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1、Third LessonSpecific vocabulary: jeans, pants, socks, shoes.Specific target sentences: Its warm today. Lets play football.Specific functional exponents:能够根据天气来表达自己想做的活动。Source of material: 1教材相配套的教学课件 2Zoom/ Johnny 的头饰 3. 四会单词的卡片 4教材相配套的教学录音带 5录有音乐的录音带Assumptions:Anticipated problems:Step1:Warm-up1.

2、 Lets chant P472. Preview: T: Look at the pictures and answer: Whats the weather like? S: Its hot/ cool/ cold/ warm.Step2: Presentation1. T: Whats the weather like in Dong guan today? S: Its T: Yes. Its warm today. Lets play football.(通过复习,马上引出今天的话题)2. T: Look! My friends are on the playground. Who

3、are they? Theyre Tommy, Teddy, Jacky and Johnny. Lets play together.(对话中的几个名字是本课学习的一个难点,我通过创伤的情景,引出这几个名字的学习,减轻学生学对话的难度)3. Where is Zoom? Hes not here. Watch the video: Zoom cant find his shoes. Where are they?4. read the dialogue and tick or cross: Its cold today. ( ) Zoom and Johnny go to play foot

4、ball. ( ) Johnny wears Zooms shoes. ( )5. Listen to the dialogue and repeat the sentences.6. Try to role playStep3: practice1. There are many clothes in the room. What are they? Show the words and spell: jeans/ pants/ socks/ shoes2DIC病人发生广泛出血的机制2. spelling game: _ ea_s / p_ _ts/ _ _cks/ sh_ _ s(老师示范

5、写单词和句子,再让同学们在活动手册抄写一次)3. Fill in the blanks: Zoom: Whats the weather like today?(3)202年12月31日,甲公司按面值l00元发行了l00万份可转换债券,取得发行收入总额10 000万元。该债券的期限为3年,票面年利率为5,按年支付利息;每份债券均可在到期前的任何时间转换为甲公司10股普通股;在债券到期前,持有者有权 利在任何时候要求甲公司按面值赎回该债券。甲公司发行该债券时,二级市场上与之类似但没有转股权的债券市场年利率为6。假定在债券发行日,以市场利率计 算的可转换债券本金和利息的现值为9 400万元,市场上

6、类似可转换债券持有者提前要求赎回债券权利(提前赎回权)的公允价值为60万元。甲公司将嵌入可转换债券的转股权和提前赎同权作为衍生 工具予以分拆,并作如下会计处理: Johnny: _.盈余公积 72 Zoom: Great! _. Johnny: Good idea! Zoom: Johnnys _, Tommys _, Teddys _. 借:资本公积股本溢价 50Where are my _?C18734万元 Johnny: Sorry, Zoom. Your _ are on my feet.可能方案123(最后通过完整的篇章挖空,让学生填写,这样可以检测学生对A部分Read and wr

7、ite对话的理解情况,还有对四会单词和句子的书写掌握情况)Step4: Sum-up Zoom has found his shoes now. Lets play football together.三 、名词解释(每小题2分,共计10分)Lets sing a song: Its warm. Its warm. Its warm today.A凝血因子和血小板的激活 D纤溶亢进 Put on your shoes, go out to play.A败血症 D胰腺癌 Go to the playground, play football.4甲公司为一家机械设备制造企业,按照当年实现净利润的l0提取法定盈余公积。20X 1年3月,会计师事务所对甲公司200年度财务报表进行审计时,现场审计人员关注到其200年以下交易或事项的会计处理: Its a warm day today. T: Sports are good for your health. Lets do more sports.Step 5: Homework1.完成活动手册2.听录音,跟读短文,熟记四会单词。3.抄写本课四会单词,每个抄2行,每行4个,抄写句子两遍。


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