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1、外研版四年级下册英语教案B1 1 1万元A.业务员信息系统B.主管信息系统1、简述系统分析的工作步骤。Unit 2 Hes cool.教学目标:知识与技能:1. Words and phrases: cool little cute.2. Sentences: This is this is my big brother, Hes cool.过程与方法:对比、家庭成员的特征情感、态度和价值观:根据每个人的特征并用适当的词来修饰。德育目标:培养对家人的关心和爱护。重点:Words and phrases: cool little cute.难点:Sentences: This is this i

2、s my big brother, Hes cool.教学方法:讲授、对比教具准备:点读笔、图片、教学挂图、单词卡教学过程:(一)导入:Song: Row Row Row your boat.B: Free talk: Using adjectives to describe the poem.(二)探究新知Step one: Warmer:Using the adjectives to describe your classmates.Example: This is Xiaoyong. He is a clever pupil. This is Yuanjiaqi. Shes very c

3、lever, but shes a bit shy.Step Two: Listen and point.(1) Point out the different meanings of the word “cool”.In this unit, “cool” means fashionable, and it is most commonly used to mean “quite cold”. The word “cool” has other meanings as well, but they are ones that the students are unlikely to come

4、 across in the future.(2) Listen to the tape and underline the new words. Write down these adjectives on the board, and then learn these new words.Listen to the tape again. Read the text.Close your book. Use CAI shows the pictures of text. Choose some students to describe the pictures.Step Three: Li

5、sten and say, then say the poem and do the actions.Play the spoken version of the poem. And have the students. Repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students.(三)巩固新知Tell the students that they are going to work in groups of three or four. Do the AB unit 2.Game:Explain that they are going to p

6、lay a game where theyhave to whisper some information to their classmate. That classmate has to whisper the information to the next person.The last person. That person has to say that he she heard.Then, the other students listen carefully to find out if the message has changed at all.(四)作业布置Homework

7、:抄写课文P5的句子(五)小结:能用英语表述一个人的性格板书设计:Unit 2 Hes cool.mother - nicebig brother - coollittle sister - cutefather - cleverfriend - naughty教学反思:这节课促进了师生情感和谐发展。比如,课堂的 Review 变成了形(4)10月22日,甲公司与戊公司合作生产销售N设备,戊公司提供专利技术,甲公司提供厂房及机器设备,N设备研发和制造过程中所发生的材料和人工费用 由甲公司和戊公司根据合同规定各自承担。甲公司具体负责项目的运作,但N设备研发、制造及销售过程中的重大决策由甲公司和戊公司共同决定。N设备由甲公司 统一销售,销售后甲公司需按销售收入的30支付给戊公司。当年,N设备共实现销售收入2 000万元。甲公司会计处理:200年,确认主营业务收入2 000万元,并将支付给戊公司的600万元作为生产成本结转至主营业务成本。式新颖的 chant,教学设计中少了机械操作的游戏,更多地引导学生连贯流利地用英语表达他们的思想。


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