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1、爱永远宝贝小升初英语综合题型专项透析专题08选词填空【考点精讲】【选词填空解题攻略】1. 观察单词。在拿到题目后,不要急于看文章,首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对词性作简单的标记,例如:名词-n.,动词-V.,形容词-a.,副词-ad.等等。同时对词义作初步的理解。2. 通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全局。语义完整、适用、合乎逻辑是做好填词的前提。通过上、下文的句子,充分理解短文的内容,注意发现固定搭配关系,凭借语感积极主动地猜测空格中所缺的信息,根据需要去备选词汇中寻找匹配的答案。3. 在选定单词后,不要轻率地填入。在填词过程中,需要瞻前顾后,既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。根据语法,

2、判断词性。进一步缩小选择范围,从而正确的选词。利用语境,确定词性。当你选定一个名词时,要考虑是否要把它变成复数或“所有格”形式。例如:match-matches, frie nd-frie nd's/frie nds'。其他还要考虑名词是否需要变成形容词,例如: SU n-sunny, USe-USeful/useless/used, dan ger-da ngerous;在遇到动词时,要有意识地去考虑时态和语态的变化以及非谓语动词形式的变化(动词不定式-to do, 现在分词-doing,过去分词 -done, 固定搭配己-enjoy doing sth./USed to d

3、o sth./have sth. done/ask sb. to do sth./wantto do sth./ );形容词和副词填空时要主动去判定是否需要变成比较级或最高级,还有它们之间的相互转换以及形容词变名词的需求也需考虑,例如:interesting-more/the most interesting,happy-happily ,happy -happ in ess;填入代词时,需注意辨别主格、宾格、名词性和形容词性物主代词或反身代词的用法;数词方面要注意基数词和序数词的变化以及分数和虚实数的用法,例如:three-third, 2/3-two thirds, Onethousand

4、/thousandsof ;冠词只需要在 a或an之间判别,如 a girl/anOld man;当遇到介词和连词时,就更简单,只要符合上下文逻辑或固定短语搭配,填入即可。为了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜:空前空后要注意,“名词”单复数要牢记,还有's不能弃,“动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意要用三种级,要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基” 和“序”,填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。4. 完成填词后,应通读全文,复核校对。检查单词拼写是否正确,是否有时态、语态、惯用法及词语选用上的错误,以确保答案的正确性。复读全文,检查所填词是否符合文章的情景内容,读起来是否流畅,是否合乎语法,单词

5、拼写是否错误,单词形式是否正确等。一旦发现问题,及时更正。最后把答案填入答卷时,切勿错位。【典题突破】一、选词填空(词汇运用)。1. 看图选词。(1)I have(a/a n) egg.(2)I have(a/some) biscuits(3)I have(a/some) milk.2. 看图完成对话Boy: EXCUSe me.ls this your(A.coatB . watch)?Woman Olh (A.Yes B . No), it is.Boy: Here you are.Woman (A.How nice B . Thank you).Boy: (A.You're we

6、lcome B . YeS).3. Who is (he/she)?She's my mother.4. 读一读,根据句子意思选单词填在横线上。keysIonghairegglivi ngroomChairSstrong(1) I have threeand anin my desk.(2) I have a good friend. He is tall and.(3) She has.(4)The Sofa is in the.(5)Theare in the study.5. 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子,每个只限用一次。miss shoutfirefightergood

7、atgo to bed(1)Lucy's Uncle is a. He Can help people.(2) Do youyour gran dpare nts?Sometimes.(3) Don'tin the library.Oh, sorry.(4) What time do?At ten o'clock.(5)Linda isdancing. She CandanCe Very well.6. 选词填空A. twelveB. MarCh C. back D.Mother'sE. WriteS(1) is the third month of the y

8、ear.(2)All people in China go home during SPring FeStiVal.(3)We give gifts to our mothers On Day.(4) SOmetimeS her mother a Ietter to her Whe n Lucy's birthday comes.(5) There are mon ths in a year.7. 选择正确的单词完成短文。Mr Green (is / was)a doctor before. He WaS from AmeriCa. He got UP early and(goes /

9、Went)to work by car. There Were always many SiCk people in the hospital. Mr GreenWaS Very busy in the day time. SOmetimeS he had no time to eat lunch.He liked eat ing Chin esefoodand(play ing/ PIay)Ch in ese kung fu. Now he is in Beijing,and becomes(a/ an)English teacher. He often plays games(With /

10、 to)us.Nowhe Can SPeak Chinese well ,爱永远宝贝too!8.My temperature( 温度)is 39° C. I have a(fever/toothache).9.选词填空offforOnCUthurt(1) We Wenta bike ride yesterday.(2) Sam Carried the WatermeIOnthe bike.(3) Shehis bike.(4) Tom fellhis bike.(5) Hehis knees.10.1 am going to the (zoo/ba nk). I Want to Se

11、e elepha nts.11. How many(ma ngo man goes) do you have?12. 选词填空not docollect ingfrom haveCan ada.A: Hello, do you collect stamps?B: Yes, StamPS is my hobby. TheSe are StamPSA: Do you any StamPS from China?B: No, I13. 选择正确的单词补全对话。PIeaSetherenotn extwalkA: EXCUSe me. IS there a bookstore n ear here?B:

12、 Yes,is.A: Where is it,?B: It'sto the SCie nce museum.A: IS it far from here?B: No, it's.You Canthere.14.选词填空。What, Whe n, Where, Which, Why(1) are you from?(2) is the Weather Iike today?It's Sno wy.(3) SeaS On do you like best, Zip?Win ter. I Can sleep all day.(4) do you like Wi nter be

13、st?BeCaUSe it's beautiful.(5) do you usually go to Beiji ng?15.This is my(han d/pe ncil16. What does Lin gli ng Want to(eat/dri nk)?Milk.17. 选出合适的单词。What When Whose Where Why WhiCh WhoHow(1) is your father doing?He's clea ning his Car(2) are you?rm fine. ThankS .(3) SeaS On do you like best?

14、I like SPri ng best.(4) do you do On the Weeke nd?I ofte n go shopp ing(5) do you like summer?BeCaUSe I Can go SWim ming every day(6) heavy are you , Jim?rm 52 kilograms(7)T-Shirt is this?It's my brother's .(8)do you go home?At 4 : 30.(9)is your En glish teacher?MiSS White .(10)is my new coa

15、t?It's over there , On the bed .18. 根据上下文,选择单词把对话补充完整。MayHerePenThankdohaVedon'tA: Do you a ruler, Ben?B: Yes, I.A: I USe it?B: OK. you are.A: you. Do you have a?B: No, I. Sorry!19. 用所给单词正确形式填空gohave play WatCh sleepdo(1)IEnglish today .XiaomingSCienCe today.to bed at nine o'clock in the

16、the Weeke ndSWimmi ng.home at four in the after noon.(2)Damingat nine o'clock in the eveningevening( 在晚上).(3)My fatherTV at half PaSt eight in the evening .(4)What Samdo at the Weekend? He football at(5) Xiaoyongto school at SeVen in the morning .He20. 看图完成句子。A. milkB. fishC.afternoonD. hungryE.

17、eveningF. eatG. breadH.thirstyI. dinnerJ.drink(1)My favourite food is(2)In the,I have lunch.(3)In the,I have(4)rm.I Want to(5)rm.I Want to(6)I likeandfor breakfast.21(Want/wants ) to be a driver.22. What's this?(It/This) is a ball.23.读句子,选词填空。A.at B. greenC.OPen D. haveE.OneF. bread(1) Colour it

18、.(2) Ia gift.(3) Lookmy arms.(4) your mouth.(5) rd like Some, please.(6) ThiS, please.24. (A Ietter/A n email) does n't n eed stamps.25. Wa ng Bi ng is going to have a PiCniC With(we, us).26. 选择适当的介词填空。aboutlikeinUPOn(1) HeOften runs a Cheetah in the PIaygrOund.(2) Whatdid you dream?(3) SUddenly

19、l woke.(4) Peoplecan't live the earth WithOUt air and water.(5) TheyOften help the poor their time.27. John (like/likes ) making salad.28. To get there faster, you Can(take bus, take a bus).29. 选词填空A.WhereB.WhatC.What'sD.Ca nE.Whose(1) time is it?It's 2 o'clock.(2) is the music room?

20、It's n ext to the COmPUter room.(3) I go outside?Yes,you can.(4) the Weather like in Hong Kong?Oh,it's Sunnyand hot.(5) Coat is this?It's my father's.30.读一读,选择适当的词填空。inamWhatbuyfootWithatn earwordbooksWhereILily. I'm going to have a busy Weeke nd. On SatUrday morning, I'm goi

21、ng to buya new CD and somein the bookstore. The bookstore isfront of my home. It's. I'm goi ng there on.I'm going to do my homework in the after noon. On SUn day after noon, I'm going to the SUPermarketmy mother. We are going tomany things for n ext week. We are going3: 00 after IUn

22、ch.about you?are you going this Weeke nd?31.It (looks/look)like you're going to Stay hungry32.What Can you hear? I Can hear a(bike/tra in).A.don' tB.thisC. funnyD. alot ofE. i n(1) Ilike meat .(2) How!(3) What's?(4) They are all clothes .(5) There are animals .34. She fat?(am / is / are)

23、No, Shethi n.35.读一读,选出适当的单词完成短文A. WithB. BeCaUSeC.SUn Shi neD. garde nE. StUdyF. likesG.haveH. facesThe ChenSa new home. They are Very happytheir new home. Sally Chenthe livi ng room.it's big and itsouth. There are a lot of.And Mr Chen likes the. BeCaUSe it's quiet. He Can read books there.

