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1、鲁教版(五四制)英语六年级下册Unit 4 What time do you go to school? Section A (1a-2c) 教学设计【教学目标】A :语言目标1) 频度副词 usually ;2) 日常行为动词短语:get up, get dressed, brush teeth , take a shower等3) . 核心句型: A: What time do you usually get up?B: I usually get up at six thirty.B:能力目标:能用英语表达时间和谈论日常作息时间安排。C:情感目标:珍惜时间,懂得时间的价值,养成良好作息习

2、惯。【教学重难点】 教学重点:如何询问及回答日常活动的具体时间。 教学难点:第三人称单数谓语动词在此核心句型中的运用。【教学过程】Step1.Warming- upT: BoyS and girls, What day is it today? Ss:T: What time is it now? Ss:T:Yes,lttimsfor En glish class, are you ready? Ss:Step2.Preview and lead in1. Show the learning aims2. Check the pronunciationStep3.Presentation1 .

3、Watch a video about time2. After watching, we know how to ask the time, the student says and the teacher write them on the blackboard.板书 What time is it?What 's the time? It ' S 3. Let ' s ask andanswer4. Learn activities (What do you do before you go to school?) 板书 get up Read them twic

4、e the n read One by one.5. Let ' S have a SPeed time.6. MatCh the activities about1a.7. Let ' Say (My busy morning)On school days, We are busy. I usually get UP at 6:00 .The n I SOmetimeS go to the CIaSSroom at 6:20 , What about youYou Can use: I usuallyat Say some SentenCeS about your life.

5、8. LiSten and Write the times 1b(听力活动难度较大,让学生直接写出听到的时间,降低难度)Then ask ” What time does RiCk get up?” Ss:9. Pair work1C ASk and anSWer questiOnS about RiCk' S day.EVelltSTinIeSet UP6:30brush teeth6:40have HreakEisi7:00JIet dressed7:20go to SChOOl7:30S1: What time do you usually get up, Rick?Rick:

6、I usually get UP at SiX thirty.10. LiSte ning(1) 2a LiSte n to the Con VerSati Onand complete the SentenCeS .)T'eyBefo re liste ning, let SS loo k at the PiCtUre Ca refu lly and ask a qu est i On looks HaPPy or Unhappy? ''(2 ) 2 b LiSte n again. Comp lete the ShOWer SChedU le for Jm'

7、s fam ilyT: What time does Mary take a shower?Ss: He takes a ShOWer atStep4: PraCtiCeIn terview your Part nerS WeekendReport:I have a good friend , he /she. On the Weeke nd , She / He USUaIly.at.,a nd she/he always.Step5.Summary(1) 这节课我学会了:NeW words and phrases:1个单词:USUally6 个短语:get UP , get dressed

8、, brush teeth , take a shower, eat breakfast, go toschoolNeW SentenCeS ( 2 个)1. - What time is it ?- It ' S ten oclock.2. - What time do you usually?-I usually at(2) SayingS about timeTime is life.时间就是生命。Time WaitS for no man. 时不待人。All time is no time Whe n it is past.光阴一去不复返。Step6.Exercise当堂检测Step7.HomeworkOral: 1.朗读并熟记第19页的短语和句子。2.背诵2a听力材料。Written:抄写第19页的单词和句子。


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