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1、印度孟买新港信息:孟买新港 JNPT,NAVA SHEV AJNPT全写:JawaharlalNehruPortTrust又称:孟买新港、贾瓦哈拉·尼赫鲁港 b5E2RGbCAPNAVA SHEVA PORT INFO:Storage Capacity of:RTG yard - Ground Slots / Stacker Yard -Terminal堆放能力and Reefer slotsTotal Ground slots地面系统: 6468Terminal Capacity吞吐能力: 29488 (Static Capicity>Terminal Size估量Berth

2、s 泊位Alongside Draught吃水深度Channel Depth海渠深度Rail 铁路EQUIPMENT: 29.5 Hectare (Total 26 Hectare back up>: 600 meters: 13.5 Meters: 12.5 Meters: Two lines capable of handing 180 TEUs in one placement on two trains.Type ofSr.NoEquipmentSingle lift Post1PanamaxQuay Crane单臂起重机SingleliftSuperPostPanamax2 Q

3、uay Crane单臂超级巴拿马型吊起重机PORT EquipmentDescriptionQtyOuter reach fromcenter to waterside rail : 45.7mLifting heightabove wharf :431mTotal range of liftto underside ofthe spreader :48mOuter reach fromcenter to waterside rail : 50.2mLifting height4above wharf :34mTotal range of liftto underside of1/11the

4、spreader :51mRubbertyredStacking height 93Gantry Crane& 1/2 ft(High29外伸龙门吊Cube>:5+1Rail MountedStacking height 9Gantry Crane4& 1/2 ft(High3高架移动龙门起Cube>:2+1重机5Reach Stacker3及堆垛机Empty6Handler空处理2Inter Terminal95 Vessel OPS7Vehicle 终端交150通运输+55 ICD OPSGeneral ConditionsGeneral Conditions普

5、通保险条款“ Coastal vesselshall”mean any vessel exclusively employed in trading between any port or place in India to any other port or place in India having a valid coastal licence issued by the competent authority. 通行证 p1EanqFDPw“Foreign - going vessel ” shall mean any vessel other than Coastalvessel.

6、国外通行证 DXDiTa9E3d(iii>.“Cold move” shall mean the movement of thevessels without the main engines in operation.RTCrpUDGiT(iv>.“Hazardous Chemicals ” mean and include thechemicals referred under Schedule I, Schedule II and Schedule III ofManufacture, Storage and import of Hazardous Chemicals Rul

7、es, 1989framed under Environment (Protection> Act, 1986 and Rules, asapplicable from time to time.化学危险品 5PCzVD7HxA(v>.“Port area” means the custom bound area / Portoperational Area of the Port.jLBHrnAILg(vi>.“Normal Container ” shall mean general typecontainers, not falling under special ca

8、tegories mentionedsubsequently.xHAQX74J0X2/11(vii>.“Reefer Container” shall mean a refrigeratedcontainer used for carriage of perishable goods with provision forelectrical supply to maintain the desired temperature.LDAYtRyKfE(viii>.“Hazardous Container ” shall mean a containerZzz6ZB2Ltk“Port a

9、rea ” means the custom bound area / Port operationalArea of the Port.dvzfvkwMI1(vi>.“Normal Container” shall mean general typecontainers, not falling under special categories mentionedsubsequently.rqyn14ZNXI(vii>.“Reefer Container” shall mean a refrigeratedcontainer used for carriage of perish

10、able goods with provision forelectrical supply to maintain the desired temperature.EmxvxOtOco(viii>.“Hazardous Container ” shall mean a containercontaining hazardous goods as classified under IMO.SixE2yXPq5(ix>.“Transhipment Container ” shall mean a container,which is discharged from one vesse

11、l, stored in the yard andtransported through other vessel.6ewMyirQFL(x>.“Over dimensional Container” shall mean acontainer carrying over dimensional cargo beyond the normal size of standard container and needing special devices like slings, shackles,lifting beam etc. They also include damaged con

12、tainers and othertypes which require special devices.kavU42VRUs(xi>.“Shut out Container” shall mean a container whichenters into the port as an export intake for a particular vessel (as indicated by the Vessel Identification Advice Number, i.e. VIA No.> and is not connected to the particular v

13、essel for reasons whatsoever,then the container is termed to be a shutout container.y6v3ALoS89(xii>.“Back To Town Container ” shall mean a containerentering the port for export but unable to be exported for whateverreason and taken back to town.M2ub6vSTnP(xiii>.“VIAN” means Vessel Identificati

