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1、20年英语中考冲刺:动词 08instead , offer , elderrsecond , clear1. I don't buy that dress. Firstly, it was too expensive., it was ugly.2. Mr. Smith asked us not to talk in the room., he talked loudly.3. When our classmates have problems at schopl we should some help.4. I know Alice's younger sister and

2、 I also know her sister.5. The sky was dark blue and when the moon came up.6. How you? (am, is ,are)7. What this in English? (am, is ,are)8. What color is the pen? It red. (am, is ,are)9. What' s this? It orange.(a, an )10. What' s this? It jacket.(a, an )用所给词的适当形式填空11. . I ' m a teacher

3、. It ' s grea(work) with children.12. . Why not(try) your best(do) that again?13. Who is the(popular) teacher in your school?14. Can you(cheerful) him up when he is in a bad mood?15. When my friends are sad, I think the(happy) will be far away from me too.16. Of all the(run), she is the best one

4、 I have ever seen.look forward to , go by, be good at, have problems with , prepare for look forward to , go by, be good at, have problems with , prepare for17. -I seeing my parents soon . What about you?-Me too .18. Mikehis computer It doesn t work any m ore19. I have got good grades at math becaus

5、e Iit now than before 20. As time, you ll come to think of English as your friend and love it21. It would take us two or three monthsthe driving test get, have, late, play, let22. Bill , can youbasketball? Yes, I can play it well.23. Annaa volleyball and two tennis balls.24. I like basketball.us pla

6、y basketball!25. Tom, don t b_efor school next time( 下次 ).一 I m sorry.26. Mom, my jacket is on the chair. I can t it. Can you help me?2参考答案1. Secondly2. Instead3. offer4. elder5. clear【解析】1. Secondly句意:我没有买那件裙子。第一,它太贵了。第二,它不好看。根据句意表示第二,形式跟前边第一的形式相同,故答案是Secondly.2. Instead句意:史密斯先生不让我在室内说话。而他却说的很大声。in

7、stead意为 我:替”替代”而,作副词用,通常位于句尾.故答案是Insteado3. offer句意:当我们的同学在学校有问题的时候,我们应当提供一些帮助。跟在情态动词 的后面应当用动词的原形,Offer的用法:表示提供什么,offer sb.sth.故答案是offer.4. elder句意:我认识爱丽丝的妹妹,也认识她的姐姐 .younger sister妹妹,elder sister表示 姐姐的意思,根据句意,故答案是 elder.5. clear句意:当月亮升起的时候,天空是湛蓝的,清澈的。根据句意,故答案是clear。点睛:本题型主要考查对单词的掌握程度,放在特定的句子中考查,难度增

8、加了,需要考生 结合句意,做题时根据句子语境选出合适的单词并写出正确的单词形式,考虑时态等问题。6. are7. is8. is9. an10. a【解析】6 .句意:你好吗?主语是you, be动词要用are。7 .句意:这个用英语怎么说?指示代词this是单数形式,be动词用is。8 .句意:这支钢笔是什么颜色的?一一红色的。代词It指代the pen,是第三人称单数形式,be动词用is。9 .句意:一一这是什么?一一它是一个桔子。an用于元音音素开头的单词前,a用于辅音音素开头的单词前,orange '?r?i(d)?以元音音素开头,故答案为an。10 .句意:一一这是什么? 一

9、一它是一件夹克衫。jacket 'd?k?以辅音音素开头,前面用 不定冠词a。点睛am, is, are的用法口诀:我用 am,你用are, is连着他 她 它;单数名词用is,复数名 词全用are;变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃;变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记;疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。11. to work12. tryto do13. most popular14. cheer15. happiness16. runners【解析】11 .考查It is +形容词+ to do的用法,故此处填 to work.12 .考查why not +动词原形的用法,以及try o

10、ne ' s best to do的t用法。故此处填try和to do.13 .句意:谁是你们学校最出名的老师?考查形容词最高级用法。popular的最高级是 mostpopular, 故止匕处填 most popular o14 .考查cheer sb. up的用法,表示鼓舞某人,给某人加油。故此处填cheer。15 .考查形容词变名词的用法,happy的名词形式是 happiness,故此处填happiness.16 .考查run的名词形式,为runner,根据前面的关键词 all,可知runner应用复数runners, 故此处填runners.17 . am looking f

11、orward to18 . has problems with19 . am better at20 . goes by21 . to prepare for【分析】本题型的考查形式为根据句意,选用所给词组的适当形式填空。这类题目直接考查学生在语境中的综合理解能力。17 .句意:我期待尽快见到我的父母,你呢?我也是。根据句意判断,选择词组 100kforward to期盼做某事,可用现在进行时态表示现阶段一直在做某事,故答案为 am looking forward to。18 .句意:迈克的电脑出了问题, 它不工作了。have problems with sth.在某方面有问题,结 合上下句判

12、断,时态为一般现在时态,注意动词用三单形式,故答案为has problems with。19 .句意:我取得了很好的数学成绩,因为我现在比以前更擅长了。根据句意判断,选择词 组be good at擅长于,根据now判断,时态为一般现在时态,答案为 am good at。20 .句意:随着时间的推移,你会认为英语是你的朋友,并且喜欢上它。根据句意判断,选择,组go by时光流逝;time为不可数名词,时态为一般现在时态,注意动词用三单形式, 故答案为goes by。21 .句意:我们需要两到三个月的时间来准备驾驶考试。根据句意判断,选择,组prepare for准备。It takes sb. s

13、ome time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事,故答案为to prepare for。22 . play23 . has24 . Let25 . late26 . get【解析】22 .句意:一一比尔,你能打篮球吗?一一是的,我能打得很好。根据句意和答语中的I can play it well.,可知选 play。23 .句意:安娜有一个排球和两个网球。a volleyball and two tennis balls.是数量,结合句意和单数第三人称主语,可知选has。24 .句意:我喜欢篮球。让我们打篮球吧。根据句意可知,第二句是祈使句,选let,位于句首,故填:Let。25 .句意:汤姆,下次不要上学迟到了。对不起。根据句意和短语 be late for school,可知选:late。26 .句意:妈妈,我的夹克在椅子上。我拿不到它。你能帮帮我吗?根据句意,夹克在椅子上,够不着(得不到),需要妈妈的帮助。得,get,情态动词后用原形,故选 get。3


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