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1、存储销售工程师岗位职责职位要求 职责描述:岗位职责:1)完成公司制定的销售目标;2)完成应收期客户帐款的沟通催收;3)维护厂家关系;4)拓展新的客户;5)完成公司要求的其他日常工作。职位要求:1. 计算机专业,或具备计算机基础知识的相关专业,大专以上学历;.较强的沟通协调能力、逻辑思维能力、分析解决问题的能力、服务和创新意识;.能熟练使用wor、PT、excl等常用办公软件,能熟练使用ecl做数据分析;4思维敏捷,条理清晰,有较强的口头表达能力,易于与同事、客户沟通交流;5.性格开朗,具有良好的团队合作精神和组织协调能力,抗压能力强;岗位要求:学历要求:大专语言要求:不限年龄要求:不限工作年限

2、:经验不限篇2:分布式存储开发工程师岗位职责任职要求 分布式存储开发工程师岗位职责岗位职责: 1、负责星环分布式存储系统的设计,开发,测试与运维工作。包括但不局限于分布式K存储,分布式列式存储,分布式文件存储,分布式对象存储,分布式图存储,分布式搜索引擎等。 任职要求: 1、掌握基础计算机专业知识,年以上工作经验,具备优秀的代码编写能力; 2、熟练掌握一门编程语言,熟悉网络编程模型; 3、对计算机操作系统有一定的认知; 4、工作积极主动,自我驱动能力强,负责认真,敢于接受挑战; 5、了解常见分布式存储(例如HDFS,HBe等)工作原理者优先; 6、了解常见分布式存储格式(例如RC,Paqt,F

3、ile)算法特点者优先。 分布式存储开发工程师岗位 篇:存储技术经理岗位职责 岗位职责:1.负责分布式存储产品功能的架构设计及研发基于ph框架,针对产品及用户需求, 形成详细架构设计方案。3.协调公司内部资源, 与公司内部研发产品/服务部门紧密合作, 根据详细设计推进产品开发。4.对云计算前沿技术趋势有较好的把握。任职要求:1具备3-5年以上Ceph分布式存储使用及研发经验,.有较强的动手能力;熟悉C语言、熟悉分布式存储架构及原理;熟悉XS, 熟悉VFS、BIO内核实现机制;3.了解Ock开源云平台,有使用经验者优先;篇:存储技术顾问岗位职责 accunaiies?Ths isa hnds-o

4、 erional an engieri rl tat nvolvesunstndg anmanaig th harwae an ofwr solutons that rovide Enrpse orag(SAN and NAS) adBackup sevice fo apliations aross th enterpise.? 24x 7support and maitenance of the nfrastrcture, particpatn i onca roa and utofhouwork.? Dvelop and delerservc automati at every oporu

5、y to emoe manataks, asis wi ntegrain, mprov opeatonfexibiliy, rvd olutinility and gter awaress n he stat fEnerpieStorae and Backup erice.? Strage and bc capaciyplanning dutstinrporting.? sitin defning mric, mniorn an rpots fo any ooldeploye in the envroent.? Assistwith sttng trtegic directin oSAN, a

6、nd Bckupsoutnin cjnction wit fnctla.?Dcumentaton and mince o operatonissue and soluons.? rovi iput into enginrngcompens reired frEntrriseStoragan ackup servics? Cntnall improvethe service and udeyig atform by idenifyingnd deliverg servic imprvemet/ptimisati.? roduc standards d implemtaio prcs fr npr

7、ise Storage ad Bac platfm.? Wokclose with he eam and o instruuregopareasross glll distrite tams rver plfors,eoks n databae.? Work closlywth the M when everin capability asart of projec or ogra ofwk, unertandingproec methodologe, usnessrequiremets an aing ime to mret.? ia w extenl ppliers or supotnd

8、soion mplementatonCitil kll d exrence?Sgnfian etpris reuivalent eperiec in SAN, S d ackup minstaionanEC, NetApp and etbackup enronent.?SAN proterenein XtrIO, Smmetrx, VLEX an Broade.? NA pdctepeiece in Ison an Ne FA.? Backup rduc xeriencei Netbackup,aa an ad ECS.? tragendBackup aagemt tlset eperiec

9、iVIPRRM, SYMCLI,Unispere, Conecri Mnagerandthevrius LI interfaces rtheabve poduc?Clod torag oduct experenc in WSr Ae? Oerati sstemexpse o Lnux (HEL), Widows erver, ESX nd A.? atabas exposure to OracleRDBM, MSSQand yase?Experie or xposure n builig olutonsohgh avaibiliy, relbility and resilience (clus

10、teng, epliction, ones, snpos).? rveblity o undestad the importance lient/ustomer epernce,undesta therequirentoth cnsumr and ovieoltio/servic i accrane ith ths.? Exellnt writen andverbalcmunicatio sklls withbility toconvey informaionncsely and clealy o technia and anament adiences.?n abiit to workin

11、rdutv nd flexible manwitgloaly iese teasaoss MEA,Ini nd APA? Good kowledg of teolo in oercorenfrastrutrrea (networks, opeating stems, italisin,dtbass) ho the produts/uionsiteract ithterpri Stoae adBackup eics.?God sripi apabil Pyton oerl th n li t use thee lanuges theautoation of opertoalad engnerg

12、ctvitiesesre skils and exerience? xeine in sftware engineering wrting coe wh high vel ojectorentedlangagssuh Jav, yhon, Ruby,Sala, G etc, specilly creatig appicatins fr infrastructur ertion nd ngineering.? Woring with ail sotware develpment pctices Tes rienDvelopent,ContinuuIntegati/Delvey/Deploymt,

13、 de-couplecod, itave nd inremeadeeopmnt, code ipeines, vrsoncnrl? Exernce orkg wit or ing RESTl Is, and ther asociated gtways, or infrastrucur servieabstracon nd onsupn efiitndard, thds,frameworks and woking pratices.?xerince with JSON d XML daintechangefrmats, spcifically in rlaio tote geeraton, ca

14、pur ad manipulaton o tam sets in inrastrucromains.?Eperineit a aalyics sttred/nstrctred da, QLand oSQL datastre, cches d eory procsig, LTP/OLP, TL, tremng, ACID,ASE nd their appicaio toinfrastrucu patfos.? Exosure tterprise isrbe ssts and th associated caeng/appraches in ngeering a praingthesearhitur.? Experiece oking iafinanial services rganiao.? Dege n thematical, Compter Scienceor Egineer iscipln 【存储销售工程师岗位职责职位要求】9 / 9


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