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1、雅思写作基础语法训练定语从句I.什么是定语?定语:用来说明人和物的状态、品质、数量等 Television presents a vivid world in front of us.(形容词做定语) Nowadays there are many young people going abroad for study.(现在分词做定语)* The book which I mm reading is written by Tomas Hardy.(定语从句)n.定语从句的类别a. 由关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词:that,which* who, whom,whose He is the m

2、an who/that wants to see you.在定语从句中做主语 He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday.在定语从句中做宾语 A prosperity which/that had 门ever been seen before appears in the coun tryside. The package (which/that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. They rushed over to help the man whose cahad broken down. Plea

3、se pass me the book whose cover is green.b. 关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词:when, where, why在定语从句中作时间状语、地点状语或原因 状语。 There are occasions when one has to give up. We live in a country where people enjoy their legal rights. There are many reasons why I oppose the view.c限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句限制性定语从句与被修饰的词关系密切,从句不能拿掉拿掉以后剩下的 部

4、分失去意义或意思不清,甚至显得荒谬如: A man who doesn't study constantly car/t hope to achieve much. He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man.非限制性定语从句只对所修饰的词做进一步的说明,拿掉之后其他部分仍 然成立,如: Charles Smith, who wms my former teacher,retired last year. Mothers can concentrate on their work and career, which i

5、s also helpfullto the social development. Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called e/Bipoalion.EXERCISE 1 Fill in the blanks.乩他们相信他们所看到的暴力是正常的和可接受的。They believe that the violenceis normal andacceptable,b. 世界上仍然有很多人生活在贫困中。The巳 are still many people in the world .c. 从1980年到1990年,有三个地区的人口增长超过10%.

6、From 1980 to 1990, there are three areas _ .d. 我喜欢和性格与我相似的人交朋友。I like to make friends with people.EXERCISE 2 Decide whether the following sentences are grammatically correct or wronga This is the mountain village where I visited last year.b. This is the mountain village which I visited last year,c.

7、I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.d. I'll never forget the days which I spent in the countryside,EXERCISE 3 Fill in the blanks.乩他似乎没有理解我的意思,这让我很不安(upset sb九He seems not to have grasped what I meant,.b” 一些学生在玩电脑游戏上花费太多时间,这对他们的身心发展都有害。 Some students spend too much time o

8、n playing computer games,.c. 老年人可以照看他们的孙辈,这也会减轻年轻人的压力。The old people can look after their grandchildreru,b. try to = make an efforttry + -ing = experiment He tried many times to pass the examination. Try holding your breath for more than a minute.c. stop to = stop one thing to do another thing stop

9、+ -ing = stop what is being done We stopped to buy a map for the next day?s trip. You should stop acting like a childd. go on to = do something differentgo on + -ing = continue We went on to discuss finance. Go on talking.VI-动名词的否定结构 Trying without success is better than not trying at all- He hated

10、himself for not having worked hard.现在分词:v + ing /过去分词v + edI 现在分词与过去分词的区别a. 语态不同 a surprising answera surprised 怕acher an exciting story一excited spectators a moving film-一a moved audience a tiring toura tired touristb. 时间关系上不同 the changing world - the changed world the boiling water - the boiled wat

11、er developing countries - developed countriesn.作定语 I am reading a very interesting book. He likes to drink cold boiled water. China is a developing country belonging to the third world. The man sitting in the corner is my brother.HI-作表语(相当于代替一个形容词)The opera is very moving anB instructive.-3 - The cu

12、ps are broken. / He is married.IV.作状语a. 时间状语 Looking out of the window. ! saw groups of children passing by the house. (When) heated, the metal expands. Opening the drawer? he took out a dictionry.b. 原因状语 Feeling tired, I t 呂 I ephoned and said I couldnV come. Thinking that Chinese medicine might he

13、lpf he went to a hospital of Chinese medicine. In spired by the excellent situation, they worked even harder.c. 方式状语 He came running back to tell us the news.d. 伴随状况 She stood there waiting for the bus.e. 结果状语 The child fell, string his head against the door eind cutting it.V-分词的否定结构Not knowing what

