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1、,Our animal friends,Lets talk!,What animal friends do they have?,What can they do ?,The bird can fly. It has_.,The dog can run. It has_.,The fish can swim. They have_.,tails,legs,wings,tails,legs (let),wings (sing),你可以尝试说一说吗?I have an animal friend.It is a /an.It is black.It has legs/wings/a tail/It

2、 can run/fly/swim/.,Do you have an animal friend?,Our topic: Our animal friends,Our friends are talking about their animal friends,too. Who are they?,.,Nancy,他们的动物朋友是谁呢?听一听,猜一猜。 Listen and guess,It has red eyes and long ears.,It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and fly.,It has four legs

3、and a short tail. It has big ears.,They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim.,What animal friends do they have?,big eyes, big bodies,no legs or arms, big tails,four legs, a short tail, big ears,swim,run and jump,red eyes, long ears, four legs, a short tail,run,two legs, two w

4、ings, a big mouth, a long tail,talk and fly,Lets check!核对答案吧! 注意:单个动物使用It has 两个及以上的动物使用They have,Read and underline动物朋友们各具有什么特征和能力呢?自已默读课文,用_划出它们的特征(It has/They have.)用划出它们的能力(It can/They can.) 例如:,Read and write:,four _,big _,a short _,tail,ears,feet,Lets check!小组内一人说一句注意:单个动物使用It has 动物超过一个使用They

5、 have,four _,big_,a short_,tail,ears,feet,two _,two _,a long _,a big _,注意:单个动物使用It has 动物超过一个使用They have,mouth,wings,feet,tail,long _,red _,four_,a short _,注意:单个动物使用It has 动物超过一个使用They have,eyes,ears,feet,tail,big_,big_,big_,no_or_,注意:bodies单个动物使用It has动物超过一个使用They have,eyes,legs,arms,tails,bodies,L

6、isten and repeat跟读课文,One is red and the other is black.一条是红色的,另一条是黑色的。,brother,Enjoy the story.,选择你喜欢的方式读课文。,和同伴分段读,自己朗读,小组内齐读,Lets talk!,各小组从课文中选择1种动物介绍一下吧!,要求:1 不看课文。2 小组每人介绍一句或者一起介绍。3 小组展示时,不说动物名称,其他小组猜一猜他们的动物朋友是什么?,单数,复数,Enjoy a picture book,法国女孩蒂皮德格雷,1990年出生在非洲纳米比亚,从小与身为摄影师的父母在非洲生活,拥有许许多多的野生动物朋

7、友。 蒂皮10岁时回到巴黎,把她在非洲与各种野生动物生活在一起的动人故事和亲身感受写成了我的野生动物朋友,同时编入她父母为她拍摄的130多幅极为难得的照片。,Im Tippi.Im a French girl.I was born in Africa.I have a lot of animal friends.,I can talk with animals.I can communicate with them with eyes.,This is an elephant.It has a long nose.,It has big ears and long teeth. It hasf

8、our strong legs.,It has a big body. I like to have a rest on its body.,This is the baby baboon(狒狒).It has two legs and two arms. It has a long tail.,This is a little lion.,Look!We are sleepingtogether.,The leopard is dangerous, but we are friends.,Dont be afraid. But you should be carefulall the tim

9、e.,It has two legs and two wings.But it cant fly.I am so happy when I am sitting on its back.,The ostrich has a long neck.,The chameleon(变色龙) has a long tail.,The snake is not dreadful . It has a long body and a small head. It has no arms or legs.,长颈鹿安详地朝我走来。,The giraffe is very tall. It has a long

10、neck and four long legs. It is walking towards me.,Look! Im milking the zebra now. The zebra is black and white. It has four long legs.,The porcupine(豪猪) has long prickles.,The mongoose(猫鼬)has a long tail.,It has small ears and four legs.,Animals are my family members.,Animals have love and feelings

11、.,Africa is my hometown.(故乡)Animals are our good friends.,Lets introduce our animal friends介绍我们的动物朋友,Tippi有很多动物朋友,假如你是Tippi, 介绍一个你的动物朋友给我们认识吧!,可以选择和同伴共同介绍,也可以自己单独介绍。,big/small,long/short,big/small,long/shortbig/small,long/short,black/white/,long/shortbig/ small,big/small,big/small,long/short,Animals are our friends. Please take good care of them.动物是我们的朋友,请好好爱护它们。,Homework,1有感情地朗读课文。2.用英语向爸爸妈妈和小伙伴们介绍一位动物朋友或谈谈Tippi的动物朋友.,


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