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1、unit 5 I ravelling abroadSection IV Grammar卜语法精讲项突破语法透祈专顶训练.非限制性定语从句课前自奎领慢V1.(教材 P3s)Xie Lei,"" js 21 years old,has come to our university to study for a business qualification.2.(教材 P38)She is halfway through the preparation year EE most foreign students complete before applying for a deg

2、ree course.3(教材 P38)a.You have to get used to a whole new way of life, 皿小 can take up all your concentration in the beginning, ” explained Xie Lie,'巾。 had lived all her life in the same cityin China.4. (教材 P38)Living with host families, in "山皿 there may be other college students,gives her t

3、he chance to learn more about the new culture.5. (教材 P38)He wanted to know what I thought, '、山小 confused me because I thought that the author of the article” did.课堂要点精乐考点一非限制性定语从句的特点1.非限制性定语从句与先行词之间一般用逗号隔开,是对先行 词的附加说明,如去掉,句子剩余部分的意思仍然完整。Li Ming, who is my cousin,has gradually adjusted to the life

4、 in America.李明是我表弟,他已经逐渐适应了美国的生活。 Our graduation will be held in July, when we will say goodbye to our teachers.我们的毕业典礼将在七月举行,那时我们将和老师们告别。(2019全国卷 II Recently,an important volleyball game will be held in our campus,which will be not only meaningful but also exciting.最近,一个重要的排球比赛将在我们的学校举行,这不仅是有 意义的,而

5、且令人兴奋。2.非限制性定语从句的先行词既可为单个的名词或代词,也可 为整个句子或其中一部分,且常译成并列的分句。We' 11 graduate in July, when we will be free.我们将于七月份毕业,到那时我们就自由了。(2019全国卷 I Secondly, I can speak English correctly and 丿X JI - -fluently, which I think would be an advantage to communicate with the visitors.其次,我能正确流利地说英语,我认为这将是 一个与游客交流的优

6、势。考点二引导非限制性定语从句的关系词1.关系代词which指物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。A fiveyearold girl can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people present.一个五岁的小女孩会说两门外语,这使在场的所有人都感到惊 讶。who/whom指人,who在从句中作主语,而whom在从句中 作宾语。Peter,whom you met in London,is now back in Paris.彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他。(3)as既可指人也可指物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。A

7、s is expected. Henry has been recommended as our monitor.不出所料,亨利被推荐为我们的班长。(4)whose既可指人也可指物,在从句中作定语。Mr.Smith,whose foot was badly hurt, was quickly sent to the local hospital.史密斯先生的脚受了重伤,他很快就被送到了当地医院。Yesterday, they went out to have a picnic in the park, where/in which they had a good time.昨天,他们去公园里野

8、餐了,他们在那里玩得很开心。温馨提示(1)非限制性定语从句可将整个主句作为先行词,对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。(2)非限制性定语从句中,不用why引导,用for which代替why。He has been busy with his work the whole holiday, which has made his girlfriend unhappy.他整个假期都忙于工作,这令他的女朋友很生气。The reason, for which he was absent from the meeting, wasn' t given.他为何缺席会议,没有给出任

9、何理由。考点三as与which引导非限制性定语从句时的区别aswhich指代引导从句只能指代整个主 句的内容引导从句既可指代整个主 句的内容,也可指代主句的 一部分可位于主句之前、之中或之 后引导从句不能置于主句之 前意义正如这,那功能连接上下文,表达说话人的 观点、看法,并指出主句内 容的根据或出处等引导的从句在意义上相当 于一个并列句As we all know,the earth moves around the sun.众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。The singer, as was expected, achieved a great success.丿-JL -/正如所期盼的,这位歌

10、手取得了巨大的成功。 (2017全国卷 I )Therefore? this time I will introduce TangPoetry to you,which is of great help in learning Chinese.因此,这次我将向你介绍唐诗,这将非常有助于你学习汉语。考点关系代词、人称代词、指示代词的选择选关系代词还是人称代词或指示代词,关键是要分清句子结构。如果是非限制性定语从句,用关系代词;如果是并列句,用人 称代词或指示代词。He has three sons, none of whom is an engineer.(定语从句)他有三个儿子,没有一个是工程

