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1、Moodle 论文:基于 MOODUB网络培训管理平台功能设计与 实现 【中文摘要】随着教学培训信息化改革的推进和计算机的普及 , 在网络环境下进行企业培训教学培训已成为可能,目前网络化的在线 学习平台系统已经达到鼎盛时期。网上在线教学培训与传统教学培训 相比提供了更广阔的视野,同时也提高了学习的质量。但传统的 E-Learning 平台不能提供教育中所需要的灵活性,表现在平台是集中 式的、只能提供预先定义好的课程内容。 目前流行的 Moodle(Modular Object-Orie nted Dyn amic Lear ning En viro nment) 作为一个功能强 大,源代码开放

2、的一个在线学习平台系统,并且还在不断的更新换代。 培训教师可以根据自己的不同需求来添加删除板块或插件 ,来制定其 课程形式,从而实现培训员工与培训教师的互动式教学培训。本文先 通过对Moodle 课程教学培训平台的功能进行研究,简要阐述了 Moodle 特有的特征,然后对 Moodle 进行评价。通过提到的 Moodle 的 一些功能简要说明Moodle 的一些不足,了解了 Moodle 课程教学培训 平台的基本操作和所有功能,对 Moodle 系统中的数据库进行了详细 的分析,发现了该教学培训平台的缺陷与不足,在 Moodle 原有系统上 进行二次开发,开发架构均采用了 LAMP(Linux

3、+Apache+MySQL+PHP) 开发组合丄 AMP 开发组合中各个组成部分均为开源软件,灵活性好,容 易进行个性化的开发。本文对 Moodle平台缺乏的题库管理功能及课 程历史数据管理功能进行了扩充,分析了题库管理功能的整体框架和 功能需求,对参与的用户及其可使用功能进行了规划设计,并基本实 现了各基本功能,满足了培训教师的实际需求,并对Moodle 现有课程 管理板块中添加了历史数据管理功能,便于培训教师使用归档数据, 同时也便于从整体上掌握培训员工的基本情况和教学培训的基本规 律,更好的提高教学培训质量和效率。 【英文摘要】 Along with the developme nt o

4、f teachi ng and training information reform and the popularization of computers, it s possible to offer corporate training and teachi ng via n etwork right now, and n etwork on li ne E-lear ning platform system has reached its prime time. Compared with conven ti onal teachi ng and training, on li ne

5、 teach ing and training can provide wider vision, and it can improve learning efficie ncy. But conven ti onal E-learni ng platform can not satisfy the flexibility requirement of education, because the platform is centralized and can only provide courses which are preset.The curre ntly popular MOODLE

6、 (Modular Object-Orie nted Dynamic Learning Environment) is an online E-learning platform system, which is featured with many fun cti ons and ope n source codes and it can be updated continuously. Trainers can add or delete module or plug-i n based on their requireme nts whe n formulati ng course fo

7、rm, i n order to realize in teractive training with the trainees.In this paper, the author did some researches on the fun cti ons of MOODLE course teachi ng and training platform, stated the unique characteristics of MOODLE and madeevaluation on MOODLEAIso the author explained about the shortco ming

8、s of MOODLE from some fun cti ons men ti on ed, learnt about the basic operation and all functions of MOODLE course teachi ng and trai ning platform, madedetailed an alysis on the database of MOODUystem and found out the shortcomings and defects of the system, madethe second time development on MOOD

9、LE system based on the orig inal system, expa nded the test library man ageme nt fun cti on and course historic data management function which are not included in the original system, an alyzed the in tegral frame and fun cti onal requireme nts of test library man ageme nt fun cti on, made pla n des

10、ig n for users and the available fun cti ons, realized all basic functions, satisfied the practical requirements of train ers, added historic data man ageme nt fun cti on to Moodle s existi ng course man ageme nt module in order for the trainers to use the documented data, and get to know the basic conditions of train ees and the fun dame ntal rules of teachi ng and tra ining overall and better teach ing quality and efficie ncy. 【关键词】Moodle LAMP PHP 网络学习 在线培训管理系统 【英文关键词】 MOODLE LAMP PHP Network


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