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1、教学大纲Specialized English for Journalism & Communication Studies I课程编号:061982B课程类型:专业选修课总学 时:32讲课学时:21.5 实验(上机)学时:10.5学 分:2适用对象:传播学专业先修课程:大学英语、中外新闻传播史(双语)一、课程的教学目标本课程是传播学专业本科生的专业选修课。它的开设目的在于引导新闻学与传播学专业的高年级本科学生直接阅读专业原著,在专业学习中巩固和提高英语水平, 在英语学习中了解和研究专业知识。具体而言,本课程能够将新闻学与传播学的历史与现实、理论与实践、专业领域与相关学科的论述原汁原味

2、地展现在学生面前,使他们通过这些作品的学习,熟悉新闻学与传播学专业英语的基本词汇、语法、表达方法、句型和部分经典论述与名人名言,为在今后的工作与研究中直接阅读并有效借鉴国外的研究成果打下坚实的基础。课程还能提高学生用英语进行有关专业内容的一般性的会话或讨论的能力,以及写作和翻译专业性文章的能力。 该课程还将为学生们日后参阅国外新闻传播学专业论著,撰写学术论文,参加高层次的学术交流和专业性极强的科学研究奠定坚实的基础。二、教学基本要求(一)教学内容教学内容大致涵盖大众传播事业主要部类和新闻传播学的主要领域,点面结合,深浅有致,形成梯次。每个单元由4或 5 篇选文构成,一般有1 2 篇著名学者关于

3、该主题的经典论述,1 2 篇比较具体的个案研究性质的文章,以及1篇综合性的概述。(二)教学方法和手段课上教师重点讲解课文中难点。课堂翻译练习着重培养学生的专业翻译能力。为了巩固和提高学生的听说能力,每个单元后的练习中都设有role play (角 色扮演)和presentation (展示)的训练。学生可结成若干小组,选择某一感 兴趣的专题,寻找相关英文材料,制作成演示文件,课上用英文进行阐释。教师 结合学生未来实际工作需要,酌情补充实用性强的新闻传播领域的英文专业术 语。课上所有训练都将提高学生进行口头与笔头专业交流的能力。(三)考核方式课程的考核方式为开卷。本课程平时成绩占 30%期末考1

4、1t成绩占70% (四)学习要求学习本课程前,学生已对大众传播的理论与实践有了初步了解和应用。课前,学生预习指定章节,提出问题。课后,学生还要阅读教师推荐的西方新闻传播学 经典名著。分组准备课堂演讲。三、各教学环节学时分配京下内谷讲课实验其他合计An Introduction to English for Journalism & Communication Studies IWorkshop: Resume Writing1.50.52Unit 1 Education for journalism and communicationPassage 2 What They Don &#

5、39; t Teat J-SchoolLecture: Research Methods inMedia Studies发ch1.50.52Unit 2 IntroductionPassage 2 McQuail ' s NormativTheoriesLecture: Public Speaking Skillsa1.50.52Unit 2 IntroductionPassage 2 McQuail ' s NormativTheoriesWork Shop: Mind Mape 1.50.52Unit 3 BookPassage 1 Books in HistoryPass

6、age 2 The Printing Press as AAgent of Changen 1.50.52Unit 4 MagazinePassage 1 Magazine as Media Innovators0.50.51Unit 4 MagazinePassage 2 Magazines Push ImageOver Wordss 20.52.5Unit 5 NewspaperPassage 2 Tedium on DeadlineWorkshop: Mind Map1.50.52Unit 6 FilmPassage 1 Importance of MoviesPassage 2 The

7、 Structure of theWestern FilmFree Discussion : Film Rating System1.50.52Film Show and Film Review0.51.52Unit 7 RadioPassage 3 Trends and Convergenc in Radio and Sound Recording;e 1.50.52Unit 8 TVPassage 1 Impact of Television1.50.52Passage 2 Culture1.50.52Unit 9 InternetPassage 2 Worldwide Wedg eDiv

8、ision and Contradiction in theGlobal Information Infrastructure1.50.52Discussion: Media Literacy22复习22合计21.510.532四、教学内容An Introduction to English for Journalism & Communication Studies I1. Aim2. Content3. Skills to be improved4. Program5. Schedule6. ScoreWorkshop: Resume Writing教学重点、难点:重点:Resum

9、e Writing难点:Resume Writing课程的考核要求:了解:Aim, content, program, scheduleand score of the course理解:Skills to be improved掌握:Resume writing应用:Help all students make their ownresumeUnit 1 Education for journalism and communicationLecture: Research Methods in Media Studies教学重点、难点:重点: The Origin of Journalism

10、 Education; Graduate programs of journalism schools; Things not taught at Journalism School; Two ways of university training of journalists; Research Methods in Media Studies难点: Two ways of university training of journalists; Research Methods in Media Studies; Resume writing课程的考核要求:了解: Two models of

