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1、中考对于非谓语动词的考查,主要集中在考查不定式(to)do和动名词/现在分词doing上,下面这100道题包含了有关它们的全部考点。( )1.They kept thefire tokeepthemwarm.A.toburn B.burn C.burnt D.burning( )2.Whostheboy under the tree?A.stand B.to stand C.standing D.stood( )3.Idontliketosithere nothing.A. doing B.do C. todo D. does( )4.The girlstudents enjoy Englis

2、hsongs.A.singing B.tosing C.sing D.sung( )5.Thank youfor us sowell.A. toteach B.teaches C. teaching D. taught( )6.Ioften do some onSundays.A.washed B.to wash C.wash D.washing( )7.The boy LiHua inClassOneis hisbrother.A.called B.calling C.tocall D.call( )8.It often takesmehalfanhour home.A.walking B.

3、to walk C.walked D.walk( )9.Dontforget her clean water every day.A. togive B.giving C.given D. give( )10.Ithinkitimportant Englishwell.A. learning B.learn C.tolearn D.learned( )11.Thefunny storymakesus .A. laugh B.laughing C.tolaugh D.laughed( )12.She wasoftenheard in English.A.sing B.singing C.sung

4、 D. to sing( )13.Ourteacher toldus hard.A. towork B.working C.worked D.work( )14. Couldyou tellme thisword?A. tohow read B.howto readC.howread D. how readto( )15.Idontknow .A.whenstart B.whentostartC.tohow start D. how start( )16.Pleasegivemea pen .A. towrite B.writing C.to writewith D.written( )17.

5、Hewent home somebooks.A. got B.getting C.get D.to get( )18. Remember latefor classagain.A. not to B.nottobe C. tobe not D. benotto( )19.Stop ,please.Ivesomething totellyou.A. to read B.reading C. read D.to write( )20. Miss Li likes thestudents questions.A.ask B.asking C.toask D.asked( )21.Wouldyou p

6、lease ?A. not togothere B.togo thereC. not gothere D.going there( )22.Youdont look well.Why to see thedoctor?A. not togo B.you not togoC.notgo D.didnt go( )23.Theressomethingwrong myradio.Illhave it .A.with,fixed B.with,fixingC.on,toberepaired D. in, repaired( )24.Lets tothecinematogether.A. togo B.

7、going C.go D. went( )25.JimaskedLi Ping hisbestwishestoeverybody.A. give B.gave C.giving D. togive( )26.Have youreadthe book?Itsworth .A.read B.toread C.reading D. to reading( )27.Pleasetell him the lightwhenheleaves.A. toturnoff B.turn down C.turn off D. toturn down( )28.Imsorry your friend isill.A

8、. hear B.tohear C.listen D.tolisten( )29.Youhad better homeatonce.Dontkeepyour mother .A. to,wait B.going, waitingC.togo, to wait D.go,waiting( )30. inthesunisbadfor your eyes.A.Read B.Reads C.Reading D.Toreading( )31.When thelittle baby sawhermother ,she couldnt help .A.coming,laughing B.come,to la

9、ughC.come,laughs D.came,laughing( )32.Willyoupleasegetmesomething ?A. toeat B.eat C.eating D.for eating( )33.The story is .Soweare init.A. interest,interesting B.interesting, interestingC.interested, interesting D.interesting, interested( )34.Id like a wordwithyou.A. had B.having C.tohave D. have( )

10、35. Bythentheremay beonlystandingroomon theearth. willbeavery seriousproblem.A.Wheretogo B.Whereto liveC.Wheretositting D.Wheretostand( )36.Hurry up!Itstime .A.forhaveclass B.havingclassC.haveclass D. tohave class( )37. Canyoufinish an elephant intwominutes?A. draw B.todraw C.drew D. drawing( )38.Th