14、 to do, she went to the teacher for help.EXERCISE 1 Underline the correct form of the verbs.a. Mario remembered to give / giving his assignment to his tutor because he had spoken to her about its length, but she insisted that she had never received it.b. If you can't find the information at the

15、library* try to look / looking on the Internet.c. She studied medicine at university sind went on to become / becoming a surgeon.d. Look at Mum?s car! It definitely needs to clean / cleaning!e. I'll never forget to fall / falling off that swing when I was a child,f. I was really nervous about th

16、e in怕rview, and although ! tried not to worry / not worrying I was awake most of the night.g. The new government needs to take / taking notice of the opinions of thepeople h. It seems that the new system of sending out remindes has worked, because this year 90% of members remembered to renew renewin

17、g their membership in time.i. Economists predict that house prices will go on to rise / rising for at least another year.j- We weren? t able to see the concert because Tamsin forgot to bring / bringing the tickets.EXERCISE 2 Use the correct form of the words to fill in the blank.a- On 17th February

18、2003* a congestion charge for(driving) incentral London was introduced.b. The aim was(reduce) the number of vehicles in Londonos Cityc. People now have the choice between(pay) the charge and not(drive) into the City.d. The charge has proven very successful in(turn) away traffic fromthe City .e. As t

19、he traffic has been reduced by about 20 percent? journey times in theCity tend(decrease).f. According to an opinion polh more than 50 percent of Londoners say that it isokay(charge) people for driving into the City.g. They are relieved (find) the traffic flow more easily.h. Before(introduce) the cha

20、rgeT average speed in the City wasabout 10 mph,i” Now? people who delete(pay) the charge can travel at a higherspeed, approximately 20 mph.j- Many Londonershowever, have chosen(go) by bus as delays tobuses are now down by half.k* London; s buses have seen passenger numbers_. . . (rise) by 14percent.

21、EXERCISE 3 Choose the best answer.1 * Don 1 you remember?A. seeing the man beforeB. to see the man before2.34.5, saw the m自n beforeD* to have been seeing the man beforeWould you mindyour radio a Iittles please?A. turn offB. turning offC* to turn downD. turning downPeople couldnt he!p

22、the foolish emperor in the procession.A. laugh atB. to laugh atC. laughing atD. laughing onDo you rememberme at a party last year?A, meetB. to meetC, meetingOnly one of these books isA. worth to readD, metB. worth being readC. worth of readingD. worth readingThe squirrei waslucky that it just missed

23、.A. catchi ng8. to be caughtC. being caughtD. to catchI don't regreteven if it might have upset her.A. to tell her what I thoughtB. to have told her that I thoughtC. telling what I thoughtD. telling her what I thought一What do you think of the book?Oh, excel lent, lt?s worth _ a second time.A. to

24、 readB. to be readIJC. readingD. being readI can hardly imagine Peter _ _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sailB. to sailC. sailingD. to have sailedJ went to the railway station to see my friend off*A. After eating quickly my dinnerB. After my quickly eating dinnerC. After eating my dinner

25、quicklyD. After eating my quickly dinnerI would appreciateback this afternoon.A. you to callB. you callC. your callingD. you're calling12. is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walkB.WalkingC” To walkD.Walk13. How about the two of us a walk down the garden?A. to takeB.takeC. t

26、akingD.to betaking14. One learns a Ianguage by making mistakes &ndthem.A. correctcorrectingC. correctsD. to correct15. After much - the shop owner agreed to cut down the priceby 20%.A. debating3 talkingC. discussingD. bargaining16. How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and th

27、e customers?一The keythe problem is to meet the demand by thecustomers.A. to solving;makingB. to solving;madeC. to solve;makingD. to scive;made17. to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one7s skin.A. ExposedB. Having exposedO Being exposedD. After being exposedEXERCISE 4 Rewrite the following

28、sentences using participlesa. Because I believed him to be honesty I lnt him some money.b. When I sat at the window, I watched the people pass.g As they had no money? they could not make the trip.d. While he was writing the novel, he remembered his own childhood.e. As she was afraid? she did not want to go home alone-f. They changed the end of the play? which turned it into a comedy.g. Because he feared the police would recognize him, the thief never went out in daylight.-9 -


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