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1、罗田县实验中学八年级上册英语导学案 时间 2014-11-12 执笔童凤英 审核 初二英语组 班级_ 姓名_课题Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 课型 听说课教师复备学生笔记【学习目标】1) 牢记P127页单词P49-50和短语11个 2)学会6个知识点 3)学习 一般将来时 will4)掌握句型:(要求背会并默写下列重点句型)People wont use money. 人们将不再使用钱。There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染。Will people live to be 200 yea

2、rs old ? 人们将活到200岁吗?Yes, they will.是的,他们会。5)背会P101 Section A 1b,2a,的听力材料 和课本P50 2d,P51 Grammar Focus. 【难点预测】 一般将来时 will的用法【知识链接】want to be a an . be going to .【学习流程】n 自主学习P116 语法 一般将来时定义_构成: 肯定形式: will + 动词原形 否定形式:wont + 动词原形疑问形式:Will +主语+动词原形第一人称,(I和we),常用 _be going to +动词原形表示_标志词tomorrow 明天 next w

3、eek 下周 next month 下个月 soon 不久the day after tomorrow 后天 in the future 在将来1.People will have robots in their homes. (变为否定句) _2.Kids will study at home on computers. (变为一般疑问句)_3.Will people use money in 100 years ? (作出肯答和否答)_n 自主学习 牢记单词:先读会写会P127页单词10个,(from paper to part ) 老师领读补全单词(主要是元音或字母组合),并译成汉语。1

4、p _ p_r_ 2. p_ ll_ t_ _ _ _ 3. f_tu r_ _ 4p _ ll_te _ 5. _ nv_ r_ nm _ _ t_ 6p l _ n_ t_ 7. _ _ rth_ 8pl_ n t_ 9p_ rt_ 10.pr_d_ction _自主学习 2短语搭配(P49页1a,在课本上标出来,并会读会写)1.in their homes 在他们家里2.be free 空闲的;免费的3.study at home on computers 在家里用电脑学习4. live to be 200 years old 活到200岁1a1c背诵图画中的句子n 合作探究1a译成汉语

5、1. People will have robots in their homes._2. People wont use money. Everything will be free. _3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper. _4. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers. _5. There will be only one country. _6. People will live to be 200 years old. _n 展示提升Languag

6、e points (记在课本上P49页)Everything will be free .一切东西都会免费。1b u Listen and circleu Listen and fill in the blanksA: Do you think people will have_ in their homes in 100 years ?B: Yes, I do. I saw a robot on TV, and it _ the kitchen. A: Well, I dont think people _ use money.B: Do you think everything will

7、be_?A: Yeah, probably .B: I think there will be only one _ .A: Only one country in the world? Will there _ world peace?B: I _ so.A: I think kids _ go to school. They will _ at home on computers .B: Oh, I _ .A: You do?B: Yeah, there will always be schools.n 自主学习Language points (记在课本上P101页) In 100 yea

8、rs 一百年后 world peace 世界和平 I hope so .我希望如此 I disagree . 我不同意。1c Ask and answer in pairsn 展示提升2a2c复习几个单词:1. pollute v. 污染 pollut(e) + ionpollution n. 污染Air pollution is a great problem now. 现在空气污染是个大问题。2. prediction n. 预言;预测This prediction is coming true. 这个预言正在实现。3.future 将来 in the future 在将来 We dont

9、 know what will happen in the future. 我不知道将来会发生什么事情.复习几个不定代词:more +可数名词/不可数名词 more trees, more waterless + 不可数名词 less meatfewer + 可数名词记住:manymoremost fewfewerfewest 修饰可数名词 muchmoremost littlelessleast 修饰不可数名词2a,2b,2c P50页,Section A 2a,2b,标出并翻译,记在课本上more/fewer people _ more/less pollution _free time

10、_2d复习几个单词:1. environment n. 环境Our living environment is much better now. 现在我们的生活环境好多了2. planet n. 行星 earth n. 地球 e.g. The earth is a planet of the sun. 地球是太阳的一颗行星。3. plant v. 种植;n. 植物e.g. They want to plant trees around the lake. 他们想在湖边种树。4. play a part in表示 “参与” (part n. 部分)e.g. He didnt play a par

11、t in making this decision. 他并没参与做出此决定。Read the conversation and answer the questions.1. What will the future be like in the book? _2. What can people do? _n 自主学习Language points (记在课本上P50页) Sounds cool .听起来很好 What will the future be like? 未来将会是什么样子的? Cities will be more crowded and polluted .城市将会更拥挤,

12、污染更严重。 There will be fewer trees . 将会有更少的树木。 Be in great danger . 处于极大的危险中。 That sounds bad ! 听起来很糟。 have to 不得不 move to other planets (把家)搬到其它星球上 live on the earth 住在地球上 play a part in doing sth. 参与做某事Everyone should play a part in saving the earth . 所有的人都应该参与拯救地球。n 【心得感悟】_罗田实验中学八年级上册英语导学案 时间 2014-