11、e doctor wasbusy onthe boyatthattime.A. operate B.operating C.tooperated D.operated( )39.It wasvery late atnigh, but Mr.Brownstill went on .A.works B.worked C.working D.work( )40.Ihavesomething important you.A. tell B.telling C.totell D. tellto( )41.Itsimportant and helpful.A. tobekind B.tokind C.be

12、kind D.kind( )42.The youngmanis oldenough the army.A. join B.joining C.tojoin D.joins( )43.Hiswishwas a scientist.A. tobecomes B.becomes C.become D.tobecome( )44.On SundaysI prefer athometo out.A. to stay,go B.staying, go C.staying, going D.tostay,going( )45.A:Whatmadeyousosad?B: threeticketsto thep

13、opmusicconcert.A.Lost B.Losing C.Becauseofconcert D.SinceIlost( )46.The teacher agreed lessons tohis students.A. give B.that hegive C.togive D. thathewill give( )47.All thestudents learned upwordsinadictionary.A. lookhow B.how tolook C.how look D. tohow look( )48.Nobody knew a livinginthat country.A

14、. goto B.tomake C.how togo D.how tomake( )49.The baby started .Try itquiet.A.cry,keep B.tocry,to keepC. tocry,keep D.cry,tokeep( )50.He hopes better,butnever workshard.A.howto study B.tohowstudyC.tostudy how D.tostudy( )51.Inever heardhim so.A.say B.tosay C. saying D.havingsaid( )52.The teacher made

15、her students text twiceaday.A.recitethe B.reciting C.to recite the D.recited the( )53.She wasseen paperplanesin theroom.A.made B.tomake C. makes D.making( )54.We sometimesheard songs in English.A.thathesing B.thathesings C.himto sing D.himsing( )55.Iwonthave him athismother.A.shout B. toshout C.shou

16、ting D.tohave shouted( )56.Hemade us on thetree.A.go,towater B. togo, towaterC.go,watering D.togo, water( )57.We have nomoneyandno place .A.tolivein B. tolive C.living in D. living( )58.Ihavea few words toyou.A.say B.to say C.speak D. to speak( )59.There is nochair forme .A.to sit at B. sitwith C.to

17、 sit D.tosit in( )60.Do you have anything for yourself?A.tell B.say C.totell D.tosay( )61.Here is thepenIwant .A.to writewith B.towrite C.writing D.towriting( )62.He isalwaysthefirst and thelast .A.coming,leaving B. tocome,to leaveC.comes,leaves D.come,leave( )63.Idontfeel somecooking.A.enoughwellto

18、 do B.well enough todoC. enough welland doD.well enoughanddo( )64.Do you thinkhim easy ?A.togetalongwith B.toget alongC.tobegotalongwith D.tobegotalong( )65.The manrunout what waswrongwith hishorse.A.to see B.seeing C. see D.for seeing( )66. Thebook is difficult .A.tobe read B.to read C. read under

19、D. to readby( )67. Remember thebookin timewhenyou havefinished it.A.to return,reading B. returning,readingC.returning, to read D.to return,toread( )68.Do you oftenseeher for himat thebusstop?A.wait B.to wait C. waiting D. being waited( )69. Mother warnshim anymore.A.tonotsmoke B. not tosmokeC.not sm

20、oking D.dont smoke( )70. Tomwasnoticed into thatroomat thattime.A.walk B. walks C.walking D.walked( )71.Do you know the “Thereisnouse over thespiltmilk?”A.word,cry B. saying, cryingC.saying,cry D.word, crying( )72.The patient refused any medicine.A.have B.to have C.howtohave D.tohowhave( )73. Lucy r

21、anhome themoney.A.toget B.getting C.get D.for getting( )74.The teacher explainedto them the piano.A.thatthey played B.how they playC.toplay D.how toplay( )75.Itsfoolish herto over afilm.A.for,cry B.of, crying C.for,crying D.of,cry( )76.Icanthelp that heis stillalive.A.thinking B.think C.tothink D. o

