我的朋友告别。7 It s time to say goodbye to China. 到了该与中国到别的时间了。8 I hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好起来。9 We will give you a surprise.我们将给你一个惊喜。10. I feel much better . 我感到好多了。11. I hope you like it. 我希望你喜欢。12. This is a book about panda. 这是一本关于熊猫的书。


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