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1、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级讲解与练习一、变化规则 一般的比较级和最高级在形容词或副词后加-er或-est,女口: small smaller smallest 以不发音-e结尾的形容词或副词直接加-r或-st,女口 :large largest largest-er 重读闭音节词尾是一个辅音字母的,需双写该辅音字母,再加或-esto 以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词和副词,把“y”变“ i”,再加er 或-est.busy-busier-busiesthappy-happier-happiest一些双音节及多音节形容词或副词前要加more和most,如:slowly - more slowly -

2、 most slowlydifficult-more difficult-most difficultbeautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful还有一些不规则的变化:good / well-better-bestmany/much-more-mostbad / ill / badly -worse-worstlittle-less-leastfar - farther / further - farthest/ furthest二、形容词和副词的等比句型 asas和一样I ' m as tall as you. not as(so)as不和一样(在否

3、定句中常用 so来代替as)女口,I can ' t run so fast as you.另夕卜 asas possible 为固定结构,如,as soon as possible, as quickly aspossible 等。在以上两个句型中形容词或副词一定要用原级。练习:她吃的不如她爸爸多。我的房间不如你的干净。 你必须跟他一样认真。 asas前还可以加倍数,如:The room is two times as large as that one.三、比较级(两者之间)(1) 两者相比:Which is+比较级,A or B?如:Which is bigger, the su

4、n or the moon?(2) 比较级+ tha n.如:Mike is taller tha n Joh n.(3) 有"of the two ” ,用 the+ 比较级. 如:Lucy is the more careful of the two.(4) 比较级前可用 much/a lot /far/ a little /a bit/even 等修饰.This book is much more in terest ing tha n that one.The blouse I bought yesterday is a little less expe nsive.To p

5、lay basketball is far more enjoyable to the boy.(5) 比较级+and+比较级,表“越来越”It becomes warmer and warmer.(6) “ the+比较级,the+比较级”,表“越,越”The higher you sta nd, the farther you will see.练习:1. 你吃的越多,就会越胖.2. Mike lookstha n Paul, but they are of the same age.A. youn gest B. the youn gest C. youn ger D. very you

6、n ger四、最高级(三者或三者以上)1)三者或三者以上相比较用“ the+最高级+名词+范围(of/all+-)”。 例如:This is the cleanest place of the city. 这是这个城市授淸沽的地力口Hu Yun is the fastest of all the girls in our class.胡 zr是我们女生屮跑得最快的2)表示“最之一”,用“ one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”。例如:The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest buildings in the world. 中国的长城是

7、世界上最伟大的建筑之一。This is one of the most interesting books that I've ever read.这是我读 过的最有趣的书之一。注意:形容词的最高级前面必须加定冠词 the,但当形容词最高级 前面有物主代词修饰时,则不加 the。副词前面的the可以省略。例 如:(正)This is my best friend.(误)This is my the (the my) best friend.(正)Today is the happiest day of my life.(误)Today is happiest day of my lif

8、e.练习: She is the tallest in his class. = She is( tall)tha n any otherstude nt in his class.课堂练习1.Which less on is(difficult) in Book 2?2.Alice writes(carefully ) tha n I.3.This story is(in terest ing) tha n that one.4.That was one of(excit ing) mome nts in 2008.5.This kind of food must be(delicious

9、)tha n that one.6.Beihai park is one of(beautiful ) parks in Beiji ng.7.Who s(careful), Tom,Jim or Kate?8.That is(easy) of all.9.He is(clever )boy in the class.10. Joh n is( short) tha n Tom.单选1. The Yellow River is one ofin China.A. the Ion gest rivers B. the Ion ger riverC. the Ion gest river D. t

10、he long river2. Does he speak Chin esehis brother?A. as better as B. as good as C. as well as D. best than3. Which shirt do you like, the white one or the blue one?A. better B. good C. best D. much4. This picture book is notthat one.A. so in terest ing as B. so in teresti ng tha nC. as in teresti ng

11、 tha nD. in terest ing as5. This article istha n that one.A. much easier B. more easierC. much more easier D. more easy6. The Chan gjia ng River isriver in China.A. long B. Ion gestC. the Ion gestD. Ion ger一、写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级:1. nice 2. fat 3. slow4. dry5. happy 6. wet7. much 8. ill9. little10. bad11

12、. thin12. far13. early14. careful15. exciti ng16. busy二、根据句意,用所括号内所级形容词的比较等级形式填空:1. Bob is ( young ) tha n Fred but (tall) tha nFred.2. Yingtian is not as (tall) as Yongxian.3. Almost all the students' faces are the same but Li Demi ng looks(fat) tha n before .4. Which is (heavy), a hen or a chi

13、cke n?5. - How (tall) is Sally?-She' s 1.55 metres (tall). What about Xiaoling?-She' s only 1.40 metres(tall). She is much (short)than Sally.She is also the(short) girl in the class.6. He is(bad) at learning maths. He is much (bad) atChin ese and he is the (bad) at En glish.7. Ann ie says Sa

14、lly is the(kind) pers on in the world.8. He is one of the(frien dly) people in the class, I thi nk.9. A dictio nary is much(expe nsive) tha n a story-book.10. An orange ia a little(big) tha n an apple, but much (small) tha n a watermel on.11. The Changjiang River is the (long) river in China.12. Sue

15、 is a little _ (beautiful) tha n her sister.13. My room is not as (big) as my brother' s.14. -How difficult is physics?-I' m not sure.- Is it(difficult) tha n maths? - I don' t think so.15. - Annie plays the pia no very(well).-Sue plays it (well) than Annie. And Sally plays it the(well).