24、Peter and PaUl likethe. They Can play in it all day.36. Do you like that(bird/owl)No, I don't.37. The SUn goes dow n(every day / everyday).38. 选词填空in atUn derto on by forWith(1) What do you doSUndays?(2)MS Smart is On the Phoneher friend.(3)Here's a bookyou.(4) In Harbin , it's coldWinte

25、r.(5)The Cat isthe chair.(6)Mike walksschool every day( 每天).(7)Does your father go to workcar?(8)PIeaSe lookthe bird in the tree.39. 根据句子或对话,填写正确的单词。IS it a small dog?(Yes/No). It's a small cat.40. 选词填空。Skat ing goesOnCe in Iike(1) He Oftenfishing but never CatCheS any fish.(2) I have 30 SPiderS

26、my home.(3) Icollecting stickers.(4) I'm going.(5) I go to a dance cluba week.41. This(is/are) my black skirt.42. 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子,每个只限用一次。En glishyourfootschoolbagpolicema n(1) What's this?It's a yellow.(2) ThiS is myteacher, Mr Wang.(3) IS thatcap?Yes, it's my cap.(4) Point to you

27、r hand and your.(5) My brother is a.43. 从所给出的词语中选出合适的完成对话。PenholderreuseSig nen velopeVaSeMrS Li : There are some old things in our home. Can I throw them away?Mr Li : No. We should keep them . We Canthem.MrS Li : How?Mr Li : Look at this Can . It Can be a . It's just right for Amy's PenSand

28、 PencilsMrS Li : OK I'll keep it then. HoW about this bottle?Mr Li : I Can PUt some flowers in it. Then it will be a nice.MrS Li : And there is an . Do you have any ideas?Mr Li : Yes. I Can make a "No Smoking"With itMrS Li : Good idea .44.We SaW some (ChiId , ChiIdren) Under the tree.4

29、5.选出单词写在相应的图片下面。a girl,hair,achair,summer,apear,fish(5)A. offB. a lotC.findD. toE. about(1)You Can getthe bus stop On foot.(2)It takestwo hours.(3)It's time to getthe bus .(4)(5)You CanThankSthe SUPermarket On the right.47.选出适当的词语,完成句子。at workhigh jumpOnthe leftA Iong timeagoall the time(1) 一 EX

30、CUSe me. Where's the bookshop?It's over there .(2) How's the Weather in Shen Zhe n?It's SUnnyand Warm(3) Mr Green isin his office. He's Very busy(4) , LU Banmade a SaW .(5) Are you good at the Iong jump . Jill?No, I am good at the48. They (have , had) a PiCnic last SUnday.49. My

31、father is a(doctor/teacher). He has a lot of StUde nts.50. 选词填空。uler, book, bag, PenCil box, desk(1)(2)my?0my?TJIWhere isWhere is(3)Where is(4)Where ismymy(5) Where is my【参考答案】一、选词填空(词汇运用)1. 【答案】(1) an(2) Some(3) some2. 【答案】B ; A; B; A3. 【答案】She4. 【答案】(1) keys ; egg(2) Strong(3) Iong ; hair(4) livin

32、g room(5) ChairS5. 【答案】(1) firefighter(2) miss(3) shout(4) go to bed(5) good at6. 【答案】(1) B(2) C(3) D(4) E(5) A7. 【答案】 was; Went; playing ; an; With8. 【答案】fever9. 【答案】(1) for(2) On(3) CUt(4)off(5)hurt10.【答案】Zoo11.【答案】man goes12.【答案】collecting; from ;have ; don't13.【答案】there ; PIeaSe ; next;not;

33、walk14.【答案】(1) Where(2)What(3)WhiCh(4)Why(5)When15.【答案】hand16.【答案】drink17.【答案】(1) What(2) HoW(3) WhiCh(4) What(5) Why(6) How(7) Whose(8) When(9) Who(10) Where18. 【答案】have; do; May Here ; Thank; Pen; don't19. 【答案】(1) have; has(2) SleePS ; go(3) WatCheS(4) does; plays ; go(5) goes; goes20.【答案】(1)B

34、(2)C(3)E; I(4)D F(5)H; J(6)G; A21.【答案】Want22.【答案】It23.【答案】(1)B(2)D(3)A(4)C(5)F(6)E24.【答案】An em;ail25.【答案】US26.【答案】(1)like(2)about(3)UP(4)On(5)in27.【答案】likes28.【答案】take abus29.【答案】(1)B(2) A(3) D(4) C(5) E30. 【答案】am Word books ; in ; near; foot ; With ; buy; at; What; Where31. 【答案】IookS32.【答案】bike33.【

35、答案】(1) A(2)C(3)B(4)E(5)D34.【答案】IS ; is35.【答案】G; A; F; E3; H; C;E; D36.【答案】bird37.【答案】every day38.【答案】(1)On(2)With(3)for(4)in(5)Un der(6)to(7)by(8)at39.【答案】No40.【答案】(1)goes(2)in(3)like(4)Skat ing(5)OnCe41.【答案】is42.【答案】(1)schoolbag(2)En glish(3) your(4) foot43.【答案】reuse ;44.【答案】ChiIdre n45.【答案】(1)(5) PoIiCemanPen holder ; VaSe; envelope ;Signni4(2) E(3) A(4) C(5) B47.【答案】 (1) on the left(2) all the time(3)at Work(4)a Iong time ago(5)high jump48.【答案】had49.【答案】teacher50.【答案】(1) Pencil box(2)book(3) bag(4) desk(5) ruler


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