13、11-12执笔 童凤英 审核 初二英语组 班级_ 姓名_课题 Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section A Grammar Focus 3c 课型 语法课课题 Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section A Grammar Focus 3c 课型 语法课【学习目标】1) 牢记P128页单词P51 和短语8个 2)学会6个知识点 3)学习 一般将来时 will【难点预测】 一般将来时 will的用法【知识链接】want to be a an . be going to .【学习流程】n 自主学习 1 牢记单词:先读会写会P

14、128页单词4个,(from peace to sky) 老师领读补全单词(主要是元音或字母组合),并译成汉语。1p_ _ce_ 2. s_ _ _ 3. b_ _ld _ 4sk_ _ n 自主学习 2短语搭配(P51页Grammar Focus -3c,在课本上标出来,并会读会写)1.world peace 在海洋里2.in the future 世界和平 3.in the sea 在将来Lead-inA:What will life be like in ten years?(选两个答语扮演)B: There will be more people and cars. Cities wi

15、ll be crowded and polluted. The environment in earth will be in great danger. People will have to move to other planets. n 展示提升Grammar Focus 根据记忆,完成填空练习。完成填空题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。1. 将来会是什么样子? What _ the _ be _?2. 城市污染将会更多。且树木将会更少。 Cities _ _ _ polluted. And there _ _ _.3. 一百年后,人们会使用钱吗? _ peo

16、ple _ money _ 100 years? 4. 不会的。一切东西将会免费。 No, they _. Everything _ _ _.5. 世界将会有和平吗? _ _ _ world peace?6. 是的,我希望如此。 Yes, I _ _. 7. 孩子们将会在家中在电脑上学习。 Kids _ _ at home _ _. 8. 他们将不会去学校上学?They _ _ to school. Language points (记在课本上P51页)I hope so我希望如此so代替上文所说的内容,使语句简练。除hope之外,so还常与think(想),believe(相信),guess

17、(猜测)等搭配e.g. A: Is he coming to see us? B: I think so.Grammar一般将来时肯定式:主语+ will + 动词原形Kids will study at home on computer. 孩子们将会在家里的电脑上学习。 否定式:主语 + wont + 动词原形 People wont use money in 100 years. 一百年后人们将不再使用钱。 一般疑问句式: Will + 主语 + 其他?肯定回答:Yes , 主语 + will. 否定回答: No, 主语 + wont. 人们将会有更多的空闲时间吗?是的,会。/ 不,不会。

18、 Will people have more free time? Yes, they will. /No, they wont. There be 句型1. there be 句型表示客观存在的“有” 湖边有很多树。_ _ many trees near the lake. be 动词有 _ 和 _ 两种形式。2. be 动词的形式要根据其后面的名词单复数形式来确定。 _ _ an apple tree in the park. _ _ many people in the park today. 3. there be 句型的一般将来时:肯定式:There + will + be + 其他

19、否定式: There + wont + be + 其他一般疑问句:Will there + be + 其他?答语: Yes, there will. / No, there wont.思考:there be 与have 有什么区别? 思考题 There _ a meeting tomorrow .A. is B. be C. will be D. is going to have复习几个不定代词1. more +可数名词/不可数名词 more songs更多的歌曲 more juice更多的果汁2. less + 不可数名词 less news 更少的消息3. fewer + 可数名词 few

20、er actors 更少的演员3a,3b peace n. 和平 sea n.海洋 sky n. 天空3c1)I think there will be more tall buildings, and there will be fewer cars and more buses. 2)There will be more trees and flowers. The air will be cleaner. The skies will be bluer. 3)There will be more people. People will live under the sea. There

21、will be less water. 4)Robots will do most of the heavy work. People will have more free time. 仿照例句写出你自己的句子(写在书上)There will be more people in the future. Because people will live to be 200 years old. There will be more high buildings. The cities will be more crowed but less polluted. Because there wi

22、ll be fewer cars and there will be more buses. People will mostly work on the internet. There will be more robots working in the factory. 【达标测评】1. There will be a new subject next term. There _ _ a new subject next term. (变为否定句)_ there _ a new subject next term? (变为一般疑问句)Yes, there _. / No, there _.

23、 (作出肯答和否答)2. Sally will play tennis after school.Sally _ _ tennis after school. (变为否定句)_ Sally _ tennis after school ? (变为一般疑问句)Yes, she _. / No, she _. (作出肯答和否答)3. Jim will be a pianist when he grows up. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ when he grows up?4. I _ (visit) my uncle tomorrow.5. They _ (play) soccer i

24、f it doesnt rain.6. He _ (help) you with your English this evening.7. There _ a football match in our school next week.A. is B. are C. will be D. is going to have8. 明天我们将不去那儿了。We _ _ there tomorrow.9. 这个周末有一次会议。There_ _ a meeting this weekend.=There _ _ _ _ a meeting this weekend.10. There will be _

25、 (few) cars and _ (many) buses in the future. 11. I think there will be _ (little) pollution and _ (much) free time in 100 years.12. There _ (be) many tall trees around my house.13. There _ (be) a new bridge over the river next year.14. There will be a sports meeting this weekend. (改为同义句) There _ _