14、on AdviseNumber.0YujCfmUCw1.2.GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS一般条款及条件3/11(i>.(a>. A foreign going vesselofIndianFlaghavinga General TradingLicencecan converttoCoastal run on the basis of a Customs ConversionOrder.eUts8ZQVRd(b>.A foreign going vessel ofForeign Flag can convert to coastal run o

15、n the basisof a CoastalVoyage Licence issued by the Director General of Shipping.sQsAEJkW5T(c>.In cases of suchconversion, coastalratesshall be chargeable by the loadport from the time the vessel starts loading coastal goods.GMsIasNXkA(d>.In cases of suchconversion coastal rates shall be charg

16、eable only till the vesselcompletes coastal cargo discharging operations。 immediatelythereafter, foreign-going rates shall be chargeable by the dischargeports.TIrRGchYzg(e>.For dedicated Indiancoastal vessels having a Coastal Licence from the Director General ofShipping, no other document will be

17、 required to be entitled toCoastal rates.7EqZcWLZNX(ii>.The status of the vessel, as borne out by itscertification by the Customs or the Director General of Shipping,shall be the deciding factor for classifying intocoastal orforeign -goin g category for the purpose of levying vessel related charg

18、es 。 and, the nature of cargo or its origin will not be of anyrelevance for this purpose.lzq7IGf02E(iii>.(a>.Vessel related charges shall belevied on Shipowners/Steamer Agents. Wherever rates have been denominated in US dollar terms the charges shall be recovered in Indian rupees after convers

19、ion of US currency to its equivalent Indian rupees at the market-buying rate notified by the Reserve Bank of India. The date of entry of the vessel into the port limit shallbe reckoned with as the day for such conversion.zvpgeqJ1hk(b>.Container related chargesdenominated in US dollar terms shall

20、be collected in equivalent Indian rupees based on the market buying rate prevalent on the dateof entry of the vessel in case of Import containers。 and on the dateof arrival of the containers in the port premises in case of export containers. NrpoJac3v14/11(iv>.A regular review of exchange rate sh

21、all be madeonce in thirty days from date of arrival of the vessels in cases ofvessels staying in the Port for more than thirty days.In suchcases the basis of billing shall change prospectively with referenceto the appropriate exchange rate prevailing at the time ofreview. 1nowfTG4KI(v>.For the pu

22、rpose of calculating the dues the unitby weight shall be 1 tonne or 1,000 kilograms, the unit by volumemeasurement shall be 1 cubic metre and the unit by capacitymeasurement for liquids in bulk shall be 1,000 litres.fjnFLDa5Zo(vi>.(a>.The Vessel related charges forall Coastal vessels should no

23、t exceed 60% ofthecorresponding charges for other vessels.tfnNhnE6e5(b>.The cargo / containerrelated charges for all Coastal cargo / containers, other thanthermal coal, POL including crude oil, Iron Ore and Iron pallets,should not exceed 60% of the normal cargo / container relatedcharges. HbmVN77

24、7sL(c>.In case of cargorelated charges, the concessional rates should be levied on all therelevant handling charges for ship-shore transfer and transfer from /to quay to / from storage yard including wharfage.V7l4jRB8Hs(d>.In case of containerrelated charges, the concession is applicable on co

25、mposite boxrate.Where itemized charges are levied, the concession will be onall the relevant charges for ship-shore transfer, and transfer from /to quay to / from storage yard as well as wharfage on cargo andcontainers.83lcPA59W9(e>.For the purpose ofthis concession, cargo/ container from a forei

26、gn port which reachesan Indian PortA for subsequent transhipment to Indian PortBwill also qualify insofar as the charges relevant for its coastalvoyage. In other words, cargo/containers from/to Indian Ports carriedby vessels permitted to undertake coastal voyage will qualify for theconcession. mZkkl

27、kzaaP(f>.The charges forcoastal cargo/ containers/ vessels shall be denominated and collected in Indian Rupee. AVktR43bpw5/11(vii>.Interest on delayed payments / refunds:(a>.The user shall paypenal interest on delayed payments under this Scale ofRates.Likewise, the JNPT shall pay penal inte

28、rest on delayedrefunds. ORjBnOwcEd(b>.The rate of penalinterest will be 13%. The penal interest rate will apply to both theJNPT and the port users equally.2MiJTy0dTT(c>.The delay in refundswill be counted only 20 days from the date of completion of servicesor on production of all the documents

29、 required from the users,whichever is later.gIiSpiue7A(d>.The delay in paymentsby the users will be counted only 10 days after the date of raisingthe bills by the JNPT.This provision shall, however, not apply tothe cases where payment is to be made before availing the services /use of Port Trusts

