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1、 Module7第 2 单元 第 1课时教学内容:There are twelve boys on the bike.教学目标: 1、全体学生能理解词汇fruit、chicken、bear、pig,bear 2、全体学生能运用词汇there are,chicken, pig,bear,fruit 3、全体学生能运用There are twelve boys on the bike.They are riding a bike.这类语句来描述照片或图片图画场景。教学重点:1、全体学生能运用词汇there are,chicken, pig,bear,fruit教学难点:全体学生能运用There a

2、re twelve boys on the bike.教具准备:recorder, cards,pictures教学设计:环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动解析与反思Step 1 Warming-up(歌曲热身)Step 2Review(温故知新)Step3Lead in(情境导入)Step4 Presentation(新知呈现)Step5Practice(趣味操练)Step4 Summary(总结拓展 Step5 Homework 1. Greeting T:Good morning my dear students,how are you?2. Chant T:Lets clap and c

3、hant,OK?One a an 用there isTwo three some and many 用there are单数找is 复数找 are1. T:Show word cards of unit1Play a game like drive a train to ask students remember the words.2. T:Show the pictures of unit1 act23. Ask them some questions about the pictures1.Today we will see what did Amy ,Daming and Sam do

4、 in the circus.1.播放录音 , 学生用there be in the photo . Hes v-ing 造句。2. 出示照片,全班一起描述照片。3. 听录音,跟读并回答问题:whats in Damings photo?4. 播放课件教授单词fruit , chicken , bear , pig.5. 让学生用there be 句型描述照片6. 让学生展示自己带来的照片并描述。1. 播放课件,让同桌之间互练。2. play a game.让学生总结本课的重难点。1. 熟读课文。2. 向父母朋友描述一张照片。S:Good morning dear teacher,Im fin

5、e,thanks.S:clap and chant together1. S:Have a look and try to attend the game.2. S:See and answer3. Talk about the pictures1. listen and see全体学生造句。全体描述,个人描述。全体跟读,学生展示答案。学生操练让学生上台描述照片。同桌上来表演。全体学生总结。激发学生兴趣通过各种方式来让学生熟悉回忆复习上课主要内容。设置情景,激发兴趣【答案】:D角色扮演能使学生更有主动性去学习。【解析】:E解毒功能障碍C.结构化问题和半结构化问题D.半结构化问题(1)不正确,股

6、权类可供出售金融资产减值通过资本公积转回。更正分录如下:通过总结使学生更加深对知识点的了解和记忆。A、单核吞噬细胞系统功能低下 B、血液处于高凝状态 C、微循环血流淤滞 D、纤溶系统活性增高 E、血中促凝物质含量增加2甲公司A产成品当月末的账面余额为( ) 。C经营活动现金流入320万元题解 各种不同的病因可通过不同的途径激活体内的外源性凝血途径和(或)内源性凝血途径而诱发DIC,外源性凝血途径或内源性凝血途径激活的关键环节是血浆中凝血酶原的激活物凝血酶生成增加。B凝血酶原的激活 E凝血功能异常板书设计: Module 7 Unit2There are twelve boys on the bike. There is a boy on the bike. There are twelve boys on the bike. There is a pander in the photo. There are chickens on the bike. There is a bear in the photo. There are eleven pigs in the photo.


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