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1、Section 山 Using Language 语言基础O自测 - - - - 週 里 - - - - I 单词拼写 1. She was extremely anxious焦虑)about her exam. 2. People today enjoy a better quality质量)of life. 3. Passions激情情)were running high at the meeting. 4. He wan ted to buy a pack盒)of cigarettes. 5. His patience was worn out by all these troubles

2、. 6. Just now she ate a slice of bread. 7. I have poured you a cup of tea. n 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1. courage n.勇气encouragev.鼓励encouragementn.鼓励,鼓舞 2. comfort n.安慰,慰藉comfortable adj.舒适的 3. patiencen. 耐心patient adj.耐心的impatient adj.不耐心的 4. humour n. 幽默humorousadj.幽默的 5. anxiety n.焦虑anxiousadj.焦虑的 m.补

3、全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1. a pack of 一包 . 2. a sen se_of humour 幽默感 3. in comfort 舒适地 4. a slice of 一片 5. be an xious about 对担心 6. allow sb.to do sth. 允许某人做某事 7. come up with 想出 IV .选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1. He is very an xious about the speech con test. 2. Think a little harder and come up with a new solution. 3

4、. All of us want to live in comfort . 4. We all know that a sense of humour is important in everyday life. 5. He allowed me _to use his bike. 核吧i要点离 匚匚i全析重点词匚全析重点词匚口口 0 quality n.素质,品质 adj.高品质的;棒极了 (教材 P42)a quality that offers help to others 主动助人的品质 quality作“质量”讲时,常用单数形式;作“品质”讲时是可数名词 of quality 高质量

5、的 The store is proud of thequality of its wine. 这家商店为其酒的质量自豪。 “ What was the film like ”?“ Quality!” “这部电影怎么样”? “棒极了”! He has all the qualities(quality) of a successful bus in essma n. 他具有成功商人的所有品质。 The quality of life improved whe n they moved to France. 移居法国以后,他们的生活质量提高了 anxious adj焦虑的,不安的 (教材 P42

6、)the ability to wait without becoming anxiousor angry 没有焦虑和生气地等待的能力 (1)be an xious about 对担心 be an xious at 因 . 而担心 be an xious for 渴望 (2)a nxiety n. 担心,焦虑 The whole country was anxious for peace. 全国上下都渴望和平。 Mother was anxious about her children. 妈妈很担心她的孩子。 She was both glad and an xious_at the n ew

7、s. 她听到这个消息既高兴又着急。 语注专项吴研 YLJ卜人 Hl I 丿弋) 定语从句(1)关系代词 语境自主 领悟 先观察原句 后自主感悟 1. .and still stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with 2.The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests. 3. .the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them. 1例1

8、中关系代词that在从句中作宾 语。 2例2中关系代词who在从句中作 主语。 3例3中关系代词who在从句中作 主语。 语法精要点拨 - - - 的 - - - - - 一、定语从句的句法功能及相关定义 1. 功能:相当于形容词,修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语。 2. 位置:定语从句常置于被修饰词之后;as引导的非限制性定语从句可置于 主句前、句中,也可置于主句之后。 Those who are for the plan raise your hand, please. 赞同这个计划的人请举手。 As is known to us all, the earth is running aroun

9、d the sun. 我们都知道,地球绕着太阳运转。 3. 先行词:被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词。 先行词一般是名词和不定代词, 女口: some-,any_,every-,no-与-body,th ing 的合成词或 all,none,any,some, that,those等代词。数词和人称代词也同样可作先行词。、定语从句的核心考点 1. 确定关系词的步骤: (1) 先找先行词,看先行词指的是什么。 (2) 看关系词在从句中所充当的成分。 注意:先行词与关系词是等量关系。 (1) 先行词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的数由先行词而定。 This is the place which is

10、worth visiting. 这是值得一看的地方。 (2) 关系词在从句中充当了成分,其意思就是先行词的意义,所以在从句中不 能重复其意。 There are many places we can visit in China.(visit 后面不能再力卩 many places/them) 在中国有很多我们可以参观的地方。 2. 在定语从句中,当先行词指物时,下列情况中关系词用that而不用which: (1) 当先行词是序数词或形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级修饰时。 (2) 先行词被 all,every,no,some, any,little,much,the only,the v