30、 properties as stipulated in the Major Port TrustAct and / or where payment of charges in advance is prescribed as acondition in this Scale of Rates.uEh0U1Yfmh(viii>.All charges worked out shall be rounded off to thenext higher rupee on the grand total of each bill.IAg9qLsgBX(ix>.In calculatin

31、g the gross weight or measurement byvolume or capacity of any individual item, fractions upto 0.5 shallbe taken as 0.5 unit and fractions of 0.5 and above shall be treatedas one unit, except where otherwise specified.WwghWvVhPE(x>.The users will not be required to pay charges fordelays beyond a r

32、easonable level attributable to the Port.asfpsfpi4k(xi>(a>.Wherever a specific tariff for aservice/cargo is not available in the notified Scale of Rates, theJNPT can submit a suitable proposal to the TAMP.ooeyYZTjj1(b>.Simultaneously with thesubmission of proposal, the proposed rate can be

33、levied on an ad hocbasis till the rate is finally notified.BkeGuInkxI(c>.The ad hoc rate to beoperated in the interim period must be derived based on existing6/11notified tariffs for comparable services/ cargo 。 and, it must be mutually agreed upon by the Port/ Terminal and the concerneduser(s>

34、;. PgdO0sRlMo(d>.The final rate fixed by theTAMP will ordinarily be effective only prospectively. The interimrate adopted in an ad hoc manner will be recognised as such unless itis found to be excessive requiring some moderationretrospectively.3cdXwckm15(xii>(a>.The rates prescribed in this

35、 Scaleof Rates are ceiling levels。 likewise, rebates and discounts arefloor levels.The JNPT may, if it so desires, charge lower ratesand/ or allow higher rebates and discounts.h8c52WOngM(b>.The JNPT may also, if it sodesires, rationalize the prescribed conditionalities governing theapplication of

36、 rates prescribed in the Scale of Rates if suchrationalization gives relief to the user in rate per unit and theunit rates prescribed in the Scale of Rates do not exceed the ceilinglevels.Provided that the JNPT should notify the public such lowerrates and / or rationalization of the conditionalities

37、 governing theapplication of such rates and continue to notify the public anyfurther changes in such lower rates and / or in the conditionalitiesgoverning the application of such rates provided the new rates fixedshall not exceed the rates notified by the TAMP.v4bdyGiousCharges for Dry Bulk Cargo(杂货

38、港口费用 >ClassificationRate per metricCoastal ratetonne(inper metric分类Rs.>每公吨tonne每公吨岸边 (inRs.>1.Cereals/Pulses/Oilseeds32.5019.50谷物油籽2.Foodgrains 粮食32.5019.503.Oil Cakes油蛋糕32.5019.504.Sugar糖37.5022.505.Salt盐32.5019.506.Pig Iron 生铁97.5058.507.Steel and Metal65.0039.00Scrap钢和金属废料7/118.Steel Pip

39、es钢管a>Length lessthan 12 mtrs. 长度小于 12Mb>b>Length12 metres ormore 长度大于等于 12M9.Steel Coils 钢卷10.Iron Ore Pellets 铁矿石11.Iron Ore fines and lumps磁铁矿石12.Bauxite 铝土矿13.Direct Reduced Iron/HotBriquette iron原铁、热成型铁117.5070.50135.0081.00107.5064.5057.5057.5037.5037.5050.003057.5034.5014.Sized coal

40、having not more37.5022.50than 10 mm dia-meter煤15.Asbestos75.0045.0016.Arms and ammunition125.0075.00武器弹药17.Over dimensional Cargo625.00375.0018.Break Bulk 杂货集装箱107.5064.5019.Machinery parts 机械零件107.5064.5020.Limestone石棉55.0033.0021.Cement 水泥42.5025.50upto5.0 lacs38.2522.95tonnes per annumabove 5.0 l

41、acstonnes per annum22.Cement Clinker水泥熟料42.5025.5023.Wood pulp 木浆42.5025.5024.Paper rolls 纸卷42.5025.5025.Timber/Wood/Bamboo75.0045.00Per Cum 木 竹65.0039.0026.Steel Slab / steel billets135.0081.00钢板、钢坯8/1127.Unenumerated Items135.0081.00零星货物28.Cargo abandoned/excess50.00landed/confiscated bycustoms,uncleared/condemned byPort Health Authority andultimately destroyed byJNPT/salvaged.Note:Before classifying any cargo under “ unspecified ” category under the wharfage schedule, the relevant cus classification should be refer


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