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1、无话可说的英文无话可说:没有什么话可以说,在某些场合下包含一种无奈,郁 闷的情感。那么,你知道无话可说的的英文是什么吗?无话可说无话可说的英文释义:(idiom) to have no other alter native(idiom) above criticism; perfect无话可说的英文例句:至于我嘛,无话可说。As for me, I have nothing to say.红松鼠似乎也无话可说了。The red squirrel seemed to have nothing to say too.她近来取得的成果让那些批评她的人无话可说了。Her rece nt achieve

2、me nts have sile need her critics.对于你的抱怨我无话可说。I have nothing to say with regard to your compla in ts.对你我已无话可说。To you there is no thi ng to say.有她在场,我常常无话可说。I was ofte n sile nt in her prese nee.i那时,你再也不会在鸡尾酒会上无话可说了。You would never be left speechless at a cocktail party aga in.你可能会认为他们已无话可说了。You migh

3、t thi nk they have no thi ng left to say.对于这件事我无话可说。I had no thi ng to say regard ing this matter.她做了一道无话可说的炖鸡。She makes a mea n chicke n stew.对于这件事我无话可说。I had no thi ng to say regard ing this matter.“对这个世界我已经无话可说。”范老师说。“I have nothing to say about this world, ” Teacher Fei said.她究竟是无话可说或者只是不发一言,这些都

4、不重要了。Whether she had nothing to say or simply said nothing does n&rsq uo;t matter.“对这个世界我无话可说,”他写道,这是日记里重复最多的话。“I have nothing to say about this world,” he wrote, theline most ofte n repeated in the jour nal.当你无话可说,它往往是由于羞涩和压抑感干扰了你自由地思 考,而避免这些情感说起来容易做起来难。When you can& #39;t thi nk of somethi

5、 ng to say, it's ofte n due to shyn ess and in hibiti onin terferi ng with your ability to think freely, and reduc ing these feeli ngs is easier said tha n done.她说,老板看到生活成本数据以后无话可说,同意了她的薪酬要 求。Whe n he saw the cost-of-liv ing data, he could n& #39;t say no, she said.他说:“如果加尔布雷斯因为某项法律问题而被炒

6、了,我无话可 说。"lf the firing of Mr Galbraith was on some tech ni cal issue, I have no say in it, " hesaid.如果社会和人民能够接受,我相信其他国家对此无话可说。If its society and people can accept (the hereditary successi on ),1 believe thatthere is little other coun tries can say about it.但是到了父亲去世五周年的时候,范老师不再等待了,

7、那天母亲对他说,“对这个世界我无话可说,”与其说是诀别,不如说是调侃, 他知道她不再会选择结束生命了。She had no thi ng to say about the world, she told him that day, more out ofamusementthan resignation, and he knewthen that she would not choose to en dher life.母亲攥住他的手指,“对这个世界我已经无话可说了,”她慢慢说 道。She grabbed him the n, curli ng her thi n fin gers aroun

8、d his.“ I have no thi ng to sayabout this world,” she said slowly.是的,因为这是你第一次去那儿,你最好做些准备以防当时太紧 张,觉得无话可说。Yes, since it is the first time for you to go there, you'd better prepare somethi ng in case you are too n ervous to thi nk of anything to say.最后,丹尼尔;巴伦博伊姆顽皮地将琴凳推入,合上钢琴盖,并 做了个无话可说了的手势。At the e

9、nd, Daniel Baren boim impishly pushed the pia no stool un der the keyboard, closed the lid and gestured that he had no more to say.有时,我们同时从书里抬起头来,就像同桌就餐但却无话可说。On ce, we looked up from our books at exactly the same mome nt, as thoughtrapped at a dinner table with no thi ng to say.这份对3500个成年人的调查显示,女人电

10、话时间缩短并不表示 她们突然变得无话可说,而是她们更偏好通过电子邮件和短信的方式 来闲聊。But it& #39;s n ot because they sudde nly have less to say.Wome n appear to prefer toshare their gossip using e-mail and text messages, said the study of 3,500 adults.有时,你就是无话可说了Sometimes you just can& #39;t come up with someth ing to sayTrott女士说,

11、一般人很多都由于觉得无话可说而害怕写博客。Many ordinary people are scared of bloggingbecausethey feel that they have nothing to say, says Ms Trott.但是我现在无话可说,我是个痛苦的,被剥夺睡眠的疯子。But I have no thi ng good to say about being a miserable, sleep deprived lun atic.最后他好象已经无话可说,默默无言地站了几分钟,突然又定了 一下心,告辞而去。At length, every idea seemed

12、 to fail him; and, after sta nding a few mome ntswithout say ing a word, he sudde nly recollected himself, and took leave.“当教练对你无话可说,而你状态很好,没有伤病,训练正常。 你不得不想到那肯定是一些个人恩怨了,”这位边锋说。"Whe n the coach says nothing to you and you are well, with no physical problemsa nd trai ning well, you cannot help but thi nk it must be someth ing pers on al, " saidthe win ger.每个人都很忙碌,不要浪费别人或自己的时间,毫无准备地坐在 那无话可说。People are busy, don&rsq uo;t waste their time or yours bysitt ing dow n with nothin gprepared to talk about.5


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