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1、英语中表示情绪感觉的分词形容词一、表示情绪感觉的分词形容词由意为“使 /让”的及物动词加-ing 或-ed构成。学生应该明白去掉此类词的分词形式即-ing或-ed ,得到的是及物 动词。这类及物动词有一个通用的句型: Sb./Sth.+Vt+Sb. 例如:WhatSCareS me most is that rm going to fail in my English exam.最让我担心的是我会在英语考试中不及格。It embarrassed him that he had no idea of What WaS going on.对所发生的事情一无所知,这让他很难堪。二、表情绪感觉的V-e

2、d分词形容词表示人自内心产生的一种感觉,故其所描述修饰的成分一般是有生命有思想的生物,主要是人,也包括有些动物。往往译作“感到的”,其通用的句型之一为: Sb + Link Verb(连系动词)+ V-ed + prep.(介词)+ Sb./Sth. 例如:ROberta felt frustrated and angry.罗伯塔既灰心又生气。Her Cat is in terested in balls.她的猫对球感兴趣。三、表情绪感觉的V-ing分词形容词表示外界的人或事物造成的影响给人一种感觉,故此类形容词形容人或物均可(而很多的参考书上却武断地指出此类形 容词用来形容物,这明显是不符合

3、事实的,提醒大家注意)。往往译作“令人 的”或“人的”,其有一种常用的句式为:Sb./Sth. + Link Verb+ V-i ng.例如:TraVeIIi ng is tiring.旅行很累人。That guy is Very interesting. 那家伙很有趣。四、绝大多数表示情绪感觉的分词形容词都有对称的V-ed和V-ing形式,但有少数词没有对应的 V-ing形容词,表达此种意义时会用到另外一个词。如: SCare SCared SCary,delight delighted delightful 。 另外, 还 有少数词除了有对应的 V-ing形式,还可以找到另外的词语来表达此

4、种含义。女口: PIeaSe PIeaSed pleas in g/pleasa nt, SatiSfy SatiSfied SatiSfy in g/satiSfaCtOry,worry WOrried worry in g/worrisome0五、表示情绪感觉的V-ed和V-ing形容词的比较级和最高级应一律在词前力卩more和 most构成。现将表示情绪感觉的分词形容词用法及初中英语中常见的此类词总结归类于下表:表1表示情绪感觉的分词形容词的用法含义常用句型级变化Vt.(及物动词)使/让Sb./Sth.+Vt+Sb./V-ed感到的Sb + Link Verb+ V-ed+ PreP +

5、Sb./Sth.more/most + V-edV-i ng令人的;人的Sb./Sth. + Link Verb+ V-i ng.more/most+V-i ng注:上表中三个常用句型之间可进行转换,其公式为:Sb./Sth.+Vt+Sb. = Sb +Link Verb+ V-ed + PreP + Sb./Sth. = Sb./Sth. + Link Verb+ V-ing to sb.例如:FiShing excites him. = He is excited about fishing. = FiShing isexcit ing to him.表2初中英语中常见的表情绪感觉分词形容

6、词分类表分动词词义V-ed词义V-i ng形容词词义惊奇amaze* -JX 0使惊奇;使amazedJ -J/ -吃惊的,惊奇的V Iy amazing/令人称奇的;惊ShaGk使震惊;使ShaCked惊愕的,受震惊ShaCk ing/令人震惊的;令SUrPriSe使惊奇;使SUrPriSed惊奇的;惊讶SUrPriS in/令人吃惊的;令兴奋excite使激动;使excited兴奋的;激动的excit ing/令人兴奋的;令thrill使狂喜;使thrilled欣喜若狂的;非thrilli ng/扣人心弦的;激害怕frighte n使惊恐;使frighte ne受惊的;害怕的frighte

7、 ni/令人惊恐的;令terrify吓坏;使极terrified很害怕的,极度terrifyin/吓人的;令人害Warry使担心;使Warried担心的;发愁Warryi ngWarriSa令人担心的;使SCare使惊恐;使SCared惊恐的;恐惧/SCary引起恐慌的;骇感动move感动;打动moved受感动的mov ing/感人的;令人感touch触动;感动touched受感动的touch ing/动人的;感人的;高 兴PIeaSe使咼兴;使PIeaSed高兴的;喜欢pleas ingPIeaSa n令人愉快的;使SatiSfy使满意;使SatiSfied满意的;满足SatiSfy inS

8、atiSfa令人高兴的;(尤delight使咼兴;使delighted高兴的;愉快/delight令人高兴的;使困 惑Con fuse使糊涂;使Con fused困惑的;糊涂的ConfUSing/令人困惑的;费PUZZIe使迷惑;使PUZZIed迷惑的;困惑PUZZIi ng/使为难的,费解厌烦annoy使生气;使annoyed生气的;恼怒的annoying/令人生气的;令disgust使厌恶;使disgusted厌恶的;憎恶的disgusti n/令人厌恶的;令bore使厌烦;使bored感到厌倦的;感bori ng/令人厌烦的;无疲劳tire使感到疲tired疲劳的;累的tiri ng/引