11、 journalism education in both America and Europe理解: Two ways of university training of journalists; Things not taught atJournalism School掌握: How to choose a graduate program of journalism school; ResearchMethods in Media Studies复习思考题:1. How to choose a graduate program of journalism school?2. What d

12、on t they teach in J-school?Unit 2 IntroductionPassage 2 McQuail s Normative Theories1. Authoritarian theory2. Free Press theory3. Social Responsibility theory4. Soviet theory5. Development theory6. Democratic-participant theoryWorkshop: Mind Map本章重点和难点:重点:McQuail s six normative theories of media p

13、urpos;es难点:McQuail s six normative theories of media purpos; esMind map课程的考核要求:掌握: McQuail s six normative theories of media purpos;eDsrawing of a mind map复习思考题:1. Try to differentiate the authoritarian theory, soviet theory and development theory.2. What is the core of democratic-participant theory

14、? Can we recognize it anywhere in practice?3. Do you think democratic-participant theory is possible with the technology ofWeb 2.0?Unit 3 BookPassage 1 Books in History131. The introduction of mass-produced books in the 15th century marked a turning point in human history2. What is Gutenburg s impac

15、t?Passage 2 The Printing Press as An Agent of Change1. The printing press and the Renaissance2. The printing press and the Reformation3. The printing press and the scientific revolution教学重点、难点:重点: Gutenburg s impa;cTthe Printing Press as An Agent of Change课程的考核要求:掌握: Gutenburg s impa;cTthe Printing

16、Press as An Agent of Change复习思考题:1. What does the author mean by saying that“ the introdu-pcrtoiodnucoef dmassbooks in the 15th century marked a turning point in human history”?2. How did Gutenburg print pages using metal letters?3. What is Gutenburg s impact?4. How could movable type make possible

17、societal, cultural, familial and industrial changes facilitating the Renaissance, the Reformation and the scientific revolution?5. Why did Henry VIII limit printing in England?Unit 4 MagazinePassage 1 Magazine as Media Innovators1. Investigative Reporting and “ muckraking ”2. Personality Profile3. P

18、hotojournalismPassage 2 Magazines Push Images Over Words1. The National Magazine Awards in the United States2. The trend in magazine publishing industry3. Magazines running counter to the trend教学重点、难点:重点: “ muckraking; ” Photojournalism and the magazines of NationalGeographic and Life; The National

19、Magazine Awards in the United States; The trendin magazine publishing industry; Magazines running counter to the trend难点: Investigative Reporting and “ muck;raTkhiengtr”end in magazinepublishing industry; Magazines running counter to the trend课程的考核要求:了解: Personality Profile; Photojournalism; The Nat

20、ional Magazine Awards inthe United States理解: Investigative Reporting and “ muck;raTkhiengtr”end in magazinepublishing industry; Magazines running counter to the trend复习思考题:1. Which features of today s medianatreedinbvyemagazine?2. What is muckraking? When did it appear? Who coined the term? Why?3. W

21、hich 2 journals are the heralds on the way to photojournalism? How?4. What do consumer magazines have in common?5. How do the National Magazine Awards celebrate great narrative?6. Why are good candidates fewer than in years past?7. What is the trend in magazine publishing industry?8. Are there any m

22、agazines which run counter to the trend? Are they successful?Unit 5 NewspaperPassage 2 Tedium on Deadline1. The focus of contending on a Seattle Times series and the author s attitude towards it2. The differences between British newspapers and American newspapersWorkshop: Mind Map教学重点、难点:重点: The pro

23、blems that the newspaper industry are facing; The focus of contending on a Seattle Times series and the author s a;ttTithuede towards itdifferences between British newspapers and American newspapers难点: The differences between British newspapers and American newspapers;mind map drawing课程的考核要求:了解: The

24、 focus of contending on a Seattle Times series and the author sattitude towards it理解: The problems that the newspaper industry are facing掌握: The differences between British newspapers and American newspapers;Mind map drawing复习思考题:1. What were the results of the survey during a newspaper strike in 19

25、49?2. When does“ Functional displacemen”t occur?3. What if there were no newspapers in modern times? What value does the paper serve that is not or cannot be served by other media?4. According to the Readership Institute, how to improve newspaperscontent?5. A journalistically instructive episode is

26、mentioned in passage two, what is thefocus of the contending on a Seattle Times series?6. What was the author s attitude towards the contending?7. What are the difference between British newspapers and American newspapers according to passage two?Unit 6 FilmPassage 1 Importance of Movies1. The effec

27、ts of movies on the society2. Hollywood s Cultural InfluencePassage 2 The Structure of the Western Film1. The hero2. The society3. The villainsFree discussion: Should China introduce film rating system?教学重点、难点:重点: The powerful effects of movies on the society and the reasons; The three sets of chara