16、16. Saturday is my (busy) day in a week.17. Her mother is gett ing(fat) and (fat).18. I think it' s too expe nsive. I' d like a (cheap) one.19. He comes to school much(early) than I.20. This book is not as (interesting) as that one.21. Your classroom is(wide) and(bright) tha nours.22. Practi

17、se as (much) as you can.23. The(much), the (good).24. Nowadays(现在)English is ( important )than any other subject.25. Most of the students think a lionis much (dangerous) than a bear and it is the (dan gerous) ani mal in the world.26. Mr. Smith isman in this office. (rich)27. Win ter isseas on of the

18、 years. (cold)28. This radio is not soas that one. (cheap)29. It is muchtoday tha n yesterday. (hot)30. She is a littletha n her classmates. (careful)31. people came to the meeti ng tha n last time. (ma ny)32. Which book is, this one or that one? (easy)33. My room istha n yours. (small)34. Hai nan i

19、sfrom Beiji ng tha n Hunan. (far)35. Skat ing istha n swimmi ng. (excit ing)36. Jim istha n all the others. (hon est)37. Things are gett ingand. (bad)38. The higher you climb, theit will be. (cold)39. Now his life is becoming and_.(difficult)40. There areboys tha n girls in our class. (few)三、单选1. Th

20、is box isthat one.A. heavy tha n B. so heavy tha nC. heavier asD. as heavy as2. Whe n we speak to people, we should be.A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possiblyC. as politely as possible D. as politely as possibly3 This book isthat one, buttha n that one.A. as difficult as; expensiveB. as mo

21、re difficult as; moreexpe nsiveC. as difficult as; more expe nsive D. more difficult as; as expe nsive4 I think the story is not soas that one.A. interestingB. interested C. more interestingD. mostin teresti ng5 His father bega n to workhe was seve n years old.A. as old as B. as early as C. since D.

22、 while6. I think scie nee istha n Japa nese.A. much importantB. importantC. much more importantD.more much importa nt7. This pen cil istha n that one.A. Ion gest B. long C. Ion gerD. as long8. My mother is noyoung.A. shorter B. lo ngerC. little D. few9 These childre n arethis year tha n they were la

23、st year.A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller10 It was very hot yesterday, but it istoday.A. eve n hotter B. more hotter C. much more hot D. much hot11. Mrs. Black has gotin stead of gett ing any better.A. more bad B. a little worse C. much badly D. a lot of worse12. When we arri

24、ved, we found the meeting room crowded withstude nts.A. quite a few B. on ly a fewC. few D. a few quite13. The house is small for a family of six.A. much too B. too much C. very much D.so14. Through the wi ndow we can see nothing butbuild in gs.A. tall very many B. very many tall C. very tall many D

25、. manyvery tall15. -What's your brother like? -He is.A. a driver B. very tall C. my frie nd D. at school16. The jacket was sothat he decided to buy it.,A. much B. little C. expe nsiveD. cheap17. Our classroom islarger tha n theirs.A. more B. quite C. very D. much18. Tom is stron ger tha nin his

26、class.A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy19. Whe n spri ng comes, it gets.A. warm and warmB. colder and colderC. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter20. By and by,stude nts in our class came to like En glish.A. more and more B. much and much C. many and manyD. less and least21、T

27、hat boy looks asas a boxer.A. stro ng B. stro ngerC. stro ngestD. more strong22、Then Summer Palace isthan Zhong Shan park.A. biger B. more big C. the biggest D. bigger23、Which do you like, apples or oranges?A. good B. better C. best D. well24、-Oh, the food is bad. -I think so .And the service is.A.

28、the worst B. worse C. badder D. the worse25、 -You are the same coat as I.-Yes, Mine is, but not soas yours.A. better, expe nsiveB. better, more expe nsiveC. much better, more expe nsiveD. good, more expe nsive26、 The experts think that India' s population may bethan China's2020.A. much, by B

29、. more, i n C. larger, by D. larger, on27、 This year our school isthan it was last year.A. much beautiful B. the most beautiful C. beautifuler D.much more beautiful28、 you work,knowledge you will get.A. The harder, more B. The harder, the more C. Harder, the moreD. Harder, more29、He hasfriends than

30、I.A. much more B. many more C. very more D. too more30、She draws better than. A. us all B. we all C. all usD. all we31、 Shanghai is larger thancity in China. A. any B. any otherC. the others D. any else32、I' m not sure whether Mary can singAnn.A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. so go

31、od as33、I have fewer apples than. A. he B. his C. hers D.mi ne34、Her brother isthan she.A. 7 year older B. 7 year old C. 7 years old D. 7years older35、The population of China is larger than.A. America B. the one of Americas C. that of America D.America ns36、 Which isclothing store in your town?A. th

32、e bestB. the betterC. the most goodD. best37、My sister isperson I know.A. the funniestB. the funnierC . the most funD. funni est38、Is Mr Duteacher in your school?A. the most busyB. the busier C. the most busiest D. the busiest39、He ismore beuutiful than I.A. tooB. eno ughC. muchD. very40、The Famous

33、People Tale nt Show was one ofthat I haveever seen.A. the most fan tastic showB. most fan tastic shows15C. the more fan tastic showsD. the most fan tastic shows41、The book is theone in the bookshop.A. the most cheap B . the expensiveC. the most expensiveD. the less expensiver42、I haveapples andmilk than you.A. man y, littleB. more, less C. more, least D. man y, less43、You should study English hard, because if s gettingin our country .A. more and more importa ntC. importa nter and importa nterB. more importa nt and more importa ntD. importa nt and importa nt


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