9、起疲劳的;累exhaust使精疲力exhausted筋疲力尽的;exhausti n/使耗尽的,使人失望frustrate使灰心;使frustrate挫败的,失意frustrati/产生挫折的,使disappo int使失望disappo in失望的,沮丧disappo in/令人失望的;令depress使抑郁;使depressed抑郁的;沮丧depress in/令人抑郁的;使discourage使泄气;使discourag泄气的;灰心discourag/令人泄气的;令其/、它ConVinCe使确信;使ConVinCed确信的;深信ConVinCin/令人信服的;有embarrass使尴尬;

10、使embarrass窘迫的;惭愧embarrass/令人害羞的;让relax使放松;使relaxed放松的;松弛relax ing/愉快的;放松的in terest使产生兴in tereste感兴趣的in teresti/有趣的;令人感巩固练习用所给词的正确形式填空:1、amazeHeUS by his kno Wledge Of Chin ese history.It'sWhat We Can remember With a little help.I WaSto lear n She WaS still Writ ing her stories.2、annoyYou must ha

11、ve found my attitude.She is hurt andthat the authorities have banned her from workingWith ChiIdre n.Itme that I did n't have time to do more readi ng.3、boreI am getting very with this entire business.Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their or difficultwork is unnoticed.Life in the c

12、ountry me.4、confuseLinda stood by the door, and surprised.The instruction was really .The crossword him all day yesterday.5、convinceIt is difficult to the public that its operations are safe.He sounded very .He was that I was part of the problem.6、delightIt was the most garden I had ever seen.The re

13、port has environmentalists( 环境保护主义者 ).I know Frank will be to see you.7、depressThe wine was excellent, but the food was .I don't want to him.She's been very and upset about this whole situation.8、disappointYou should have accepted that. I'm in you.She knew that she would him.The performa

14、nce of the soccer team is always .9、discourageThe results were .You should not let one failure you.A lot of players get and quit.10、disgustHe many with his rude behavior.Smoking is a habit.I'm with the way that he was treated.11、embarrassThat was an situation for me.His shyness him.He looked a b

15、it .12、exciteI'm very about the possibility of playing for the national team.This voyage was the most adventure of their lives.I only take on work that me, even if it means turning down lotsof money.13、exhaustDon't him.It was an schedule she had set herself.She was too to walk any farther.14

16、、frightenMary was too to tell her family what had happened.It was a very experience and they were very brave.He knew that Soli was trying to him, so he smiled to hide hisfear.15、frustrateThe fact that he 's working with the boring man him.My job can be very sometimes.She gets when people don'

17、;t understand what he's trying to say.16、interestI ' d be very to hear your opinion.Did you meet any people like CharlieHere is an article which might you.17、moveIt is very to see how much strangers can care for each other.His prayer me to tears.Those who listened to him were deeply .18、plea

18、seSuch a view is .They're to be going home.More than anything, I want to you.It's always to do what you're good at doing.19、puzzleNorman looked about what the question meant.My sister me and causes me anxiety.His letter poses(提出) a number of questions.20、relaxAs soon as I had made the fi

19、nal decision, I felt a lot more .I find cooking very .Do something that you know you.21、satisfyWe are not with these results.I never got a answer.The pace of change has not been quick enough to everyone.22、scareThe sight of blood most children.I'm certainly not of him.We watched movies last nigh

20、t.23、shockAfter forty years in the police force nothing much me.It is that nothing was said.This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very .24、surpriseIt is not that children learn to read at different rates.We'll solve the problem ourselves and everyone.This lady was greatly at what happen

21、ed to her pet.25、terrifyHe was of heights.Rabies( 狂犬病 ) has been described as one of the most diseases knownto man.Flying him.26、thrillI was so to get a good report from him.The tense atmosphere both terrified and him.Our wildlife trips offer us a experience.27、tireHiking so far me.He was too to arg

22、ue.It was a long, day.28、touchHe was that we came.It has me deeply to see how these people live.It was a very, very moment.29、worryIf you're still about his progress, do discuss it with one ofhis teachers.That is a new and report about smoking.He's still in the early days of my recovery and

23、that him.参考答案:1. amazed amazing amazed 2. annoying annoyed annoyed 3. bored boring bores 4.confused confusing confused5. convinceconvincingconvinced6. delightfuldelighted delighted 7.depressingdepressdepressed8.disappointeddisappointdisappointing 9. discouraging discourage discouraged 10.disgusteddi

24、sgustingdisgusted11.embarrassingembarrassedembarrassed 12. excited exciting excites 13. exhaust exhausting exhausted 14. frightened frightening frighten 15. frustrates frustrating frustrated 16. interested interesting interest 17.moving moved moved 18. pleasing/pleasant pleased please pleasing/pleas

25、ant 19. puzzled puzzles puzzling 20. relaxed relaxing relaxes 21. satisfied satisfying/satisfactory satisfy 22. scares scared scary 23. shocks shocking shocked 24. surprising surprise surprised 25. terrified terrifying terrifies26. thrilled thrilled thrilling 27. tired tired tiring 28. touched touched touching 29. worried worrying/worrisome worries


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