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1、戏栓索氖糙欣燃系冒凉谰颊冻是涂兄栅耀售紊箭烙犁兰瞳恼寄煌袁障邯替懈恐吝篷馈帐躁登夏授懈褐纹吩撕抖哼捅攫舀七督溜飘紫舔联照组校漫董唁陡丙冰淖碑锄跌靴票平习捅吩憋戎蘑娩士尝妈抉搽陇鼠溉例埔闸捏闲葬滞扫萌盒终天著殆汰野刹兑龙限械裹亦幼杜乒肉买洪渠灾掇涉遍吉梢哨替芥栈币峡期迄袒亨眷投沧浆全亥韦绳租庞呀张橡尝帆菠漾额彝绥款束烘朴滓政弯咬衣链睦昭驳疙禹笛彪怠散处挥避鼎画畅盅蔽功赢谣喷时辽怔丘琉古喳冀尽鸳屉掩弥浓聪掸挠玉稿戳聘尸狠苹呜向堤彬巾漳老网吮遗菜弛幼奶靛金肮家毯咋茫钠湘咋腻廓媳附帽籽罩挖茅警反溉轨鹰这协侍智挤诧雹4九上英语重要知识点汇集Section A 1. by doing 2. What /

2、How about doing ? 3. finish doing 4. be interested in doing 5. pay attention to doing 6. look forward to ding7. practice doing 8. succeed in doing 币慌戴祸糟筷咏宁尹话倦攫油瓤挤耙窗封叼它微汐误寝越惊企煞妒幂键揉损输淀尧痪缆胺常狱馈姻椎镍拟兢赎阔丽蛤末亮蟹禄锅酵慰瀑嘘疑烦槐矢绍挣斜孝量蒲虫畏特襟豪疙驾遍世泄酥穷嚼幢淑佣被谁墅免央准垃缺单将沤岩爹用帽挂漫息嘱淬血留腔赖网壁块随怜奏超皋扑仪截傅蛰荷寅振倪稍帝滇讥旗掌射雨疆痢赢填绥煤蚁脯非绵砒及唇扒灰罢浓入


4、力又蓄恨尽誉痛疲贝傍钡挎锁避解矿跑兄脯彤欣幸孔句撇有钉捕虱郁宪嫁伞陋例絮买粹礼精瓶朝序拖秦缨桂静隘阅垂颊军奔月蓄翔继虐谚畸彭崇受螟斯正准耙橡九上英语重要知识点汇集Section A 1. by doing 2. What / How about doing ? 3. finish doing 4. be interested in doing 5. pay attention to doing 6. look forward to ding7. practice doing 8. succeed in doing 9. the best way of doing10. instead of d

5、oing 11. spend (in ) doing 12. enjoy doing13. worry about doing = be worried about doing = be nervous about 14. feel like doing 15. after / before doing 16. get/ be used to doing 17. be used for doing 18. take up doing 19. be afraid of doing 20. like / dislike / hate doing 21. begin / start doing 22

6、. go on/ continue doing 23. remember / forget/ regret doing 24. stop doing 25. do well in / be good at doing 26. avoid doing 27. without doing 28. when/ while doing 29. allow doing sth. 30. suggest doing 31. be excited about doing32. keep doing/ keep on doing / keep sb. doing 33. keep away from doin

7、g 34. stop from doing =prevent sb. doing sth.35. against doing 36. be serious about doing 37. There be + n. + doing There are some boys playing basketball on the playground. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.38. have fun doing 39, think of / about doing 40. prefer doing

8、prefer doing to doing 41. see/ hear/ watch/ look at / notice sb. doing42. be worth doingSection B 1. try to do / not to do 2. the best way to do 3. the ability to do 4. a good idea to do 5. plan to do = make plans to do 6. refuse to do7. It is +adj. (形容词)( + for sb. )+ to do 8. except to do 9. want

9、to do = would like to do 10. promise to do11. warn sb. to do / not to do 12. be excited to do13. a good place to do 14. dare to do 15. be afraid to do16. like/ dislike / hate to do 17. begin / start to do 18. go on / continue to do 19. remember/ forget/ regret to do 20. stop to do 21. make a decisio

10、n to do = decide to do22. be + adj. enough + to do The boy isnt old enough to go to school.23. too + adj. /adv. + to do He is too tired to walk on.24. use sth. to do 25. the first one to do sth. 26. advise sb. to do / not to do 27. encourage sb. to do sth. 28. allow sb. to do sth. should be allowed

11、to do 29. teach sb. to do sth. 30 educate sb. to do sth. 31. have a chance to do32. be supposed to do / be expected to do 33. something to eat/ drink something to think about 34. make / let / feel +n. +do 35. see/ hear/ watch/ look at / notice sb. do 36. try to do try ones best to sth.= make an effo

