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1、西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)2016年6月第38卷第3期Journal of Southwest Petroleum University (Science & Technology Edition)Vol. 38 No. 3 Jun. 2016DOI : 10.11885/j.issn.1674_5086.2014.01.03.01文章编号:1674-5086(2016 03-0170-08中图分类号:TE921 ; TG543 ; TH164文献标志码:A复杂螺旋面包络铣刀位轨迹仿真方法况雨春1 *,吴龙梅2,屠俊文3,吴英强4,董宗正11. 西南石油大学机电工程学院,四川 成都

2、6105002. 成都九鼎科技(集团)有限公司,四川 成都6101003. 中国石油技术开发公司,北京 西城1000094. 中国石油长庆油田公司油田开发处,陕西 西安751500摘 要:针对复杂螺旋曲面加工误差问题,开展了对其空间包络铣刀位轨迹算法的研究。研究中采用计算机仿真的数值计算方法,将加工过程中刀具一工件的动态啮合关系通过时间离散和空间离散转换成一个空间几何问题,通过建立刀具回转面与工件螺旋面的空间三维模型,并推导实现刀具-工件啮合关系的坐标转换矩阵,并将刀具与工件两曲面的最小有向距离的求解转变为一个二维问题,最终建立了刀位轨迹仿真算法,获得了编制数控代码的参数信息。试样加工结果表明

3、,利用该方法得到刀位轨迹参数进而编制的数控加工程序,能够加工岀满足精度要求的螺旋面。同时也分析了加工廓形误差分布及其影响因素。关键词:螺旋曲面;数控加工;刀位轨迹;数值仿真;最小有向距离Tool Path Simulation of Envelope Milling of Complex Helical SurfaceKUANG Yuchun'wu Longmei2,TU Junwen3, WU Yingqiang4, DONG Zongzheng11. School of Mechatr onic Engin eeri ng, Southwest Petroleum U ni ver

4、sity,Chen gdu, Sichua n 610500, China2. Che ngduJiudi ng Tech no logy(group) Co. Ltd.,Che ngdu, Sichua n 610100, China3. Chi na Petroleum Tech no logy a nd Developme nt Corporatio n, Xiche ng,Beiji ng 100009, Chi na4. Department of Oilfield Development, Changqing Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Xi 

5、9;an, Shaanxi 751500, ChinaAbstract : In order to reducethe machining error of complex helical surface, this paperstudied the algorithm about tool path of envelope milling by transforming the dynamic meshing relationship into the spacegeometry problems between milling- cutter andworkpiece through ti

6、me discretization and spatial discretization in machining processbasedon numerical simulation method. We build three-dimensional model of milling-cutter andworkpiece surface of revolution , deducethe coordinate-transformation matrix of meshing relationship between milling-cutter andworkpiece, simpli

7、fy the minimal directed distance between millingcutter andworkpiece into a two-dimensional problem, setup the simulation algorithm of tool-path of milling-cutter and finally get the parameter information of NC codes. The machining process programmed on the obtained parameters proved to be able to pr

8、oduce the helical surface with required precision. Error distribution of the profile and its influencing factors are studied too.Key words : helical surface; NC machining ; tool path ; numerical simulation ; the minimal directed distance网络出版地址:http:/www.c nki.n et/kcms/detail/51.1718.TE.20160527.162

9、6.016.html况雨春,吴龙梅,屠俊文,等.复杂螺旋面包络铣刀位轨迹仿真方法J.西南石油大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 38(3 : 170 177.KUANG Yuchu n, WU Lon gmei, TU Junwen, etal. Tool Path Simulation of En velope Milli ng of Complex Helical Surface J. Jour nal of Southwest Petroleum Uni versity (Scie nee & Tech no logy Edition) , 2016, 38(3 : 170 177.收稿日期:2014-01-03网络出版时间:2016-05-27通信作者:况雨春,E-mail: swpikyc基金项目:国家科技重大专项(2016ZX05038005)。


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