26、_ _a sports meeting this week.15. I think Sally will be a doctor in five years.(对画线部分提问) _ _ you think Sally _ _ in five years?n Homework展开你想象的翅膀,想一下20年后,你的生活将会怎么样?并写六个句子来描述一下,用上more, less or fewer。In fifty years,_ _罗田县实验中学八年级上册英语导学案 时间 2014-11-12执笔 童凤英 审核 初二英语组 班级_ 姓名_课题 Unit 7 Will people have rob

27、ots? Section B 1a 2e 课型 读写课【学习目标】: 1) 牢记P128页单词P52(5个单词和22个短语)2)掌握句型:(要求背会并默写下列重点句型)However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. They do simple jobs over and over again.He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.3)背会P100 Section B 1b,的听力材料 和课本P37 .2b 【难点预

28、测】理解背诵课文【知识链接】want to be a an . be going to .【学习流程】n 自主学习 1 牢记单词: 牢记单词: 先读会写会P128页单词5个,(from astronaut to space station) 然后补全单词(主要是元音或字母组合),并译成汉语。1. _str_n_t _ 2.,_ p_rtm_ _t _ 3.r_ ck_t _ 4. sp_c_ _ 5.space station _ n 自主学习2(1a-1b)短语,并标在书本上。 space station 太空站,宇宙空间站 computer programmer 计算机程序设计员1c&1d

29、live in an apartment 住在一所公寓里take the train to school 乘火车去上学 fly rockets to the moon 坐火箭去月球on a space station 在太空站practice really hard 吃更健康的食物 Lead-inTell something about the future with more, less or fewer. 1)There will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea. 2)There wil

30、l be more cars because there will be more people. 3)There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same jobs as people.你的句子:_1a1eNew wordsrockets 火箭 astronaut宇航员 space station空间站背会 An astronaut takes the rocket to the space station. 宇航员乘火箭去空间站。扮演对话:A: What do you want to be in t

31、he future? B: I will be an astronaut. A: Where will you live? B: I will live in a space station.A: How will you go to work? B: I will go to work by spaceship. n 展示提升1a,1bAn astronaut lives in a space station. He goes to work by rockets. A programmer lives in an apartment. He goes to work by subway.

32、A farmer lives in a house. He walks to the farm. An engineer lives in an apartment. He goes to work by car. 1c,1d,1eWhere do you live? I live in an apartment. Where did you live ten years ago? I lived in a house in the country.Where will you live in ten years? I will live in the space station. 2a2e2

33、an 合作学习 两人一组扮演nA:I think there will be more robots in the future.B: Really ? What do they look like?A:I think they look like humans. They can do anything. B: Sounds interesting.n 展示提升2bNew words1. even 甚至; 2. human 人类 3. already 已经; 4. dangerous 危险的;名词danger +后缀ous dangerous 5. factory 工厂 6. fall v.

34、 (fell ) 落下fall down 倒下 7. disagree v. 不同意 ;前缀(dis) + agree (同意)disagree8. believe v. 相信; 9. shape n. 形状10. hundreds of 数百 【辨析】具体数字+ hundred 如:three hundred 三百11. over and over again 反复地;12. possible 可能的, (前缀)im+ possible impossible 不可能的2b,2cn 自主学习Language points (记在课本上P53页) human servants 人类的仆人 hel

35、p with the housework 帮助做家务 like working in dirty or dangerous places 像在脏或危险的地方工作 Today there are already robots working in factories. 现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。there be sb. doing sth. 有人正在做某事 help to build cars 帮忙造车 do simple jobs 做简单的工作 over and over again 多次,反复地get bored 感到厌烦 look like humans 看起来像人类 It will

36、 be difficult to make them really think like a human. 使他们真正像人类那样思考将会很难It is+ adj. to do sth.做某事是怎么样的 wake up 醒来 disagree with sb. 不同意某人 be able to 能够 it may take hundreds of years .可能花费数百年时间 many different shapes 许多不同的形状 fall down 倒下 look for 寻找 seemed impossible 似乎不可能2d指导:此类短文填空题,考查同学们全面掌握短文内容,以及综合

37、运用语言的能力。首先,应将通读本段文字,掌握大意。可知在短文中列举了科学家们的两种观点。然后,根据2b中短文的内容填空。n 2e自主学习1) I think some future robots might look like spiders(蜘蛛). They will be able to help us clean the window, sweep the floor. 2) Some robots might look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside.,they will be able to help l

38、ook for people under the buildings. 3) Some robots will be look like people. They will be able to sing, dance and talk with us. They will also be able to sever us. They can make dinner, do the dishes and cook coffee for us. 4) Some robots might look like big arms. They will be able to work in factories. They can help make cars and do simple jobs over and over again. 参考上面的句子,在课本上写出你自己的句子。n 展示提升Write your own sentences with the phrases below. 1. over and over again _ 2. get bored _3. wake up _4. hundreds of _5. be able to _6. fall down _7. look for _


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