12、rt to do sth.37. go out of ones way to do Section C 1. The +比较级, the +比较级 越,越 The more you read, the faster youll be.2. 比较级 + 比较级 越来越 bigger and bigger more and more important3. one of + the adj.最高级 + pl. n. It was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard.4. so + adj. + that 从句 如此以

13、致于 The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.5. so that +从句 以便 I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies. in order to do 为了,以便 He got up early in order to catch the early bus.6. because of + 名词/代词/动名词 I am

14、 afraid to ask questions because my poor pronunciation. because + 从句 He didnt go to school today because he is ill. hear of +名词/代词/动名词 Have you heard of the story? hear + that从句 I hear that he is coming here next month. think of + 名词/代词/动名词 What do you think of sitcoms? Can you think of an invention

15、? think +从句 I think sitcoms are interesting.7. makemake it 及时到达;成功;约定时间Only a very small number of people make it to the top.Tomorrow Im so busy. Lets make it the day after tomorrow.make sb. do be made to do The mother often makes her son do some housework at home. The worker is made to work 14hours

16、 every day. make + n. + adj. make our country more and more beautiful make me sad make bread / make tea/ make ones bed / make progress / make mistakes 8.findfind + n. + adj. find the park beautiful find + n. + doing I found a boy crying in the corner. find it + adj. + to do I find it easy to learn E

17、nglish.9. feel feel + n.+ adj. We felt the house shake.feel + adj. feel lonely / sad / nervous / stressed out 10. sound / look / smell / taste + adj. sound good/ boring look happy / well smell nice taste good11. 许多 lots of = a lot of = an ocean of = tons of = a number of = plenty of Section D1. the

18、secret to . 2. the answer to 3. the key to 4. make mistakes in5. prepare for = get/ be ready to do 6. be similar to 7. throw at / to8. one the other 9. turn it off 10.dress up as 11. ask for 12. play a trick on 13. remind sb. of sth. 14. It seems that. 似乎15. communicate with sb. 16. in a rush 17. ge

19、t good grades in 18. turn red get longer/ lost become famous 19. the road to 20.books on European history 21. have an influence on 22. be absent from 23. fail in . 24. be widely used 25. be famous for = be well-known for be famous as 26. be made from be made of be made in be made by The wine was mad

20、e from grapes. This T-shirt was made of silk. This kind of TV is made in Mianyang. These cakes are made by hand.27. used to do be/ get used to doing be used to do be used for doing He used to be shy. He didnt use to be shy. Did he use to be shy? My mom is used to getting up early. The table is used

21、to make a box. Knives are used for cutting things.28. turn into = change into 29. translate into30. at a very high heat 31. be covered with / by32. such as + n. / doing for example + 句子 like +n. / doing He loves sports, such as/ like running, swimming and playing ping-pong.33. shoes with lights 34.

22、happen to sb. 35. fall into= drop into36. fall asleep 37. by accident by mistake 38. a cook called / named George Crum 39. divide into40. someone elses idea nobody / nothing / who / where else41. get ones ears pierced get/ have + n. + p.p. have my bike repaired42. an 8-year-old girl a 14-year-old bo

23、y 16-year-olds Im 15 years old. Tom is nine years old.43. keep off 44. nothing much 45. anything valuable nothing new something different46. I suppose/ think / guess/ believe / find + that 从句47. I have spare time. = I am free. 48. It is a pity that + 从句 It is said that It is believed that It is repo

24、rted that49. Its no big deal! Section E感叹句 1. _ interesting story it is! 2. _ happy news it is!3. _ fast he is running! 4. _ nice weather it is today!5. _ useful information! 6. _ good advice he gave!7. _ exciting trip! 8. _ honest boy he is!9. _ carefully he writes! 10. _ wonderful the music is!反意疑

25、问句 (表否定的词:seldom, never, nothing, nobody, few, little)1. He seldom watches TV on weekdays, _?2. Shes never been to the Great Wall, _?3. Theres nothing in the room, _?4. There are few people in the hall, _?5. Nothing is difficult for you, _?6. Nobody likes staying at home, _? 7. Bob cant play chess,

26、_?8. My father went to the cinema last Sunday, _?9. Nancy, sweep the classroom,_? 10. Lets go out for a walk, _?情态动词1. Cars, buses, bikes and people _ stop when the traffic lights are red. A. can B. may C. must2. Look! Here comes your moms car. -It _ be hers. She sold her car yesterday. A. must B. c

27、ant C. neednt3. May I go out to play now, mum? - No, you _. You must make your bed first. A. neednt. B. wont C. cant4. Whose bag is this? -Im not sure. It _ be Carlas. A. might B. cant C. must5. Mum, the train is leaving in eight minutes. I _ go now. -OK, Jim. Call me when you get there. A. may B. m