11、ery,few 等修饰时。 (3) 先行词为 all,much,little,none, few,something, anything 等不定代词时。 (4) 先行词中既有人又有物时。 Do you know the pers ons and thi ngs that they are talk ing about? 你知道他们正在谈论的人和事吗? (5) 先行词在主句中作表语时。 The village is no Ion ger the one that was 5 years ago. 这个村不再是五年前的样子了。 当主句是以which开头的特殊疑问句时。 Which are the

12、books that you bought for me? 哪些是你为我买的书? 3. 用which而不用that的情况: (1) 在非限制性定语从句中。 (2) 当关系词前有介词时。 (3) 当先行词本身是that时。 (4) 关系词后有插入语时。 4. 关系词who与that指人时,根据不同情况分别用不同的关系词。 (1) 当主句是there be句型时,关系词用 who。 (2) 先行词是 anyone those, some one every one, one 等词时,关系词用 who。 (3) 当主句是who作疑问词时,关系词用that。 Who is the girl that

13、is sta nding by the wi ndow? 站在窗边的那位女孩是谁? (4) whom在从句中只作宾语,可被who取代。 5. whose作关系词既指人又指物,在从句中作定语。 Do you know Mr.Smith whose experie nee is very special? 你认识经历特别的史密斯先生吗? There is a room whose window faces the river. 有一个房间窗户朝着河。 6. 关系代词as在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。 (1)先行词被such和the same修饰,或句型as many(much)中,从句都用as引 导

14、。 Such books as you bought are useful. 你买的那类书很有用。 The school is just the same as it was 10 years ago. 这所学校仍旧与十年前一样。 注意:such.that.引导结果状语从句。如: They are such lovely childre n that we love them very much. 他们是很可爱的孩子,我们都很喜欢。 the same.that .引导定语从句。如: I want to use the same tool that you used just now. 我想使用

15、刚才你用过的那个工具。 先行词为句子,定语从句用as或which引导。 区别:意义上:as含有“这点正如一样”。位置上:as从句可置于 句首,也可在句中或句尾: which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。 He did nt pass the exam as we had expected. 他没有通过考试,这是我们早就预料到的。 There is lots of air in loose snow, which can keep the cold out. 松散的雪里有很多空气,这有助于御寒。 As is known,the earth is round. 人们知道,地球是圆的。 口

16、语口语法应用法应用落实门落实门 I .单句语法填空 1. I live next door to a couple whose children often make a lot of noise. 2. This is the very factory that they visited last summer holiday. 3. Whe n facing hardships, only those who are con fide nt will achieve success. 4. That evening, which I will tell you more about lat

17、er,I ended up working very late. 5. Well reach the sales targets in a mon th which/that we set at the begi nning of the year. 6. He wrote many childrens books,nearly half of which were published in the 1990s. 7. After the flooding,people were suffering in that area which urgently needed clean water,

18、 medicine and shelter to survive. 8. I wish to thank professor Brown,without whose help I would never have got this. 9. Many young people,most of whom were well - educated, headed for remote regi ons to chase their dreams. 10. Shes very tall, as is her mother. n .单句改错 1 . rve never heard of the peop

19、le and things which you talked about just no w.which that 2. This is the only question which has been answered.whicMhat 3 . This is the museum where we visited last Sun day.删掉 where 或 where that/which 4. We have made the same mistake which you made last time.whiehas 5. I shall never forget the years

20、 I spent in the country with the farmers that has a great effect on my life.that which 6. A young man had a new girlfrie nd, who he wan ted to impress.whBwhom 7 . I also enjoyed the evenings when we spent together.删掉 when 或 whe nthat/which 8. The visitors saw rows of houses, the roofs of whose are red.whowhich 9. Please tell me the way which you did the iob.which that或删掉 which 或 which 前加 in 10. Little has been done what is helpful to our work.whathat


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