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1、v1.0可编辑可修改All about you:- Why do you want to teach at our school Why should we hire you- What has been your most positive teaching experienee- What has been your most negative teaching experienee What would youchange- What is your philosophy of education- What have you recently done in education of

2、an interestingor innovativenature- What motivates you- What professional books, blogs, or journals have you read to keepabreast of educati onal n ews and best practices- How would your students describe you- What is your greatest strength/weakness as a teacher- What are 3 words that your stude nts/a

3、dm in /close frie nds would use todescribe you- Describe a typical less on in your classroom. (Go ing through the stepby step overview)- Describe a successful less on and how you knew it went well.- Why did you want to be a teacher- What is a difficult situation you faced and how did you deal with i

4、t- What do you want to teach(grade level) students What do youlike about them- How do you use tech no logy in your classroom- How do you use assessment in your classroom Describe how you used thein formatio n you gained from an assessme nt in your in structio n.- How do you address the needs of Engl

5、ish Ianguage learners- How do you in tegrate other subjects into your un its- How do you approach classroom discipline- What is your favorite essential question (UBD model)Pare nts- How do you com muni cate stude nt progress to pare nts- How do you no rmally com muni cate with pare nts- How have you

6、 invoIved parents in the learning processStude nts- How do you handle the different abilities of students in your class- What techniques have you found useful in individualizing learning inyour class-Describe one or two techniques you use to motivate students. How do you motivate a stude nt to lear

7、n a con cept they do not do well in- Describe a difficult student you had and how you handled it.- How do you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem inyour classIf you met your stude nts 20 years from now, what would you want themto remember about youSchool- Why do you want to teach

8、 at(school)-Howhave you contributed to the development of the total school program in your curre nt positi on- How do you structure your classroom to achieve maximum ben efit from teacher/stude nt con tact- What kind of extracurricular activities would you be interested inbeing part of- What are the

9、 talents/expertise you can bring to your team- Why are you leav ing your curre nt school- What did you like the most about your current school- What was the most difficult thing about your current school- Howwould you implement the school ' s core values into your classroom- What are your though

10、ts on collaboratio n with other staffCou ntry/City Specific- Why do you want to live in(country)- Tell me what you already know about the country and culture.- What kinds of things do you like to do outside of school- Do you have any concerns about moving to this countryThe End of the In terviewIs t

11、here anything else you feel that you want me to know about you,that we haven ' t had a chanee to talk about- Do you have any questions for usQuesti ons to ask duri ng the in terview:What are the n ati on alities of the stude nt body What is theperce ntage of each n ati on alityHow many stude nts

12、 are in the school and what are class sizesHow many curre nt foreig n teachers are worki ng for themAre students admitted with little or no English skillsWhat perce ntage of the teachers ren ews their con tract for athird or fourth yearWhat expectati ons are there for teacher participatio n bey ondt

13、he regular school dayWhat is the freque ncy of faculty meeti ngs, committee meet ings and other meeti ngs teachers must atte nd on a weekly basisHowlong is the school year Whenare holidays/breaks (you should be able to find this on the school website, but if you can' t,then ask).Are teach ing ma

14、terials readily available Tech no logy InternetWhat are the classrooms like Desks for every student Doteachers use chalkboards or a projectio n systemHow invo Ived are pare nts and the PTODo teachers work togetherDoes the adm ini stratio n side with teachers or pare ntsIs the curriculum ope n or clo

15、sed Do teachers have freedom inthe classroom whe n approach ing the less onsHow much time do I get with my stude ntsWhat is the dress code at the school for teachers andstudentsWhat support services are provided to studentsIs thecurriculum aligned with particular standardsI ' m very interested i

16、n building my skills as a teacher. Whatstaff developme nt opport un ities are offeredHow is the readi ng program orga ni zedWhat new programs or activities are being con sidered for thecoming yearHowwould you describe the atmosphere and culture at your schoolWhy do people like to work at your school

17、Is there a yearly budget provided forcon ti nuingeducati on/professi onal developme ntPers on Questi ons:How safe is the area where you will be liv ing and how safe isthe city in gen eralWhat will hous ing be likeWhat is the level of health care in the countryHow long will it take to get to schoolWh

18、at do teachers do weeke nds and after schoolDoes the teacher salary cover all liv ing expe nsesAre foreig n employees welcomedWhat is the social life like both at the school and localcommu nityIs the mail system reliableCan I easily send and receivepackagesHow easy is it to travel within and out of

19、the countryBe Prepared for ToughIn terviewQuesti onsCredentials, enthusiasm and a burning desire to teach overseas describes nearly 100% ofrecruiting-fair candidates. So, how do you set yourself above the bar with so many high calibercandidates competing for the same positionsA Director ' s gut