11、师。He has three sons, but none of them is an engineer.(并列句) 他有三个儿子,但没有一个是工程师。He has three sons,who are engineers.(定语从句) 他有三个儿子,他们都是工程师。He has three sons.They are engineers.他有三个儿子,他们都是工程师。(两个简单句)He has three sons, and they are engineers.他有三个儿子,他们都是工程师。(并列句)课后跟踪训练I单句语法填空 1 The famous host died of cance

12、r at the age of fifty,皿仙 surprised the public.who2 The old couple has a son.has served in the army fortwo years.play them from an early age.whose3 In Canada,skating and ice hockey are popular with teenagers, many of 4 David decided to read a book about Chaplin,one of films I had seen several times.5

13、. They took a journey into the wilds of China yvhere few people had ever been.6. There was a time when Marty felt like that he lost everything.7. The fire destroyed more than three quarters of the old city, "hw most of the houses were made of wood.I >8. Have you heard of the bomb explosion a

14、bout "山】 they are talking now?9. The main reason 5h> she keeps a dog is that she feels very lonely.10< you can see,I have a degree in finance,and I alsohave three years of work experience.11 The old man has a son,is in the army now.12 The director was always speaking highly of Mary' s

15、 role inthe pl町,'""ch,。片 course,made other actors unhappy.13 I will go sightseeing in Beijing with my parents in September,'巾“ the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.14 I was greatly impressed with the girl,"“代 voice was so sweet.As15.、 is often the case,some students pla

16、y computer games so late that they can t finish their homework on time.II单句改错1 The books on the desk,their covers are shiny,are prizes for the winners in the contest.their->whose2. Until now,we have raised 50, 000 pounds for the poor children, it is quite unexpected.it-> which 或在 it 前加and3 My

17、favorite writer is Mo Yan,some of his novels have very surprising endings.his->whose 或在 some 前加and4. I would like to choose the student, whom I think is the best, to be our monitor.whom->who5. I wish to thank my English teacher, without whom help,I couldn t have made such great progress.whomTw

18、hose6. You,who is a middle school teacher, should help your students adjust to the school life as soon as possible.isare7. Their only son, whom the couple had been devoted,lost his life while saving a boy from drowning.whom前或在devoted后加to8 I came up with several solutions at the meeting,but none of w

19、hich were adopted by our sales manager.which the m 或去掉 butni同义句转换1 They live in a house,whose windows face south.They live in a house,the windows of whichface south.2 He has two daughters and both of them are college students.He has two daughtersboth of whom,are college students3. They thanked Tom,b

20、ecause they could not have succeededwithout his support.They thanked Tom,without whosesupport theycould not have succeeded.4. I have many friends, and some of them are businessmen.I have many friends,are businessmen.some of whom5 Mr. Smith is a famous scientist and I have learned a lot fromhim.Mr. S

21、mith,from whomI have learned a lot,is a famousscientist.I had to walk home.6. I lost my wallet that day,so I had to walk home. I lost my wallet that day, f(uIV语法与写作1.我的眼镜丢了。没有它,我什么也看不清。应., without which I can see nothingMy glasses are lost,clearly.2.正如他所说,她对孩子们十分有耐心。As he says,she is very patient wi

22、th children.3.这个体育场建于10年前,在这里已经举行过很多重要的赛=i事。The stadium,in which many important events have been heldwas built ten years ago.4.这个课程是为这些学生设计的,他们中大多数人可以讲几种most of whomThe course is designed for these students,can speak several languages5.游客站在楼顶上,在那里他能够欣赏到美丽的风景。wheiThe tourist was standing on the top of the building,could enjoy the beautiful view知能演练本部分内容讲解结束按ESC键退出全屏播放


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