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1、郝元涛南宁,2014年12月1日,借力信息化技术,推动卫生统计学教育教学改革,随着互联网技术和信息技术的快速发展,在改变人们的生活方式的同时,一定会改变人们的学习方式教育的革命以个人学习、教学经历为例,变 化,教材少-多,中外,中英,覆盖广电子书实习条件电脑软件网上教学,国家级精品课程,国家级双语示范课程,广东省网络共享课程,教育部留学生全英授课品牌课程,MOOCs,2008年,2010年,2012年,2013年,2014年,大学,无处不在大型开放式网络课程Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC),MOOC是什么?=网络公开课?,Coursera,MOOC三巨头,ed

2、X,Udacity,MOOC在中国,2013年,57月,4所高校“牵手”edX, Coursera,7月,12所高校联合组成“在线课程共享联盟”,10月,清华大学“学堂在线”MOOC平台开通,MOOC在中国,2014年,4月,上海交大“好大学在线”MOOC平台开通,截至8月,120所高校实施了MOOC建设项目,5月,“爱课程”网中国大学MOOC平台开通,16所高校,56门上线课程,Built From Scratch-Biostatistics, the Frist MOOC offered by Sun Yat-sen University,14,Our MOOCBiostatistics,

3、Curriculum Construction,Biostatistics launched by SYSU: 19762013,One of the most distinguished biostatistics course in mainland China,Country- and province- level Jingpin kecheng (Top Level Courses), including Distance Education,Primary audiences: undergraduate and graduate medical students in vario

4、us disciplines,More than 3,000 students each year,Biostatistics MOOC launched by SYSU: 2013, 06,The first MOOC at SYSU, funded by CMB,Developed by School of Public Health, SYSU,Sep. 1stOct. 20th 2014, more than 3,400 students,http:/www.icourse163.org/course/sysu-20016#/info,17,Prepare 2013,06 2013,

5、12,Preliminary Meeting, Guangzhou, 2013,06.29Peking University, Fudan University, SYSU, PUMC and CMBAnalyzing the current landscape of online and IT-based learningDeveloping focused questions for the September study tour.,A MOOCs study tour, U.S.A. 2013,09.07-14To examine specific MOOC and IT-suppor

6、ted learning models. UCSF, Stanford University, Harvard University and MIT.,18,Designing and Developing 2014,0108,Structures and instructional design, SYSU-SoPH,2014,0104,Curriculum Construction,Capacity building, SYSU-SoPH, 2014,010811 Teachers (instructional designers), 3 videographers, 1 IT speci

7、alists, 11 teaching assistants, equipment,Video Production, SYSU-SoPH, 2014,0508Video and editing, teaching materials,2,19,2,Designing and Developing 2014,0108,MOOCs Workshop I, Beijing, 2014,03 (CMB)Ministry of education, the four universities Progress of first medical MOOCs Barriers and key issues

8、 Sharing experiences,Curriculum Construction,MOOCs Workshop II, Beijing, 2014,04 Ministry of education, the four universitiesStructures and instructional design approachesHow to share resources with each other,Course design?Platform?,Platform: icourse,20,Converted a computer room into a studio,21,Vi

9、deo editing: Sony Edius,22,Online mentors and discussion group managers,Release course information by email,23,icourse MOOC platform, Sep. 1st Dec.16th,Basic biostatistics,12 topics, 51 10- to 15-minute videos, scripts, quizzes and exams,Videos were watched 18,102 times by 3,461 Students by Oct 20th

10、,Running 2014, Sep. 1st ,24,By Oct. 20th 2014, 3,461 students enrolled.,25,In total, 18102 students ever watched a video.221643 students/video, on average 342 students/video,26,In total, 8351 students ever attempted a quiz.21639 students/quiz, on average 210 students/quiz,27,In total, 1315 students

11、ever attempted on line discussion. 2996 students ever attempted an unit exam.,28,First MOOCContent: BasicForm: UnitaryOnly for e-learning,ImprovementsContent: AdvancedForm: 3D animation, Flash,Small Private Online Course, SPOC Flipped Classroom Evaluation of completion and teaching quality,MOOC制作剪影,35,Thank you !,


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