20、feeling about how you ' II fit into and adapt to their school and geographical location certainly plays a big part in the decision-making process. For some hardship locations, a “good fit ” may be more important than actual years of teaching experience and advanced degrees. But when it comes to

21、competing for the most desirable schools, your answers to some unexpected interview questions can easily make or break the deal:Tell me about yourself. What ' s your greatest contribution to your last school If I walked into your classroom, what would I see How will your past or current Director

22、 describe you when I dial them up Howwould your students describe you Teach mesomething right now! Whaf s the last article or book you read on teaching Which educational journals do you subscribe to Tell meabout a conflict you resolved.Answering tough interview questions is something you definitely

23、don' t want to do impromptu. Ofcourse, if you' re thrown a curve ball you have to swing at it, but anticipating and honing your answers to possible interview questions is obviously the best way to prepare for a successful interview.You just might be Teacher of the Year material but if you ca

24、n' t convince the interviewerof that, all is for naught.10 thi ngsin ter nati onalschools look forwhe n hiri ng new teachersPublished on 17th November, 2014 by An drew Wigford. Published inForCan didates/ TIC NewsAre you con sideri ng teach ing in an intern ati onal school Here'sour list of

25、the top 10 qualities schools look for in theirteachers!There are many intern ati onal schools con sidered to be amon gst the mostprogressive and well- respected schools in the world. But don' t be daunted by that. They n eed great teachers, and good schools will support their teachers to become

26、part of their lear nin g-focused ethos.So what dothese schools look for whe n hiri ng new teachers Here are the top 10qualities that most intern ati onal schools look for in the teachers theyhire:En thusiastic teachers who love work ing with young peopleNothing compares with your passion for learnin

27、g and teaching. So if you' re enthusiastic and committed to meeting the learning needs of each and every student, you ' re half way there.Resp on sible teachers who do their researchFinding the right school is important, for both you and your employer.Show that you have done your research, t

28、hat you know the school, its focus, its philosophy.Demon strate that you have thought seriously about thelocation , how you ' ll respond to the move, and how you ' ll cope with leav ing home. Be prepared to expla in why you want to move abroad.Teachers who are in ternatio nally min dedYou ma

29、y be choos ing to live and work in a locati on very differe nt to your home coun try, and with in a culture very differe nt to your home culture.You will be work ing with stude nts and families from many differe nt coun tries and backgro un ds, and with teachers and school staff who have very differ

30、ent training and experience to what you may be used to. You must be willi ng to accept and value differe nces, to respect the country you are living and worki ng in and to be truly intern ati on ally min ded, in and out of work.Flexible teachers who are able to adaptIntern ati onal schools vary dram

31、atically in locati on, size, stude ntin take, staffi ng, curriculum, philosophy, and more. The bestinternationalteachers are willing and eager to adapt, and to embrace newcircumsta nces and un expected challe nges.Teachers who have much to offerIf you can teach a range of subjects or age groups, and

32、 have specialistskills, you ' ll stand out from the crowd and be a real asset.Teachers who want to be fully involved in the life of the schoolIntern ati onal schools are more tha n just places of educati on. Manystude nts and staff are expatriates and turn to the school as their family ' . I

33、t is the social hub and the source for extra-curricularactivities; for the students, staff and their families. Schools are look ing for teachers who are happy to get fully in volved in school life and its com munity.Teachers who can lead extra-curricular activitiesMost after school activities for in

34、ternational school children happenthrough the school. This means that extra-curricular activities are an important aspect of international school life. Being able and willing to lead or support an extra-curricular activity is expected of international school teachers. It shows you have true commitme

35、nt to the school, and more importa ntly to the childre n, outside of the classroom.Teachers who are loyalIntern ati onal schools are renowned for their short-term con tracts, meaning that teachers can ofte n move on to ano ther school in ano ther country after two years. However, international schoo

36、ls also value loyalty and often look for teachers who have commitme nt and stay ing power, who have exte nded their con tracts in previous jobs and value the ben efits that a more established teach ing staff can bring.Teachers who can work with sec ond or third Ian guage lear nersMany students at in

37、ternationalschools speak English as a second or thirdIanguage. This means adapting your teaching methods to help students fully en gage in the lear ning. Teachers who have EASL or Mother Ton gue trai ning or good experie nee are valued.Teachers who want to develop professi on ally and are lifelo ng

38、learnersIntern ati onal schools offer great opport un ities for both career andpersonal development and love teachers who show a desire to keep learning.Activelyseeking professionaldevelopment opportunitiesand sharing yourlearning and specialist experie nee with your colleagues is valued by schools,

39、 especially those that are isolated and where exter nal training opport un ities may be restricted.You don't n eed all of these qualities to become a teacher at an international school, but having some of them will help, particularlydon't forget to work withen thusiasm and intern ati onal min ded ness, andTIC who will help you find the best job for you!10


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