22、fthinking( )77.Its impolite tokeepsomeone for along time.A.wait B.to wait C. waiting D.ofhave waited( )78.Wouldyoumind thewindow, please?A.open B.meopen C. Iopen D.my opening( )79.Do you understand the machine.A.howto operate B.tohow operateC.tooperate D.thatyou operate( )80.Didyou noticethe little

23、boy away?A.took theapple andrunB.takethe applesandrunC. taking theappleand runD. whotaking theappleandrun( )81.Yesterday I sawa wallet ontheground.A.lying B.laying C.lies D. lay( )82.Ithinkthe boyis reachtheapple.A.enough tall to B.tallenough to C. short enough D.enoughshortto( )83. Manypeopleliketo

24、 watch others the game.A.plays B.played C.toplay D. play( )84.The doctor advised Lao Li morerest.A.thathe get B.toget C. would get D.get( )85.Dontforget to your friendswithyou tomorrow.A.take B.bring C.carry D.get( )86.Ourteacher toldus wastetime.A.not B.not to C.dont D.tonot( )87.Look! There is abo

25、y intheriver.A.swim B.is swimming C. swimming D.swims( )88.Wouldyou please a rest?You lookedtired.A.to stophave B.tostop tohaveC.stop having D.stop tohave( )89.Dont beafraid of mistakeswhenyou learn English.A.make B. making C.to make D.made( )90.Do you have anything atthemeeting for yourself.A.speak

26、 B. say C.to speak D. to say( )91.Itlltakemeonlytwentyminutes school.A.walk B. walking C.towalk D.walked( ) 92.He hassomething aboutwith them.A.totalk B. talk C.totell D.tell( )93. is reallydangerous!A.Drivecarsfast B.DrivingcarsfastC.Todrive carfast D.Driving car fast( )94.Wehave notime a rest.A.ha

27、ve B.takeC.taking D. tohave( )95.Ihavethreemoreletters today.A.Iwrite B.to write C.to writeto D.writing( )96.He isstillunable tomakehimself inEnglish.A.understand B.understoodC.understands D. understanding( )97. Thisis theroom .A.formeto live B.for melivingC.my living in D. formeto live in( ) 98.Idi

28、dntspend allthemoney the books.其他综合收益=600(1-25%)=450(万元)。A.tobuy B.buying C.have bought D.bought( )99.Thestudentsused bikes water for Granny Wang.C凝血酶时间延长A.tocarry B.carry C.carrying D.carried【解析】:( )100. Doesheoften you on Sunday?A.cometo see B.comesto seeC.comesandsees D.comeandto see调整分录:答案 纤溶酶分解

29、纤维蛋白多聚体的产物,DIC诊断的重要指标之一。【参考答案】1. D2.C3.A4.A5.C6.D7.B8.B9.A10.C(2)7月1日,根据经批准的股权激励计划,授予高管人员6 000万份股票期权。每份期权行权时可按4元的价格购买甲公司1股普通股,行权日为201年8月1日。11.A12.D13.A14.B15.B16.C17. D18.B 19.B20.C21.C22. C23. A24. C25.D26. C27. A28.B29.D30.C(8)因持有的债券到期收到现金l20万元,其中本金为l00万元,利息为20万元;31. A32. A 33. D34. C35.B36.D37.D3

30、8. B39. C40. C41.A42. C43. D44.C45.B46. C47. B48.D 49. B 50.DA.人、计算机、程序B.人、计算机硬件、软件和数据资料51.A52.A53. B 54. D55. A56. C57.A58.B 59.D60.D3月8日10am:经抢救无效而死亡。61.A62. B 63. B 64.A 65.A66. B67.A68.A69.B70.C71.B 72. B73.A74.D75.D 76.A77.C78. D79.A80.B81.A82.B83.D84.B 85. A86.B87.C88.D89.B 90.DA凝血因子的酶性激活 D凝血酶作用于凝血因子91.C92.A93.B 94. D95.B96.B97.D98.B99.A100.A


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