28、cters symbolizing social types in western films难点: Hollywood s Cultuarl Influence; The relationship between the hero, the society and the villains; Free discussion课程的考核要求:了解: The three sets of characters symbolizing social types in western films理解: The relationship between the hero, the society and

29、the villains掌握:Hollywoo d s Cultural Influenc;eFree discussion skills复习思考题:1. Movies have powerful effects on the society, why?2. In western films, what are the 3 sets of characters who symbolize social types?3. Whether are the heroes in western film outside or inside society? Why?4. Do the heroes a

30、nd the villain have something in common? Why?5. Why are the villains seen as parts of civilization?Unit 7 RadioPassage 3 Trends and Convergence in Radio and Sound Recording1. The impact of television2. Satellite and cable3. Digital technology教学重点、难点:重点:The impact of television; Satellite and cable难点

31、:Digital technology课程的考核要求:掌握: Trends and Convergence in Radio and Sound Recording复习思考题:1. Why does the convergence of radio and satellite aid the rebirth of the radio networks?Unit 8 TVPassage 1 Impact of Television1. TV s effects on the society2. The presence of TV reshaping other mediaPassage 2 C

32、ulture1. Raymond Williams attitude toward TV教学重点、难点:重点: Impact of Television; TV and culture难点:TV s effects on the soectiy课程的考核要求:理解:TV s effects on the socie;tyThe presence of TV reshaping other media复习思考题:2. In passage 1, what does this sentence“ it does so in much the same way thatschool lessons

33、slowly, over the year, tutor the unformed mind and teach it how to think ” mean?3. What are the effects of TV on the society?4. How did the presence of television reshape other media?5. In passage 2, what s the author s attitude toward TV?Unit 9 InternetPassage 2 Worldwide Wedge: Division and Contra

34、diction in the Global Information Infrastructure1. Community use or market mechanism2. Integration or exclusion3. Diversity or conglomeration4. Electronic democracy or cyber-individualism教学重点、难点:难点: Division and Contradiction in the Global Information Infrastructure; 本章教学组织和设计:Make students study th

35、is unit by themselves and have a discussioonn “The Impact of New Media” from the following aspects:1. Virtual reality vs. reality: 2012 promotion case study(1) Media literacy/education(2) Social responsibility2. Social networking(1) Online friendship vs. real friendship(2) Game vs. lifeA. Use and sa

36、tisfactionB. socializationC. relief/escape3. MSN/QQ/Fetion(1)Personal communication(2)Group communication(3)Organizational communication(4)Mass communication4. Space/blog/podcast/wiki/twitter课程的考核要求:了解: Online services应用: The Impact of New Media; Media Literacy in the New Media Era复习思考题:1. What do A

37、thenian democracy and new cyber-democracy have in common?2. What s “we media” ?五、考核方式、成绩评定1. 本课程所采用的考核方式为开卷考试2. 成绩评定标准如下:总评成绩(最终成绩)=平时总分x 30% +期末考试成绩x 70%平时总分考核依据:出勤率课堂作业(次数、规范性、态度)课堂演讲(4人一组,每人发言3分钟)期末考试成绩:基本分:卷面成绩(100) X60 % (= 60)附加分:(100 - 60) X (平时总分/100)六、主要参考书1. 展江,李青藜,李欣人编著. 新闻传播学专业英语教程(第二版).

38、 北京 :, 2010.(教材)2. E.M. 罗杰斯著 . 殷晓蓉译. 传播学史一种传记式的方法 . 上海 : 上海译文出版社, 2005.3. 沃纳赛弗林,小詹姆斯坦卡德著.郭镇之等译.传播理论起源、方法 与应用 . 北京 : 华夏出版社, 2000.4. 斯坦利?巴兰,丹尼斯?戴维斯著. 大众传播理论:基础、争鸣与未来(第五版) . 曹书乐译. 北京:清华大学出版社. 2014.5. 林珊, 肖绪珊, 蔡帼芬, 张君珊合编. 英汉新闻、广播、 影视常用词汇(修订本) . 北京 : 商务印书馆, 2001.6倪剑,叶叙理,孙哲主编. 实用英汉汉英传媒辞典.上海 : 复旦大学出版社 , 20

39、05.7. 赫伯特蒂尔曼编.梁瑛,徐衍艳,张莉译.英德汉广播电视技术词典.北 京 : 中国广播电视出版社, 2002.8. John Vivian. The Media of Mass Communication (7th Ed.).约翰维维安 著 . 大众传媒(第7版) . 北京 :北京大学出版社, 2005.9. Joseph Straubhaar, Robert LaRose. Media Now: Understanding Med, ia Culture, and Technology(4th Ed.) .今日媒介: 理解媒介、文化与技术(第4版) 影印 . 清华大学出版社, 2004.执笔人:教研室主任:系教学主任审核签名:


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