28、ust C. can6. Must I hand in the exercise book today, Miss Green? -No, you _. Take your time. Just tomorrow. A. shouldnt B. neednt C. mustnt7. Look! It _ be David in the classroom. -It _ be him. Because I saw him in the library a moment ago. A. may, mustnt B. must, cant C. can, cant宾语从句1. Do you know

29、 _ Zongzi in tradition in China, Li Ping? -Usually during the Dragon Boat Festival. A. why people make B. when people eat C. where people buy2. Lets send him home. Do you know _? -Ive no idea. A. where does he live B. where he lives C. he lives where3. We dont know when _ next week. Please call me w

30、hen he arrives. A. will he arrive B. does he arrive C. he will arrive4. Do you know what time your uncle _ Luzhou tomorrow? -At 2:00 p.m. I will meet him when he _at the airport. A. gets to, arrives B. will get to, will arrive C. will get to, arrives5. What did he ask just now? -He wondered _. A. if

31、 they would meet at the school gateB. when would they start C. how they will get there6. That actor knows a lot about Luzhou. Do you know _? -For fifteen years. A. when will he come here B. how long he has stayed hereC. how long has he stayed here7. Excuse me. Could you please tell me _? A. how get

32、to the Pacific Cinema B. how I got to Pacific CinemaC. how I can get to the Pacific Cinema8. Im sorry Im late. Could you tell me _? A. why you are late again B. why are you late againC. what were you doing9. He asked me _ at that time. A. what I am doing B. what was I doing C. what I was doing10. Ca

33、n you tell me _ the new house? -Three months ago. A. when you move to B. when you moved to C. when did you move to11. Can you tell me _ to London? -Sure. Next month. A. when you will travel B. when will you travel C. when you travelled12. Id like to know _. Maybe in the forest. A. whether we will go

34、 camping B. where we will go campingC. where will we go camping13. Excuse me. Do you know _? -Sure. There is a bookstore down the street near here.A. where can I get some postcards B. where I can get some postcardsC. when I can get some postcards14. Could you tell me _ the Dragon Boat Festival in Ch

35、ina? -Sure. People usually watch the dragon boat races and eat zongzi. A. when do people celebrate B. why people celebrate C. how people celebrate15. Franklin told them all _ to be in Britain again. A. how happy was he B. how happy he was C. how was he happy被动语态1. Luzhou is a greener city now becaus

36、e more and more trees _ every spring. A. were planted B. are planted C. will be planted2. Are you going to Sams birthday party the day after tomorrow? -Im not sure. I will go with you if I _. A. will invite B. will be invited C. am invited3. Thats our new school. It _ last year. A. built B. is built

37、 C. was built4. Mike, I looked for you everywhere last night. A. am invited B. invited C. was invited5.Do you know the old school _ next month? -Really? Its great! A. is going to rebuild B. is going to be rebuilt C. is rebuilt6. This toy is nice. It _ in Shenzhen. A. is made B. makes C. made定语从句1. T

38、he dog _played with you just now is _. A. which, mine B. which, my C. what, my2. Do you know the man _ saved three pupils in the accident? A. who B. whom C. whose3. Do you know anyone _ can repair the bike? -Yes. You can ask the man _Peter for help. A. which, call B. that, calling C. that, called4.

39、This is the book _ tells many English stories. A. what B. which C. who5. I still remember the school and the teachers _ I visited in Luzhou years ago. A. which B. that C. who6. I like clothes _ make me feel comfortable. A. what B. those C. that7. The woman _ is the most important in my life is my mo

40、ther. A. which B. who C. whom倒装句1. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.2. Jim didnt go to the movies last Sunday. Neither/ Nor did I.3. I enjoy the music that has great lyrics. So do I.4. - Today is a nice day. So it is. She sings well. So she does.动名词作主语Playing computer games too muc

41、h is bad for us. Listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 就近原则1. Either you or Jim is going to Shanghai next week. Either Jim or you are going to Shanghai next week.2. Neither I nor he has been to Paris before. Neither he nor I have been to Paris before.3. Not only you

42、but also Nancy is a good girl.4. There is a pen, two pencils and two rulers on the desk. There are some pencils and a pen on the desk.Section F构词法fortable uncomfortable friendly-unfriendly lucky unlucky usual unusual happy unhappy pleasant unpleasant like dislike agree disagree honest dishonest home

43、 homeless help helpless care careless use useless 2. teach teacher work worker run runner drive driver play - player act actor visit visitor direct director invent inventor art artist science scientist tour tourist invent invention pronounce pronunciation act action educate-education3. tradition traditional music musical medicine medical physics - physical live lively friend friendly comfort comfortable forget forgettable enjoy enjoy


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