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1、新概念英语青少版B1-5单元测试题Name ScoreListening (20)I. Listen anc circle the word you hear: (10)1 ()Agran dmotherBmotherCaunt2 ()AthisBthatCthese3 ()ApuppetB boatCtha nk4 ()AfourBfiveCfrog5 ()Abathroom Bbedroom Cdi ning room6 ()AsockBclockC black7 ()AheBitCshe8 ()AfootballBbasketballC lunch9 ()AbreakfastB lunc

2、hC supper10()Amorni ngB eve ningC n ightII. Liste n and choose the right an swer (10)()1、A. Yes, it is. B. No, he isn ' C. Yes, there is()2、A. Yes, theyare. B.They ' re sheep. C.It ' FSp's.()3、A. Five.B.Three C. One()4、A. He ' s my father. B. She ' s Helen.C. She ' s my m

3、other.()5、A. Shes Helen.B. It ' s Helen.C. It ' is the bedroom.Writ ing ( 80)I. TranslatQ (10)1.我的书桌 2. Jack的卧室3. 一个蓝色的书包 4.他的钢笔5. Anna的木偶6.What a mess!7. It sseven 6clock.8. Get off the bed.9.This is our house.10. Whos that?最新可编辑word文档II. Accord ing to the pictures and fill in the bla nks.

4、(10)12210938645 >It's seve n o'clock. It's mornin g. It's time forIt's o'clock. It's after noon. It's time for29358V 6<11 ¥10It's ten o'clock. It's. It's time for.III . Choose the right answer: (15)()1.Your father' s brother is.A. father

5、B. un cleC. cous in()2. My mother ' s sister is my.A.a untB.gra ndmotherC. daughter( )3.Lucy is my aunt ' $孩子, she' s is myA.brotherB. sisterC. cous in()4. Who ' s that man?a teacher.A . It'sB. He ' sC. She ' s()5.is Robert? He' s in the house.C. WhereA. WhatB. How()6

6、. There ' s banana on the table.A. aB. anC. /)7.puzzle is it? It sTecfs.A. WhatB. Who C. Whose)8. Is that your bag? No, it.A. aren 't B. don 'tC. isn 't)9. Whatthat?A. isB. areC. am)10. It ' s 7 o ' clock in the morning. It' s time forA. l unchB. breakfastC. supper)11.你不知

7、远处的某物是什么?应该问:A.What is this?B. What is that?()12.不确定那个男的是不是警察,应该问,As he a policeman? B.He is a policeman.()13.告诉妈妈苹果是红的,应该说,A.It ' s an apple B.It ' s red()14 .你不知道这个足球是谁的,应该问,A.Who' s this football?B.Whose football is it ?()15.这是一张桌子,应该说,A.This is a desk. B.That is a desk.IV. Trasformat

8、i on of senten ces:(10)1、There is a ball on the bed.变为否定句)There a ball on the bed.2、There is a poster on the wall.变为一般疑问句)a poster on the wall?Y es,.3、Is there a lamp? No, .(否定回答)4、 your Is grandfather that ?(连词成句) 5、in dining He is room the .(连词成句)V. Match (10)()1.Who ' s that girl?()2s this yo

9、ur house?()3.Where is Max?()4.What time is it?( )5.Whose computer is it?VI. Readi ng (1X10=10 分)A.It ' s eight o ' clockB. He ' s in the bathroom.C. It smy uncle's.D. She ' my sister.E. Yes , it is.My name' s Mike. That ' s my sister, Emma, in front of our house. In our h

10、ouse, the kitche n is n ext to the dining room. The sitt ing room is betwee n a big bedroom and a little bedroom. Look at my mun and dad! They' re in their bedroom! Their bedis big and yellow. My bedroom is little and blue.判断正误,对的写“T;错的写“F。( )1.Emma is in front of the house.()2.The the sitt ing room is betwee n the kitche n and the dining room( )3.The big bedroom is yellow.()4. Emma and Mike are in the big bedroom.( )5.There is a kitche n n ext to the sitti ng room.VII. Writi ng:(15)介绍一下自己的卧室都有什么,各种物品都在什么位置;题目已经给出My bedroom


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